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dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorSikora, Vladimir
dc.creatorUgrenović, Vladan
dc.creatorFilipović, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractBuckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is pseudo-cereal, honey and medicinal plant. Buckwheat is rich in carbohydrates, protein, contains all the B complex vitamins, especially niacin. Of the minerals rich in manganese, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, iodine, zinc, bromine, and contains nutritional fibers. Flavonoids rutin and quercetin from buckwheat, also significantly affect health. Buckwheat also contains eight essential amino acids, including lysine, an amino acid that the body cannot produce. During the period 2009-2011 about 2.08 million hectares of buckwheat was sown annually worldwide. Average yield of buckwheat during the monitored period was 905 kg ha-1. Productions ranged from 1599000 t (2010) up to 2294000 t (2011). Realized buckwheat productions in 2011 were higher than in 2010 and 2009 (1792000 t). Average production worldwide in the period 2009-2011 was 1895000 t in total and have a tendency to increase with rate of 13.14%. The highest average productions per continents was produced in Europe with 1028000 t. The lowest productions was produced in Africa of 8 300 t. The highest average productions in the world was produced Chine (647000 t), followed by Russian (568000 t), Ukraine (201000 t), France (110000 t) and Poland, USA, Brasil. The paper presents results of testing of three buckwheat varieties: Novosadska, Bamby and Češka. Trials were set up in three repetitions on the experimental field in Serbia, of Institute of Field and Vegetables Crops, located in Backi Petrovac (φN 45° 20', λE φN 19° 40', altitude 82 m), on molisol, during 2009-2011. The increase of yield was also affected by weather conditions. Average yields ranged from 1610 kg ha-1 (2011) up to 2891 kg ha−1 (2010). Buckwheat yield was significantly higher in 2010 than in 2009 and 2011. Analysis of average yield has shown that Novosadska variety produced higher yield (2,265 kg ha−1) compared to the other varieties tested. Buckwheat can successfully be produced in Serbia because yield was significantly higher than average world yield.en
dc.publisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
dc.sourceRural Communities in the Global Economy: Beyond The Classical Rural Economy Paradigms
dc.subjectRepublic of Serbiaen
dc.titleStatus of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) production in the worldwide and in the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.citation.other: 179-198



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