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Proizvodnja semena lucerke u Vojvodini

dc.creatorKaragić, Đura
dc.creatorKatić, Slobodan
dc.creatorMihailović, Vojislav
dc.creatorErić, Pero
dc.creatorMilić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThe main production region of alfalfa seed in Serbia is the Vojvodina Province. Alfalfa seed production is estimated on 3000 ha, with average yield of 250 kgha-1 (Figure 1). Annual seed production in the Vojvodina Province is around 750 tons with estimated value of 1.7-2 million euros. The main characteristic of this production is significant seed yield variation (from 50 to 800 kgha-1), depending on climatic conditions, first of all rainfall amount and distribution (Figure 2). Because alfalfa plants are lush, they easily lodge after the stages of budding or flowering and produce a low seed yield. To ensure high and stable seed yields, it is necessary to prevent the luxuriant growth of alfalfa plants and their subsequent lodging. Cutting is the most effective practice to limit the luxuriant growth. Furthermore cutting may be used to time the beginning and duration of the stage of flowering, i.e., to synchronize the flowering with the maximum activity of pollinating insects, which is of key importance for seed yield performance in alfalfa. Variations in alfalfa seed yield level may be controlled to some extent by the cut system (Table 1). Late cuts ensures a reduced stand density and maximum number of productive shoots. Also, plant height is reduced and dry matter content in the stem significantly increased in relation to the systems of early and medium cuts (Table 2). Consequently, plant sensitivity to lodging is considerably reduced while conditions for alfalfa flowering and activity of pollinating insects are improved, which results in increased seed yield. Application of modern cultural practice in alfalfa seed production with average climatic conditions, resulting in seed yild of 350-400 kgha-1. In favourable climatic conditon it is posibele to achive 600-800 kgha-1 of alfafa seed.en
dc.description.abstractProizvodnja semena lucerke u Srbiji najvećim delom locirana je u Vojvodini na oko 3.000 ha, sa prosečnim prinosom od 250 kgha-1. Prosečna godišnja produkcija semena u Vojvodini iznosi oko 750 tona, a vrednost ove proizvodnje procenjuje se na 1,7-2 miliona Eura. Osnovno obeležje proizvodnje semena lucerke u Vojvodini je veliko variranje prinosa od 50 do 800 kgha-1 u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova godine (od količine i rasporeda padavina). Sistemom kosidbe semenskog useva moguće je smanjiti varijacije prinosa semena lucerke, odnosno moguće je u određenom stepenu ublažiti nepovoljno dejstvo uslova godine. Za proizvodnju semena najčešće se koristi drugi otkos na ranije zasnovanim (starim) lucerištima. Prvi otkos koristi se za proizvodnju krme, a kosi se u fazi punog cvetanja, odnosno u trećoj dekadi maja. Primenom svih neophodnih agrotehničkih mera, pri prosečnim ekološkim uslovima, postiže se prinos semena 350-400 kgha-1, a pri povoljnim uslovima može se dobiti 600-800
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectyield componentsen
dc.subjectMedicago sativa L.en
dc.subjectcut systemen
dc.subjectkomponente prinosasr
dc.subjectMedicago sativa
dc.subjectsistem kosidbesr
dc.titleAlfalfa seed production in the Vojvodina provinceen
dc.titleProizvodnja semena lucerke u Vojvodinisr
dc.citation.other42(1): 115-130

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