Ikanović, Jela

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Ikanović, Jela (82)
Ecoremediation of degraded areas through agri-energy crops production Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200032 (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad)
Interdisciplinary Approach to Development of New Soybean Varieties and Improvement of the Cultivation Practices and Seed Production Development of new varieties and production technology improvement of oil crops for different purposes
Bilateralni projekat Crna Gora-Srbija: Alternativna žita i uljarice kao izvor zdravstveno bezbedne hrane i važna sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela (2019-2020) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200045 (Institute of Science Application in Agriculture, Belgrade) Alternative cereals and oil flax as functional foods, Provincial Secretariat for higher education and scientific research, 2021–2024
FAO project: Redesigning the exploitation of small grains genetic resources towards increased sustainability of grain-value chain and improved farmers’ livelihoods in Serbia and Bulgaria – GRAINEFIT; 2019-2022 Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200003 (Institute for Medicinal Plant Research 'Dr. Josif Pančić ', Belgrade)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200118 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200358 (BioSense Institute)
Investigating the possibility of using contaminated waters for cultivation of pseudocereals Improvement of genetic potential and technologies in forage crops production in function of sustainable animal husbandry development
Modern breeding of small grains for present and future needs APV Project 2022-2023: Analy sis of the impact of nitrogen on the productivity of maize hybrids of different FAO maturity groups using classical and modern technology
Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, FAO Bilateral project Slovakia - Serbia: Revitalization of small agricultural farms through energy crops cultivation and biomass production, SK-SRB-2013-0031
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/inst-2020/200046/RS// Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200117 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200216 (Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka) Mogućnosti iskorišćavanja brdsko-planinskog područja Srbije za organsku ratarsku proizvodnju
Increasing the market significance of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production technology Improvement of Maize and Sorghum Production Under Stress Conditions
Power Industry of Serbia Prizma Project 6770 PALraFES (2023-2027): Preservation of agricultural land in rural areas as a function of energy stability
Project number PR-166-Serbia SK-SRB-2013-0031 project “Revitalization of small agricultural farm through energy crops cultivation and biomass production”

Author's Bibliography

Uticaj genotipa na prinos i nutritivni kvalitet soje

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Popović, Marko; Živanović, Ljubiša; Janković, Snežana; Rakašćan, Nikola; Kajiš, Kristina; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Popović, Marko
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Rakašćan, Nikola
AU  - Kajiš, Kristina
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj sorte na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. Proučavane su dve sorte, posejane tokom 2023. godine u Pančevu. Proučavan je prinos zrna i komponente kvaliteta soje: vlaga, proteini i ulja i prinos zrna. Rezultati su pokazali da su testirane vrednosti ispitivanih sorti bile zadovoljavajuće i da se soja može uspešno gajiti uz adekvatnu tehnologiju proizvodnje.
AB  - In this paper, the influence of the variety on the yield and quality of soybeans was investigated. Two varieties were studied, sown during 2023 in Pancevo. Soybean grain yield and quality components were studied: moisture, proteins and oils, and grain yield. The results showed that the tested values of the tested varieties were satisfactory and that soybeans can be grown successfully with adequate production technology.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.
T1  - Uticaj genotipa na prinos i nutritivni kvalitet soje
T1  - Effect of genotype on yield and nutritive quality of soybeans
EP  - 79
SP  - 72
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Popović, Marko and Živanović, Ljubiša and Janković, Snežana and Rakašćan, Nikola and Kajiš, Kristina and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2024",
abstract = "U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj sorte na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. Proučavane su dve sorte, posejane tokom 2023. godine u Pančevu. Proučavan je prinos zrna i komponente kvaliteta soje: vlaga, proteini i ulja i prinos zrna. Rezultati su pokazali da su testirane vrednosti ispitivanih sorti bile zadovoljavajuće i da se soja može uspešno gajiti uz adekvatnu tehnologiju proizvodnje., In this paper, the influence of the variety on the yield and quality of soybeans was investigated. Two varieties were studied, sown during 2023 in Pancevo. Soybean grain yield and quality components were studied: moisture, proteins and oils, and grain yield. The results showed that the tested values of the tested varieties were satisfactory and that soybeans can be grown successfully with adequate production technology.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.",
title = "Uticaj genotipa na prinos i nutritivni kvalitet soje, Effect of genotype on yield and nutritive quality of soybeans",
pages = "79-72",
url = ""
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Popović, M., Živanović, L., Janković, S., Rakašćan, N., Kajiš, K.,& Kolarić, L.. (2024). Uticaj genotipa na prinos i nutritivni kvalitet soje. in Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 72-79.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Popović M, Živanović L, Janković S, Rakašćan N, Kajiš K, Kolarić L. Uticaj genotipa na prinos i nutritivni kvalitet soje. in Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.. 2024;:72-79. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Popović, Marko, Živanović, Ljubiša, Janković, Snežana, Rakašćan, Nikola, Kajiš, Kristina, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Uticaj genotipa na prinos i nutritivni kvalitet soje" in Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. (2024):72-79, .

Održivo upravljanje sekundarnim proizvodima uljane repice u funkciji zaštite životne sredine

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Živanović, Ljubiša; Rakašćan, Nikola; Janković, Snežana; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Pavlović, Slobodanka

