Buljovčić, Maja

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  • Buljovčić, Maja (2)

Author's Bibliography

Micronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia

Živančev, Dragan; Buljovčić, Maja; Ninkov, Jordana; Antić, Igor; Mikić, Sanja; Jaćimović, Simona; Jocković, Bojan

(Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology, 2023)

AU  - Živančev, Dragan
AU  - Buljovčić, Maja
AU  - Ninkov, Jordana
AU  - Antić, Igor
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Jaćimović, Simona
AU  - Jocković, Bojan
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3485
AB  - The deficiency of micronutrients in the human diet is widely recognised as a global problem. The objective of this study was to assess the content of two essential minerals, iron and zinc, in milling streams of old heritage wheat cultivars that have not been produced for more than a half-century to discover potential parent lines with high mineral content for breeding. Kernel size of seven Serbian old wheat cultivars was evaluated for ash content, thousand-grain weight and share of specific kernel fractions. Three cultivars, Crnozrna, Rumska Crvenka and Stara Banatka, were selected as the most appropriate for milling and further analysis of mineral content in the milling streams. The cultivars were milled in a laboratory mill to obtain six flour and two byproduct streams. At the same time, iron and zinc content was determined on a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer. After mixing all six flour streams obtained from each cultivar, three different flour types were obtained. The flour with the highest ash content was the "1100" type originating from cultivar Stara Banatka, characterized by the highest iron and zinc content (54.9 mg/kg d. b. and 5.407 mg/kg d. b., respectively). It was estimated that consumption of a daily average bread portion (166 g according to national statistical data) made from Stara Banatka flour could provide about 90% of the recommended daily intake for iron. Therefore, Stara Banatka may be a target cultivar for wheat breeders searching for high-iron parent wheat lines.
AB  - Nedostatak mikronutrijenata u ljudskoj ishrani predstavlja globalni problem. Cilj ovog rada je određivanje sadržaja dva esencijalna metala, gvožđa (Fe) i cinka (Zn) u frakcijama dobijenim pri mlevenju tradicionalnih starih sorti pšenice koje se nisu proizvodile više od pola veka u cilju pronalaženja frakcije sa visokim sadržajem esencijalnih metala koje bi poslužile za oplemenjivanje. Kod sedam starih srpskih sorti pšenica određeni su sledeći parametri veličine zrna: sadržaj pepela, masa hiljadu zrna i udeo specifičnih frakcija zrna. Crnozrna, Rumska Crvenka i Stara Banatka bile su odabrane sorte kao najpogodnije za mlevenje, radi kvantitativnog određivanja sadržaja Fe i Zn u dobijenim frakcijama. Mlevenje je izvršeno na laboratorijskom mlinu da bi se dobilo šest proizvoda mlevanja i dva nusproizvoda, a sadržaj Fe i Zn određen je atomskim apsorpcionim spektrometrom sa grafitnom kivetom. Namešavanjem šest proizvoda mlevenja svake sorte dobijene su tri različite vrste brašna. Najveći sadržaj pepela određen je za brašno tip „1100“, dobijeno iz sorte Stare Banatke, koje je takođe imalo najveći sadržaj Fe i Zn (54,9 mg/kg s.m. i 5,407 mg/kg s.m., redom). Konzumiranjem standardne porcije hleba u Srbiji (166 g/dan) dobijene od brašna Stare Banatke bilo bi moguće obezbediti oko 90% preporučenog dnevnog unosa Fe. Stoga, Stara Banatka predstavlja sortu koja bi mogla da bude izvor visokog sadržaja Fe i da se koristi za oplemenjivanje, radi stvranja novih linija pšenice sa visokim sadržajem ovog minerala.
PB  - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology
T2  - Food and Feed Research
T1  - Micronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia
T1  - Sastav mikronutrijenata proizvoda mlevenja tradicionalnih sorti pšenice poreklom iz Srbije
EP  - 23
IS  - 1
SP  - 12
VL  - 50
DO  - 10.5937/ffr0-42946
ER  - 
