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Genetička analiza kvantitativnih svojstava kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

dc.creatorČervenski, Janko
dc.creatorGvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
dc.creatorVasić, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractGenetic analysis of head mass and usable part of head in cabbage, was done in a dialle cross 7 x 7. We calculated additive (D) and dominant (H1 and H2) components of genetics variance, propor­tion of genes with positive and negative effects in parents varieties (H2/4H1), average degree of domi­nance (H1/D)l/2, dominance effect (h2), number of groups of genes controlling certain traits (k) and narrow-sense (h2a) and broad-sense (h2b) heritability. In the inheritance of head mass, where super-dominance was observed, the nonadditive component of variance was significant and the distribution of dominant and recessive genese was uneven. In the case of the usable portion of the head, the additive component of variance was smaller than the dominant one and dominant alleles predominated over re­cessive ones. Super-dominance played the most important role in the expression of this trait as well.en
dc.description.abstractGenetička analiza mase glavice i korisnog dela glavice je urađena na osnovu dialelnog ukrštanja 7x7 uključujući recipročna. Računali smo aditivnu (D) i dominantnu (H1 i H2) komponentu varijanse, udeo gena sa pozitivnim i negativnim efektima kod roditelja (H2/4H1), prosečan stepen dominacije (H1/D)l/2, dominantni efekat (H2, broj grupa gena odgovornih za ista svojstva (k), kao i herilabilnost u užem i širem smislu (h2a, h2b). U nasleđivanju mase glavice neaditivna komponenta varijanse je bila značajna, raspored dominantnih i recesivnih gena je bio nejednak, a u nasleđivanju mase glavice radi se o super-dominaciji. Kod korisnog dela glavice aditivna komponenta varijanse je manja od dominantne, dominantni aleli su preovlađivali nad recesivnim, a u ekspresiji ovog svojstva glavnu ulogu je imala superdominacija. .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceSavremena poljoprivreda
dc.subjectgenetic analysisen
dc.subjecthead massen
dc.subjectusable part of headen
dc.subjectgenetička analizasr
dc.subjectkoristan deo glavicesr
dc.subjectmasa glavicesr
dc.titleGenetic analysis of quantitative traits in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)en
dc.titleGenetička analiza kvantitativnih svojstava kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)sr
dc.citation.other50(1-2): 113-116

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