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Aktuelna istraživanja i nove tehnologije u zaštiti ratarskih biljaka

dc.creatorJevtić, Radivoje
dc.creatorMaširević, Stevan
dc.creatorMalidža, Goran
dc.creatorKereši, Tatjana
dc.creatorSekulić, Radosav
dc.description.abstractIn 2005 and 2006, the agent of tan spot, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, was registered in high intensities in several locations u Serbia. Under conditions of natural infection, lowest disease intensities were observed in the winter wheat cultivar Simonida (trace). Most sensitive to P.tritici-repentis were the durum wheat cultivars Durumko and Dusan, rated 03 and exhibiting the infection intensity of 40%, while the triticale cultivar Odisej was rated 03 and the infection intensity in traces, to 5%. The application of the biological fungicide Koni WQ, which contains Coniothirium minitans spores in an inactive substrate, showed that the permanent inactivation of sclerotia amounted to about 67%, in response to the action of the fungicide's active agent. Most of the insecticides used for seed treatment provided a significantly better sugarbeet stand that the untreated control. Due to their systemic action, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and their mixtures with fipronil provided very good protection of young plants against beet leaf aphid and less efficient protection against beet weevil. All insecticides for corn seed treatment provided significant reductions in the extent of root damage by western corn rootworm larvae. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops has intensive programs of development of sunflower and corn hybrids tolerant to certain herbicides. Tests are conducted on possibilities of weed control by means of herbicide protectants. In Serbia special interest was raised by the sunflower tolerant to imidazolinones (Clearfield*sytem) and tribenuron methyl and the corn tolerant to cycloxydim (Duo System).en
dc.description.abstractProuzrokovač žutomrke pegavosti lista pšenice (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) u 2005. i 2006. godini zabeležen je u jačem intenzitetu na više lokaliteta u Srbiji. U prirodnim uslovima zaraze najniži intenziteti bili su kod sorte ozime pšenice Simonida (trag). Najosetljivije prema P.tritici-repentis bile su tvrde (durum) sorte pšenice Durumko i Dušan sa ocenom 03 i intenzitetom od 40%, dok je sorta tritikalea Odisej, imala ocenu 03 sa inten zi - tetom trag do 5%. Primena biološkog preparat Koni WG koji sadrži spore Coniothirium minitans na neaktivnom nosaču, pokazala je da je inaktivi ra nost sklerocija i to trajna, bila oko 67 % zbog parazitiranosti od strane aktiv nog agensa u preparatu. Većina insekticida nanetih na seme obezbedila je značajno bolji sklop šećerne repe u odnosu na netretiranu kontrolu. Zbog sistemičnog delovanja, imidakloprid, tiametoksam i njihove smeše sa fipro ni - lom obezbedili su i vrlo dobru zaštitu mladih biljaka od crne re pine vaši, a u manjoj meri i od re pine pipe. Svi insekticidi za tretiranje semena kukuruza obezbedili su značajno manju oštećenost korena od larvi kukuruzne zlatice. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, intenzivno se radi na stvaranju hibrida suncokreta i kukuruza tolerantnih prema pojedinim herbicidima i ispitivanju mogućnosti suzbijanja korova korišćenjem protektanata za her bi cide. U Srbiji, posebnu pažnju izazvali su suncokret tolerantan prema imidazo lino nima (Clearfield*sistem proizvodnje), kukuruz tolerantan prema cikloksidimu (Duo Sys tem) i suncokret tolerantan prema tribenuron-metilu.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectPyrenophora tritici-repentisen
dc.subjectSclerotinia sclerotiorumen
dc.subjectKoni WQ biopreparationen
dc.subjectwireworms (Elateridae larvae)en
dc.subjectbeet leaf aphiden
dc.subjectwestern corn rootwormen
dc.subjectseed treatmenten
dc.subjectDuo Systemen
dc.subjecttribenuron methylen
dc.subjectPyrenophora tritici-repentissr
dc.subjectSclerotinia sclerotiorumsr
dc.subjectbiopreparat Koni WGsr
dc.subjectšećerna repasr
dc.subjectžičari (larve fam. Elateridae)sr
dc.subjectcrna repina vašsr
dc.subjectkukuruzna zlaticasr
dc.subjecttretiranje semenasr
dc.subjectDuo Systemsr
dc.titleCurrent study and new technologies in field crops protectionen
dc.titleAktuelna istraživanja i nove tehnologije u zaštiti ratarskih biljakasr
dc.citation.other43(1): 329-339



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