author = "Živančev, Dragan and Buljovčić, Maja and Ninkov, Jordana and Antić, Igor and Mikić, Sanja and Jaćimović, Simona and Jocković, Bojan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The deficiency of micronutrients in the human diet is widely recognised as a global problem. The objective of this study was to assess the content of two essential minerals, iron and zinc, in milling streams of old heritage wheat cultivars that have not been produced for more than a half-century to discover potential parent lines with high mineral content for breeding. Kernel size of seven Serbian old wheat cultivars was evaluated for ash content, thousand-grain weight and share of specific kernel fractions. Three cultivars, Crnozrna, Rumska Crvenka and Stara Banatka, were selected as the most appropriate for milling and further analysis of mineral content in the milling streams. The cultivars were milled in a laboratory mill to obtain six flour and two byproduct streams. At the same time, iron and zinc content was determined on a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer. After mixing all six flour streams obtained from each cultivar, three different flour types were obtained. The flour with the highest ash content was the "1100" type originating from cultivar Stara Banatka, characterized by the highest iron and zinc content (54.9 mg/kg d. b. and 5.407 mg/kg d. b., respectively). It was estimated that consumption of a daily average bread portion (166 g according to national statistical data) made from Stara Banatka flour could provide about 90% of the recommended daily intake for iron. Therefore, Stara Banatka may be a target cultivar for wheat breeders searching for high-iron parent wheat lines., Nedostatak mikronutrijenata u ljudskoj ishrani predstavlja globalni problem. Cilj ovog rada je određivanje sadržaja dva esencijalna metala, gvožđa (Fe) i cinka (Zn) u frakcijama dobijenim pri mlevenju tradicionalnih starih sorti pšenice koje se nisu proizvodile više od pola veka u cilju pronalaženja frakcije sa visokim sadržajem esencijalnih metala koje bi poslužile za oplemenjivanje. Kod sedam starih srpskih sorti pšenica određeni su sledeći parametri veličine zrna: sadržaj pepela, masa hiljadu zrna i udeo specifičnih frakcija zrna. Crnozrna, Rumska Crvenka i Stara Banatka bile su odabrane sorte kao najpogodnije za mlevenje, radi kvantitativnog određivanja sadržaja Fe i Zn u dobijenim frakcijama. Mlevenje je izvršeno na laboratorijskom mlinu da bi se dobilo šest proizvoda mlevanja i dva nusproizvoda, a sadržaj Fe i Zn određen je atomskim apsorpcionim spektrometrom sa grafitnom kivetom. Namešavanjem šest proizvoda mlevenja svake sorte dobijene su tri različite vrste brašna. Najveći sadržaj pepela određen je za brašno tip „1100“, dobijeno iz sorte Stare Banatke, koje je takođe imalo najveći sadržaj Fe i Zn (54,9 mg/kg s.m. i 5,407 mg/kg s.m., redom). Konzumiranjem standardne porcije hleba u Srbiji (166 g/dan) dobijene od brašna Stare Banatke bilo bi moguće obezbediti oko 90% preporučenog dnevnog unosa Fe. Stoga, Stara Banatka predstavlja sortu koja bi mogla da bude izvor visokog sadržaja Fe i da se koristi za oplemenjivanje, radi stvranja novih linija pšenice sa visokim sadržajem ovog minerala.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology",
journal = "Food and Feed Research",
title = "Micronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia, Sastav mikronutrijenata proizvoda mlevenja tradicionalnih sorti pšenice poreklom iz Srbije",
pages = "23-12",
number = "1",
volume = "50",
doi = "10.5937/ffr0-42946"
Živančev, D., Buljovčić, M., Ninkov, J., Antić, I., Mikić, S., Jaćimović, S.,& Jocković, B.. (2023). Micronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia. in Food and Feed Research
Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Institute of Food Technology., 50(1), 12-23.
Živančev D, Buljovčić M, Ninkov J, Antić I, Mikić S, Jaćimović S, Jocković B. Micronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia. in Food and Feed Research. 2023;50(1):12-23.
doi:10.5937/ffr0-42946 .
Živančev, Dragan, Buljovčić, Maja, Ninkov, Jordana, Antić, Igor, Mikić, Sanja, Jaćimović, Simona, Jocković, Bojan, "Micronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia" in Food and Feed Research, 50, no. 1 (2023):12-23,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ffr0-42946 . .