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Rakašćan, Nikola
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Pavlović, Slobodanka
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U ovoj studiji ispitivano je održivo upravljanje otpadom uljanih repica u funkciji zaštite životne sredine. Posle berbe ovih uljanih biljaka na njivama ostaju suva cvetna stabla sa ostacima ljusaka. Ovi žetveni ostaci mogu se iskoristiti na nekoliko načina, i to kao stočna hrana, zatim kao prostirka za malčiranje, spravljanje komposta ili kao sirovina za biogorivo. Suvi žetveni ostaci repica u današnje vreme sve više se ocenjuju kao potencijalni izvor sekundarne biomase za proizvodnju goriva druge generacije, budući da su jeftin obnovljivi bioresurs. Drugi, i najvažniji sekundarni proizvod je uljana sačma koja ostaje posle proseca ekstakcije ulja. Uljana sačma ima veliku hranljivu i vitaminsku vrednost i služi kao stočna hrana, a sačma od nerafinisanog ulja u daljoj industrijskoj preradi za dobijanje niza korisnih proizvoda ili kao organsko hranivo za zemljište.
AB  - In this study, the sustainable management of rapeseed waste in the function of environmental protection was examined. After the harvest of these oil plants, dry flowering stems with remains of husks remain in the fields. These harvest residues can be used in several ways, namely as animal feed, then as a mat for mulching, making compost or as raw material for biofuel. Nowadays, dry rapeseed residues are increasingly evaluated as a potential source of secondary biomass for the production of second-generation fuels, since they are a cheap renewable bioresource. The second and most important secondary product is the oil shot that remains after the average extraction of the oil. Oil meal has a high nutritional and vitamin value and is used as animal feed, and unrefined oil meal in further industrial processing to obtain a number of useful products or as organic soil nutrients.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Poslovna zajednica "Industrijsko bilje"
C3  - Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.
T1  - Održivo upravljanje sekundarnim proizvodima uljane repice u funkciji zaštite životne sredine
T1  - Sustainable management of rapeseed secondary products in the function of environmental protection
EP  - 258
SP  - 250
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Živanović, Ljubiša and Rakašćan, Nikola and Janković, Snežana and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Pavlović, Slobodanka",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovoj studiji ispitivano je održivo upravljanje otpadom uljanih repica u funkciji zaštite životne sredine. Posle berbe ovih uljanih biljaka na njivama ostaju suva cvetna stabla sa ostacima ljusaka. Ovi žetveni ostaci mogu se iskoristiti na nekoliko načina, i to kao stočna hrana, zatim kao prostirka za malčiranje, spravljanje komposta ili kao sirovina za biogorivo. Suvi žetveni ostaci repica u današnje vreme sve više se ocenjuju kao potencijalni izvor sekundarne biomase za proizvodnju goriva druge generacije, budući da su jeftin obnovljivi bioresurs. Drugi, i najvažniji sekundarni proizvod je uljana sačma koja ostaje posle proseca ekstakcije ulja. Uljana sačma ima veliku hranljivu i vitaminsku vrednost i služi kao stočna hrana, a sačma od nerafinisanog ulja u daljoj industrijskoj preradi za dobijanje niza korisnih proizvoda ili kao organsko hranivo za zemljište., In this study, the sustainable management of rapeseed waste in the function of environmental protection was examined. After the harvest of these oil plants, dry flowering stems with remains of husks remain in the fields. These harvest residues can be used in several ways, namely as animal feed, then as a mat for mulching, making compost or as raw material for biofuel. Nowadays, dry rapeseed residues are increasingly evaluated as a potential source of secondary biomass for the production of second-generation fuels, since they are a cheap renewable bioresource. The second and most important secondary product is the oil shot that remains after the average extraction of the oil. Oil meal has a high nutritional and vitamin value and is used as animal feed, and unrefined oil meal in further industrial processing to obtain a number of useful products or as organic soil nutrients.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Poslovna zajednica "Industrijsko bilje"",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.",
title = "Održivo upravljanje sekundarnim proizvodima uljane repice u funkciji zaštite životne sredine, Sustainable management of rapeseed secondary products in the function of environmental protection",
pages = "258-250",
url = ""
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Živanović, L., Rakašćan, N., Janković, S., Kolarić, L.,& Pavlović, S.. (2023). Održivo upravljanje sekundarnim proizvodima uljane repice u funkciji zaštite životne sredine. in Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 250-258.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Živanović L, Rakašćan N, Janković S, Kolarić L, Pavlović S. Održivo upravljanje sekundarnim proizvodima uljane repice u funkciji zaštite životne sredine. in Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.. 2023;:250-258. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Živanović, Ljubiša, Rakašćan, Nikola, Janković, Snežana, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Pavlović, Slobodanka, "Održivo upravljanje sekundarnim proizvodima uljane repice u funkciji zaštite životne sredine" in Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023. (2023):250-258, .

Korišćenje biomase za proizvodnju biogasa

Rakašćan, Nikola; Ikanović, Jela; Živanović, Ljubiša; Milunović, Igor; Popović, Vera

(Banja Luka : Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske, 2023)

AU  - Rakašćan, Nikola
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Milunović, Igor
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Biomasa biljaka je najveći obnovljivi izvor energije. Republika Srpska i Republika Srbija spadaju u vrh evropskih zemalja po količini raspoložive a neiskorišćene biomase. Biogas je proizvod koji se dobija anaerobnom razgradnjom organske supstance uz pomoć kompleksa mikroorganizama u biogasnim elektranama. Za dobijanje biogasa mogu poslužiti svi tipovi biomase, koja sadrži ugljene hidrate, proteine, masti, celulozu i hemicelulozu. U teoretskom smislu, biogas se može proizvesti iz bilo kog supstrata organskog porijekla. Takođe, postoje mogućnosti da se razne vrste supstrata kombinuju u jednom biogas postrojenju.
AB  - Plant biomass is the largest renewable energy source. Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serbia are among the top European countries in terms of the amount of available and unused biomass. Biogas is a product obtained by anaerobic decomposition of organic matter with the help of a complex of microorganisms in biogas power plants. All types of biomass which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cellulose and hemicellulose can be used to obtain biogas. In theoretical terms, biogas can be produced from any substrate of organic origin. Also, there are possibilities to combine different types of substrates in one biogas plant.
PB  - Banja Luka : Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske
T2  - Upravljanje resursima u proizvodnji i preradi biomase
T1  - Korišćenje biomase za proizvodnju biogasa
T1  - Use of biomass for biofuel production
EP  - 391
SP  - 368
VL  - 52
DO  - 10.7251/EORU2306367R
ER  - 
author = "Rakašćan, Nikola and Ikanović, Jela and Živanović, Ljubiša and Milunović, Igor and Popović, Vera",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Biomasa biljaka je najveći obnovljivi izvor energije. Republika Srpska i Republika Srbija spadaju u vrh evropskih zemalja po količini raspoložive a neiskorišćene biomase. Biogas je proizvod koji se dobija anaerobnom razgradnjom organske supstance uz pomoć kompleksa mikroorganizama u biogasnim elektranama. Za dobijanje biogasa mogu poslužiti svi tipovi biomase, koja sadrži ugljene hidrate, proteine, masti, celulozu i hemicelulozu. U teoretskom smislu, biogas se može proizvesti iz bilo kog supstrata organskog porijekla. Takođe, postoje mogućnosti da se razne vrste supstrata kombinuju u jednom biogas postrojenju., Plant biomass is the largest renewable energy source. Republic of Srpska and the Republic of Serbia are among the top European countries in terms of the amount of available and unused biomass. Biogas is a product obtained by anaerobic decomposition of organic matter with the help of a complex of microorganisms in biogas power plants. All types of biomass which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cellulose and hemicellulose can be used to obtain biogas. In theoretical terms, biogas can be produced from any substrate of organic origin. Also, there are possibilities to combine different types of substrates in one biogas plant.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske",
journal = "Upravljanje resursima u proizvodnji i preradi biomase",
booktitle = "Korišćenje biomase za proizvodnju biogasa, Use of biomass for biofuel production",
pages = "391-368",
volume = "52",
doi = "10.7251/EORU2306367R"
Rakašćan, N., Ikanović, J., Živanović, L., Milunović, I.,& Popović, V.. (2023). Korišćenje biomase za proizvodnju biogasa. in Upravljanje resursima u proizvodnji i preradi biomase
Banja Luka : Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske., 52, 368-391.
Rakašćan N, Ikanović J, Živanović L, Milunović I, Popović V. Korišćenje biomase za proizvodnju biogasa. in Upravljanje resursima u proizvodnji i preradi biomase. 2023;52:368-391.
doi:10.7251/EORU2306367R .
Rakašćan, Nikola, Ikanović, Jela, Živanović, Ljubiša, Milunović, Igor, Popović, Vera, "Korišćenje biomase za proizvodnju biogasa" in Upravljanje resursima u proizvodnji i preradi biomase, 52 (2023):368-391, . .

Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda

Popović, Vera; Bošković, Jelena; Đurić, Nenad; Ikanović, Jela; Filipović, Vladimir; Ljubičić, Nataša; Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Biljke svojim cvetovima, sokovima i smolama daju pčelama hranu, stvaraju uslove za pravilan život pčelinjeg društva i predstavljaju osnovu za dobijanje pčelinjih proizvoda - meda, cvetnog praha, mleča, voska, propolisa i pčelinjeg otrova. Najzastupljenije medonosne biljke kod nas su: divlji kesten, bagrem, lipa, jorgovan, kupina, facelija, heljda, suncokret, zvezdan, lavanda, neven, žalfija, morač, šafran, itd. Pčele imaju veliki značaj za živi svet na našoj planeti. U poslednje vreme sve je više evidentna ugroženost pčela. Ova studija prikazuje medonosne biljke i efekte koje pesticidi imaju na pčele i njihovu produktivnost. Najčešći put kontaminacije je izloženost pčela agro-hemikalijama koje se koriste za zaštitu useva i njihova primena na useve. Izloženost pčela pesticidima je kroz gutanje ostataka koji se nalaze u polenu i nektaru biljaka. Zbog svega navedenog dati su praktični saveti za izbegavanje štetnih uticaja pesticida u pčelarstvu kako bi se izbegle štetne posledice.
AB  - Plants, with their flowers, juices and resins, give bees food, create conditions for the proper life of the bee colony and represent the basis for obtaining bee products - honey, pollen, nectar, wax, propolis and bee venom. The most common honey plants in our country are: wild chestnut, acacia, lime tree, lilac, blackberry, phacelia, buckwheat, sunflower, common bird's foot trefoil, lavender, calendula, sage, fennel, saffron, etc. Bees have a great importance for the living world on our planet, lately it is more and more evident bees' endangerment. This study shows honey plants and effects that pesticides have on honey bees and their productivity. The most common way of contamination is exposure of bees to agrochemicals used for crop protection and their application to crops. The exposure of bees to pesticides is through ingestion of residues found in the pollen and nectar of plants. Due to all of the above, practical advice was given to avoid the harmful effects of pesticides in beekeeping in order to avoid harmful consequences.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar 2023.
T1  - Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda
T1  - Honey-bearing plants and the influence of pesticides on bees and honey production
EP  - 268
SP  - 259
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Bošković, Jelena and Đurić, Nenad and Ikanović, Jela and Filipović, Vladimir and Ljubičić, Nataša and Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Biljke svojim cvetovima, sokovima i smolama daju pčelama hranu, stvaraju uslove za pravilan život pčelinjeg društva i predstavljaju osnovu za dobijanje pčelinjih proizvoda - meda, cvetnog praha, mleča, voska, propolisa i pčelinjeg otrova. Najzastupljenije medonosne biljke kod nas su: divlji kesten, bagrem, lipa, jorgovan, kupina, facelija, heljda, suncokret, zvezdan, lavanda, neven, žalfija, morač, šafran, itd. Pčele imaju veliki značaj za živi svet na našoj planeti. U poslednje vreme sve je više evidentna ugroženost pčela. Ova studija prikazuje medonosne biljke i efekte koje pesticidi imaju na pčele i njihovu produktivnost. Najčešći put kontaminacije je izloženost pčela agro-hemikalijama koje se koriste za zaštitu useva i njihova primena na useve. Izloženost pčela pesticidima je kroz gutanje ostataka koji se nalaze u polenu i nektaru biljaka. Zbog svega navedenog dati su praktični saveti za izbegavanje štetnih uticaja pesticida u pčelarstvu kako bi se izbegle štetne posledice., Plants, with their flowers, juices and resins, give bees food, create conditions for the proper life of the bee colony and represent the basis for obtaining bee products - honey, pollen, nectar, wax, propolis and bee venom. The most common honey plants in our country are: wild chestnut, acacia, lime tree, lilac, blackberry, phacelia, buckwheat, sunflower, common bird's foot trefoil, lavender, calendula, sage, fennel, saffron, etc. Bees have a great importance for the living world on our planet, lately it is more and more evident bees' endangerment. This study shows honey plants and effects that pesticides have on honey bees and their productivity. The most common way of contamination is exposure of bees to agrochemicals used for crop protection and their application to crops. The exposure of bees to pesticides is through ingestion of residues found in the pollen and nectar of plants. Due to all of the above, practical advice was given to avoid the harmful effects of pesticides in beekeeping in order to avoid harmful consequences.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar 2023.",
title = "Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda, Honey-bearing plants and the influence of pesticides on bees and honey production",
pages = "268-259",
url = ""
Popović, V., Bošković, J., Đurić, N., Ikanović, J., Filipović, V., Ljubičić, N.,& Šarčević-Todosijević, L.. (2023). Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda. in Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar 2023.
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 259-268.
Popović V, Bošković J, Đurić N, Ikanović J, Filipović V, Ljubičić N, Šarčević-Todosijević L. Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda. in Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar 2023.. 2023;:259-268. .
Popović, Vera, Bošković, Jelena, Đurić, Nenad, Ikanović, Jela, Filipović, Vladimir, Ljubičić, Nataša, Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica, "Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda" in Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar 2023. (2023):259-268, .

Produktivnost soje i mogućnost korišćenja kao energenta

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Popović, Vera; Ikanović, Jela; Živanović, Ljubiša; Janković, Snežana; Rakašćan, Nikola; Stevanović, Petar

