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Preliminarna ispitivanja efekta bioloških i sintetičkih insekticida na larve velikog kupusara (Pieris brassicae L.)

dc.creatorKlokočar-Šmit, Zlata
dc.creatorInđić, Dušanka
dc.creatorVuković, Slavica
dc.creatorFilipović, Maja M.
dc.creatorČervenski, Janko
dc.description.abstractControl of cabbage pests is oriented towards the use of efficient but high-risk insecticides, some of them being endocrine disruptors. Biopesticides are more environment-friendly, operator-and consumers-safe, but they have low initial toxicity, low efficacy to advanced larval stages, and they require certain knowledge of pest and host biology. In our laboratory experiments we have investigated the effects of formulated synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin (0.3 l/ha) and biological products - formulations based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (2 and 3/ha) and Spinosad (0.1 l/ha) - on large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.) larvae-instars 2, 3, 4 and 5. The effect of insecticides was inversely proportional to larval instars. Btk effect could be improved if tank-mixed with cypermethrin. The mixing of ready-made products allows a reduction 3 and 6 times compared with the recommended dose, still obtaining satisfactory results. Rate of leaf damage was reduced when tank mixtures were used. Use of two products in mixture would be of significance especially for control of advanced late instars late in season, when Btk action alone is insufficient. Spinosad was effective in inducing mortality and reducing leaf damage by all larval instars, therefore we assume that the dose could be reduced. Feeding rate and mortality are equally important parameters when assessing biopesticide efficacy. This strategy should also reduce the possibility of inducing resistance in pest population. It also tends to reduce the residues in commodities and is good solution in production of hygienic and health safe food.en
dc.description.abstractSuzbijanje štetočina kupusa orijentisano je na primenu efikasnih ali visoko rizičnih insekticida od kojih su neki i endokrini disruptori. Biopesticidi su manje opasni za životnu sredinu, bezbedniji za operatera i konzumente, ali niže inicijalne toksičnosti i niske efikasnosti na gusenice u kasnim uzrastima i zahtevaju znanje o biologiji štetočine i domaćina. U našim laboratorijskim ispitivanjima uporedili smo efekat sintetskog piretroida cipermetrina (0,3 l/ha) i bioloških preparata na bazi Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk) (2 i 3 l/ha) i preparata na bazi spinosada (0,1 l/ha) na gusenice velikog kupusara Pieris brassicae L. u 2, 3, 4. i 5. uzrastu. Efekat preparata je bio obrnuto proporcionalan uzrastu gusenica. Efekat Btk preparata može biti poboljšan mešanjem s preparatom na bazi cipermetrina u smanjenoj količini 3 i 6 puta u odnosu na preporučenu, a da se pritom postignu zadovoljavajući rezultati. Mešanje sintetskog piretroida i biološkog preparata je naročito važno u kasnim uzrasnim razvojnim fazama kada je dejstvo Btk nedovoljno. Biološki preparat na bazi spinpsada je bio vrlo efikasan za larve svih uzrasta, te je pretpostavka da se količina primene može i smanjiti. Primena mešavine intenzivira obustavu ishrane. Intenzitet ishrane i mortalitet su jednako važni parametri u proceni efikanosti biopesticida. Ovakva primena treba da spreči ranu pojavu rezistentnosti štetočina u populaciji, da dovede do smanjenja rezidua u namirnicama i dobro je rešenje u proizvodnji zdravstveno bezbedne
dc.publisherMatica srpska, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
dc.subjectPieris brassicae L.en
dc.subjectBacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstakien
dc.subjecttank mixen
dc.titlePreliminary investigation on the effects of biological and synthetic insecticides on large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.) larvaeen
dc.titlePreliminarna ispitivanja efekta bioloških i sintetičkih insekticida na larve velikog kupusara (Pieris brassicae L.)sr
dc.citation.other(112): 75-82



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