Comparison of ICP-OES and GFAAS techniques for determination mineral content in wheat and wheat products matrix

Živančev, Dragan; Buljovčić, Maja; Ninkov, Jordana; Antić, Igor; Mikić, Sanja; Jocković, Bojan; Jaćimović, Simona

(Novi Sad : National Society of Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 2023)

AU  - Živančev, Dragan
AU  - Buljovčić, Maja
AU  - Ninkov, Jordana
AU  - Antić, Igor
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Jocković, Bojan
AU  - Jaćimović, Simona
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3632
AB  - In modern society, it has become necessary that every food product possess nutritional label. One part of the nutritional 
value of food is micronutrients, especially minerals. They can be determined by different analytical techniques such as 
inductively coupled flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry 
(GFAAS), plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (ICP MS). These techniques differ according to the number of elements that can be determined, the levels of determination, 
the number of samples that can be determined and the sample volume. Wheat contain substantial share of minerals iron 
(Fe) and Zinc (Zn). A lot of human population especially woman and children’s in poor countries suffers from deficient 
of these micronutrients. Therefore is necessary to measure their content in wheat and wheat products such as different 
kinds of bread that are staple food. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine Fe and Zn in wheat grain and milling 
streams by GFAAS and ICP-OES to compare them.
AB  - U savremenom društvu postalo je neophodno da svaki prehrambeni proizvod ima nutritivnu oznaku. Jedan deo nutritivne 
vrednosti hrane čine mikronutrijenti, a pogotovo minerali. Oni se mogu odrediti različitim analitičkim tehnikama kao što 
je induktivno spregnuta plamena atomska apsorpciona spektroskopija (FAAS), atomska apsorpciona spektrometrija sa 
razaranjem uzorka u grafitnoj peći (GFAAS), plazma-optička emisiona spektroskopija (ICP-OES) i induktivno spregnuta 
plazma-masena spektrometrija (ICP-MS). Ove tehnike se razlikuju prema broju elemenata koje mogu odrediti, 
koncentraciji uzorka i broju uzoraka koji se mogu odrediti kao i zapremini uzorka koja je potrebna za analizu. Pšenica 
sadrži značajan udeo minerala gvožđa (Fe) i cinka (Zn). Veliki broj lјudi, posebno žena i dece u siromašnim zemlјama, 
pati od nedostatka ovih mikronutrijenata. Zbog toga je neophodno odrediti sadržaj ovih minerala u pšenici i pšeničnim 
proizvodima kao što su različite vrste hleba koji su osnovna hrana. Stoga je cilј studije bio da se pomoću GFAAS i ICP OES odredi sadržaj Fe i Zn u zrnu pšenice i proizvodima mlevenja kako bi se mogli uporediti rezultati dobijeni pomoću 
ove dve tehnike.
PB  - Novi Sad : National Society of Processing and Energy in Agriculture
PB  - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies - INOPTEP 2023, 23-28. April 2023, Subotica
T1  - Comparison of ICP-OES and GFAAS techniques for determination mineral content in wheat and wheat products matrix
T1  - Poređenјe ICP-OES i GFAAS tehnika za određivanјe sadržaja minerala u matriksima pšenice i proizvoda od pšenice
EP  - 159
SP  - 158
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3632
ER  - 
author = "Živančev, Dragan and Buljovčić, Maja and Ninkov, Jordana and Antić, Igor and Mikić, Sanja and Jocković, Bojan and Jaćimović, Simona",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In modern society, it has become necessary that every food product possess nutritional label. One part of the nutritional 
value of food is micronutrients, especially minerals. They can be determined by different analytical techniques such as 
