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Udeo listova u prinosu lucerke zavisno od genotipa i faze razvića

dc.creatorKatić, Slobodan
dc.creatorMihailović, Vojislav
dc.creatorKaragić, Đura
dc.creatorVasiljević, Sanja
dc.creatorMilić, Dragan
dc.creatorMikić, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractPortion of leaves in alfalfa dry matter yield at different stages of the growth has been examined in the second and the third year of plant the development. The study was conducted in the Rimski Šančevi experiment field of the Institute of Fields and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad using standard cultivation practices. The study included three alfalfa varieties, NS Banat ZMS II, Orca, Du Puits, and two genotypes, Syn II and Syn III. The genotypes had been developed at the Institute of Fields and Vegetable Crops within a programme on cultivars improvement. Portions of leaves were measured in five growth stages: early vegetative, mid-vegetative, late vegetative, early bud and late bud-early flower. Furthermore, a portion of leaves in yield was evaluated from the first growth to the fifth regrowth in 1997 and from the second to the fifth regrowth in 1998. It was found that the portion of leaves in dry matter yield depended significantly on the cultivar. NS Banat ZMS II had the lowest portions of leaves from the early vegetative stage to the beginning of flowering. The portion of leaves in dry matter yield was the highest in the early vegetative stage, gradually becoming lower until the stage of flowering. Fastest changes in the portion of leaves occurred from the late vegetative stage to the bud stage. The portions of leaves in dry matter yield were the lowest in the second and the third regrowth, and a somewhat higher in the fourth and the fifth regrowth. Significant differences in the portion of leaves in green forage and dry matter yield existed between the early vegetative stage and the early bud stage. Higher values were obtained by measuring the portion of leaves in dry matter. There were no significant differences in the portions of leaves in green forage and in dry matter between bud and flowering stage.en
dc.description.abstractU drugoj i trećoj godini života biljka utvrđivan je udeo listova u prinosu suve materije lucerke u različitim fazama porasta i razvića na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Rimskim Šančevima uz standardne agrotehničke mere. U ispitivanja je su uključene tri sorte lucerke, NS Banat ZMS II, Orca, Du Puits, i dva genotipa, Syn II i Syn III, stvoreni u Institutu u cilju dobijanja sorti boljeg kvaliteta. Određen je udeo lišća za pet faza razvića: rana vegetativna, srednje vegetativna, kasna vegetativna faza, zatim početak butonizacije i puna faza butonizacije - početak cvetanja. Udeo listova u prinosu je ocenjen od prvog do petog porasta 1997. godine, i od drugog do petog porasta u 1998. Udeo lišća u prinosu suve materije u različitim fazama porasta i razvića lucerke značajno zavisi od genotipa. Najmanji udeo lišća u prinosu suve materije imala je sorta NS Banat ZMS II od rane vegetativne do faze početka cvetanja. Najveći udeo listova u prinosu suve materije bio je u ranoj vegetativnoj fazi i značajno se smanjivao do faze početka cvetanja. Najbrže se smanjuje udeo listova od kasne vegetativne do faze butonizacije. Najmanji udeo listova u prinosu suve materije lucerke bio je u II i III, a veći IV i V otkosu. Merenje udela listova u zelenoj krmi ili suvoj materiji se značajno razlikuje od rane vegetativne do faze početka butonizacije. Dobijen je veći udeo lista merenjem u suvoj materiji. U fazama butonizacije i početka cvetanja razlike dobijene određivanjem udela listova u zelenoj krmi ili suvoj materiji nisu znač
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectportion of leavesen
dc.subjectstages of growthen
dc.titlePortion of alfalfa leaves in yield depending on genotypes and developmental stagesen
dc.titleUdeo listova u prinosu lucerke zavisno od genotipa i faze razvićasr
dc.citation.other64(1-2): 5-13

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