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Rakašćan, Nikola
AU  - Stevanović, Petar
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Žetveni ostaci suncokreta, kukuruza, uljane repice i soje čine više od 50 odsto ukupnog prinosa biomase i mogu se koristiti i za dobijanje bioenergije. Кao izvoru bioenergije prednost se daje žetvenim ostacima koji sadrže više celuloze i ulja, kao što je na primer slama soje. Oplemenjivanje soje ima za cilj stvaranje sorti sa većom biomasom i povećanim prinosom ulja po hektaru, kao i stvaranje sorti koje bi više odgovarale industrijskoj preradi za proizvodnju tehničkih ulja. U ovoj studiji ispitivani su produktivni parametri soje u dvogodišnjem periodu, 2021. i 2022. Prosečni prinosi soje su varirali od 2,8 t ha-1 (2022), do 2,9 t ha-1 (2021). Ukupni prinosi biomase soje iznosili su 4,75 t ha-1, dok je prinos biogasa iznosio 384,5 m3 ha-1. Godina je imala značajan uticaj na proizvodnju soje. Povoljnija godina za proizvodnju bila je 2021. sa značajno većim prinosima zrna, biomase i biogasa u odnosu na 2022.
AB  - Harvest residues of sunflower, maize, oilseed rape and soybeans make up more than 50% of the total biomass yield and can also be used to obtain bioenergy. As a source of bioenergy, preference is given to harvesting residues that contain more cellulose and oil, such as soybean straw. Soybean breeding aims to create varieties with higher biomass and increased oil yield per hectare, as well as to create varieties that would be more suitable for industrial processing for the production of technical oils. In this study, the productive parameters of soybeans were investigated in two years, 2021 and 2022. The average yields of soybeans varied from 2.8 t ha-1 (2022) to 2.9 t ha-1 (2022). The total soybean biomass yield was 4.8 t ha-1, while the biogas yield was 384.5 m3 ha-1. The year had a significant impact on soybean production. The more favourable year for production was 2021, with significantly higher yields of grain, biomass and biogas, compared to 2022.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.
T1  - Produktivnost soje i mogućnost korišćenja kao energenta
T1  - Productivity of soybean and the possibility of using it as energy
EP  - 122
SP  - 121
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Popović, Vera and Ikanović, Jela and Živanović, Ljubiša and Janković, Snežana and Rakašćan, Nikola and Stevanović, Petar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Žetveni ostaci suncokreta, kukuruza, uljane repice i soje čine više od 50 odsto ukupnog prinosa biomase i mogu se koristiti i za dobijanje bioenergije. Кao izvoru bioenergije prednost se daje žetvenim ostacima koji sadrže više celuloze i ulja, kao što je na primer slama soje. Oplemenjivanje soje ima za cilj stvaranje sorti sa većom biomasom i povećanim prinosom ulja po hektaru, kao i stvaranje sorti koje bi više odgovarale industrijskoj preradi za proizvodnju tehničkih ulja. U ovoj studiji ispitivani su produktivni parametri soje u dvogodišnjem periodu, 2021. i 2022. Prosečni prinosi soje su varirali od 2,8 t ha-1 (2022), do 2,9 t ha-1 (2021). Ukupni prinosi biomase soje iznosili su 4,75 t ha-1, dok je prinos biogasa iznosio 384,5 m3 ha-1. Godina je imala značajan uticaj na proizvodnju soje. Povoljnija godina za proizvodnju bila je 2021. sa značajno većim prinosima zrna, biomase i biogasa u odnosu na 2022., Harvest residues of sunflower, maize, oilseed rape and soybeans make up more than 50% of the total biomass yield and can also be used to obtain bioenergy. As a source of bioenergy, preference is given to harvesting residues that contain more cellulose and oil, such as soybean straw. Soybean breeding aims to create varieties with higher biomass and increased oil yield per hectare, as well as to create varieties that would be more suitable for industrial processing for the production of technical oils. In this study, the productive parameters of soybeans were investigated in two years, 2021 and 2022. The average yields of soybeans varied from 2.8 t ha-1 (2022) to 2.9 t ha-1 (2022). The total soybean biomass yield was 4.8 t ha-1, while the biogas yield was 384.5 m3 ha-1. The year had a significant impact on soybean production. The more favourable year for production was 2021, with significantly higher yields of grain, biomass and biogas, compared to 2022.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.",
title = "Produktivnost soje i mogućnost korišćenja kao energenta, Productivity of soybean and the possibility of using it as energy",
pages = "122-121",
url = ""
Kolarić, L., Popović, V., Ikanović, J., Živanović, L., Janković, S., Rakašćan, N.,& Stevanović, P.. (2023). Produktivnost soje i mogućnost korišćenja kao energenta. in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 121-122.
Kolarić L, Popović V, Ikanović J, Živanović L, Janković S, Rakašćan N, Stevanović P. Produktivnost soje i mogućnost korišćenja kao energenta. in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.. 2023;:121-122. .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Popović, Vera, Ikanović, Jela, Živanović, Ljubiša, Janković, Snežana, Rakašćan, Nikola, Stevanović, Petar, "Produktivnost soje i mogućnost korišćenja kao energenta" in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023. (2023):121-122, .

Soybeans as a food and energy source

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Živanović, Ljubiša; Janković, Snežana; Rakaščan, Nikola; Burić, Marko; Jevremov, Branko

(Vienna : University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), 2023)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
AU  - Burić, Marko
AU  - Jevremov, Branko
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - High protein content with lower carbohydrate content, highlights soy as a unique vegetable protein source and they are good milk substitutes. Soy contains isoflavones, which are polyphenols with estrogenic properties highly. Many studies show that individuals consuming foods high in vegetable proteins have lower risk of cardiovascular disease and other metabolic disorders. Soybean is also an important source of bioenergy. As a source of bioenergy, preference is given to harvest residues that contain more cellulose and oil, for example soybean straw. In order to obtain greater energy benefits from soybeans, breeding is aimed at the production of varieties with higher biomass and increased oil yield per hectare, as well as the creation of varieties that would be more suitable for industrial processing for the production of technical oils. In this study, productive parameters of soybeans were examined in 2021 and 2022 in Dolovo, Serbia, on chernozem type soil. The subject of research was the soybean genotype Favorit. Average soybean yields varied from 2.8 t ha-1 (2022), to 2.92 t ha-1 (2022). The total soybean biomass yield was 4.15 t ha-1, while the biogas yield was 372 m3 ha-1. The year 2021 was more favorable for soybean production, where higher grain yields, biomass and biogas yields were achieved.
PB  - Vienna : University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
C3  - Abstracts, 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11), Soybean Research for Sustainable Development, Vienna, 18-23 June 2023
T1  - Soybeans as a food and energy source
EP  - 149
SP  - 149
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.7974681
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Živanović, Ljubiša and Janković, Snežana and Rakaščan, Nikola and Burić, Marko and Jevremov, Branko",
year = "2023",
abstract = "High protein content with lower carbohydrate content, highlights soy as a unique vegetable protein source and they are good milk substitutes. Soy contains isoflavones, which are polyphenols with estrogenic properties highly. Many studies show that individuals consuming foods high in vegetable proteins have lower risk of cardiovascular disease and other metabolic disorders. Soybean is also an important source of bioenergy. As a source of bioenergy, preference is given to harvest residues that contain more cellulose and oil, for example soybean straw. In order to obtain greater energy benefits from soybeans, breeding is aimed at the production of varieties with higher biomass and increased oil yield per hectare, as well as the creation of varieties that would be more suitable for industrial processing for the production of technical oils. In this study, productive parameters of soybeans were examined in 2021 and 2022 in Dolovo, Serbia, on chernozem type soil. The subject of research was the soybean genotype Favorit. Average soybean yields varied from 2.8 t ha-1 (2022), to 2.92 t ha-1 (2022). The total soybean biomass yield was 4.15 t ha-1, while the biogas yield was 372 m3 ha-1. The year 2021 was more favorable for soybean production, where higher grain yields, biomass and biogas yields were achieved.",
publisher = "Vienna : University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)",
journal = "Abstracts, 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11), Soybean Research for Sustainable Development, Vienna, 18-23 June 2023",
title = "Soybeans as a food and energy source",
pages = "149-149",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.7974681"
Kolarić, L., Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Živanović, L., Janković, S., Rakaščan, N., Burić, M.,& Jevremov, B.. (2023). Soybeans as a food and energy source. in Abstracts, 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11), Soybean Research for Sustainable Development, Vienna, 18-23 June 2023
Vienna : University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)., 149-149.
Kolarić L, Ikanović J, Popović V, Živanović L, Janković S, Rakaščan N, Burić M, Jevremov B. Soybeans as a food and energy source. in Abstracts, 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11), Soybean Research for Sustainable Development, Vienna, 18-23 June 2023. 2023;:149-149.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7974681 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Živanović, Ljubiša, Janković, Snežana, Rakaščan, Nikola, Burić, Marko, Jevremov, Branko, "Soybeans as a food and energy source" in Abstracts, 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11), Soybean Research for Sustainable Development, Vienna, 18-23 June 2023 (2023):149-149, . .

