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Uticaj biostimulatora na dužinu korena i nadzemnog dela ponika roditeljskih linija suncokreta

dc.creatorMiladinov, Zlatica
dc.creatorRadić, Velimir
dc.creatorBalalić, Igor
dc.creatorCrnobarac, Jovan
dc.creatorJocković, Milan
dc.creatorJokić, Goran
dc.creatorMiklič, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper was to examine the effects of biostimulators on root and shoot length of sunflower seedling deriving from seeds treated with biostimulators prior to sowing. Experiment was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops on five cytoplasmic male sterile lines: OCMS: - 98 (L1), HA-NS-26 (L2), PH-BC2-74 (L3), VL-A-8 (L4), and HA-26-PR (L5). The seed was produced in the period from 2010 to 2012. Two seed variants were tested - non-treated seed and seed which was prior to application of biostimulators treated with metalaxyl-m. Prior to sowing, seed was treated with commercial preparations Slavol S, Bioplant Flora and the combination of the two. Results of this research point out that application of appropriate biostimulator has positive effect on growth and development of roots and shoots of seedling, while inadequate combination of biostimulators leads to inhibitory effect.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada bio je da se ispita kako biostimulatori deluju na dužinu korena i nadzemnog dela ponika kada se pre setve njima tretira seme. Testiranje je sprovedeno u novosadskom Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na semenu pet citoplazmatski muško sterilnih linija suncokreta: OCMS- 98 (L1), HA-NS-26 (L2), PH-BC2-74 (L3), VL-A-8 (L4) i HA-26-PR (L5) koje je proizvedeno u periodu od 2010.-2012. godine. Testirane su dve varijante semena: netretirano seme i seme koje je pre primene biostimulator a tretirano metalaksilom-m. Seme je pre setve tretirano komercijalnim preparatima Slavol S, Bioplant Flora i njihovom kombinacijom. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da primena adekvatnog biostimulatora utiče pozitivno na rast i razvoj korena i nadzemnog dela ponika dok neadekvatna kombinacija biostimulatora dovodi do inhibitornog delovanja. Tretiranje semena pre setve preparatom BIOPLANT FLORA pokazalo je dobre rezultate obzirom da je koren ponika duži u proseku za 2,4 cm kod varijante koja je tretirana ovim preparatom odnosno za 2,2 cm kod varijante semena gde je osim biostimulatora upotrebljen i fungicid na bazi metalaksila-m. Ovaj preparat je imao najbolji uticaj i na dužinu nadzemnog dela ponika povećavši ga u proseku za 1,5 cm odnosno za 1,2 cm u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu.sr
dc.publisherNacionalno društvo za procesnu tehniku i energetiku u poljoprivredi, Novi Sad
dc.sourceJournal on Processing & Energy in Agriculture
dc.subjectseedling root lengthen
dc.subjectshoot lengthen
dc.subjectkoren ponikasr
dc.subjectnadzemni deo ponikasr
dc.titleEffect of biostimulators on root length and shoot length of seedlings of sunflower parent linesen
dc.titleUticaj biostimulatora na dužinu korena i nadzemnog dela ponika roditeljskih linija suncokretasr
dc.citation.other18(5): 225-228



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