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Uticaj međurednog rastojanja i setvene norme na prinos semena i suve materije crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L)

dc.creatorBarać, Rade
dc.creatorDuronić, Gojko
dc.creatorKaragić, Đura
dc.creatorVasiljević, Sanja
dc.creatorMilošević, Branko
dc.description.abstractA two-year study (2006 and 2007) was carried out to examine the effect of row spacing and seeding rate on seed and dry matter yield of red clover in a production system for mixed utilization. Field experiments were conducted at the field of Agricultural Highschool in Futog, Serbia. Red clover crop was established in three row distances: 12.5 cm, 25 cm and 50 cm, and three seeding rates: 2.5 kg ha-1, 5 kg ha-1 and 10 kg ha-1. Studies have shown that in the location of Futog (region of south Bačka), sowing 10 kg ha-1 with row distance of 25 cm provides red clover seed yield of 482.4 kg ha-1 in the first year of growing and 546.2 kg ha-1 in the second year. The highest yield of dry matter grown in the system of production for mixed use (seed-forage) in Futog was achieved with the row distance of 12.5 cm and seeds rate of 10 kg ha-1.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je proučavan uticaj međurednog rastojanja i setvene norme na prinos semena i suve materije crvene deteline u sistemu proizvodnje za kombinovano iskorišćavanje. Dvogodišnja poljska istraživanja (2006. i 2007) obavljena su u Poljoprivrednoj školi u Futogu. Usev crvene deteline je zasnovan na tri međuredna rastojanja: 12,5 cm, 25 cm i 50 cm, sa tri setvene norme: 2,5 kg ha-1, 5 kg ha-1 i 10 kg ha-1. Najveći prinos semena u sistemu proizvodnje crvene deteline za kombinovano iskorišćavanje (seme-krma) tokom obe posmatrane godine je dobijen setvom na 25 cm međurednog razmaka i sa količinom semena 10 kg ha-1, dok je najveći prinos suve materije ostvaren sa istom setvenom normom na 12,5 cm međurednog razmaka.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceRatarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
dc.subjectdry matter yielden
dc.subjectred clover (Trifolium pratense L)en
dc.subjectrow spacingen
dc.subjectseed yielden
dc.subjectseeding rateen
dc.subjectcrvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L)sr
dc.subjectmeđuredno rastojanjesr
dc.subjectsetvena normasr
dc.subjectprinos semenasr
dc.subjectprinos suve materijesr
dc.titleEffect of row spacing and seeding rate on seed and dry matter yield of red clover (Trifolium pratense L)en
dc.titleUticaj međurednog rastojanja i setvene norme na prinos semena i suve materije crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L)sr
dc.citation.other48(1): 155-160



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