Prikaz rezultata 2145-2164 od 6225

      Heritabilnost visine biljke i prečnika glave kod suncokreta [1]
      Heterosis for agronomically important traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) [1]
      Heterosis for hull number and seed yield per plant in oil rape (Brassica napus L.) [1]
      Heterosis for seed yield and yield components in sunflower [1]
      Heterosis in alfalfa breeding [1]
      Heterosis u oplemenjivanju lucerke [1]
      Heterotic affiliation of maize inbreds originating from local populations [1]
      Heterotična pripadnost inbred linija kukuruza poreklom iz lokalnih populacija [1]
      Hibridi kukuruza Instituta PKB Agroekonomik u 2013. godini testirani u multilokacijskim ogledima [1]
      Hibridi kukuruza tolerantni prema cikloksidimu - deset godina posle [1]
      Hidrolat Nepeta cataria L. - uticaj na gajene i korovske vrste [1]
      Hidrolati - nusproizvodi prilikom destilacije etarskih ulja - hemijski sastav, biološka aktivnost i mogućnosti upotrebe [1]
      High molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition of NS wheat cultivars released in 1987-2008 [1]
      High production of wheat double haploids via anther culture [1]
      High protein sunflower hybrids suitable for various purposes [1]
      High-performance liquid chromatography determination of tocopherols in wheat bran [1]
      High-throughput phenotyping for non-destructive estimation of soybean fresh biomass using a machine learning model and temporal UAV data [1]
      High-throughput phenotyping for temporal screening of soybean canopy cover and height assessed in different environments [1]
      High-throughput screening of soybean di-nitrogen fixation and seed nitrogen content using spectral sensing [1]
      Histological characteristics of sugar beet leaves potentially linked to drought tolerance [1]