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AMMI model u oceni interakcije hibrid × rok setve za prinos semena i sadržaj ulja suncokreta

dc.creatorBalalić, Igor
dc.creatorCrnobarac, Jovan
dc.creatorMarinković, Branko
dc.creatorMiklič, Vladimir
dc.creatorStojšin, Vasa
dc.description.abstractIn the three year experiment (2005, 2006, 2007) the effects of hybrid, sowing date and their interaction for seed yield and oil content in sunflower were investigated. Three hybrids (Miro, Rimi, Pobednik) and eight sowing dates were included in the experiment. AMMI (Additive Main effects and Multiple Interaction) model was applied (Gauch & Zobel, 1996). AMMI1 biplot, using excel (macro) was done according to Lipkovich & Smith (2002). In the three years average, hybrids did not show significant differences in the mean values for seed yield. Sowing dates had significant portion in the yield formation. The highest seed yield was achieved in the earlier sowing dates. From R3 to R6 the seed yield stagnated, and in R7 and R8 the mean values were significantly lowest. Hybrid Pobednik showed significantly highest oil content. Oil content (three years average) was highest in R2, R4 and R5, after that mean values decreased and they were lowest in R7 and R8. AMMI ANOVA for seed yield and oil content showed highly significant values for IPC1 (73,8 % of variation for seed yield and 69,4 % for oil content). On the basis of the stability evaluation for seed yield and oil content on AMMI1 biplot can be seen that hybrid Miro was most stable, and hybrids Pobednik and Rimi were less stable. Highly significant positive correlation with IPC1 for seed yield had pa_cv and rv_cv (precipitation and relative air humidity in the flowering stage) and significant correlation rv_fz (relative air humidity in the physiological maturity). Highly significant or significant correlation with first bilinear component for oil content showed tmx_cv, tsd_cv and os_cv (maximum decade temperature, mean decade temperature and insolation in the flowering stage). AMMI1 biplot can help in the recommendation of high yielding, stable sunflower hybrids and most convenient sowing dates.en
dc.description.abstractU trogodišnjem eksperimentu (2005, 2006, 2007) ispitivan je efekat hibrida, roka setve i njihove interakcije za prinos semena i sadržaj ulja suncokreta. Ogled je obuhvatio tri hibrida (Miro, Rimi, Pobednik) i osam rokova setve. U radu je primenjen AMMI (metod glavnih efekata i višestruke interakcije) model (Gauch & Zobel 1996). Za izradu AMMI1 biplota korišćen je excel (macro), prema Lipkovich & Smith (2002). U proseku za tri godine hibridi se nisu značajno razlikovali u srednjim vrednostima za prinos semena. Rokovi setve su imali značajan udeo u formiranju prinosa semena. Značajno najveći prosečni prinos postignut je u ranijim rokovima setve. Od R3 do R6 prinos je stagnirao, dok je u R7 i R8 prinos semena bio značajno najniži. Hibrid Pobednik je imao značajno najveći sadržaj ulja. U trogodišnjem proseku u R2, R4 i R5 došlo je do najvećeg nakupljanja ulja, zatim vrednosti opadaju do R7 i R8, kada su one bile najniže. AMMI ANOVA za prinos semena i sadržaj ulja pokazala je visoku značajnost samo IPC1, koja pokriva 73,8 % odnosno 69,4 % varijacije. Na osnovu ocene stabilnosti za prinos semena i sadržaj ulja na kombinovanom (podaci za sve tri godine) AMMI1 grafikonu uočava se najveća stabilnost hibrida Miro, dok su Rimi i Pobednik bili nestabilniji. Sa prvom interakcijskom komponentom (IPC1) visoko značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju za prinos semena imale su pa_cv (padavine u cvetanju) i rv_cv (relativna vlažnost vazduha u cvetanju), odnosno značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju rv_fz (relativna vlažnost vazduha u fiziološkoj zrelosti). Visoko značajne odnosno značajne pozitivne korelacione koeficijente sa vrednostima prve bilinearne komponente za sadržaj ulja imale su tmx_cv (maksimalne dekadne temperature u cvetanju) tj. tsd_cv (srednje dekadne temperature u cvetanju) i os_cv (osunčavanje u cvetanju). Grafički prikaz AMMI1 biplota može pomoći u izboru stabilnih hibrida i rokova setve za željene osobine.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceRatarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
dc.subjectAMMI modelen
dc.subjectoil contenten
dc.subjectseed yielden
dc.subjectAMMI modelsr
dc.subjectprinos semenasr
dc.subjectsadržaj uljasr
dc.titleAMMI model in the evaluation of hybrid × sowing date interaction for seed yield and oil content in sunfloweren
dc.titleAMMI model u oceni interakcije hibrid × rok setve za prinos semena i sadržaj ulja suncokretasr
dc.citation.other47(1): 163-171



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