Improvement of field forage crops agronomy and grassland management

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Improvement of field forage crops agronomy and grassland management (en)
Унапређење технологије гајења крмних биљака на ораницама и травњацима (sr)
Unapređenje tehnologije gajenja krmnih biljaka na oranicama i travnjacima (sr_RS)


Doprinos međuuseva poboljšanju kvaliteta zemljišta u sistemima organske poljoprivrede

Vojnov, Bojan; Ćupina, Branko; Krstić, Đorđe; Vujić, Svetlana; Babec, Brankica; Vasiljević, Marjana; Šeremešić, Srđan

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2020)

AU  - Vojnov, Bojan
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
AU  - Babec, Brankica
AU  - Vasiljević, Marjana
AU  - Šeremešić, Srđan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Nedostatak organskog đubriva, pre svega stajnjaka, usled intenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, upotrebom teške mehanizacije, sintetičkih đubriva, kao i gajenjem useva u monokulturi u konvencionalnim proizvodnim sistemima doveo je do narušavanja fizičkih, hemijskih i bioloških osobina zemljišta. U organskoj poljoprivredi pored proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane, poseban akcenat je stavljen na očuvanje zemljišta, njegove plodnosti i biološke aktivnosti. Uvođenjem međuuseva u strukturu setve, kroz pažljivo definisan plodored uz poštovanje načela organske proizvodnje, mogu se ostvariti značajne koristi po zemljište i edafonsku zajednicu uopšte. U cilju sagledavanja značaja međuuseva u organskoj proizvodnji u radu su opisane sledeće koristi: zaštita od eolske i vodne erozije, usvajanje i sprečavanje ispiranja hraniva, popravka strukture zemljišta, smanjenje njegove sabijenosti i povećanje sadržaja organske materije, azotofiksacija i smanjenje utroška energije, pedohigijena i biološka raznovrsnost agroekosistema.
AB  - Intensive agricultural production that involves use of heavy machinery, synthetic mineral fertilizers, as well as the cultivation crops in monoculture in conventional production systems accompanied by a lack of organic fertilizer, primarily animal manure, has led to serious damage to the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. In organic agriculture special emphasis was given to soil conservation, its fertility and biological activity. By introducing cover crops into the structure of sowing, significant benefits for the soil and the edaphic community in general can be realized. In order to understand the importance of intermediate crops in organic production, the following benefits are described in the paper: protection against aeolian and water erosion, adoption and prevention of nutrient leaching, repair of soil structure, reduction of its compaction and increase of organic matter content, nitrogen fixation and reduction of energy consumption, pedohygiene and biological diversity of agroecosystems.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T2  - Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy
T1  - Doprinos međuuseva poboljšanju kvaliteta zemljišta u sistemima organske poljoprivrede
T1  - The contribution of cover crops to improving soil quality in organic farming systems
EP  - 10
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
VL  - 44
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vojnov, Bojan and Ćupina, Branko and Krstić, Đorđe and Vujić, Svetlana and Babec, Brankica and Vasiljević, Marjana and Šeremešić, Srđan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Nedostatak organskog đubriva, pre svega stajnjaka, usled intenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, upotrebom teške mehanizacije, sintetičkih đubriva, kao i gajenjem useva u monokulturi u konvencionalnim proizvodnim sistemima doveo je do narušavanja fizičkih, hemijskih i bioloških osobina zemljišta. U organskoj poljoprivredi pored proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane, poseban akcenat je stavljen na očuvanje zemljišta, njegove plodnosti i biološke aktivnosti. Uvođenjem međuuseva u strukturu setve, kroz pažljivo definisan plodored uz poštovanje načela organske proizvodnje, mogu se ostvariti značajne koristi po zemljište i edafonsku zajednicu uopšte. U cilju sagledavanja značaja međuuseva u organskoj proizvodnji u radu su opisane sledeće koristi: zaštita od eolske i vodne erozije, usvajanje i sprečavanje ispiranja hraniva, popravka strukture zemljišta, smanjenje njegove sabijenosti i povećanje sadržaja organske materije, azotofiksacija i smanjenje utroška energije, pedohigijena i biološka raznovrsnost agroekosistema., Intensive agricultural production that involves use of heavy machinery, synthetic mineral fertilizers, as well as the cultivation crops in monoculture in conventional production systems accompanied by a lack of organic fertilizer, primarily animal manure, has led to serious damage to the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. In organic agriculture special emphasis was given to soil conservation, its fertility and biological activity. By introducing cover crops into the structure of sowing, significant benefits for the soil and the edaphic community in general can be realized. In order to understand the importance of intermediate crops in organic production, the following benefits are described in the paper: protection against aeolian and water erosion, adoption and prevention of nutrient leaching, repair of soil structure, reduction of its compaction and increase of organic matter content, nitrogen fixation and reduction of energy consumption, pedohygiene and biological diversity of agroecosystems.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy",
title = "Doprinos međuuseva poboljšanju kvaliteta zemljišta u sistemima organske poljoprivrede, The contribution of cover crops to improving soil quality in organic farming systems",
pages = "10-1",
number = "1",
volume = "44",
url = ""
Vojnov, B., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Vujić, S., Babec, B., Vasiljević, M.,& Šeremešić, S.. (2020). Doprinos međuuseva poboljšanju kvaliteta zemljišta u sistemima organske poljoprivrede. in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet., 44(1), 1-10.
Vojnov B, Ćupina B, Krstić Đ, Vujić S, Babec B, Vasiljević M, Šeremešić S. Doprinos međuuseva poboljšanju kvaliteta zemljišta u sistemima organske poljoprivrede. in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy. 2020;44(1):1-10. .
Vojnov, Bojan, Ćupina, Branko, Krstić, Đorđe, Vujić, Svetlana, Babec, Brankica, Vasiljević, Marjana, Šeremešić, Srđan, "Doprinos međuuseva poboljšanju kvaliteta zemljišta u sistemima organske poljoprivrede" in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy, 44, no. 1 (2020):1-10, .

Primena indirektnih metoda u obračunu utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza

Pejić, Borivoj; Mačkić, Ksenija; Ranđelović, Predrag; Milić, Stanko; Sikora, Vladimir; Bekavac, Goran; Bajić, Ivana; Simić, Dejan

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Pejić, Borivoj
AU  - Mačkić, Ksenija
AU  - Ranđelović, Predrag
AU  - Milić, Stanko
AU  - Sikora, Vladimir
AU  - Bekavac, Goran
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
AU  - Simić, Dejan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Imajući u vidu da je određivanje potreba biljaka za vodom u poljskim uslovima na eksperimentalnim parcelama, praćenjem dinamike vlažnosti zemljišta, zahtevno, predložene su brojne indirektne, obračunske metode. Uprkos brojnim merenjima i upoređenjima ostaje konstatacija da ne postoji takav indirektni metod koji bi imao univerzalnu primenu, već je svaki od njih lokalnog ili regionalnog karaktera. U analizi utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza (ETm) poređene su indirektne metode primenom referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo) i biljnih koeficijenata (kc) sa primenom obračuna bioklimatskim postupkom korišćenjem hidrofitotermičkih indeksa. ETo je računata Penman-Monteith metodom koja je od strane FAO organizacije predložena kao standardna za obračun ETo i metodom Hargreaves-a koju koristi Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije (RHMZS). Meteorološki podaci za obračun uzeti su sa meteorološke stanice koja se nalazi na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne kulture u Bačkom Petrovcu. Razlike u vrednostima utrošene vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza (ETm) obračunate pomenutim metodama za period vegetacije nisu bile posebno izražene. Međutim, znatno veće vrednosti ETm u julu, obračunate Hargreaves i Penman-Monteith metodama u odnosu na bioklimatski postupak primenom hidrofitotermičkih indeksa ukazuju na potrebu da se u narednom istraživačkom periodu ove metode provere u režimu navodnjavanja kukuruza. Statistička značajnost u visini prinosa na različitim varijantama preporučiće najprihvatljiviji postupak obračuna utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine.
AB  - Bearing in mind that the determination of the plant water requirements in field conditions at experimental fields by monitoring soil moisture is very demanding, a number of indirect, calculation methods have been proposed. Despite numerous measurements and comparisons it could be said that there is no such indirect method that would have universal application, but each of them is of local or regional character. In the analysis of maize water use on evapotranspiration (ETm) reference evapotranspiration methods (ETo) and plant coefficients (kc) were compared with the bioclimatic method using hydrophytothermic indices. Penman-Monteith method, which is reported by the FAO organization as a standard for the ETo calculation and the method of Hargreaves which is used by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, (RHMZS) were used for ETo calculation. Meteorological data for the calculation were taken from a meteorological station located on the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad in the Alternative Crops Department in Bački Petrovac.Differences in the values of water used on evapotranspiration of maize (ETm), calculated by the mentioned methods, for the growing period were not particularly great. However, higher values of the ETm in July calculated by Hargreaves and Penman-Monteith methods in relation to the bioclimatic method using hydrophytothermic indices of Bošnjak and Dragović point to the need to check those differences in a following investigation period. The statistical significance in maize yields obtained on different variants will recommend the most suitable method for the ETm maize calculation in agroecological conditions of the Vojvodina region.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T2  - Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy
T1  - Primena indirektnih metoda u obračunu utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza
EP  - 91
IS  - 2
SP  - 78
VL  - 43
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pejić, Borivoj and Mačkić, Ksenija and Ranđelović, Predrag and Milić, Stanko and Sikora, Vladimir and Bekavac, Goran and Bajić, Ivana and Simić, Dejan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Imajući u vidu da je određivanje potreba biljaka za vodom u poljskim uslovima na eksperimentalnim parcelama, praćenjem dinamike vlažnosti zemljišta, zahtevno, predložene su brojne indirektne, obračunske metode. Uprkos brojnim merenjima i upoređenjima ostaje konstatacija da ne postoji takav indirektni metod koji bi imao univerzalnu primenu, već je svaki od njih lokalnog ili regionalnog karaktera. U analizi utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza (ETm) poređene su indirektne metode primenom referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo) i biljnih koeficijenata (kc) sa primenom obračuna bioklimatskim postupkom korišćenjem hidrofitotermičkih indeksa. ETo je računata Penman-Monteith metodom koja je od strane FAO organizacije predložena kao standardna za obračun ETo i metodom Hargreaves-a koju koristi Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije (RHMZS). Meteorološki podaci za obračun uzeti su sa meteorološke stanice koja se nalazi na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne kulture u Bačkom Petrovcu. Razlike u vrednostima utrošene vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza (ETm) obračunate pomenutim metodama za period vegetacije nisu bile posebno izražene. Međutim, znatno veće vrednosti ETm u julu, obračunate Hargreaves i Penman-Monteith metodama u odnosu na bioklimatski postupak primenom hidrofitotermičkih indeksa ukazuju na potrebu da se u narednom istraživačkom periodu ove metode provere u režimu navodnjavanja kukuruza. Statistička značajnost u visini prinosa na različitim varijantama preporučiće najprihvatljiviji postupak obračuna utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine., Bearing in mind that the determination of the plant water requirements in field conditions at experimental fields by monitoring soil moisture is very demanding, a number of indirect, calculation methods have been proposed. Despite numerous measurements and comparisons it could be said that there is no such indirect method that would have universal application, but each of them is of local or regional character. In the analysis of maize water use on evapotranspiration (ETm) reference evapotranspiration methods (ETo) and plant coefficients (kc) were compared with the bioclimatic method using hydrophytothermic indices. Penman-Monteith method, which is reported by the FAO organization as a standard for the ETo calculation and the method of Hargreaves which is used by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, (RHMZS) were used for ETo calculation. Meteorological data for the calculation were taken from a meteorological station located on the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad in the Alternative Crops Department in Bački Petrovac.Differences in the values of water used on evapotranspiration of maize (ETm), calculated by the mentioned methods, for the growing period were not particularly great. However, higher values of the ETm in July calculated by Hargreaves and Penman-Monteith methods in relation to the bioclimatic method using hydrophytothermic indices of Bošnjak and Dragović point to the need to check those differences in a following investigation period. The statistical significance in maize yields obtained on different variants will recommend the most suitable method for the ETm maize calculation in agroecological conditions of the Vojvodina region.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy",
title = "Primena indirektnih metoda u obračunu utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza",
pages = "91-78",
number = "2",
volume = "43",
url = ""
Pejić, B., Mačkić, K., Ranđelović, P., Milić, S., Sikora, V., Bekavac, G., Bajić, I.,& Simić, D.. (2019). Primena indirektnih metoda u obračunu utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza. in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet., 43(2), 78-91.
Pejić B, Mačkić K, Ranđelović P, Milić S, Sikora V, Bekavac G, Bajić I, Simić D. Primena indirektnih metoda u obračunu utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza. in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy. 2019;43(2):78-91. .
Pejić, Borivoj, Mačkić, Ksenija, Ranđelović, Predrag, Milić, Stanko, Sikora, Vladimir, Bekavac, Goran, Bajić, Ivana, Simić, Dejan, "Primena indirektnih metoda u obračunu utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju kukuruza" in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy, 43, no. 2 (2019):78-91, .

Effect of cadmium on germination and growth of wheat

Kastori, Rudolf; Maksimović, Ivana; Putnik-Delić, Marina; Momčilović, Vojislava; Rajić, Milena M.

(Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 2019)

AU  - Kastori, Rudolf
AU  - Maksimović, Ivana
AU  - Putnik-Delić, Marina
AU  - Momčilović, Vojislava
AU  - Rajić, Milena M.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In this study, the effect of Cd on the germination, growth of seedlings and composition of plants deriving from contaminated grains, grown in the field, was examined. Wheat grains were soaked in Cd-containing solutions: 0 (control, deionized water), 10-5 , 10-4 , 10-3 , and 10-2 M CdCl 2 during 24h. One portion of grains was used to test germination and seedling growth, while the other was sown in the field. The concentration of Cd in the grains almost linearly increased with the increase in the applied concentrations of Cd, which reduced the germination and energy of germination and increased the proportion of atypical seedlings. Larger concentrations of Cd significantly impaired the growth of seedlings (length of the shoots and roots, dry matter mass). In the grains of the field-grown plants the concentrations of N, P, and K were not affected by Cd, but their concentrations in the straw declined (especially of N). These results suggest that the emergence and development of plants on the soil polluted by Cd are likely to be significantly limited and yield reduced.
AB  - Kadmijum (Cd) je potencijalni zagađivač sredine živih organizama i pri većim koncentracijama odlikuje se jakim fitotoksičnim dejstvom. U radu je u laboratorijskim uslovima proučeno dejstvo različitih koncentracija kadmijuma na klijanje i rast mladih biljaka pšenice, a u poljskim uslovima njegov uticaj na koncentraciju mineralnih materija u zrnu i slami u fazi pune zrelosti biljaka, koje su potekle od zrna tretiranog kadmijumom. S povećanjem koncentracije kadmijuma u fazi bubrenja semena skoro se linerano povećala njegova koncentracija u semenu. Utvrđeno je da veće koncentracije kadmijuma značajno smanjuje klijanje i energiju klijanja semena, a povećavaju učešće atipičnih klijanaca i neproklijalog semena. Veće koncentracije kadmijuma značajno su smanjile rast mladih biljaka kao i masu njihove suve materije. Rast nadzemnog dela i korena smanjen je u većoj meri od mase suve materije, na osnovu čega se može zaključiti da je kadmijum u većoj meri uticao na faktore rasta nego na stvaranje suve mase. Najveća primenjena koncentracija kadmijuma smanjila je hidratisanost 68 nadzemnog dela mladih biljaka. Bubrenje semena u prisustvu različitih koncentracije kadmijuma nije uticalo na koncentraciju azota, fosfora i kalijuma u zrnu, a smanjilo je njihovo prisustvo u slami, naročito azota na kraju vegetacije. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju nalaze ranijih istraživanja kod drugih biljnih vrsta na osnovu kojih su fiziološki i biohemijski procesi klijanja semena značajno inhibirani u prisustvu većih koncentracija kadmijuma. Na osnovu navedenog može se predvideti da će na zemljištu zagađenom kadmijumom nicanje useva i rast mladih biljaka pšenice biti ograničeno, što će se nepovoljno odraziti na prinos useva.
PB  - Matica srpska, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
T1  - Effect of cadmium on germination and growth of wheat
T1  - Uticaj kadmijuma na klijanje semena i rast pšenice
EP  - 68
IS  - 136
SP  - 57
DO  - 10.2298/ZMSPN1936057K
ER  - 
author = "Kastori, Rudolf and Maksimović, Ivana and Putnik-Delić, Marina and Momčilović, Vojislava and Rajić, Milena M.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In this study, the effect of Cd on the germination, growth of seedlings and composition of plants deriving from contaminated grains, grown in the field, was examined. Wheat grains were soaked in Cd-containing solutions: 0 (control, deionized water), 10-5 , 10-4 , 10-3 , and 10-2 M CdCl 2 during 24h. One portion of grains was used to test germination and seedling growth, while the other was sown in the field. The concentration of Cd in the grains almost linearly increased with the increase in the applied concentrations of Cd, which reduced the germination and energy of germination and increased the proportion of atypical seedlings. Larger concentrations of Cd significantly impaired the growth of seedlings (length of the shoots and roots, dry matter mass). In the grains of the field-grown plants the concentrations of N, P, and K were not affected by Cd, but their concentrations in the straw declined (especially of N). These results suggest that the emergence and development of plants on the soil polluted by Cd are likely to be significantly limited and yield reduced., Kadmijum (Cd) je potencijalni zagađivač sredine živih organizama i pri većim koncentracijama odlikuje se jakim fitotoksičnim dejstvom. U radu je u laboratorijskim uslovima proučeno dejstvo različitih koncentracija kadmijuma na klijanje i rast mladih biljaka pšenice, a u poljskim uslovima njegov uticaj na koncentraciju mineralnih materija u zrnu i slami u fazi pune zrelosti biljaka, koje su potekle od zrna tretiranog kadmijumom. S povećanjem koncentracije kadmijuma u fazi bubrenja semena skoro se linerano povećala njegova koncentracija u semenu. Utvrđeno je da veće koncentracije kadmijuma značajno smanjuje klijanje i energiju klijanja semena, a povećavaju učešće atipičnih klijanaca i neproklijalog semena. Veće koncentracije kadmijuma značajno su smanjile rast mladih biljaka kao i masu njihove suve materije. Rast nadzemnog dela i korena smanjen je u većoj meri od mase suve materije, na osnovu čega se može zaključiti da je kadmijum u većoj meri uticao na faktore rasta nego na stvaranje suve mase. Najveća primenjena koncentracija kadmijuma smanjila je hidratisanost 68 nadzemnog dela mladih biljaka. Bubrenje semena u prisustvu različitih koncentracije kadmijuma nije uticalo na koncentraciju azota, fosfora i kalijuma u zrnu, a smanjilo je njihovo prisustvo u slami, naročito azota na kraju vegetacije. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju nalaze ranijih istraživanja kod drugih biljnih vrsta na osnovu kojih su fiziološki i biohemijski procesi klijanja semena značajno inhibirani u prisustvu većih koncentracija kadmijuma. Na osnovu navedenog može se predvideti da će na zemljištu zagađenom kadmijumom nicanje useva i rast mladih biljaka pšenice biti ograničeno, što će se nepovoljno odraziti na prinos useva.",
publisher = "Matica srpska, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke",
title = "Effect of cadmium on germination and growth of wheat, Uticaj kadmijuma na klijanje semena i rast pšenice",
pages = "68-57",
number = "136",
doi = "10.2298/ZMSPN1936057K"
Kastori, R., Maksimović, I., Putnik-Delić, M., Momčilović, V.,& Rajić, M. M.. (2019). Effect of cadmium on germination and growth of wheat. in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
Matica srpska, Novi Sad.(136), 57-68.
Kastori R, Maksimović I, Putnik-Delić M, Momčilović V, Rajić MM. Effect of cadmium on germination and growth of wheat. in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke. 2019;(136):57-68.
doi:10.2298/ZMSPN1936057K .
Kastori, Rudolf, Maksimović, Ivana, Putnik-Delić, Marina, Momčilović, Vojislava, Rajić, Milena M., "Effect of cadmium on germination and growth of wheat" in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, no. 136 (2019):57-68, . .

The effects of summer crops grown after winter cover crops on soil compaction

Vojnov, Bojan; Šeremešić, Srđan; Ćupina, Branko; Crnobarac, Jovan; Krstić, Đorđe; Vujić, Svetlana; Živanov, Milorad

(Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Vojnov, Bojan
AU  - Šeremešić, Srđan
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Crnobarac, Jovan
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
AU  - Živanov, Milorad
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the paper was to determine the influence of cover crops (CC) and cultivated crops in the subsequent sowing period (maize, soybean and sudan grass) on the physical properties of the soil, and above all on the soil compaction.Research was carried out at the Rimski Šančevi experimental station. Type of soil - chernozem. The winter CC consisted of the combined intercrops: winter pea (Pisum sativum ssp. Arvense L.) + triticale ((×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus) (PT) and single-species CC winter pea (P)and control (without CC). Plowing of CC and control plots was carried out in the last week of May 2018, and the sowing of maize, soybean and sudan grass was carried out in early June. Soil compaction was analyzed on the basis of collected data on the resistance of cone penetration into the soil and the immediate moisture content of the soil. The penetration resistance of the cone into the soil was determined using an electric penetrologger Eijkelkamp Penetrologger. Measurement of the resistance was carried out to a depth of 80 cm and expressed in MPa. Based on the conducted research, the smallest percentage content of soil moisture at depths of up to 20 cm was determined for maize varieties (PT) of 10.5% vol.and the highest on the control plot (without CC) (25.7% vol.), as a consequence of the absence of the CC, but also the dense structure of Sudan grass and reduced evaporation from the production area. The lowest Cone index (CI) was measured on a plot also with sudan grass, on the soil preceded by the cultivation of the winter pea as cover crop ( 2,3), while the highest index (3,6) was measured in the soybean crop on variants (PT). The specific resistance to penetration of the cone was varied both on varieties of inter CC (PT), single CC (P) and control, as well as in different cultivated species in the subsequent sowing period. The highest value of the specific resistance in the depth 0-20 cm was found in soybean (PT) 2.76 MPa, and also increased compation in the same crop in the layer (20-40 cm). On the basis of the obtained values it can be concluded that maize least affects soil compaction, unlike soybean, while in relation to the cover crops it is determined that the winter pea has the least impact on soil compaction.
AB  - Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi uticaj ozimih međuuseva i useva gajenih u naknadnom roku setve (kukuruz, soja i sudanska trava) naparametar sabijenosti zemljišta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na oglednom polju Rimski Šančevi (45°19'N i 19°50'E). Tip zemljišta černozem. Ogled sa ozimim međuusevima sastojao se iz združenog useva ozimog stočnog graška (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.) i tritikalea (×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus) (T+G), čistog useva ozimog stočnog graška (G) i kontrole bez međuuseva (K). Zaoravanje međuuseva obavljeno je u poslednjoj nedelji maja meseca 2018. godine, a setva kukuruza, soje i sudanske trave početkom juna 2018. godine. Sabijenost zemljišta analizirana je na osnovu podataka o otporu prodiranja konusa u zemljište i momentalnoj vlažnosti zemljišta pomoću penetrometra (Eijkelkamp Penetrologger) do 80 cm dubine. Na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja, najmanji procentualni sadržaj vode u zemljištu na dubini od 0 do 20 cm utvrđen je na parceli pod kukuruzom na varijanti T+G 10,5% vol. (zapreminskih), a najveći na K (25,7% vol.), kao posledica odsustva međuuseva i smanjene evaporacije sa proizvodne površine. Najmanji Cone Index (CI) izmeren je na parceli sa sudanskom travom, na kojoj je prethodno gajen ozimi grašak kao međuusev (2,3), a najveći (3,6) u usevu soje na varijanti T+G. Najveća vrednost specifičnog otpora u oraničnom horizontu (0-20 cm) izmerena je u usevu soje (T+G) - 2,76 MPa, a takođe je utvrđena povećana sabijenost kod istog useva u podoraničnom sloju (20-40 cm). Na osnovu utvrđenih vrednosti specifičnog otpora zemljišta može se zaključiti da usev kukuruza najmanje utiče na sabijanje zemljišta, za razliku od soje, dok je u pogledu međuuseva utvrđeno da grašak ima najmanji uticaj na sabijanje zemljišta.
PB  - Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd
T2  - Zemljište i biljka
T1  - The effects of summer crops grown after winter cover crops on soil compaction
T1  - Uticaj jarih useva gajenih nakon ozimih međuuseva na stanje sabijenosti zemljišta
EP  - 80
IS  - 2
SP  - 72
VL  - 68
DO  - 10.5937/ZemBilj1902072V
ER  - 
author = "Vojnov, Bojan and Šeremešić, Srđan and Ćupina, Branko and Crnobarac, Jovan and Krstić, Đorđe and Vujić, Svetlana and Živanov, Milorad",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The aim of the paper was to determine the influence of cover crops (CC) and cultivated crops in the subsequent sowing period (maize, soybean and sudan grass) on the physical properties of the soil, and above all on the soil compaction.Research was carried out at the Rimski Šančevi experimental station. Type of soil - chernozem. The winter CC consisted of the combined intercrops: winter pea (Pisum sativum ssp. Arvense L.) + triticale ((×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus) (PT) and single-species CC winter pea (P)and control (without CC). Plowing of CC and control plots was carried out in the last week of May 2018, and the sowing of maize, soybean and sudan grass was carried out in early June. Soil compaction was analyzed on the basis of collected data on the resistance of cone penetration into the soil and the immediate moisture content of the soil. The penetration resistance of the cone into the soil was determined using an electric penetrologger Eijkelkamp Penetrologger. Measurement of the resistance was carried out to a depth of 80 cm and expressed in MPa. Based on the conducted research, the smallest percentage content of soil moisture at depths of up to 20 cm was determined for maize varieties (PT) of 10.5% vol.and the highest on the control plot (without CC) (25.7% vol.), as a consequence of the absence of the CC, but also the dense structure of Sudan grass and reduced evaporation from the production area. The lowest Cone index (CI) was measured on a plot also with sudan grass, on the soil preceded by the cultivation of the winter pea as cover crop ( 2,3), while the highest index (3,6) was measured in the soybean crop on variants (PT). The specific resistance to penetration of the cone was varied both on varieties of inter CC (PT), single CC (P) and control, as well as in different cultivated species in the subsequent sowing period. The highest value of the specific resistance in the depth 0-20 cm was found in soybean (PT) 2.76 MPa, and also increased compation in the same crop in the layer (20-40 cm). On the basis of the obtained values it can be concluded that maize least affects soil compaction, unlike soybean, while in relation to the cover crops it is determined that the winter pea has the least impact on soil compaction., Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi uticaj ozimih međuuseva i useva gajenih u naknadnom roku setve (kukuruz, soja i sudanska trava) naparametar sabijenosti zemljišta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na oglednom polju Rimski Šančevi (45°19'N i 19°50'E). Tip zemljišta černozem. Ogled sa ozimim međuusevima sastojao se iz združenog useva ozimog stočnog graška (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.) i tritikalea (×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus) (T+G), čistog useva ozimog stočnog graška (G) i kontrole bez međuuseva (K). Zaoravanje međuuseva obavljeno je u poslednjoj nedelji maja meseca 2018. godine, a setva kukuruza, soje i sudanske trave početkom juna 2018. godine. Sabijenost zemljišta analizirana je na osnovu podataka o otporu prodiranja konusa u zemljište i momentalnoj vlažnosti zemljišta pomoću penetrometra (Eijkelkamp Penetrologger) do 80 cm dubine. Na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja, najmanji procentualni sadržaj vode u zemljištu na dubini od 0 do 20 cm utvrđen je na parceli pod kukuruzom na varijanti T+G 10,5% vol. (zapreminskih), a najveći na K (25,7% vol.), kao posledica odsustva međuuseva i smanjene evaporacije sa proizvodne površine. Najmanji Cone Index (CI) izmeren je na parceli sa sudanskom travom, na kojoj je prethodno gajen ozimi grašak kao međuusev (2,3), a najveći (3,6) u usevu soje na varijanti T+G. Najveća vrednost specifičnog otpora u oraničnom horizontu (0-20 cm) izmerena je u usevu soje (T+G) - 2,76 MPa, a takođe je utvrđena povećana sabijenost kod istog useva u podoraničnom sloju (20-40 cm). Na osnovu utvrđenih vrednosti specifičnog otpora zemljišta može se zaključiti da usev kukuruza najmanje utiče na sabijanje zemljišta, za razliku od soje, dok je u pogledu međuuseva utvrđeno da grašak ima najmanji uticaj na sabijanje zemljišta.",
publisher = "Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd",
journal = "Zemljište i biljka",
title = "The effects of summer crops grown after winter cover crops on soil compaction, Uticaj jarih useva gajenih nakon ozimih međuuseva na stanje sabijenosti zemljišta",
pages = "80-72",
number = "2",
volume = "68",
doi = "10.5937/ZemBilj1902072V"
Vojnov, B., Šeremešić, S., Ćupina, B., Crnobarac, J., Krstić, Đ., Vujić, S.,& Živanov, M.. (2019). The effects of summer crops grown after winter cover crops on soil compaction. in Zemljište i biljka
Unija bioloških naučnih društava Jugoslavije, Beograd., 68(2), 72-80.
Vojnov B, Šeremešić S, Ćupina B, Crnobarac J, Krstić Đ, Vujić S, Živanov M. The effects of summer crops grown after winter cover crops on soil compaction. in Zemljište i biljka. 2019;68(2):72-80.
doi:10.5937/ZemBilj1902072V .
Vojnov, Bojan, Šeremešić, Srđan, Ćupina, Branko, Crnobarac, Jovan, Krstić, Đorđe, Vujić, Svetlana, Živanov, Milorad, "The effects of summer crops grown after winter cover crops on soil compaction" in Zemljište i biljka, 68, no. 2 (2019):72-80, . .

Effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

Pejić, Borivoj; Sikora, Vladimir; Milić, Stanko; Mačkić, Ksenija; Koren, Anamarija; Bajić, Ivana

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Pejić, Borivoj
AU  - Sikora, Vladimir
AU  - Milić, Stanko
AU  - Mačkić, Ksenija
AU  - Koren, Anamarija
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The experiments showing the effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) were conducted at the experimental field of the Alternative Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. Irrigation was based on the water balance method. Daily evapotranspiration (ETd) was computed from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (kc) 0.5, 0.9 and 1.1 from sowing to 3-4 pair of leaves, from 3-4 pair of leaves to appearance of male flowers and from appearance of male flowers to the end of the season, respectively. ETo was calculated using Hargreaves equation. The irrigation depth was restricted to the soil depth of 0.4 m. In other words, irrigation started when readily available water in the soil layer of 0.4 m was completely depleted by plants. The irrigation rate was 30 mm at the beginning of the season, 40 mm in the middle of the season, and the amount of water added by irrigation was 320 mm during the entire season. Irrigation significantly affected the yield of fresh stems, fresh leaves, flowers and plant height, but not stem diameter and fibre content. Water used on evapotranspiration in irrigation conditions (ETm) was 470 mm, while in non-irrigated control variant it amounted to 129 mm (ETa). These preliminary results could be used as a good platform for hemp growers in the region, in terms of optimizing the use of irrigation water.
AB  - Eksperimentalna istraživanja o uticaju navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju konoplje za vlakno (Cannabis sativa L.) su obavljena na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne vrste u Bačkom Petrovcu. Vreme zalivanja je određivano obračunom vodnog bilansa. Dnevne vrednosti utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju biljaka (ETd) su obračunate korišćenjem referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo) i koeficijenata useva (kc) čije su vrednosti 0,5, 0,9 i 1,1 za potperiode vegetacije konoplje od setve do porasta 3-4 lista, od 3-4 lista do pojave muških cvetova i od pojave muških cvetova do žetve. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) računata je formulom Hargreaves-a. Zalivanje je obavljano kada su rezerve lakopristupačne vode u sloju zemljišta dubine 0,4 m bile iskorišćene. Zalivna norma je na početku vegetacije iznosila 30 mm, a od sredine vegetacije 40 mm. Navodnjavanjem je ukupno dodato 320 mm vode. Navodnjavanje je signifikantno uticalo na prinos sveže stabljike, svežih listova i cvetova i visinu biljaka, ali ne i na dijametar stabla i sadržaj vlakna. Utrošak vode na evapotranspiraciju biljaka u uslovima navodnjavanja (ETm) iznosio je 470 mm, a u uslovima bez navodnjavanja (ETa) 129 mm. Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja mogu biti korišćeni kao dobra osnova za proizvođače konoplje u regionu, u smislu racionalnog korišćenja vode za navodnjavanje.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
T1  - Effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
T1  - Uticaj navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju konoplje za vlakno (Cannabis sativa L.)
EP  - 134
IS  - 3
SP  - 130
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.5937/RatPov1803130P
ER  - 
author = "Pejić, Borivoj and Sikora, Vladimir and Milić, Stanko and Mačkić, Ksenija and Koren, Anamarija and Bajić, Ivana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The experiments showing the effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) were conducted at the experimental field of the Alternative Crops Department, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. Irrigation was based on the water balance method. Daily evapotranspiration (ETd) was computed from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (kc) 0.5, 0.9 and 1.1 from sowing to 3-4 pair of leaves, from 3-4 pair of leaves to appearance of male flowers and from appearance of male flowers to the end of the season, respectively. ETo was calculated using Hargreaves equation. The irrigation depth was restricted to the soil depth of 0.4 m. In other words, irrigation started when readily available water in the soil layer of 0.4 m was completely depleted by plants. The irrigation rate was 30 mm at the beginning of the season, 40 mm in the middle of the season, and the amount of water added by irrigation was 320 mm during the entire season. Irrigation significantly affected the yield of fresh stems, fresh leaves, flowers and plant height, but not stem diameter and fibre content. Water used on evapotranspiration in irrigation conditions (ETm) was 470 mm, while in non-irrigated control variant it amounted to 129 mm (ETa). These preliminary results could be used as a good platform for hemp growers in the region, in terms of optimizing the use of irrigation water., Eksperimentalna istraživanja o uticaju navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju konoplje za vlakno (Cannabis sativa L.) su obavljena na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne vrste u Bačkom Petrovcu. Vreme zalivanja je određivano obračunom vodnog bilansa. Dnevne vrednosti utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju biljaka (ETd) su obračunate korišćenjem referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo) i koeficijenata useva (kc) čije su vrednosti 0,5, 0,9 i 1,1 za potperiode vegetacije konoplje od setve do porasta 3-4 lista, od 3-4 lista do pojave muških cvetova i od pojave muških cvetova do žetve. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) računata je formulom Hargreaves-a. Zalivanje je obavljano kada su rezerve lakopristupačne vode u sloju zemljišta dubine 0,4 m bile iskorišćene. Zalivna norma je na početku vegetacije iznosila 30 mm, a od sredine vegetacije 40 mm. Navodnjavanjem je ukupno dodato 320 mm vode. Navodnjavanje je signifikantno uticalo na prinos sveže stabljike, svežih listova i cvetova i visinu biljaka, ali ne i na dijametar stabla i sadržaj vlakna. Utrošak vode na evapotranspiraciju biljaka u uslovima navodnjavanja (ETm) iznosio je 470 mm, a u uslovima bez navodnjavanja (ETa) 129 mm. Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja mogu biti korišćeni kao dobra osnova za proizvođače konoplje u regionu, u smislu racionalnog korišćenja vode za navodnjavanje.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research",
title = "Effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), Uticaj navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju konoplje za vlakno (Cannabis sativa L.)",
pages = "134-130",
number = "3",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.5937/RatPov1803130P"
Pejić, B., Sikora, V., Milić, S., Mačkić, K., Koren, A.,& Bajić, I.. (2018). Effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 55(3), 130-134.
Pejić B, Sikora V, Milić S, Mačkić K, Koren A, Bajić I. Effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research. 2018;55(3):130-134.
doi:10.5937/RatPov1803130P .
Pejić, Borivoj, Sikora, Vladimir, Milić, Stanko, Mačkić, Ksenija, Koren, Anamarija, Bajić, Ivana, "Effect of drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 55, no. 3 (2018):130-134, . .

Efekat površinskog i potpovršinskog navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza

Pejić, Borivoj; Mačkić, Ksenija; Milić, Stanko; Maksimović, Livija; Bajić, Ivana; jančić-Tovljanin, Milena

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2018)

AU  - Pejić, Borivoj
AU  - Mačkić, Ksenija
AU  - Milić, Stanko
AU  - Maksimović, Livija
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
AU  - jančić-Tovljanin, Milena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Ogled sa navodnjavanjem kukuruza izveden je 2018. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne kulture u Bačkom Petrovcu, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem. Kukuruz je navodnjavan sistemom kap po kap sa postavljenim lateralima u svakom redu, sa razmakom kapljača od 33 cm i protokom 2,0 l h-1 pri pritisku od 100 kPa. U ogledu su bile zastupljene dve varijante navodnjavanja, sa lateralima postavljenim na površini zemljišta (DI) i ukopanih ispod površine zemljišta na dubini 5-6 cm (shellow subsurface drip irrigation SSDI). Takođe, bila je zastupljena i kontrolna varijanta bez navodnjavanja. Vreme zalivanja je određivano metodom vodnog bilansa primenom koeficijenata kulture (kc) i referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo). Obračun ETo je rađen Hargreaves metodom. Za obračun dnevnog utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju korišćeni su koeficijenti kulture (maj 0,3-0,5, jun 0,7-0,85, jul 1,05-1,2, avgust 0,8-0,9, septembar 0,5-0,6). U ogledu je bio zastupljen hibrid NS 6030. Navodnjavanjem je dodato 55 mm vode. Prinos kukuruza na SSDI varijanti navodnjavanja (14,311 t ha-1) bio je signifikantno veći u odnosu na kontrolnu, nenavodnjavanu varijantu (12,846 t ha-1). Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosu između DI (13,833 t ha-1) i kontrolne, nenavodnjavane varijante, a takođe ni između SSDI i DI varijante navodnjavanja. U uslovima navodnjavanja utrošak vode na evapotranspiraciju (ЕТm) iznosio je 502 mm, a na kontrolnoj varijanti bez navodnjavanja (ЕТa) 352 mm. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u vrednostima iskorišćenosti vode dodate navodnjavanjem (Iwue) između SSDI varijante (2,66 kg m-3) i DI varijante navodnjavanja (1,80 kg m-3). Veći prinosi kukuruza i veće Iwue vrednosti na SSDI varijanti navodnjavanja u odnosu na DI varijantu, bez obzira na činjenicu da razlike nisu bile statistički značajne, ukazuju na potrebu daljih istraživanja imajući u vidu brojne prednosti navodnjavanja sa lateralima postavljenim neposredno ispod površine zemljišta (SSDI).
AB  - The experiment with irrigated maize was conducted at Bački Petrovac experimental field (N 45°19`, E 19°50`) of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the calcareous chernozem soil on the loess terrace in 2018. The plants were drip irrigated with a lateral row per plant row (0.7 m) with drippers spaced every 0.33 m. The drippers had an average flow of 2.0 1 h-1 under a pressure of 100 kPa. The experiment included two irrigation variants, with lateral placed on the soil surface (DI) and buried under the surface of soil at a depth of 5-6 cm (SSDI). The trial also included the non-irrigated (rainfed) control variant. Irrigation was scheduled on the basis of water balance method using reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficients (kc). ETo was calculated by Hargreaves equation. Daily evapotranspiration (ETd) was computed using the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (kc) of 0.3-0.5, 0.7-0.85, 1.05-1.2, 0.8-0.9, and 0.5-0.6 for April-May, June, July August and September respectively. Maize hybrid NS 6030 were used for the trials. Water applied by irrigation was 55 mm. In the study, the yield of maize was statistically higher in SSDI irrigated variant (14,311 t ha-1) than in non-irrigated, control variant (12.846 t ha-1). The statistical differences were not detected between DI (13.833 t ha-1) and control variant and SSDI and DI variant of irrigation. Evapotranspiration rate in irrigation conditions (ETm) and in rainfed control variant (ETa) were 502 mm and 352 mm respectively. The values of irrigation water use efficiency (Iwue) obtained on SSDI (2.66 kg m-3) and DI (1.80 kg m-3) variant were not statistically different. Higher yields and Iwue values of maize obtained in SSDI irrigation variant compared to DI variant, regardless the fact that the differences were not statistically significant, indicate the need for further research because of the numerous advantages that irrigation with laterals placed shallow below the surface area have.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T2  - Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy
T1  - Efekat površinskog i potpovršinskog navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza
T1  - Effect of surface and subsurface drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of maize
EP  - 8
IS  - 2
SP  - 1
VL  - 42
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pejić, Borivoj and Mačkić, Ksenija and Milić, Stanko and Maksimović, Livija and Bajić, Ivana and jančić-Tovljanin, Milena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Ogled sa navodnjavanjem kukuruza izveden je 2018. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada u Odeljenju za alternativne biljne kulture u Bačkom Petrovcu, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem. Kukuruz je navodnjavan sistemom kap po kap sa postavljenim lateralima u svakom redu, sa razmakom kapljača od 33 cm i protokom 2,0 l h-1 pri pritisku od 100 kPa. U ogledu su bile zastupljene dve varijante navodnjavanja, sa lateralima postavljenim na površini zemljišta (DI) i ukopanih ispod površine zemljišta na dubini 5-6 cm (shellow subsurface drip irrigation SSDI). Takođe, bila je zastupljena i kontrolna varijanta bez navodnjavanja. Vreme zalivanja je određivano metodom vodnog bilansa primenom koeficijenata kulture (kc) i referentne evapotranspiracije (ETo). Obračun ETo je rađen Hargreaves metodom. Za obračun dnevnog utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju korišćeni su koeficijenti kulture (maj 0,3-0,5, jun 0,7-0,85, jul 1,05-1,2, avgust 0,8-0,9, septembar 0,5-0,6). U ogledu je bio zastupljen hibrid NS 6030. Navodnjavanjem je dodato 55 mm vode. Prinos kukuruza na SSDI varijanti navodnjavanja (14,311 t ha-1) bio je signifikantno veći u odnosu na kontrolnu, nenavodnjavanu varijantu (12,846 t ha-1). Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosu između DI (13,833 t ha-1) i kontrolne, nenavodnjavane varijante, a takođe ni između SSDI i DI varijante navodnjavanja. U uslovima navodnjavanja utrošak vode na evapotranspiraciju (ЕТm) iznosio je 502 mm, a na kontrolnoj varijanti bez navodnjavanja (ЕТa) 352 mm. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u vrednostima iskorišćenosti vode dodate navodnjavanjem (Iwue) između SSDI varijante (2,66 kg m-3) i DI varijante navodnjavanja (1,80 kg m-3). Veći prinosi kukuruza i veće Iwue vrednosti na SSDI varijanti navodnjavanja u odnosu na DI varijantu, bez obzira na činjenicu da razlike nisu bile statistički značajne, ukazuju na potrebu daljih istraživanja imajući u vidu brojne prednosti navodnjavanja sa lateralima postavljenim neposredno ispod površine zemljišta (SSDI)., The experiment with irrigated maize was conducted at Bački Petrovac experimental field (N 45°19`, E 19°50`) of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the calcareous chernozem soil on the loess terrace in 2018. The plants were drip irrigated with a lateral row per plant row (0.7 m) with drippers spaced every 0.33 m. The drippers had an average flow of 2.0 1 h-1 under a pressure of 100 kPa. The experiment included two irrigation variants, with lateral placed on the soil surface (DI) and buried under the surface of soil at a depth of 5-6 cm (SSDI). The trial also included the non-irrigated (rainfed) control variant. Irrigation was scheduled on the basis of water balance method using reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficients (kc). ETo was calculated by Hargreaves equation. Daily evapotranspiration (ETd) was computed using the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop coefficient (kc) of 0.3-0.5, 0.7-0.85, 1.05-1.2, 0.8-0.9, and 0.5-0.6 for April-May, June, July August and September respectively. Maize hybrid NS 6030 were used for the trials. Water applied by irrigation was 55 mm. In the study, the yield of maize was statistically higher in SSDI irrigated variant (14,311 t ha-1) than in non-irrigated, control variant (12.846 t ha-1). The statistical differences were not detected between DI (13.833 t ha-1) and control variant and SSDI and DI variant of irrigation. Evapotranspiration rate in irrigation conditions (ETm) and in rainfed control variant (ETa) were 502 mm and 352 mm respectively. The values of irrigation water use efficiency (Iwue) obtained on SSDI (2.66 kg m-3) and DI (1.80 kg m-3) variant were not statistically different. Higher yields and Iwue values of maize obtained in SSDI irrigation variant compared to DI variant, regardless the fact that the differences were not statistically significant, indicate the need for further research because of the numerous advantages that irrigation with laterals placed shallow below the surface area have.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy",
title = "Efekat površinskog i potpovršinskog navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza, Effect of surface and subsurface drip irrigation on yield and evapotranspiration of maize",
pages = "8-1",
number = "2",
volume = "42",
url = ""
Pejić, B., Mačkić, K., Milić, S., Maksimović, L., Bajić, I.,& jančić-Tovljanin, M.. (2018). Efekat površinskog i potpovršinskog navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza. in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet., 42(2), 1-8.
Pejić B, Mačkić K, Milić S, Maksimović L, Bajić I, jančić-Tovljanin M. Efekat površinskog i potpovršinskog navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza. in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy. 2018;42(2):1-8. .
Pejić, Borivoj, Mačkić, Ksenija, Milić, Stanko, Maksimović, Livija, Bajić, Ivana, jančić-Tovljanin, Milena, "Efekat površinskog i potpovršinskog navodnjavanja kapanjem na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza" in Letopis naučnih radova / Annals of Agronomy, 42, no. 2 (2018):1-8, .

Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment

Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Aleksandar; Vujić, Svetlana; Ćupina, Branko; Krstić, Đorđe; Dimitrijević, Aleksandra; Vasiljević, Sanja; Mihailović, Vojislav; Cvejić, Sandra; Miladinović, Dragana

(Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne, 2017)

AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Dimitrijević, Aleksandra
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Legumes and brassicas have much in common: importance in agricultural history, rich biodiversity, numerous forms of use, high adaptability to diverse farming designs, and various non-food applications. Rare available resources demonstrate intercropping legumes and brassicas as beneficial to both, especially for the latter, profiting from better nitrogen nutrition. Our team aimed at designing a scheme of the intercrops of autumnand spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for ruminant feeding and green manure, and has carried out a set of field trials in a temperate Southeast European environment and during the past decade, aimed at assessing their potential for yields of forage dry matter and aboveground biomass nitrogen and their economic reliability via land equivalent ratio. This review provides a cross-view of the most important deliverables of our applied research, including eight annual legume crops and six brassica species, demonstrating that nearly all the intercrops were economically reliable, as well as that those involving hairy vetch, Hungarian vetch, Narbonne vetch and pea on one side, and fodder kale and rapeseed on the other, were most productive in both manners. Feeling encouraged that this pioneering study may stimulate similar analyses in other environments and that intercropping annual legume and brassicas may play a large-scale role in diverse cropping systems, our team is heading a detailed examination of various extended research.
PB  - Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne
T2  - Frontiers in Plant Science
T1  - Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment
SP  - 312
VL  - 8
DO  - 10.3389/fpls.2017.00312
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Aleksandar and Vujić, Svetlana and Ćupina, Branko and Krstić, Đorđe and Dimitrijević, Aleksandra and Vasiljević, Sanja and Mihailović, Vojislav and Cvejić, Sandra and Miladinović, Dragana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Legumes and brassicas have much in common: importance in agricultural history, rich biodiversity, numerous forms of use, high adaptability to diverse farming designs, and various non-food applications. Rare available resources demonstrate intercropping legumes and brassicas as beneficial to both, especially for the latter, profiting from better nitrogen nutrition. Our team aimed at designing a scheme of the intercrops of autumnand spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for ruminant feeding and green manure, and has carried out a set of field trials in a temperate Southeast European environment and during the past decade, aimed at assessing their potential for yields of forage dry matter and aboveground biomass nitrogen and their economic reliability via land equivalent ratio. This review provides a cross-view of the most important deliverables of our applied research, including eight annual legume crops and six brassica species, demonstrating that nearly all the intercrops were economically reliable, as well as that those involving hairy vetch, Hungarian vetch, Narbonne vetch and pea on one side, and fodder kale and rapeseed on the other, were most productive in both manners. Feeling encouraged that this pioneering study may stimulate similar analyses in other environments and that intercropping annual legume and brassicas may play a large-scale role in diverse cropping systems, our team is heading a detailed examination of various extended research.",
publisher = "Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne",
journal = "Frontiers in Plant Science",
title = "Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment",
pages = "312",
volume = "8",
doi = "10.3389/fpls.2017.00312"
Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Mikić, A., Vujić, S., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Dimitrijević, A., Vasiljević, S., Mihailović, V., Cvejić, S.,& Miladinović, D.. (2017). Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment. in Frontiers in Plant Science
Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne., 8, 312.
Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić A, Vujić S, Ćupina B, Krstić Đ, Dimitrijević A, Vasiljević S, Mihailović V, Cvejić S, Miladinović D. Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment. in Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017;8:312.
doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00312 .
Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Aleksandar, Vujić, Svetlana, Ćupina, Branko, Krstić, Đorđe, Dimitrijević, Aleksandra, Vasiljević, Sanja, Mihailović, Vojislav, Cvejić, Sandra, Miladinović, Dragana, "Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment" in Frontiers in Plant Science, 8 (2017):312, . .

Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research

Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Ćeran, Marina; Ćupina, Branko; Đorđević, Vuk; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Sanja; Perić, Vesna; Savić, Aleksandra; Srebrić, Mirjana; Terzić, Sreten; Vasić, Mirjana; Vasiljević, Sanja; Vujić, Svetlana

(International Legume Society, 2016)

AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćeran, Marina
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Perić, Vesna
AU  - Savić, Aleksandra
AU  - Srebrić, Mirjana
AU  - Terzić, Sreten
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Our intention was to give a very rough draft of 1) our contemporary knowledge on various aspects of the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) biodiversity, 2) most important aspects of breeding this crop for forage, grain and biomass yield and ornamental purposes and 3) innovative approaches in its agronomy, such as intercropping with other legumes.
PB  - International Legume Society
T2  - Legume Perspectives
T1  - Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research
EP  - 15
SP  - 9
VL  - 13
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Ćeran, Marina and Ćupina, Branko and Đorđević, Vuk and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Sanja and Perić, Vesna and Savić, Aleksandra and Srebrić, Mirjana and Terzić, Sreten and Vasić, Mirjana and Vasiljević, Sanja and Vujić, Svetlana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Our intention was to give a very rough draft of 1) our contemporary knowledge on various aspects of the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) biodiversity, 2) most important aspects of breeding this crop for forage, grain and biomass yield and ornamental purposes and 3) innovative approaches in its agronomy, such as intercropping with other legumes.",
publisher = "International Legume Society",
journal = "Legume Perspectives",
title = "Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research",
pages = "15-9",
volume = "13",
url = ""
Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Ćeran, M., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Mikić, S., Perić, V., Savić, A., Srebrić, M., Terzić, S., Vasić, M., Vasiljević, S.,& Vujić, S.. (2016). Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research. in Legume Perspectives
International Legume Society., 13, 9-15.
Mihailović V, Mikić A, Ćeran M, Ćupina B, Đorđević V, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić S, Perić V, Savić A, Srebrić M, Terzić S, Vasić M, Vasiljević S, Vujić S. Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research. in Legume Perspectives. 2016;13:9-15. .
Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Ćeran, Marina, Ćupina, Branko, Đorđević, Vuk, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Sanja, Perić, Vesna, Savić, Aleksandra, Srebrić, Mirjana, Terzić, Sreten, Vasić, Mirjana, Vasiljević, Sanja, Vujić, Svetlana, "Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research" in Legume Perspectives, 13 (2016):9-15, .

The effect of Ni on concentration of the most abundant essential cations in several Brassica species

Putnik-Delić, Marina; Maksimović, Ivana; Gani-Novaković, Ivana; Zeremski, Tijana; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana

(Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 2014)

AU  - Putnik-Delić, Marina
AU  - Maksimović, Ivana
AU  - Gani-Novaković, Ivana
AU  - Zeremski, Tijana
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Some plants from the genus Brassica have the ability to tolerate excessive concentrations of heavy metals, including Ni. Considering the fact that Ni is a very toxic element for living beings we wanted to examine its influence on some species from genus Brassicaceae. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Ni on distribution and accumulation of essential macronutrients from the standpoint of food quality and phytoremediation potential. Experiments were performed using winter (W) and spring (S) varieties of rapeseed (Brassica napus, L.), white mustard (Brassica alba, L.), black mustard (Brassica nigra, L.) and turnip (Brassica rapa, L.). The seeds were exposed to 10 µM Ni from the beginning of germination. Plants were grown in water cultures, in semi-controlled conditions of a greenhouse, on ½ strength Hoagland solution to which was added Ni in the same concentration as during germination. Concentrations and distribution of Ca, Mg, K in leaf and stem were altered in the presence of increased concentration of Ni. Significant differences were found between the control and Ni-treated plants as well as among the genotypes.
AB  - Neke biljke iz roda Brassica imaju sposobnost tolerancije prekomerne koncentracije teških metala, uključujući i nikal (Ni). Ispitivanje efikasnosti apsorpcije i akumulacije teških metala interesantno je sa stanovišta: 1) bezbednosti hrane, i 2) potencijala za fitoremedijaciju. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita efekat nikla na distribuciju i akumulaciju nekih esencijalnih katjona kao što su kalcijum (Ca), magnezijum (Mg) i kalijum (K). Eksperimenti su izvedeni nad ozimom i jarom uljanom repicom (Brassica napus L.), belom slačicom (Brassica alba, L.), crnom slačicom (Brassica nigra L.) i kupusnom uljanom repicom (Brassica rapa L.). Seme je bilo izloženo uticaju 10 µM nikla (Ni) od početka klijanja. Biljke su gajene u vodenim kulturama, u polukontrolisanim uslovima u stakleniku, na ½ Hogland-ovom hranljivom rastvoru, odnosno potpunom hranljivom rastvoru u koji je dodat nikal (Ni) u istoj koncentraciji kao i tokom klijanja. Sadržaj kalcijuma (Ca), magnezijuma (Mg) i kalijuma (K) u listu i stablu izmenjen je u prisustvu povećane koncentracije nikla (Ni). Značajne razlike ustanovljene su kako između kontrole i tretmana, tako i između genotipova. Svi testirani genotipovi ispoljili su značajnu sposobnost akumulacije nikla (Ni), s tim što je Brassica napus jara forma imala najveće razlike u koncentraciji u odnosu na kontrolu (u listu 67,75 puta, a u stablu 92,5).
PB  - Matica srpska, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
T1  - The effect of Ni on concentration of the most abundant essential cations in several Brassica species
T1  - Efekat Ni na koncentraciju najzastupljenijih esencijalnih katjona u nekim vrstama iz roda Brassica
EP  - 23
IS  - 126
SP  - 15
DO  - 10.2298/zmspn1426015P
ER  - 
author = "Putnik-Delić, Marina and Maksimović, Ivana and Gani-Novaković, Ivana and Zeremski, Tijana and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Some plants from the genus Brassica have the ability to tolerate excessive concentrations of heavy metals, including Ni. Considering the fact that Ni is a very toxic element for living beings we wanted to examine its influence on some species from genus Brassicaceae. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Ni on distribution and accumulation of essential macronutrients from the standpoint of food quality and phytoremediation potential. Experiments were performed using winter (W) and spring (S) varieties of rapeseed (Brassica napus, L.), white mustard (Brassica alba, L.), black mustard (Brassica nigra, L.) and turnip (Brassica rapa, L.). The seeds were exposed to 10 µM Ni from the beginning of germination. Plants were grown in water cultures, in semi-controlled conditions of a greenhouse, on ½ strength Hoagland solution to which was added Ni in the same concentration as during germination. Concentrations and distribution of Ca, Mg, K in leaf and stem were altered in the presence of increased concentration of Ni. Significant differences were found between the control and Ni-treated plants as well as among the genotypes., Neke biljke iz roda Brassica imaju sposobnost tolerancije prekomerne koncentracije teških metala, uključujući i nikal (Ni). Ispitivanje efikasnosti apsorpcije i akumulacije teških metala interesantno je sa stanovišta: 1) bezbednosti hrane, i 2) potencijala za fitoremedijaciju. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita efekat nikla na distribuciju i akumulaciju nekih esencijalnih katjona kao što su kalcijum (Ca), magnezijum (Mg) i kalijum (K). Eksperimenti su izvedeni nad ozimom i jarom uljanom repicom (Brassica napus L.), belom slačicom (Brassica alba, L.), crnom slačicom (Brassica nigra L.) i kupusnom uljanom repicom (Brassica rapa L.). Seme je bilo izloženo uticaju 10 µM nikla (Ni) od početka klijanja. Biljke su gajene u vodenim kulturama, u polukontrolisanim uslovima u stakleniku, na ½ Hogland-ovom hranljivom rastvoru, odnosno potpunom hranljivom rastvoru u koji je dodat nikal (Ni) u istoj koncentraciji kao i tokom klijanja. Sadržaj kalcijuma (Ca), magnezijuma (Mg) i kalijuma (K) u listu i stablu izmenjen je u prisustvu povećane koncentracije nikla (Ni). Značajne razlike ustanovljene su kako između kontrole i tretmana, tako i između genotipova. Svi testirani genotipovi ispoljili su značajnu sposobnost akumulacije nikla (Ni), s tim što je Brassica napus jara forma imala najveće razlike u koncentraciji u odnosu na kontrolu (u listu 67,75 puta, a u stablu 92,5).",
publisher = "Matica srpska, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke",
title = "The effect of Ni on concentration of the most abundant essential cations in several Brassica species, Efekat Ni na koncentraciju najzastupljenijih esencijalnih katjona u nekim vrstama iz roda Brassica",
pages = "23-15",
number = "126",
doi = "10.2298/zmspn1426015P"
Putnik-Delić, M., Maksimović, I., Gani-Novaković, I., Zeremski, T.,& Marjanović-Jeromela, A.. (2014). The effect of Ni on concentration of the most abundant essential cations in several Brassica species. in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
Matica srpska, Novi Sad.(126), 15-23.
Putnik-Delić M, Maksimović I, Gani-Novaković I, Zeremski T, Marjanović-Jeromela A. The effect of Ni on concentration of the most abundant essential cations in several Brassica species. in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke. 2014;(126):15-23.
doi:10.2298/zmspn1426015P .
Putnik-Delić, Marina, Maksimović, Ivana, Gani-Novaković, Ivana, Zeremski, Tijana, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, "The effect of Ni on concentration of the most abundant essential cations in several Brassica species" in Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, no. 126 (2014):15-23, . .

Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.

Mikić, Aleksandar; Smykal, Petr; Kenicer, Gregory; Vishnyakova, Margarita; Sarukhanyan, Nune; Akopian, Janna; Vanyan, Armen; Gabrielyan, Ivan; Smykalova, Iva; Sherbakova, Ekaterina; Zorić, Lana; Atlagić, Jovanka; Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana; Ćupina, Branko; Krstić, Đorđe; Jajić, Igor; Antanasović, Svetlana; Đorđević, Vuk; Mihailović, Vojislav; Ivanov, Alexandr; Ochatt, Sergio; Toker, Cengiz; Zlatković, Bojan; Ambrose, Mike

(Springer, New York, 2014)

AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Smykal, Petr
AU  - Kenicer, Gregory
AU  - Vishnyakova, Margarita
AU  - Sarukhanyan, Nune
AU  - Akopian, Janna
AU  - Vanyan, Armen
AU  - Gabrielyan, Ivan
AU  - Smykalova, Iva
AU  - Sherbakova, Ekaterina
AU  - Zorić, Lana
AU  - Atlagić, Jovanka
AU  - Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Jajić, Igor
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Ivanov, Alexandr
AU  - Ochatt, Sergio
AU  - Toker, Cengiz
AU  - Zlatković, Bojan
AU  - Ambrose, Mike
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Main conclusion Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed. is a scientifically valuable common ancestor of the plant tribe Fabeae and also important in breeding and agronomy studies of the cultivated Fabeae, but it is close to extinction. A concerted academic and geovernmental effort is needed to save it. Since 2007, an informal international group of researchers on legumes has been working to increase awareness of Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed., a relict and endangered wild-land relative to crop plant species. A majority of the modern botanical classifications place it within the tribe Fabeae, together with the genera vetchling (Lathyrus L.), lentil (Lens Mill.), pea (Pisum L.) and vetch (Vicia L.). V. formosa is encountered at altitudes from 1,500 m up to 3,500 m in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Russia, Syria and Turkey. This species may be of extraordinary importance for broadening current scientific knowledge on legume evolution and taxonomy because of its proximity to the hypothetical common ancestor of the tribe Fabeae, as well as for breeding and agronomy of the cultivated Fabeae species due to its perenniality and stress resistance. All this may be feasible only if a concerted and long-term conservation strategy is established and carried out by both academic and geovernmental authorities. The existing populations of V. formosa are in serious danger of extinction. The main threats are domestic and wild animal grazing, foraging, and early frosts in late summer. A long-term strategy to save V. formosa from extinction and to sustain its use in both basic and applied research comprises much improved in situ preservation, greater efforts for an ex situ conservation, and novel approaches of in vitro propagation.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - Planta
T1  - Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.
EP  - 1146
IS  - 5
SP  - 1139
VL  - 240
DO  - 10.1007/s00425-014-2136-9
ER  - 
author = "Mikić, Aleksandar and Smykal, Petr and Kenicer, Gregory and Vishnyakova, Margarita and Sarukhanyan, Nune and Akopian, Janna and Vanyan, Armen and Gabrielyan, Ivan and Smykalova, Iva and Sherbakova, Ekaterina and Zorić, Lana and Atlagić, Jovanka and Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana and Ćupina, Branko and Krstić, Đorđe and Jajić, Igor and Antanasović, Svetlana and Đorđević, Vuk and Mihailović, Vojislav and Ivanov, Alexandr and Ochatt, Sergio and Toker, Cengiz and Zlatković, Bojan and Ambrose, Mike",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Main conclusion Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed. is a scientifically valuable common ancestor of the plant tribe Fabeae and also important in breeding and agronomy studies of the cultivated Fabeae, but it is close to extinction. A concerted academic and geovernmental effort is needed to save it. Since 2007, an informal international group of researchers on legumes has been working to increase awareness of Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed., a relict and endangered wild-land relative to crop plant species. A majority of the modern botanical classifications place it within the tribe Fabeae, together with the genera vetchling (Lathyrus L.), lentil (Lens Mill.), pea (Pisum L.) and vetch (Vicia L.). V. formosa is encountered at altitudes from 1,500 m up to 3,500 m in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Russia, Syria and Turkey. This species may be of extraordinary importance for broadening current scientific knowledge on legume evolution and taxonomy because of its proximity to the hypothetical common ancestor of the tribe Fabeae, as well as for breeding and agronomy of the cultivated Fabeae species due to its perenniality and stress resistance. All this may be feasible only if a concerted and long-term conservation strategy is established and carried out by both academic and geovernmental authorities. The existing populations of V. formosa are in serious danger of extinction. The main threats are domestic and wild animal grazing, foraging, and early frosts in late summer. A long-term strategy to save V. formosa from extinction and to sustain its use in both basic and applied research comprises much improved in situ preservation, greater efforts for an ex situ conservation, and novel approaches of in vitro propagation.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "Planta",
title = "Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.",
pages = "1146-1139",
number = "5",
volume = "240",
doi = "10.1007/s00425-014-2136-9"
Mikić, A., Smykal, P., Kenicer, G., Vishnyakova, M., Sarukhanyan, N., Akopian, J., Vanyan, A., Gabrielyan, I., Smykalova, I., Sherbakova, E., Zorić, L., Atlagić, J., Zeremski-Škorić, T., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Jajić, I., Antanasović, S., Đorđević, V., Mihailović, V., Ivanov, A., Ochatt, S., Toker, C., Zlatković, B.,& Ambrose, M.. (2014). Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.. in Planta
Springer, New York., 240(5), 1139-1146.
Mikić A, Smykal P, Kenicer G, Vishnyakova M, Sarukhanyan N, Akopian J, Vanyan A, Gabrielyan I, Smykalova I, Sherbakova E, Zorić L, Atlagić J, Zeremski-Škorić T, Ćupina B, Krstić Đ, Jajić I, Antanasović S, Đorđević V, Mihailović V, Ivanov A, Ochatt S, Toker C, Zlatković B, Ambrose M. Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.. in Planta. 2014;240(5):1139-1146.
doi:10.1007/s00425-014-2136-9 .
Mikić, Aleksandar, Smykal, Petr, Kenicer, Gregory, Vishnyakova, Margarita, Sarukhanyan, Nune, Akopian, Janna, Vanyan, Armen, Gabrielyan, Ivan, Smykalova, Iva, Sherbakova, Ekaterina, Zorić, Lana, Atlagić, Jovanka, Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana, Ćupina, Branko, Krstić, Đorđe, Jajić, Igor, Antanasović, Svetlana, Đorđević, Vuk, Mihailović, Vojislav, Ivanov, Alexandr, Ochatt, Sergio, Toker, Cengiz, Zlatković, Bojan, Ambrose, Mike, "Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed." in Planta, 240, no. 5 (2014):1139-1146, . .

Screening for dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of faba bean (Vicia faba) and vetches (Vicia spp.)

Malenčić, Đorđe; Kiprovski, Biljana; Ćupina, Branko; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad: Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia, 2014)

AU  - Malenčić, Đorđe
AU  - Kiprovski, Biljana
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The phenolics in faba bean and vetches may act as antioxidants, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which can be caused by oxidation of low-density lipoproteins. The results of our study showed that the examined Vicia species differed greatly in their phenolics levels, as well as that the phenolics content should be considered as an important feature of Vicia species since some of its nutritive and pharmacological effects.
PB  - Novi Sad: Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia
PB  - Córdoba: CSIC, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, International Legume Society, Spain
T2  - Legume Perspectives
T1  - Screening for dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of faba bean (Vicia faba) and vetches (Vicia spp.)
IS  - 5
SP  - 41
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Malenčić, Đorđe and Kiprovski, Biljana and Ćupina, Branko and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The phenolics in faba bean and vetches may act as antioxidants, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which can be caused by oxidation of low-density lipoproteins. The results of our study showed that the examined Vicia species differed greatly in their phenolics levels, as well as that the phenolics content should be considered as an important feature of Vicia species since some of its nutritive and pharmacological effects.",
publisher = "Novi Sad: Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia, Córdoba: CSIC, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, International Legume Society, Spain",
journal = "Legume Perspectives",
title = "Screening for dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of faba bean (Vicia faba) and vetches (Vicia spp.)",
number = "5",
pages = "41",
url = ""
Malenčić, Đ., Kiprovski, B., Ćupina, B.,& Mikić, A.. (2014). Screening for dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of faba bean (Vicia faba) and vetches (Vicia spp.). in Legume Perspectives
Novi Sad: Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia.(5), 41.
Malenčić Đ, Kiprovski B, Ćupina B, Mikić A. Screening for dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of faba bean (Vicia faba) and vetches (Vicia spp.). in Legume Perspectives. 2014;(5):41. .
Malenčić, Đorđe, Kiprovski, Biljana, Ćupina, Branko, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Screening for dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of faba bean (Vicia faba) and vetches (Vicia spp.)" in Legume Perspectives, no. 5 (2014):41, .

A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication

Smykal, Petr; Jovanović, Živko; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Zlatković, Bojan; Ćupina, Branko; Đorđević, Vuk; Mikić, Aleksandar; Medović, Aleksandar

(Springer, Dordrecht, 2014)

AU  - Smykal, Petr
AU  - Jovanović, Živko
AU  - Stanisavljević, Nemanja
AU  - Zlatković, Bojan
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Medović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The development of agriculture was a key turning point in human history, a central part of which was the evolution of new plant forms, domesticated crops. Grain legumes were domesticated in parallel with cereals and formed important dietary components of early civilizations. First domesticated in the Near East, pea has been cultivated in Europe since the Stone and Bronze Ages. In this study, we present a molecular analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) extracted from carbonized pea seeds recovered from deposits at Hissar, in southeast Serbia, that date to the eleventh century B.C. Four selected chloroplast DNA loci (trnSG, trnK, matK and rbcL) amplified in six fragments of 128-340 bp with a total length of 1,329 bp were successfully recovered in order to distinguish between cultivated and wild gathered pea. Based on identified mutations, the results showed that genuine aDNA was analyzed. Moreover, DNA analysis resulted in placing the ancient sample at an intermediate position between extant cultivated [Pisum sativum L. and wild P. sativum subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. et Graebn.]. Consequently, based on a combination of morphological and molecular data, we concluded that the material represents an early domesticated pea. We speculate that Iron Age pea would be of colored flower and pigmented testa, similar to today's fodder pea (P. sativum subsp. sativum var. arvense (L.) Poir.), possibly of winter type. This is the first report of successful aDNA extraction and analysis from any legume species thus far. The implications for pea domestication are discussed here.
PB  - Springer, Dordrecht
T2  - Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution
T1  - A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication
EP  - 1544
IS  - 8
SP  - 1533
VL  - 61
DO  - 10.1007/s10722-014-0128-z
ER  - 
author = "Smykal, Petr and Jovanović, Živko and Stanisavljević, Nemanja and Zlatković, Bojan and Ćupina, Branko and Đorđević, Vuk and Mikić, Aleksandar and Medović, Aleksandar",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The development of agriculture was a key turning point in human history, a central part of which was the evolution of new plant forms, domesticated crops. Grain legumes were domesticated in parallel with cereals and formed important dietary components of early civilizations. First domesticated in the Near East, pea has been cultivated in Europe since the Stone and Bronze Ages. In this study, we present a molecular analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) extracted from carbonized pea seeds recovered from deposits at Hissar, in southeast Serbia, that date to the eleventh century B.C. Four selected chloroplast DNA loci (trnSG, trnK, matK and rbcL) amplified in six fragments of 128-340 bp with a total length of 1,329 bp were successfully recovered in order to distinguish between cultivated and wild gathered pea. Based on identified mutations, the results showed that genuine aDNA was analyzed. Moreover, DNA analysis resulted in placing the ancient sample at an intermediate position between extant cultivated [Pisum sativum L. and wild P. sativum subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. et Graebn.]. Consequently, based on a combination of morphological and molecular data, we concluded that the material represents an early domesticated pea. We speculate that Iron Age pea would be of colored flower and pigmented testa, similar to today's fodder pea (P. sativum subsp. sativum var. arvense (L.) Poir.), possibly of winter type. This is the first report of successful aDNA extraction and analysis from any legume species thus far. The implications for pea domestication are discussed here.",
publisher = "Springer, Dordrecht",
journal = "Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution",
title = "A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication",
pages = "1544-1533",
number = "8",
volume = "61",
doi = "10.1007/s10722-014-0128-z"
Smykal, P., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Zlatković, B., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V., Mikić, A.,& Medović, A.. (2014). A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication. in Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution
Springer, Dordrecht., 61(8), 1533-1544.
Smykal P, Jovanović Ž, Stanisavljević N, Zlatković B, Ćupina B, Đorđević V, Mikić A, Medović A. A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication. in Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution. 2014;61(8):1533-1544.
doi:10.1007/s10722-014-0128-z .
Smykal, Petr, Jovanović, Živko, Stanisavljević, Nemanja, Zlatković, Bojan, Ćupina, Branko, Đorđević, Vuk, Mikić, Aleksandar, Medović, Aleksandar, "A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication" in Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution, 61, no. 8 (2014):1533-1544, . .

