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Novi konzumni hibridi suncokreta u NS paleti

dc.creatorHladni, Nada
dc.creatorMiklič, Vladimir
dc.creatorJocić, Siniša
dc.creatorSakač, Zvonimir
dc.creatorRadić, Velimir
dc.creatorRadeka, Ilija
dc.description.abstractSunflower breeding is directed towards the increase of the genetic potential for yield, stability of the yield, health care, and the quality of nutrition along with the increase of the production economy. In accordance with the Serbian market demands there have been efforts in breeding highly productive hybrids for special uses of the confectionary type at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. In this program, special attention has been given to the increase of the protein content and quality while decreasing the seed oil content, to the increase of 1000 seed weight and the decrease of the hull ratio. New NS confectionary hybrids NS-H-6316, NS-H-6318 and NS-H-6320 are adequate for nutrition, dehulling and core production. They belong to the group of mid-early hybrids while their genetic potential for seed yield is above 4.5 t ha-1 and seed oil content is less than 40%. Protein content in the core is 23-27%, mass of 1000 seeds is above 95 g, and the hull ratio is low. With the creation of the new palette of NS sunflower hybrids for various production purposes and conditions, we have gained higher quality material for the needs of the oil, food and baking industry.en
dc.description.abstractRad na oplemenjivanju konzumnog suncokreta usmeren je na povećanje genetskog potencijala za prinos, stabilnosti prinosa, zdravstvene bezbednosti i nutritivnog kvaliteta uz povećanje ekonomičnosti proizvodnje. U skladu sa zahtevima srpskog tržišta u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo se radi na oplemenjivanju visoko produktivnih hibrida za posebne namene konzumnog tipa. U ovom programu posebna pažnja je posvećena povećanju sadržaja i kvaliteta proteina uz smanjenje sadržaja ulja u semenu, povećanju mase 1000 semena i smanjenju udela ljuske. Novi NS-konzumni hibridi NS-H-6316, NS-H-6318 i NS-H-6320 pogodni su za ishranu, ljuštenje i proizvodnju jezgra a pripadaju grupi srednje ranih hibrida. Genetski potencijal za prinos semena im je preko 4,5 t ha-1 a sadržaj ulja u semenu je manji od 40%. Sadržaj proteina u jezgru je 23-27%, masa 1000 semena iznad 95 g, dok je udeo ljuske nizak. Stvaranjem nove palete konzumnih NS hibrida suncokreta za različite namene i uslove proizvodnje dobija se kvalitetnija sirovina za potrebe uljarske, prehrambene i pekarske industrije.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceRatarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
dc.subjectconfectionary typeen
dc.subjecthigh-protein sunfloweren
dc.subjectseed qualityen
dc.subjectkonzumni tipsr
dc.subjectkvalitet semenasr
dc.subjectvisokoproteinski suncokretsr
dc.titleNew confectionary sunflower hybrids in NS paletteen
dc.titleNovi konzumni hibridi suncokreta u NS paletisr
dc.citation.other48(1): 49-56



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