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Dostignuća i dalji pravci u oplemenjivanju suncokreta i izbor hibrida za setvu u 2002. godini

dc.creatorŠkorić, Dragan
dc.creatorMarinković, Radovan
dc.creatorJocić, Siniša
dc.creatorJovanović, Dejan
dc.creatorHladni, Nada
dc.description.abstractRussian breeders made a significant contribution to sunflower breeding by developing highly productive high-oil varietal populations during the 1910-1970 period. With the discovery of the first source of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in 1969 and the discovery of restorer genes, the development of hybrids began in earnest. Yugoslavia was one of the first countries in the world (alongside France, U.S. and Romania) to start using its own hybrids in large-scale production (in 1978). In the last three decades, significant progress has been made sunflower breeding in Yugoslavia as well as the world. Hybrids with a genetic potential for seed yield of over 5.5 tones/ha and a seed oil content of up to 55% have been developed. Resistance to downy mildew, rust, the sunflower moth, broomrape and was found in the wild sunflower species and subsequently incorporated into the cultivated sunflower. Field resistance to has been achieved in hybrids. The latest generation of hybrids has increased tolerance to white rot (Sclerotinia). Induced mutations have produced genotypes with a high oleic acid content. Spontaneous mutations with recessive genes for beta, gamma and delta tocopherol levels have been discovered as well. These discoveries enable the development of special-purpose hybrids that have oil that is 15-16 times more stable than standard oil. The development of confectionery sunflower hybrids is another important achievement of sunflower breeding. Visible progress has been made in breeding for resistance to herbicides when IMI-resistant hybrids have been developed. In the upcoming period, sunflower breeding will focus on increasing the productivity and stability of hybrids, primarily by using of the wild species as sources of resistance to diseases with the help of new biotechnology methods. On the basis of results from commercial production and a network of trials, the following hybrids are recommended for the 2002 sowing: 1. for regular sowing: NS-H-111, Velja, Krajišnik, Bačvanin, Banaćanin, NS-H-45 and NS-H-43; 2. for late sowing and double cropping: Dukat; 3. for special purposes: Delija (a confectionery hybrid) and Labud (seed for feeding birds and poultry).en
dc.description.abstractZnačajan doprinos u oplemenjivanju suncokreta ostvarili su ruski oplemenjivači u periodu 1910.-1970. godine stvarajući produktivne visoko uljane sortne populacije. Otkrivanjem prvog izvora citoplazmatske muške sterilnosti (CMS) u 1969. godini i restorer gena prišlo se intenzivnom stvaranju hibrida. Naša zemlja zajedno sa Francuskom, SAD i Rumunijom među prvima u svetu uvela je sopstvene hibride u masovnu proizvodnju (1978. godine). U predhodne 3 decenije ostvaren je značajan napredak u oplemenjivanju suncokreta u svetu i kod nas. Stvoreni su hibridi sa genetskim potencijalom za prinos semena iznad 5,5 tona/ha i sadržajem ulja u semenu do 55 %. Iz divljih vrsta suncokreta ugrađena je otpornost prema plamenjači, rđi, suncokretovom moljcu, volovodu, Verticillium-u. Ostvarena je poljska otpornost prema Phomopsis-u u hibridima. U novoj generaciji hibrida povećana je tolerantnost prema beloj truleži (Sclerotinia). Induciranim mutacijama dobijeni su genotipovi sa visokim sadržajem oleinske kiseline. Pored toga otkrivene su spontane mutacije sa recesivnim genima za sadržaj beta, gama i delta tokoferola. Ova otkrića omogućavaju stvaranje namenskih hibrida kod kojih je ulje 15-16 puta stabilnije (održivo) u odnosu na standardno ulje. Među značajna ostvarenja spada i stvaranje hibrida konzumnog tipa. Vidan napredak je ostvaren i u selekciji na otpornost prema herbicidima, stvaranjem IMI-Resistance hibrida. U narednom periodu oplemenjivanje suncokreta će biti usmereno na povećanje produktivnosti i stabilnosti hibrida pre svega korišćenjem divljih vrsta kao izvora otpornosti prema bolestima uz primenu novih metoda biotehnologije. Na osnovu rezultata ostvarenih u masovnoj proizvodnji i mreži ogleda predlažu se za setvu u 2002. godini hibridi: 1/ Za redovnu setvu: NS-H-111, Velja, Krajišnik, Bačvanin, Banaćanin, NS-H-45 i NS-H-43; 2/ Za kasnu u postrnu setvu: Dukat; 3/ Za posebne namene: Delija (konzumni), Labud (za ishranu živine i ptica).sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectoil qualityen
dc.subjectresistance to herbicidesen
dc.subjectkvalitet uljasr
dc.subjectotpornost prema herbicidimasr
dc.titleAchievements and future directions of Sunflower breeding and the selection of hybrids for the 2002 sowing seasonen
dc.titleDostignuća i dalji pravci u oplemenjivanju suncokreta i izbor hibrida za setvu u 2002. godinisr
dc.citation.other(36): 147-160



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