Intercropping autumn-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production

Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Ćupina, Branko; Antanasović, Svetlana; Krstić, Đorđe; Karagić, Đura; Hristov, Nikola; Kondić-Špika, Ankica; Kobiljski, Borislav; Denčić, Srbislav

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Karagić, Đura
AU  - Hristov, Nikola
AU  - Kondić-Špika, Ankica
AU  - Kobiljski, Borislav
AU  - Denčić, Srbislav
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Intercropping annual legumes such as pea (Pisum sativum L.) and vetches (Vicia spp.) is one of the most ancient cultivation practice throughout the world, especially in temperate regions of Europe, Asia Minor, Near and Central East and North Africa. This kind of intercropping may serve for both forage and grain production. In Serbia and throughout the Balkan countries, intercropping annual legumes with cereals is used mostly for providing a high quality fodder in feeding ruminants, especially dairy cows. In a small-plot trial, carried out during the trials years of 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, there were included the intercrops of eight autumn-sown cereals, namely einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.), emmer (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. dicoccon (Schrank) Thell.), spelt (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. spelta (L.) Thell.), durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.), common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and triticale (×Triticosecale spp.), seven spring-sown annual legumes, such as pea, common vetch (V. sativa L.), Hungarian vetch (V. pannonica Crantz), hairy vetch (V. villosa Roth), faba bean (V.faba L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), and the sole crops of each intercrop component. Each intercrop was sown at a rate of 75%n of a legume and 25% of a cereal in comparison to the sowing rates in their sole crops.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Intercropping autumn-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production
EP  - 258
SP  - 258
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Ćupina, Branko and Antanasović, Svetlana and Krstić, Đorđe and Karagić, Đura and Hristov, Nikola and Kondić-Špika, Ankica and Kobiljski, Borislav and Denčić, Srbislav",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Intercropping annual legumes such as pea (Pisum sativum L.) and vetches (Vicia spp.) is one of the most ancient cultivation practice throughout the world, especially in temperate regions of Europe, Asia Minor, Near and Central East and North Africa. This kind of intercropping may serve for both forage and grain production. In Serbia and throughout the Balkan countries, intercropping annual legumes with cereals is used mostly for providing a high quality fodder in feeding ruminants, especially dairy cows. In a small-plot trial, carried out during the trials years of 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, there were included the intercrops of eight autumn-sown cereals, namely einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.), emmer (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. dicoccon (Schrank) Thell.), spelt (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. spelta (L.) Thell.), durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn.), common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and triticale (×Triticosecale spp.), seven spring-sown annual legumes, such as pea, common vetch (V. sativa L.), Hungarian vetch (V. pannonica Crantz), hairy vetch (V. villosa Roth), faba bean (V.faba L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), and the sole crops of each intercrop component. Each intercrop was sown at a rate of 75%n of a legume and 25% of a cereal in comparison to the sowing rates in their sole crops.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Intercropping autumn-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production",
pages = "258-258",
url = ""
Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Antanasović, S., Krstić, Đ., Karagić, Đ., Hristov, N., Kondić-Špika, A., Kobiljski, B.,& Denčić, S.. (2013). Intercropping autumn-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 258-258.
Mihailović V, Mikić A, Ćupina B, Antanasović S, Krstić Đ, Karagić Đ, Hristov N, Kondić-Špika A, Kobiljski B, Denčić S. Intercropping autumn-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:258-258. .
Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Ćupina, Branko, Antanasović, Svetlana, Krstić, Đorđe, Karagić, Đura, Hristov, Nikola, Kondić-Špika, Ankica, Kobiljski, Borislav, Denčić, Srbislav, "Intercropping autumn-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):258-258, .

Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa

Katanski, Snežana; Katić, Slobodan; Milić, Dragan; Ćupina, Branko

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Katanski, Snežana
AU  - Katić, Slobodan
AU  - Milić, Dragan
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Alfalfa, as the most important perennial forage legume, is cultivated in Serbia on about 200.000 ha. In the world and in Serbia sowing rates are very variable (15-30 kg ha-1 ). The aim of this research was to investigate effect of seeding rate on dry matter yield of alfalfa and number of plants. The trial with three replications was located at experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegateble Crops at Rimski Šančevi. In the second and third year of growth (2010-2011) influence of two different seeding rates (8 kg ha-1 and 16 kg ha-1) on dry matter yield was tested. A two-year average of the total dry matter yield was determined from the four cuts of four cultivars. The number of plants per square metre after emergence, then in the fall of the seeding year, and again the next spring and autumn was determined. A sowing rate had no influence on the yield of dry matter of alfalfa. The same dry matter yield (22.2 t ha-1) was achieved under both low and high seeding rate. The sowing rates did not affect plant density. At the end of the year of establishment number of plants per square metre was approximately the same in both seeding rates (8 kg ha-1 - 270 plants per m2 and 16 kg ha-1 – 273 plants per m2 ). In the third year of growth a plant density of 88 plants per square metre was the same in both low and high seeding rates. Results obtained in our study clearly show that higher seeding rates do not produce higher yields and higher density of alfalfa plants.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa
EP  - 254
SP  - 254
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Katanski, Snežana and Katić, Slobodan and Milić, Dragan and Ćupina, Branko",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Alfalfa, as the most important perennial forage legume, is cultivated in Serbia on about 200.000 ha. In the world and in Serbia sowing rates are very variable (15-30 kg ha-1 ). The aim of this research was to investigate effect of seeding rate on dry matter yield of alfalfa and number of plants. The trial with three replications was located at experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegateble Crops at Rimski Šančevi. In the second and third year of growth (2010-2011) influence of two different seeding rates (8 kg ha-1 and 16 kg ha-1) on dry matter yield was tested. A two-year average of the total dry matter yield was determined from the four cuts of four cultivars. The number of plants per square metre after emergence, then in the fall of the seeding year, and again the next spring and autumn was determined. A sowing rate had no influence on the yield of dry matter of alfalfa. The same dry matter yield (22.2 t ha-1) was achieved under both low and high seeding rate. The sowing rates did not affect plant density. At the end of the year of establishment number of plants per square metre was approximately the same in both seeding rates (8 kg ha-1 - 270 plants per m2 and 16 kg ha-1 – 273 plants per m2 ). In the third year of growth a plant density of 88 plants per square metre was the same in both low and high seeding rates. Results obtained in our study clearly show that higher seeding rates do not produce higher yields and higher density of alfalfa plants.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa",
pages = "254-254",
url = ""
Katanski, S., Katić, S., Milić, D.,& Ćupina, B.. (2013). Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 254-254.
Katanski S, Katić S, Milić D, Ćupina B. Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:254-254. .
Katanski, Snežana, Katić, Slobodan, Milić, Dragan, Ćupina, Branko, "Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):254-254, .

Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production

Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Antanasović, Svetlana; Krstić, Đorđe; Ćupina, Branko; Katanski, Snežana

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Katanski, Snežana
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Available references on intercropping brassicas with legumes are rather scarce. However, there are recent reports showing numerous benefits for a brassica component, especially in the form of an easier uptake of less available nutrients because of a positive influence of the legume companion. The goal of this study was to assess the potential of intercropping various spring-sown brassicas with legumes for forage production. A small-plot trial has been carried out in the trial years of 2010, 2011 and 2012 at the Experimental Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi in the vicinity of Novi Sad. It included six intercrops of spring-sown brassicas with spring-sown annual legumes. Two brassicas, in this case, rapeseed (Brassica napus L. var. napus) cv. Jovana and white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) cv. NS Gorica played the role of supporting crops for four legumes, namely pea (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Jantar, common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cv. Perla, and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), acting as supported crops. All six cultivars, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, were also sown as sole crops.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production
EP  - 260
SP  - 260
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Antanasović, Svetlana and Krstić, Đorđe and Ćupina, Branko and Katanski, Snežana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Available references on intercropping brassicas with legumes are rather scarce. However, there are recent reports showing numerous benefits for a brassica component, especially in the form of an easier uptake of less available nutrients because of a positive influence of the legume companion. The goal of this study was to assess the potential of intercropping various spring-sown brassicas with legumes for forage production. A small-plot trial has been carried out in the trial years of 2010, 2011 and 2012 at the Experimental Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi in the vicinity of Novi Sad. It included six intercrops of spring-sown brassicas with spring-sown annual legumes. Two brassicas, in this case, rapeseed (Brassica napus L. var. napus) cv. Jovana and white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) cv. NS Gorica played the role of supporting crops for four legumes, namely pea (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Jantar, common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cv. Perla, and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), acting as supported crops. All six cultivars, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, were also sown as sole crops.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production",
pages = "260-260",
url = ""
Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Antanasović, S., Krstić, Đ., Ćupina, B.,& Katanski, S.. (2013). Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 260-260.
Mihailović V, Mikić A, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Antanasović S, Krstić Đ, Ćupina B, Katanski S. Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:260-260. .
Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Antanasović, Svetlana, Krstić, Đorđe, Ćupina, Branko, Katanski, Snežana, "Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):260-260, .

Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production

Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Vasiljević, Sanja; Ćupina, Branko; Antanasović, Svetlana; Krstić, Đorđe; Aćin, Vladimir; Jaćimović, Goran; Malešević, Miroslav; Pržulj, Novo

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Aćin, Vladimir
AU  - Jaćimović, Goran
AU  - Malešević, Miroslav
AU  - Pržulj, Novo
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Growing annual legumes such as pea (Pisum sativum L.) and vetches (Vicia spp.) in mixtures with cereals is one of the most traditional ways of both forage and grain production in many temperate climates in Europe, Asia Minor and Near and Central East. This practice is considered beneficial kind of intercropping may serve for both forage and grain production. In Serbia and other Balkan countries, intercropping annual legumes with cereals is rather widespread and is extensively used for producing quality and protein-rich forage in feeding dairy cows and other ruminants. In a small-plot trial, carried out during the trials years of 2010, 2011 and 2012, there were included the intercrops of three spring-sown cereals, namely common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.), six spring-sown annual legumes, such as pea, common vetch (V. sativa L.), Narbonne vetch (V. narbonensis L.), faba bean (V.faba L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), and the sole crops of each intercrop component. Each intercrop was sown at a rate of 75%n of a legume and 25% of a cereal in comparison to the sowing rates in their sole crops.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production
EP  - 259
SP  - 259
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Vasiljević, Sanja and Ćupina, Branko and Antanasović, Svetlana and Krstić, Đorđe and Aćin, Vladimir and Jaćimović, Goran and Malešević, Miroslav and Pržulj, Novo",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Growing annual legumes such as pea (Pisum sativum L.) and vetches (Vicia spp.) in mixtures with cereals is one of the most traditional ways of both forage and grain production in many temperate climates in Europe, Asia Minor and Near and Central East. This practice is considered beneficial kind of intercropping may serve for both forage and grain production. In Serbia and other Balkan countries, intercropping annual legumes with cereals is rather widespread and is extensively used for producing quality and protein-rich forage in feeding dairy cows and other ruminants. In a small-plot trial, carried out during the trials years of 2010, 2011 and 2012, there were included the intercrops of three spring-sown cereals, namely common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.), six spring-sown annual legumes, such as pea, common vetch (V. sativa L.), Narbonne vetch (V. narbonensis L.), faba bean (V.faba L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), and the sole crops of each intercrop component. Each intercrop was sown at a rate of 75%n of a legume and 25% of a cereal in comparison to the sowing rates in their sole crops.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production",
pages = "259-259",
url = ""
Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Vasiljević, S., Ćupina, B., Antanasović, S., Krstić, Đ., Aćin, V., Jaćimović, G., Malešević, M.,& Pržulj, N.. (2013). Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 259-259.
Mihailović V, Mikić A, Vasiljević S, Ćupina B, Antanasović S, Krstić Đ, Aćin V, Jaćimović G, Malešević M, Pržulj N. Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:259-259. .
Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Vasiljević, Sanja, Ćupina, Branko, Antanasović, Svetlana, Krstić, Đorđe, Aćin, Vladimir, Jaćimović, Goran, Malešević, Miroslav, Pržulj, Novo, "Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with cereals for forage production" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):259-259, .

