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Uticaj sorte i godine na broj listova kod ozimog ječma

dc.creatorPržulj, Novo
dc.creatorMomčilović, Vojislava
dc.description.abstractLeaf appearance in small cereals is the result of leaf primordium initiation and leaf primordium extension. Final leaf number (FLN) on main stem is determined by the number of primordia initiated up to the beginning of floral transition. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of growing season and cultivar on FLN in winter barley. Twelve cultivars differing in origin and time of anthesis (early, medium and late) were tested during six growing seasons (GS), from 2002/03 to 2007/08. FLN across cultivars and GSs was 13.5. The highest FLN across GSs was in the late, six-rowed barley cultivar Kredit (14.7) and the lowest in the early, two-rowed barley cultivar Novosadski 581 (11.3). In regard to earliness, the lowest FLN was in the early groups of cultivars (12.9) and the highest in the late ones (13.9). The tested cultivars showed significant variability in FLN, which can be used for selecting most adaptable genotypes for specific growing conditions.en
dc.description.abstractPojava listova kod strnih žita rezultat je formiranja i izduživanja primordija listova. Konačan broj listova na glavnom stablu zavisi od broja formiranih primordija do pojave primordija klasića. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je da se odredi uticaj godine i sorte na konačan broj listova na glavnom stablu kod ozimog ječma. Dvanaest sorti ječma, divergentnih po poreklu i vremenu cvetanja (rane, srednje, kasne) testirane su u periodu od šest proizvodnih sezona. Prosečan broj listova na glavnom stablu za ispitivane sorte i sezone iznosio je 13,5. Najveći prosečan broj listova (14,7) imala je kasna sorta šestoredog ječma 'Kredit', a najmanji (11,3) rana sorta dvoredog ječma 'Novosadski 581'. U odnosu na grupe zrenja najmanji broj listova bio je kod grupe ranih sorti (12,9), a najveći kod grupe kasnih sorti (13,9). Ispitivane sorte razlikovale su se značajno u konačnom broju listova, što se može iskoristiti u izboru adaptabilnih genotipova za određena područja.sr
dc.publisherMatica srpska, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
dc.subjectBarley (Hordeum vulgare L.)en
dc.subjectleaf numberen
dc.subjectpolynomial regressionen
dc.subjectJečam (Hordeum vulgare L.)sr
dc.subjectbroj listovasr
dc.subjectkrivolinijska regresijasr
dc.titleEffects of cultivar and year on leaf number in winter barleyen
dc.titleUticaj sorte i godine na broj listova kod ozimog ječmasr
dc.citation.other(125): 87-93



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