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Ocena aktivnosti disanja u albičnom luvisolu kontaminiranom sa Zn i Ni tokom gajenja jare uljane repice

dc.creatorSamardžić, Miljan
dc.creatorAndreeva, Irina V.
dc.creatorGalić, Zoran
dc.creatorVasin, Jovica
dc.description.abstractIn almost all industrially developed regions of the Russian Federation, the soil is contaminated with heavy metals (HM) often in concentrations which exceed limits of safety. This contamination causes degradation of agricultural land, which underlines the importance of the complex continuous monitoring of the dynamics of on-going changes in urban ecosystems against the background of natural processes. Quantitative assessment of the environmental sustainability of the soil according to the biological indicators of its condition is of enormous importance, in particular the balance of microbial carbon in soils, which are under varying degrees of anthropogenic pressure. Experiments were carried out to determine the phytoremediation potential of the spring rapeseed plants on soil contaminated with heavy metals. The aim of the study was to assess the respiratory activity of albic luvisol at different levels of its contamination with zinc and nickel under the conditions of a growing experiment with spring rapeseed plants. The experimental data on the respiratory activity of soil artificially contaminated with zinc and nickel in the dose range of 400-800 and 30-60 mg kg-1 of soil respectively, showed that microbial activity had a strong positive correlation with the presence of spring rapeseed plants in the vessels and weak correlation on the presence of toxic elements in the soil. According to the respiratory activity of albic luvisol, it was found that in the first 13 days of vegetation, cultivation of spring rapeseed plants had a positive effect on the sustainability of soil microbiocenosis to complex pollution with zinc and nickel.en
dc.description.abstractU skoro svim industrijski razvijenim regionima Ruske Federacije zemljište je kontaminirano teškim metalima, često u koncentracijama koje prelaze sigurne granice. Ova kontaminacija izaziva degradaciju poljoprivrednog zemljišta, što ističe važnost kompleksnog kontinuiranog praćenja dinamike neprekidnih promena u urbanim ekosisemima u odnosu na prirodne procese. Kvantitativna procena ekološke održivosti zemljišta prema biološkim pokazateljima njegovog stanja je od ogromnog značaja, posebno ravnoteža mikrobnog ugljenika u zemljištima koja imaju različit stepen antropogenog pritiska. Eksperimenti su sprovedeni u svrhu određivanja fitoremedijacionog potencijala biljaka uljane repice na zemljištu kontaminiranom teškim metalima. Cilj istraživanja bila je procena respiratorne aktivnosti albičkog luvisola, pri različitim nivoima kontaminacije cinkom i niklom u uslovima vegetativnog eksperimenta sa biljkama uljane repice. Eksperimentalni podaci o respiratornoj aktivnosti tla veštački kontaminiranog cinkom i niklom u rasponu doza od 400-800, odnosno 30-60 mg kg-1 zemljišta, pokazali su da mikrobna aktivnost ima jaku pozitivnu korelaciju sa prisustvom biljaka uljane repice u posudama i slabu u odnosu na prisustvo toksičnih elemenata u tlu. Prema respiratornoj aktivnosti albičkog luvisola, utvrđeno je da je u prvih 13 dana vegetacije gajenje jarih biljaka uljane repice pozitivno uticalo na održivost mikrobiocenoze zemljišta u uslovima kompleksnog zagađenja cinkom i niklom.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceRatarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
dc.subjectalbic luvisolen
dc.subjectbasal respirationen
dc.subjectmicrobial biomass carbonen
dc.subjectmicrobial metabolic coefficienten
dc.subjectspring rapeseeden
dc.subjectjara uljana repicasr
dc.subjectalbični luvisolsr
dc.subjectdisanje zemljištasr
dc.subjectugljenik biomase mikroorganizamasr
dc.subjectmikrobiološki metabolički koeficijentsr
dc.titleEvaluation of respiratory activity of albic luvisol contaminated by zinc and nickel during spring rapeseed cultivationen
dc.titleOcena aktivnosti disanja u albičnom luvisolu kontaminiranom sa Zn i Ni tokom gajenja jare uljane repicesr
dc.citation.other57(3): 68-71



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