State and the importance of organic production to human health

Popović, Vera; Burić, Marko; Gantner, Vesna; Janković, Snežana; Dokić, Dragan; Filipović, Vladimir; Ikanović, Jela; Bojović, Radmila

(Belgrade : Institute of Agricultural Economics, 2023)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Burić, Marko
AU  - Gantner, Vesna
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Dokić, Dragan
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Bojović, Radmila
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Sustainable resource management and environmental protection are the basis for ensuring long-term stability and quality of agricultural production on the global food market where organic production has a great chance. In this study, organic crop production in Serbia is analyzed in comparison with neighbouring countries, and the prospects for the development of organic crop production in our country are indicated by SWOT analysis. Trend of growth in value of organic production is recorded a continuous upward path, due to the increased awareness of people about the importance of consuming health-safe foods, produced in a certified system of organic agriculture. Organically produced plant derived food products have a higher nutritional value than conventional ones and lower level of contamination in organic crops, which is why the risk of diseases caused by contaminated food is significantly reduced. Мain benefits organic productions are health-safe products, economic profit/benefit, preserving the environment and health.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Agricultural Economics
C3  - Thematic Proceedings, 3rd international Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", February 2023, Belgrade
T1  - State and the importance of organic production to human health
EP  - 501
SP  - 489
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Burić, Marko and Gantner, Vesna and Janković, Snežana and Dokić, Dragan and Filipović, Vladimir and Ikanović, Jela and Bojović, Radmila",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Sustainable resource management and environmental protection are the basis for ensuring long-term stability and quality of agricultural production on the global food market where organic production has a great chance. In this study, organic crop production in Serbia is analyzed in comparison with neighbouring countries, and the prospects for the development of organic crop production in our country are indicated by SWOT analysis. Trend of growth in value of organic production is recorded a continuous upward path, due to the increased awareness of people about the importance of consuming health-safe foods, produced in a certified system of organic agriculture. Organically produced plant derived food products have a higher nutritional value than conventional ones and lower level of contamination in organic crops, which is why the risk of diseases caused by contaminated food is significantly reduced. Мain benefits organic productions are health-safe products, economic profit/benefit, preserving the environment and health.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Agricultural Economics",
journal = "Thematic Proceedings, 3rd international Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", February 2023, Belgrade",
title = "State and the importance of organic production to human health",
pages = "501-489",
url = ""
Popović, V., Burić, M., Gantner, V., Janković, S., Dokić, D., Filipović, V., Ikanović, J.,& Bojović, R.. (2023). State and the importance of organic production to human health. in Thematic Proceedings, 3rd international Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", February 2023, Belgrade
Belgrade : Institute of Agricultural Economics., 489-501.
Popović V, Burić M, Gantner V, Janković S, Dokić D, Filipović V, Ikanović J, Bojović R. State and the importance of organic production to human health. in Thematic Proceedings, 3rd international Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", February 2023, Belgrade. 2023;:489-501. .
Popović, Vera, Burić, Marko, Gantner, Vesna, Janković, Snežana, Dokić, Dragan, Filipović, Vladimir, Ikanović, Jela, Bojović, Radmila, "State and the importance of organic production to human health" in Thematic Proceedings, 3rd international Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", February 2023, Belgrade (2023):489-501, .

Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaša

Sikora, Vladimir; Popović, Vera; Kiprovski, Biljana; Ikanović, Jela; Brdar-Jokanović, Milka; Koren, Anamarija; Aćimović, Milica

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Sikora, Vladimir
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Kiprovski, Biljana
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Brdar-Jokanović, Milka
AU  - Koren, Anamarija
AU  - Aćimović, Milica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Ovo je realizovana sorta sirka metlaša Prima.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaša
IS  - 320-44-02838/2/2020-11
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Sikora, Vladimir and Popović, Vera and Kiprovski, Biljana and Ikanović, Jela and Brdar-Jokanović, Milka and Koren, Anamarija and Aćimović, Milica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Ovo je realizovana sorta sirka metlaša Prima.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaša",
number = "320-44-02838/2/2020-11",
url = ""
Sikora, V., Popović, V., Kiprovski, B., Ikanović, J., Brdar-Jokanović, M., Koren, A.,& Aćimović, M.. (2022). Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaša. 
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo.(320-44-02838/2/2020-11).
Sikora V, Popović V, Kiprovski B, Ikanović J, Brdar-Jokanović M, Koren A, Aćimović M. Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaša. 2022;(320-44-02838/2/2020-11). .
Sikora, Vladimir, Popović, Vera, Kiprovski, Biljana, Ikanović, Jela, Brdar-Jokanović, Milka, Koren, Anamarija, Aćimović, Milica, "Prima, realizovana sorta sirka metlaša", no. 320-44-02838/2/2020-11 (2022), .