inductively coupled flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry 
(GFAAS), plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (ICP MS). These techniques differ according to the number of elements that can be determined, the levels of determination, 
the number of samples that can be determined and the sample volume. Wheat contain substantial share of minerals iron 
(Fe) and Zinc (Zn). A lot of human population especially woman and children’s in poor countries suffers from deficient 
of these micronutrients. Therefore is necessary to measure their content in wheat and wheat products such as different 
kinds of bread that are staple food. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine Fe and Zn in wheat grain and milling 
streams by GFAAS and ICP-OES to compare them., U savremenom društvu postalo je neophodno da svaki prehrambeni proizvod ima nutritivnu oznaku. Jedan deo nutritivne 
vrednosti hrane čine mikronutrijenti, a pogotovo minerali. Oni se mogu odrediti različitim analitičkim tehnikama kao što 
je induktivno spregnuta plamena atomska apsorpciona spektroskopija (FAAS), atomska apsorpciona spektrometrija sa 
razaranjem uzorka u grafitnoj peći (GFAAS), plazma-optička emisiona spektroskopija (ICP-OES) i induktivno spregnuta 
plazma-masena spektrometrija (ICP-MS). Ove tehnike se razlikuju prema broju elemenata koje mogu odrediti, 
koncentraciji uzorka i broju uzoraka koji se mogu odrediti kao i zapremini uzorka koja je potrebna za analizu. Pšenica 
sadrži značajan udeo minerala gvožđa (Fe) i cinka (Zn). Veliki broj lјudi, posebno žena i dece u siromašnim zemlјama, 
pati od nedostatka ovih mikronutrijenata. Zbog toga je neophodno odrediti sadržaj ovih minerala u pšenici i pšeničnim 
proizvodima kao što su različite vrste hleba koji su osnovna hrana. Stoga je cilј studije bio da se pomoću GFAAS i ICP OES odredi sadržaj Fe i Zn u zrnu pšenice i proizvodima mlevenja kako bi se mogli uporediti rezultati dobijeni pomoću 
ove dve tehnike.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : National Society of Processing and Energy in Agriculture, Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies - INOPTEP 2023, 23-28. April 2023, Subotica",
title = "Comparison of ICP-OES and GFAAS techniques for determination mineral content in wheat and wheat products matrix, Poređenјe ICP-OES i GFAAS tehnika za određivanјe sadržaja minerala u matriksima pšenice i proizvoda od pšenice",
pages = "159-158",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3632"
Živančev, D., Buljovčić, M., Ninkov, J., Antić, I., Mikić, S., Jocković, B.,& Jaćimović, S.. (2023). Comparison of ICP-OES and GFAAS techniques for determination mineral content in wheat and wheat products matrix. in Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies - INOPTEP 2023, 23-28. April 2023, Subotica
Novi Sad : National Society of Processing and Energy in Agriculture., 158-159.
Živančev D, Buljovčić M, Ninkov J, Antić I, Mikić S, Jocković B, Jaćimović S. Comparison of ICP-OES and GFAAS techniques for determination mineral content in wheat and wheat products matrix. in Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies - INOPTEP 2023, 23-28. April 2023, Subotica. 2023;:158-159.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3632 .
Živančev, Dragan, Buljovčić, Maja, Ninkov, Jordana, Antić, Igor, Mikić, Sanja, Jocković, Bojan, Jaćimović, Simona, "Comparison of ICP-OES and GFAAS techniques for determination mineral content in wheat and wheat products matrix" in Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies - INOPTEP 2023, 23-28. April 2023, Subotica (2023):158-159,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3632 .