Antioxidant potential and total phenolic content of Serbian red clover cultivars

Bursać, Mira; Cvejić, Jelena; Vasiljević, Sanja; Krstić, Đorđe; Ćupina, Branko

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Bursać, Mira
AU  - Cvejić, Jelena
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is rich in phytoestrogens as well as other phenolic substances which contribute to its antioxidative properties. Still, its antioxidative potential has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study was to determine radical scavenging capacity and total phenolic content of red clover cultivars from Serbia observing different plant parts. Leaves, stems and flowers from four red clover cultivars (Kolubara, Una, Avala, K17) were grounded and extraction with water, 3M HCl and ethanol was performed. Radical-scavenging capacity was measured by reaction with the stable DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical and calculation of the amount necessary to decrease initial DPPH concentration by 50% (IC50). Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method and expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). Antioxidant potential and TPC of leaves and flowers were not statistically different, but on average, flower extracts had the highest antioxidant activity (IC500.087 mg/ml) and leaf extracts the highest TPC (30.30 mg/g GAE).
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Antioxidant potential and total phenolic content of Serbian red clover cultivars
EP  - 292
SP  - 292
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bursać, Mira and Cvejić, Jelena and Vasiljević, Sanja and Krstić, Đorđe and Ćupina, Branko",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is rich in phytoestrogens as well as other phenolic substances which contribute to its antioxidative properties. Still, its antioxidative potential has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study was to determine radical scavenging capacity and total phenolic content of red clover cultivars from Serbia observing different plant parts. Leaves, stems and flowers from four red clover cultivars (Kolubara, Una, Avala, K17) were grounded and extraction with water, 3M HCl and ethanol was performed. Radical-scavenging capacity was measured by reaction with the stable DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical and calculation of the amount necessary to decrease initial DPPH concentration by 50% (IC50). Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method and expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). Antioxidant potential and TPC of leaves and flowers were not statistically different, but on average, flower extracts had the highest antioxidant activity (IC500.087 mg/ml) and leaf extracts the highest TPC (30.30 mg/g GAE).",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Antioxidant potential and total phenolic content of Serbian red clover cultivars",
pages = "292-292",
url = ""
Bursać, M., Cvejić, J., Vasiljević, S., Krstić, Đ.,& Ćupina, B.. (2013). Antioxidant potential and total phenolic content of Serbian red clover cultivars. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 292-292.
Bursać M, Cvejić J, Vasiljević S, Krstić Đ, Ćupina B. Antioxidant potential and total phenolic content of Serbian red clover cultivars. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:292-292. .
Bursać, Mira, Cvejić, Jelena, Vasiljević, Sanja, Krstić, Đorđe, Ćupina, Branko, "Antioxidant potential and total phenolic content of Serbian red clover cultivars" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):292-292, .

Developing lines of less-widespread warm season legumes for cool climates

Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Ćupina, Branko; Đorđević, Vuk; Miladinović, Jegor; Perić, Vesna; Srebrić, Mirjana

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Perić, Vesna
AU  - Srebrić, Mirjana
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - In most Western, Central and Southeastern European countries, it is cool season legumes, such as pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), lupins (Lupinus spp.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), vetches (Vicia spp.), lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and clovers (Trifolium spp.) that are mostly grown. Two warm-season exceptions are common beans (Phaseolus spp.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), cultivated mostly in Southern and Southeastern Europe. During the last decade, a programme has been launched at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and assisted from the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad aimed at breeding and agronomy of the less-known warm season legume crops in this part of Europe, with a specific emphasis upon pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth), hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), adzuki bean (Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi), black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). The first step was the establishment of a collection of each of these species, with characterising the most peculiar morphological and anatomical traits and evaluating the most important agronomic traits such as forage and grain yield, quality and stress response, as well as the photoperiodical reaction. Some of pigeon pea accessions were able to produce forage yield of more than 100 t ha-1 of fresh forage, but remained in full flowering until very late autumn and were barely able to bring forth seeds.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Developing lines of less-widespread warm season legumes for cool climates
EP  - 91
SP  - 91
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Ćupina, Branko and Đorđević, Vuk and Miladinović, Jegor and Perić, Vesna and Srebrić, Mirjana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "In most Western, Central and Southeastern European countries, it is cool season legumes, such as pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), lupins (Lupinus spp.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), vetches (Vicia spp.), lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and clovers (Trifolium spp.) that are mostly grown. Two warm-season exceptions are common beans (Phaseolus spp.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), cultivated mostly in Southern and Southeastern Europe. During the last decade, a programme has been launched at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and assisted from the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad aimed at breeding and agronomy of the less-known warm season legume crops in this part of Europe, with a specific emphasis upon pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth), hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet), adzuki bean (Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi), black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). The first step was the establishment of a collection of each of these species, with characterising the most peculiar morphological and anatomical traits and evaluating the most important agronomic traits such as forage and grain yield, quality and stress response, as well as the photoperiodical reaction. Some of pigeon pea accessions were able to produce forage yield of more than 100 t ha-1 of fresh forage, but remained in full flowering until very late autumn and were barely able to bring forth seeds.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Developing lines of less-widespread warm season legumes for cool climates",
pages = "91-91",
url = ""
Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V., Miladinović, J., Perić, V.,& Srebrić, M.. (2013). Developing lines of less-widespread warm season legumes for cool climates. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 91-91.
Mihailović V, Mikić A, Ćupina B, Đorđević V, Miladinović J, Perić V, Srebrić M. Developing lines of less-widespread warm season legumes for cool climates. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:91-91. .
Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Ćupina, Branko, Đorđević, Vuk, Miladinović, Jegor, Perić, Vesna, Srebrić, Mirjana, "Developing lines of less-widespread warm season legumes for cool climates" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):91-91, .

Stereological analysis of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. stem as a pre-breeding technique to improve digestibility

Zorić, Lana; Mikić, Aleksandar; Luković, Jadranka; Ćupina, Branko; Krstić, Đorđe

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Zorić, Lana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Luković, Jadranka
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Structural characteristics of stem, especially the proportion of lignified tissues, have a strong impact on digestibility in many legume species. Anatomical analysis of stem of M. truncatula cultivars was performed using stereological method in order to examine genotypic variability in histological parameters that affect digestibility and assess tissue proportions along the stem maturity gradient. Lignification was first recorded in primary xylem walls. Volume densities (Vv) of phloem and xylem increased linearly from the top to the bottom of the stems. Lignification of parenchyma pith cells occurred simultaneously with intensive xylem development. On the contrary, the proportions of epidermis, mechanical and parenchyma tissue significantly decreased along the stem. Lignified secondary xylem was the tissue with the highest Vv and estimated as the one with the highest potential impact on digestibility. Therefore, the improvement of digestibility could be achieved through the reduction of its proportion.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Stereological analysis of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. stem as a pre-breeding technique to improve digestibility
EP  - 303
SP  - 303
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zorić, Lana and Mikić, Aleksandar and Luković, Jadranka and Ćupina, Branko and Krstić, Đorđe",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Structural characteristics of stem, especially the proportion of lignified tissues, have a strong impact on digestibility in many legume species. Anatomical analysis of stem of M. truncatula cultivars was performed using stereological method in order to examine genotypic variability in histological parameters that affect digestibility and assess tissue proportions along the stem maturity gradient. Lignification was first recorded in primary xylem walls. Volume densities (Vv) of phloem and xylem increased linearly from the top to the bottom of the stems. Lignification of parenchyma pith cells occurred simultaneously with intensive xylem development. On the contrary, the proportions of epidermis, mechanical and parenchyma tissue significantly decreased along the stem. Lignified secondary xylem was the tissue with the highest Vv and estimated as the one with the highest potential impact on digestibility. Therefore, the improvement of digestibility could be achieved through the reduction of its proportion.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Stereological analysis of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. stem as a pre-breeding technique to improve digestibility",
pages = "303-303",
url = ""
Zorić, L., Mikić, A., Luković, J., Ćupina, B.,& Krstić, Đ.. (2013). Stereological analysis of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. stem as a pre-breeding technique to improve digestibility. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 303-303.
Zorić L, Mikić A, Luković J, Ćupina B, Krstić Đ. Stereological analysis of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. stem as a pre-breeding technique to improve digestibility. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:303-303. .
Zorić, Lana, Mikić, Aleksandar, Luković, Jadranka, Ćupina, Branko, Krstić, Đorđe, "Stereological analysis of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. stem as a pre-breeding technique to improve digestibility" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):303-303, .

Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as a companion crop for the establishment of perennial legumes

Radović, Svetlana; Mikić, Aleksandar; Jovanović, Živko; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Krstić, Đorđe; Ćupina, Branko

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Radović, Svetlana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Jovanović, Živko
AU  - Stanisavljević, Nemanja
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Pea is one of the most important crops in the world. Among the many ways of utilization of this crop are that related for forage production. Forage pea may be cultivated alone as a pure crop, or in mixture with other crops, usually cereals. In recent time, several attempts have been made to cultivate forage pea with other legumes, where pea would play the role of cover crop. The results reported here are obtained in a greenhouse experiment aimed to assess the pea as a companion crop for establishment of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) as undersown crops. The semi-leafless pea cultivar Jezero with three population densities (30, 60 and 90 plants per m2) were used in this experiment. Two control treatments also included in the experiment – the perennial legumes grown as a pure stand, and the perennial legumes with oat as a cover crop. The effect of pea on forage yield, chlorophyll content, leaf surface and LER is determined. According to obtained results, the best combination for lucerne is 30 pea plants per m2, 90 for red clover and 60 pea plants per m2 for sainfoin.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as a companion crop for the establishment of perennial legumes
EP  - 265
SP  - 265
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radović, Svetlana and Mikić, Aleksandar and Jovanović, Živko and Stanisavljević, Nemanja and Krstić, Đorđe and Ćupina, Branko",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Pea is one of the most important crops in the world. Among the many ways of utilization of this crop are that related for forage production. Forage pea may be cultivated alone as a pure crop, or in mixture with other crops, usually cereals. In recent time, several attempts have been made to cultivate forage pea with other legumes, where pea would play the role of cover crop. The results reported here are obtained in a greenhouse experiment aimed to assess the pea as a companion crop for establishment of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) as undersown crops. The semi-leafless pea cultivar Jezero with three population densities (30, 60 and 90 plants per m2) were used in this experiment. Two control treatments also included in the experiment – the perennial legumes grown as a pure stand, and the perennial legumes with oat as a cover crop. The effect of pea on forage yield, chlorophyll content, leaf surface and LER is determined. According to obtained results, the best combination for lucerne is 30 pea plants per m2, 90 for red clover and 60 pea plants per m2 for sainfoin.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as a companion crop for the establishment of perennial legumes",
pages = "265-265",
url = ""
Radović, S., Mikić, A., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Krstić, Đ.,& Ćupina, B.. (2013). Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as a companion crop for the establishment of perennial legumes. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 265-265.
Radović S, Mikić A, Jovanović Ž, Stanisavljević N, Krstić Đ, Ćupina B. Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as a companion crop for the establishment of perennial legumes. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:265-265. .
Radović, Svetlana, Mikić, Aleksandar, Jovanović, Živko, Stanisavljević, Nemanja, Krstić, Đorđe, Ćupina, Branko, "Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) as a companion crop for the establishment of perennial legumes" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):265-265, .

Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content

Krstić, Đorđe; Erić, Pero; Antanasović, Svetlana; Mikić, Aleksandar; Ćupina, Branko

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Erić, Pero
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Field pea has potential to be a suitable companion crop for alfalfa establishment. It is a fast growing crop, arvested early and thus reduces duration of competition. Compared to other companion crops, such as small grains, it allows better light transmition through canopy to an undersown species. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of field pea as a companion crop for alfalfa establishment. A two-factor trial was carried out at the experiment field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi from 2004 to 2009. The experiment involved two pea varieties (Jezero - semi-leafless and Javor - normal leaves with reduced leaflet size) and four pea densities (0, 30, 60 and 90 plants m-2) and control variant with oat as companion crop. When the field pea had reached the harvestable stage, samples were taken for determining alfalfa chlorophyll and carotenoids content. In average, chlorophyll and carotenoids content were higher in all treatments of companion cropping than in the sole crop of alfalfa.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content
EP  - 256
SP  - 256
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Đorđe and Erić, Pero and Antanasović, Svetlana and Mikić, Aleksandar and Ćupina, Branko",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Field pea has potential to be a suitable companion crop for alfalfa establishment. It is a fast growing crop, arvested early and thus reduces duration of competition. Compared to other companion crops, such as small grains, it allows better light transmition through canopy to an undersown species. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of field pea as a companion crop for alfalfa establishment. A two-factor trial was carried out at the experiment field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi from 2004 to 2009. The experiment involved two pea varieties (Jezero - semi-leafless and Javor - normal leaves with reduced leaflet size) and four pea densities (0, 30, 60 and 90 plants m-2) and control variant with oat as companion crop. When the field pea had reached the harvestable stage, samples were taken for determining alfalfa chlorophyll and carotenoids content. In average, chlorophyll and carotenoids content were higher in all treatments of companion cropping than in the sole crop of alfalfa.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content",
pages = "256-256",
url = ""
Krstić, Đ., Erić, P., Antanasović, S., Mikić, A.,& Ćupina, B.. (2013). Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 256-256.
Krstić Đ, Erić P, Antanasović S, Mikić A, Ćupina B. Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:256-256. .
Krstić, Đorđe, Erić, Pero, Antanasović, Svetlana, Mikić, Aleksandar, Ćupina, Branko, "Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):256-256, .