Management and sunflower production in world and Serbia

Popovic, Dragana; Rajičić, Vera; Ljubičić, Nataša; Radojević, Vuk; Filipović, Vladimir; Popović, Slobodan; Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera

(Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, 2022)

AU  - Popovic, Dragana
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Radojević, Vuk
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Popović, Slobodan
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating (leadership, leadership) 
and control in the direction of achieving certain company goals: preventive control - before 
work, current control - during work and subsequent control - after work. The basic economic 
principles are: productivity, economy and profitability. Effectiveness is a prerequisite for the 
successful operation of any organization, because it involves choosing the right goals. By 
applying management, sowing the most productive genotypes and respecting all aspects 
of cultivation technology, profitable sunflower production will be achieved. The aim of the 
study was to evaluate the production and management of sunflower in the five-year period. 
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is the important raw material used to produce oil in the world 
and Serbia.Production parameters were analysed: grain yield, area and total production. The 
results of the research showed that the growth trend of sunflower areas is evident. The largest 
areas under sunflowers, in the world and Serbia were in 2020 (27,874,284 ha; 221,149 ha) 
while the highest yields were achieved in 2019 (2.04 t ha-1; 3.32 t ha-1). The trend of growth 
of areas in the world and Serbia under these crop in the coming period is predicted. Achieved 
yields in 2019 of 3.32 t ha-1 indicate that Serbia, in addition to excellent soil and agro-ecological 
conditions, also has excellent domestic high-yielding and stable genotypes, where the top NS 
assortment of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad dominates.
PB  - Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid
T1  - Management and sunflower production in world and Serbia
EP  - 47
SP  - 47
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popovic, Dragana and Rajičić, Vera and Ljubičić, Nataša and Radojević, Vuk and Filipović, Vladimir and Popović, Slobodan and Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating (leadership, leadership) 
and control in the direction of achieving certain company goals: preventive control - before 
work, current control - during work and subsequent control - after work. The basic economic 
principles are: productivity, economy and profitability. Effectiveness is a prerequisite for the 
successful operation of any organization, because it involves choosing the right goals. By 
applying management, sowing the most productive genotypes and respecting all aspects 
of cultivation technology, profitable sunflower production will be achieved. The aim of the 
study was to evaluate the production and management of sunflower in the five-year period. 
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is the important raw material used to produce oil in the world 
and Serbia.Production parameters were analysed: grain yield, area and total production. The 
results of the research showed that the growth trend of sunflower areas is evident. The largest 
areas under sunflowers, in the world and Serbia were in 2020 (27,874,284 ha; 221,149 ha) 
while the highest yields were achieved in 2019 (2.04 t ha-1; 3.32 t ha-1). The trend of growth 
of areas in the world and Serbia under these crop in the coming period is predicted. Achieved 
yields in 2019 of 3.32 t ha-1 indicate that Serbia, in addition to excellent soil and agro-ecological 
conditions, also has excellent domestic high-yielding and stable genotypes, where the top NS 
assortment of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from Novi Sad dominates.",
publisher = "Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid",
title = "Management and sunflower production in world and Serbia",
pages = "47-47",
url = ""
Popovic, D., Rajičić, V., Ljubičić, N., Radojević, V., Filipović, V., Popović, S., Ikanović, J.,& Popović, V.. (2022). Management and sunflower production in world and Serbia. in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid
Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food., 47-47.
Popovic D, Rajičić V, Ljubičić N, Radojević V, Filipović V, Popović S, Ikanović J, Popović V. Management and sunflower production in world and Serbia. in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid. 2022;:47-47. .
Popovic, Dragana, Rajičić, Vera, Ljubičić, Nataša, Radojević, Vuk, Filipović, Vladimir, Popović, Slobodan, Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, "Management and sunflower production in world and Serbia" in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid (2022):47-47, .

Economic productivity of spelt on degraded land

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera

(Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, 2022)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In the last forty years, about 30% of agricultural land has undergone degrading processes, 
especially in developed countries. Attempts are being made to repair or recultivate degraded 
soils, but the results in the world and in our country are mostly symbolic. The paper presents 
the results of testing the productivity of alternative cereals grown on degraded land at locality 
u Ilandza in 2020-21. The experiment was set up according to a random block system in four 
replications. The subject of research is the spelled Nirvana variety. Spelt, variety Nirvana was 
tested using standard agricultural techniques. During the vegetation period of plants, the most 
important morphologically productive parameters were monitored. The year 2020 was more 
favorable compared to 2021 for all examined parameters. The average values for the length of 
the classes were 8.5 cm. Average the length of the spikes was 8.5 cm. Values for plant height 
ranged from 148 cm (2021) to 158 cm (2020) while values for 100 g mass ranged from 46.73 
g (2021) to 45.3 g (2020). In addition to the applied cultivation technology, climatic conditions 
are of great importance for spelled productivity
PB  - Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid
T1  - Economic productivity of spelt on degraded land
EP  - 269
SP  - 269
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In the last forty years, about 30% of agricultural land has undergone degrading processes, 
especially in developed countries. Attempts are being made to repair or recultivate degraded 
soils, but the results in the world and in our country are mostly symbolic. The paper presents 
the results of testing the productivity of alternative cereals grown on degraded land at locality 
u Ilandza in 2020-21. The experiment was set up according to a random block system in four 
replications. The subject of research is the spelled Nirvana variety. Spelt, variety Nirvana was 
tested using standard agricultural techniques. During the vegetation period of plants, the most 
important morphologically productive parameters were monitored. The year 2020 was more 
favorable compared to 2021 for all examined parameters. The average values for the length of 
the classes were 8.5 cm. Average the length of the spikes was 8.5 cm. Values for plant height 
ranged from 148 cm (2021) to 158 cm (2020) while values for 100 g mass ranged from 46.73 
g (2021) to 45.3 g (2020). In addition to the applied cultivation technology, climatic conditions 
are of great importance for spelled productivity",
publisher = "Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid",
title = "Economic productivity of spelt on degraded land",
pages = "269-269",
url = ""
Ikanović, J.,& Popović, V.. (2022). Economic productivity of spelt on degraded land. in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid
Skopje : Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food., 269-269.
Ikanović J, Popović V. Economic productivity of spelt on degraded land. in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid. 2022;:269-269. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, "Economic productivity of spelt on degraded land" in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Symposium for Agriculture and Food ISAF, 12-14 October 2022, Ohrid (2022):269-269, .

Genotype × year interaction on rye productivity parameters cultivated on sandy chernozem soil

Milunović, Igor; Popović, Vera; Rakaščan, Nikola; Ikanović, Jela; Trkulja, Vojislav; Radojević, Vuk; Dražić, Gordana

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Milunović, Igor
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Trkulja, Vojislav
AU  - Radojević, Vuk
AU  - Dražić, Gordana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Rye is a dual-purpose crop, for nutrition but also for bioenergy. The selection of rye is aimed at its improvement as a plant for human and animal consumption, but also it is interesting for bioenergy production as it combines high biomass production with low environmental impact. There is a growing demand for sustainable sources of biomass worldwide. Directions for achieving rye selection for energy purposes include selection to increase biomass yield and corresponding physiological properties. During three years (2019-2021), four rye genotypes were examined. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of genotype (G), year (Y) and their interaction (G×Y) on rye productivity parameters: plant height (PH), spike length (SL), 1000-grain weight (TGW), hectoliter mass (HM), green biomass yield (GBY), biogas yield (BGY) as well as the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel. Rye is an excellent raw material for the production of healthy food, but also for the production of biofuels. The study discussed the potential use of four high yielding genotypes for biofuel production. Genotype G1 (25.29 t ha-1) had a statistically significantly higher average green biomass yield compared to genotypes G2, G3 and G4 (22.98 t ha-1, 23.56 t ha-1 and 23.76 t ha-1). Significant G×Y interactions demonstrate differences between rye genotypes in response to environmental conditions. Plant height was directly proportional to biomass yield. As one of the targets in breeding programs, to develop taller cultivars as biofuel feedstock. Screening and selection of appropriate rye varieties for each region is critical for optimum results.
AB  - Raž je usev dvostruke namene, za ishranu i za bioenergiju. Selekcija raži ima za cilj, unapređenje biljke za ishranu ljudi i životinja, ali je interesantna i za proizvodnju bioenergije, jer kombinuje veliku proizvodnju biomase sa malim uticajem na životnu sredinu. Širom sveta postoji rastuća potražnja za održivim izvorima biomase. Pravci kojima se postiže selekcija raži u energetske svrhe obuhvata selekciju na povećanje prinosa biomase i odgovarajućih fizioloških svojstava. U trogodišnjim mikroogledima (2019-2021.) ispitivana su četiri genotipa raži. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita uticaj genotipa (G), godine (Y) i njihove interakcije (G×Y) na parametre produktivnosti raži: visinu biljaka (PH), dužinu klasa (SL), masu 1000 semena (TGW), hektolitarsku masu (HM), prinos zelene biomase (GBY), i prinos biogasa (BGY). Raž je odlična sirovina za proizvodnju zdravstveno bezbedne hrane ali i za proizvodnju biogoriva. Studija razmatra potencijalnu upotrebu visokoprinosnih genotipova za proizvodnju biogoriva. Genotip G1 (25.29 t ha-1) imao je statistički značajno veći prosečni prinos zelene biomase u odnosu na genotipove G2, G3 i G4 (22.98 t ha-1, 23.56 t ha-1 i 23.76 t ha-1). Interakcija G × Y pokazuje razliku između genotipova raži, kao odgovor na uslove životne sredine. Korelacija između testiranih parametara bila je značajna, ali ne posebno visoka. Visina biljaka bila je direktno proporcionalna prinosu biomase. Kao jedan od ciljeva u programima oplemenjivanja je da se kao sirovina za biogorivo stvaraju više sorte. Selekcija i odabir odgovarajućih sorti raži za svaki region je od ključnog značaja za postizanje optimalnih rezultata.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
T2  - Genetika-Belgrade
T1  - Genotype × year interaction on rye productivity parameters cultivated on sandy chernozem soil
T1  - Interakcija genotip × godina na parametre produktivnosti raži gajene na peskovitom černozemu
EP  - 905
IS  - 2
SP  - 887
VL  - 54
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR2202887M
ER  - 
author = "Milunović, Igor and Popović, Vera and Rakaščan, Nikola and Ikanović, Jela and Trkulja, Vojislav and Radojević, Vuk and Dražić, Gordana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Rye is a dual-purpose crop, for nutrition but also for bioenergy. The selection of rye is aimed at its improvement as a plant for human and animal consumption, but also it is interesting for bioenergy production as it combines high biomass production with low environmental impact. There is a growing demand for sustainable sources of biomass worldwide. Directions for achieving rye selection for energy purposes include selection to increase biomass yield and corresponding physiological properties. During three years (2019-2021), four rye genotypes were examined. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of genotype (G), year (Y) and their interaction (G×Y) on rye productivity parameters: plant height (PH), spike length (SL), 1000-grain weight (TGW), hectoliter mass (HM), green biomass yield (GBY), biogas yield (BGY) as well as the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel. Rye is an excellent raw material for the production of healthy food, but also for the production of biofuels. The study discussed the potential use of four high yielding genotypes for biofuel production. Genotype G1 (25.29 t ha-1) had a statistically significantly higher average green biomass yield compared to genotypes G2, G3 and G4 (22.98 t ha-1, 23.56 t ha-1 and 23.76 t ha-1). Significant G×Y interactions demonstrate differences between rye genotypes in response to environmental conditions. Plant height was directly proportional to biomass yield. As one of the targets in breeding programs, to develop taller cultivars as biofuel feedstock. Screening and selection of appropriate rye varieties for each region is critical for optimum results., Raž je usev dvostruke namene, za ishranu i za bioenergiju. Selekcija raži ima za cilj, unapređenje biljke za ishranu ljudi i životinja, ali je interesantna i za proizvodnju bioenergije, jer kombinuje veliku proizvodnju biomase sa malim uticajem na životnu sredinu. Širom sveta postoji rastuća potražnja za održivim izvorima biomase. Pravci kojima se postiže selekcija raži u energetske svrhe obuhvata selekciju na povećanje prinosa biomase i odgovarajućih fizioloških svojstava. U trogodišnjim mikroogledima (2019-2021.) ispitivana su četiri genotipa raži. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita uticaj genotipa (G), godine (Y) i njihove interakcije (G×Y) na parametre produktivnosti raži: visinu biljaka (PH), dužinu klasa (SL), masu 1000 semena (TGW), hektolitarsku masu (HM), prinos zelene biomase (GBY), i prinos biogasa (BGY). Raž je odlična sirovina za proizvodnju zdravstveno bezbedne hrane ali i za proizvodnju biogoriva. Studija razmatra potencijalnu upotrebu visokoprinosnih genotipova za proizvodnju biogoriva. Genotip G1 (25.29 t ha-1) imao je statistički značajno veći prosečni prinos zelene biomase u odnosu na genotipove G2, G3 i G4 (22.98 t ha-1, 23.56 t ha-1 i 23.76 t ha-1). Interakcija G × Y pokazuje razliku između genotipova raži, kao odgovor na uslove životne sredine. Korelacija između testiranih parametara bila je značajna, ali ne posebno visoka. Visina biljaka bila je direktno proporcionalna prinosu biomase. Kao jedan od ciljeva u programima oplemenjivanja je da se kao sirovina za biogorivo stvaraju više sorte. Selekcija i odabir odgovarajućih sorti raži za svaki region je od ključnog značaja za postizanje optimalnih rezultata.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije",
journal = "Genetika-Belgrade",
title = "Genotype × year interaction on rye productivity parameters cultivated on sandy chernozem soil, Interakcija genotip × godina na parametre produktivnosti raži gajene na peskovitom černozemu",
pages = "905-887",
number = "2",
volume = "54",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR2202887M"
Milunović, I., Popović, V., Rakaščan, N., Ikanović, J., Trkulja, V., Radojević, V.,& Dražić, G.. (2022). Genotype × year interaction on rye productivity parameters cultivated on sandy chernozem soil. in Genetika-Belgrade
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 54(2), 887-905.
Milunović I, Popović V, Rakaščan N, Ikanović J, Trkulja V, Radojević V, Dražić G. Genotype × year interaction on rye productivity parameters cultivated on sandy chernozem soil. in Genetika-Belgrade. 2022;54(2):887-905.
doi:10.2298/GENSR2202887M .
Milunović, Igor, Popović, Vera, Rakaščan, Nikola, Ikanović, Jela, Trkulja, Vojislav, Radojević, Vuk, Dražić, Gordana, "Genotype × year interaction on rye productivity parameters cultivated on sandy chernozem soil" in Genetika-Belgrade, 54, no. 2 (2022):887-905, . .