Developing schemes for intercropping annual legumes

Mikić, Aleksandar; Ćupina, Branko; Mihailović, Vojislav; Krstić, Đorđe; Antanasović, Svetlana; Đorđević, Vuk; Srebrić, Mirjana; Perić, Vesna

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Srebrić, Mirjana
AU  - Perić, Vesna
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - We established four main principles for mutual intercropping annual legumes: same time of sowing; similar growing habit; similar cutting time; and one component has good standing ability (supporting crop) and another one poor (supported crop). There are three main intercropping groups: (1) ‘tall’ cool season legumes; (2) ‘short’ cool season legumes; (3) warm-season annual forage legumes. In the ‘tall’ cool season group, faba bean and white lupin are supporting crop, while the supported crops are normal-leafed pea common vetch, Hungarian vetch, hairy vetch and grass pea. This may be beneficial for both by weed reduction and preservation of photosynthetically active leaves. The ‘short’ cool season group comprises semi-leafless pea as supporting crop and normal-leafed, bitter vetch and lentil as supported crops. If intercropped, semi-leafless pea provides improved standing ability of the whole intercrop, while normal-leafed pea, bitter vetch or lentil fill the available space within the stand and contribute to better utilisation of sunlight, at the same time reducing weeds. In the warm-season group, soybean and pigeon pea are supporting crops, while mung bean, adzuki bean, black gram, cowpea and hyacinth bean are supported crops. Soybean may bear cowpea or hyacinth bean stems and thus assist in preserving their leaves and profit from significantly decreased weed infestation.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Developing schemes for intercropping annual legumes
EP  - 241
SP  - 241
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mikić, Aleksandar and Ćupina, Branko and Mihailović, Vojislav and Krstić, Đorđe and Antanasović, Svetlana and Đorđević, Vuk and Srebrić, Mirjana and Perić, Vesna",
year = "2013",
abstract = "We established four main principles for mutual intercropping annual legumes: same time of sowing; similar growing habit; similar cutting time; and one component has good standing ability (supporting crop) and another one poor (supported crop). There are three main intercropping groups: (1) ‘tall’ cool season legumes; (2) ‘short’ cool season legumes; (3) warm-season annual forage legumes. In the ‘tall’ cool season group, faba bean and white lupin are supporting crop, while the supported crops are normal-leafed pea common vetch, Hungarian vetch, hairy vetch and grass pea. This may be beneficial for both by weed reduction and preservation of photosynthetically active leaves. The ‘short’ cool season group comprises semi-leafless pea as supporting crop and normal-leafed, bitter vetch and lentil as supported crops. If intercropped, semi-leafless pea provides improved standing ability of the whole intercrop, while normal-leafed pea, bitter vetch or lentil fill the available space within the stand and contribute to better utilisation of sunlight, at the same time reducing weeds. In the warm-season group, soybean and pigeon pea are supporting crops, while mung bean, adzuki bean, black gram, cowpea and hyacinth bean are supported crops. Soybean may bear cowpea or hyacinth bean stems and thus assist in preserving their leaves and profit from significantly decreased weed infestation.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Developing schemes for intercropping annual legumes",
pages = "241-241",
url = ""
Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Mihailović, V., Krstić, Đ., Antanasović, S., Đorđević, V., Srebrić, M.,& Perić, V.. (2013). Developing schemes for intercropping annual legumes. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 241-241.
Mikić A, Ćupina B, Mihailović V, Krstić Đ, Antanasović S, Đorđević V, Srebrić M, Perić V. Developing schemes for intercropping annual legumes. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:241-241. .
Mikić, Aleksandar, Ćupina, Branko, Mihailović, Vojislav, Krstić, Đorđe, Antanasović, Svetlana, Đorđević, Vuk, Srebrić, Mirjana, Perić, Vesna, "Developing schemes for intercropping annual legumes" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):241-241, .

Annual legumes as green manure crops

Ćupina, Branko; Mikić, Aleksandar; Krstić, Đorđe; Antanasović, Svetlana; Erić, Pero; Manojlović, Maja; Čabilovski, Ranko

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Erić, Pero
AU  - Manojlović, Maja
AU  - Čabilovski, Ranko
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - There is a large number of annual legume species having an economic importance either on a world or local scale, such as pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and vetches (Vicia spp.). All these crops are multi-functional and are used for both human consumption and in animal feeding. Apart from these various food and feed uses, annual legumes may represent a quality green manure, playing one of the most significant roles in organic farming and sustainable agriculture. In addition to their ability to increase soil fertility by a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixation bacteria, annual legumes are able to produce a considerable amount of aboveground biomass, also rich in nitrogen. For instance, aboveground biomass nitrogen yield in grass pea may surpass 300 kg ha-1, while in lentil it is higher than 100 kg ha-1.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - Annual legumes as green manure crops
EP  - 230
SP  - 230
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćupina, Branko and Mikić, Aleksandar and Krstić, Đorđe and Antanasović, Svetlana and Erić, Pero and Manojlović, Maja and Čabilovski, Ranko",
year = "2013",
abstract = "There is a large number of annual legume species having an economic importance either on a world or local scale, such as pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and vetches (Vicia spp.). All these crops are multi-functional and are used for both human consumption and in animal feeding. Apart from these various food and feed uses, annual legumes may represent a quality green manure, playing one of the most significant roles in organic farming and sustainable agriculture. In addition to their ability to increase soil fertility by a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixation bacteria, annual legumes are able to produce a considerable amount of aboveground biomass, also rich in nitrogen. For instance, aboveground biomass nitrogen yield in grass pea may surpass 300 kg ha-1, while in lentil it is higher than 100 kg ha-1.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "Annual legumes as green manure crops",
pages = "230-230",
url = ""
Ćupina, B., Mikić, A., Krstić, Đ., Antanasović, S., Erić, P., Manojlović, M.,& Čabilovski, R.. (2013). Annual legumes as green manure crops. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 230-230.
Ćupina B, Mikić A, Krstić Đ, Antanasović S, Erić P, Manojlović M, Čabilovski R. Annual legumes as green manure crops. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:230-230. .
Ćupina, Branko, Mikić, Aleksandar, Krstić, Đorđe, Antanasović, Svetlana, Erić, Pero, Manojlović, Maja, Čabilovski, Ranko, "Annual legumes as green manure crops" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):230-230, .

The bicentenary of the research on 'beautiful' vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa), a legume crop wild relative with taxonomic and agronomic potential

Mikić, Aleksandar; Smykal, Petr; Kenicer, Gregory; Vishnyakova, Margarita; Sarukhanyan, Nune; Akopian, Janna; Vanyan, Armen; Gabrielyan, Ivan; Smykalova, Iva; Sherbakova, Ekaterina; Zorić, Lana; Atlagić, Jovanka; Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana; Ćupina, Branko; Krstić, Đorđe; Jajić, Igor; Antanasović, Svetlana; Đorđević, Vuk; Mihailović, Vojislav; Ivanov, Alexandr; Ochatt, Sergio; Ambrose, Mike

(Oxford Univ Press, Oxford, 2013)

AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Smykal, Petr
AU  - Kenicer, Gregory
AU  - Vishnyakova, Margarita
AU  - Sarukhanyan, Nune
AU  - Akopian, Janna
AU  - Vanyan, Armen
AU  - Gabrielyan, Ivan
AU  - Smykalova, Iva
AU  - Sherbakova, Ekaterina
AU  - Zorić, Lana
AU  - Atlagić, Jovanka
AU  - Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Jajić, Igor
AU  - Antanasović, Svetlana
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Ivanov, Alexandr
AU  - Ochatt, Sergio
AU  - Ambrose, Mike
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Vavilovia formosa is a relict, endangered species from the highlands of the Caucasus and the Near East. Described in 1812, it has had an uncertain status and was finally recognized as a separate genus of tribe Fabeae (Fabaceae). Our informal international group was established in 2007 to revive the interest in this species as it had been seriously neglected for decades. Here, we provide an overview of the accumulated knowledge on V.formosa and present the results of the most recent multidisciplinary research. Three expeditions were made to two locations in Armenia in 2009, providing the material for anatomical, morphological, chemical and molecular analysis. Unlike previous attempts, ex situ conservation in Yerevan and in vitro propagation, important for potential interspecific hybridization, were successful. Molecular tools were used to clarify the taxonomic position of V.formosa, often considered the closest to the extinct ancestor of the whole tribe. The analysis of four informative regions of plastid and nuclear DNA showed that V.formosa belongs to the same clade as Lathyrus and Pisum, with a distinct status. Preservation and maintenance of V.formosa remains the only basis for further development of all other scientific aspects, especially breeding and uses in agronomy.\
PB  - Oxford Univ Press, Oxford
T2  - Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
T1  - The bicentenary of the research on 'beautiful' vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa), a legume crop wild relative with taxonomic and agronomic potential
EP  - 531
IS  - 4
SP  - 524
VL  - 172
DO  - 10.1111/boj.12060
ER  - 
author = "Mikić, Aleksandar and Smykal, Petr and Kenicer, Gregory and Vishnyakova, Margarita and Sarukhanyan, Nune and Akopian, Janna and Vanyan, Armen and Gabrielyan, Ivan and Smykalova, Iva and Sherbakova, Ekaterina and Zorić, Lana and Atlagić, Jovanka and Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana and Ćupina, Branko and Krstić, Đorđe and Jajić, Igor and Antanasović, Svetlana and Đorđević, Vuk and Mihailović, Vojislav and Ivanov, Alexandr and Ochatt, Sergio and Ambrose, Mike",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Vavilovia formosa is a relict, endangered species from the highlands of the Caucasus and the Near East. Described in 1812, it has had an uncertain status and was finally recognized as a separate genus of tribe Fabeae (Fabaceae). Our informal international group was established in 2007 to revive the interest in this species as it had been seriously neglected for decades. Here, we provide an overview of the accumulated knowledge on V.formosa and present the results of the most recent multidisciplinary research. Three expeditions were made to two locations in Armenia in 2009, providing the material for anatomical, morphological, chemical and molecular analysis. Unlike previous attempts, ex situ conservation in Yerevan and in vitro propagation, important for potential interspecific hybridization, were successful. Molecular tools were used to clarify the taxonomic position of V.formosa, often considered the closest to the extinct ancestor of the whole tribe. The analysis of four informative regions of plastid and nuclear DNA showed that V.formosa belongs to the same clade as Lathyrus and Pisum, with a distinct status. Preservation and maintenance of V.formosa remains the only basis for further development of all other scientific aspects, especially breeding and uses in agronomy.\",
publisher = "Oxford Univ Press, Oxford",
journal = "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society",
title = "The bicentenary of the research on 'beautiful' vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa), a legume crop wild relative with taxonomic and agronomic potential",
pages = "531-524",
number = "4",
volume = "172",
doi = "10.1111/boj.12060"
Mikić, A., Smykal, P., Kenicer, G., Vishnyakova, M., Sarukhanyan, N., Akopian, J., Vanyan, A., Gabrielyan, I., Smykalova, I., Sherbakova, E., Zorić, L., Atlagić, J., Zeremski-Škorić, T., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Jajić, I., Antanasović, S., Đorđević, V., Mihailović, V., Ivanov, A., Ochatt, S.,& Ambrose, M.. (2013). The bicentenary of the research on 'beautiful' vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa), a legume crop wild relative with taxonomic and agronomic potential. in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Oxford Univ Press, Oxford., 172(4), 524-531.
Mikić A, Smykal P, Kenicer G, Vishnyakova M, Sarukhanyan N, Akopian J, Vanyan A, Gabrielyan I, Smykalova I, Sherbakova E, Zorić L, Atlagić J, Zeremski-Škorić T, Ćupina B, Krstić Đ, Jajić I, Antanasović S, Đorđević V, Mihailović V, Ivanov A, Ochatt S, Ambrose M. The bicentenary of the research on 'beautiful' vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa), a legume crop wild relative with taxonomic and agronomic potential. in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2013;172(4):524-531.
doi:10.1111/boj.12060 .
Mikić, Aleksandar, Smykal, Petr, Kenicer, Gregory, Vishnyakova, Margarita, Sarukhanyan, Nune, Akopian, Janna, Vanyan, Armen, Gabrielyan, Ivan, Smykalova, Iva, Sherbakova, Ekaterina, Zorić, Lana, Atlagić, Jovanka, Zeremski-Škorić, Tijana, Ćupina, Branko, Krstić, Đorđe, Jajić, Igor, Antanasović, Svetlana, Đorđević, Vuk, Mihailović, Vojislav, Ivanov, Alexandr, Ochatt, Sergio, Ambrose, Mike, "The bicentenary of the research on 'beautiful' vavilovia (Vavilovia formosa), a legume crop wild relative with taxonomic and agronomic potential" in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 172, no. 4 (2013):524-531, . .

A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia

Medović, Aleksandar; Smykal, Petr; Jovanović, Živko; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Zlatković, Bojan; Ćupina, Branko; Đorđević, Vuk; Mikić, Aleksandar

(International Legume Society, 2013)

AU  - Medović, Aleksandar
AU  - Smykal, Petr
AU  - Jovanović, Živko
AU  - Stanisavljević, Nemanja
AU  - Zlatković, Bojan
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - A unique example of 2,572 carbonized pea seeds was recovered from the 11th century B.C. deposits at Hissar, a multilevel settlement of the Brnjica cultural group (1,350-1,000 B.C.) in southeast Serbia. Five hundred seeds maintained pea-like hilum, only few had preserved intact smooth-surfaced testa and the majority of seeds had no seed coat. Fortunately, only few seeds of other pulses were observed in the sample and their identity was clearly determined. Applying the exclusion principle, all the “naked”, 3-4 mm large seeds, mainly broad ellipsoid and less often globose, with flattenings or concavities, were determined to correspond to cultivated pea (Pisum sativum L.). Additionally, a high thousand seed weight of charred seeds (24.4 g) suggested cultivated status. To confirm our finding, we processed two samples with molecular tools. A sequence analysis of four chloroplast DNA loci (trnSG, trnK, matK and rbcL) in total length of 1329bp, showed intermediate position to cultivated P. sativum and wild P. sativum subsp. elatius.
PB  - International Legume Society
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
T1  - A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia
EP  - 28
SP  - 28
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Medović, Aleksandar and Smykal, Petr and Jovanović, Živko and Stanisavljević, Nemanja and Zlatković, Bojan and Ćupina, Branko and Đorđević, Vuk and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2013",
abstract = "A unique example of 2,572 carbonized pea seeds was recovered from the 11th century B.C. deposits at Hissar, a multilevel settlement of the Brnjica cultural group (1,350-1,000 B.C.) in southeast Serbia. Five hundred seeds maintained pea-like hilum, only few had preserved intact smooth-surfaced testa and the majority of seeds had no seed coat. Fortunately, only few seeds of other pulses were observed in the sample and their identity was clearly determined. Applying the exclusion principle, all the “naked”, 3-4 mm large seeds, mainly broad ellipsoid and less often globose, with flattenings or concavities, were determined to correspond to cultivated pea (Pisum sativum L.). Additionally, a high thousand seed weight of charred seeds (24.4 g) suggested cultivated status. To confirm our finding, we processed two samples with molecular tools. A sequence analysis of four chloroplast DNA loci (trnSG, trnK, matK and rbcL) in total length of 1329bp, showed intermediate position to cultivated P. sativum and wild P. sativum subsp. elatius.",
publisher = "International Legume Society, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad",
title = "A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia",
pages = "28-28",
url = ""
Medović, A., Smykal, P., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Zlatković, B., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V.,& Mikić, A.. (2013). A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad
International Legume Society., 28-28.
Medović A, Smykal P, Jovanović Ž, Stanisavljević N, Zlatković B, Ćupina B, Đorđević V, Mikić A. A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia. in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad. 2013;:28-28. .
Medović, Aleksandar, Smykal, Petr, Jovanović, Živko, Stanisavljević, Nemanja, Zlatković, Bojan, Ćupina, Branko, Đorđević, Vuk, Mikić, Aleksandar, "A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia" in Book of Abstracts, 1st Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, 9-11 May 2013, Novi Sad (2013):28-28, .