Uticaj klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice

Glamočlija, Đorđe; Popović, Vera; Markoski, Mile; Janković, Snežana; Ikanović, Jela; Lončarević, Velimir; Strugar, Vladimir; Bačkonja, Branislav

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Glamočlija, Đorđe
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Markoski, Mile
AU  - Janković, Snežana
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Lončarević, Velimir
AU  - Strugar, Vladimir
AU  - Bačkonja, Branislav
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U ovoj studiji, analizirana je proizvodnja pšenice u dvadesetogodišnjem periodu (2001-2020. godina) u svetu i u Srbiji. Variranja visine prinosa zrna po jedinici površine u Srbiji poređene su sa količinom padavina u vegetacionom periodu pšenice. Kvantifikovanjem uticaja klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice daje nam mogućnost da se kreiraju dugoročni planovi u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kako bi se održao visok i stabilan prinos zrna. Prosečan prinos zrna, za ispitivani period u svetu, iznosio je 3.112 kg ha-1 dok je u Srbiji bio veći za 26% i iznosio je 3.925 kg ha-1. I pored značajnih godišnjih variranja, trend povećanja prinosa pšenice u svetu bio je značajan. U 2020. godini prosečan prinos zrna u svetu je povećan za 23,5%, a u Srbiji za 34,6% u poređenju sa 2001. godinom. Analiza proizvodnje, kod svetski najvažnijih snabdevača pšenicom, beleži značajno povećanje prinosa po jedinici površine, kao i ukupnu proizvodnju.
AB  - This study analyzed wheat production in the twenty-year period (2001-2020) in the world and in Serbia. Variations in the yield of wheat grains per unit area in Serbia were compared with the amount of precipitation in the growing season. By quantifying the impact of climate change on wheat production, it gives us the opportunity to create long-term plans in agricultural production in order to maintain a high and stable grain yield. The average grain yield, for the examined period in the world, amounted to 3,112 kg ha-1, while in Serbia it was higher by 26% and amounted to 3,925 kg ha-1. Despite significant annual variations, the trend of increasing wheat yields in the world was significant. In 2020, the average grain yield in the world increased by 23.5%, and in Serbia by 34.6% compared to 2001. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka, 3.11.2022.
T1  - Uticaj klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice
T1  - Impact of climate changes on wheat production
EP  - 223
SP  - 212
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Glamočlija, Đorđe and Popović, Vera and Markoski, Mile and Janković, Snežana and Ikanović, Jela and Lončarević, Velimir and Strugar, Vladimir and Bačkonja, Branislav",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U ovoj studiji, analizirana je proizvodnja pšenice u dvadesetogodišnjem periodu (2001-2020. godina) u svetu i u Srbiji. Variranja visine prinosa zrna po jedinici površine u Srbiji poređene su sa količinom padavina u vegetacionom periodu pšenice. Kvantifikovanjem uticaja klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice daje nam mogućnost da se kreiraju dugoročni planovi u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji kako bi se održao visok i stabilan prinos zrna. Prosečan prinos zrna, za ispitivani period u svetu, iznosio je 3.112 kg ha-1 dok je u Srbiji bio veći za 26% i iznosio je 3.925 kg ha-1. I pored značajnih godišnjih variranja, trend povećanja prinosa pšenice u svetu bio je značajan. U 2020. godini prosečan prinos zrna u svetu je povećan za 23,5%, a u Srbiji za 34,6% u poređenju sa 2001. godinom. Analiza proizvodnje, kod svetski najvažnijih snabdevača pšenicom, beleži značajno povećanje prinosa po jedinici površine, kao i ukupnu proizvodnju., This study analyzed wheat production in the twenty-year period (2001-2020) in the world and in Serbia. Variations in the yield of wheat grains per unit area in Serbia were compared with the amount of precipitation in the growing season. By quantifying the impact of climate change on wheat production, it gives us the opportunity to create long-term plans in agricultural production in order to maintain a high and stable grain yield. The average grain yield, for the examined period in the world, amounted to 3,112 kg ha-1, while in Serbia it was higher by 26% and amounted to 3,925 kg ha-1. Despite significant annual variations, the trend of increasing wheat yields in the world was significant. In 2020, the average grain yield in the world increased by 23.5%, and in Serbia by 34.6% compared to 2001. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production. The analysis of production at the world's most important wheat suppliers records a significant increase in yield per unit area, as well as total production.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka, 3.11.2022.",
title = "Uticaj klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice, Impact of climate changes on wheat production",
pages = "223-212",
url = ""
Glamočlija, Đ., Popović, V., Markoski, M., Janković, S., Ikanović, J., Lončarević, V., Strugar, V.,& Bačkonja, B.. (2022). Uticaj klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice. in Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka, 3.11.2022.
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 212-223.
Glamočlija Đ, Popović V, Markoski M, Janković S, Ikanović J, Lončarević V, Strugar V, Bačkonja B. Uticaj klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice. in Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka, 3.11.2022.. 2022;:212-223. .
Glamočlija, Đorđe, Popović, Vera, Markoski, Mile, Janković, Snežana, Ikanović, Jela, Lončarević, Velimir, Strugar, Vladimir, Bačkonja, Branislav, "Uticaj klimatskih promena na proizvodnju pšenice" in Zbornik radova, Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka, 3.11.2022. (2022):212-223, .

Production technology of Panicum miliaceum - millet is functional food for anemical people - rich with magnesium and iron

Popović, Vera; Burić, Marko; Vučković, Savo; Gantner, Vesna; Ikanović, Jela; Ćosić, Milivoje; Živanović, Ljubiša; Bojović, Radmila

(Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet, 2022)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Burić, Marko
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Gantner, Vesna
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Ćosić, Milivoje
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Bojović, Radmila
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Panicum miliaceum - millet is a gluten-free cereals with high nutritional value, rich in proteins, carbohydrates, phytic, phenolic and salicylic acids, minerals and vitamins: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc and B complex vitamins. Millet flour is added to wheat flour to make bread and pastries and the aim is to obtain products with improved nutritional value. Before use, millet should be soaked in water for 6-12 hours, and only then thermally processed (cooked). Heat treatment affects the reduction of phytic acid content. Due to the high content of salicylic acid, millet is used in cosmetics, and it also has antifungal and anticancer properties. The grain is rich in magnesium and iron, which is why it is used by people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study is to indicate the importance of millet, production technology, yielding potential, nutritional value of the Biserka variety and impact on health.
PB  - Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH
T1  - Production technology of Panicum miliaceum - millet is functional food for anemical people - rich with magnesium and iron
EP  - 13
SP  - 13
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Burić, Marko and Vučković, Savo and Gantner, Vesna and Ikanović, Jela and Ćosić, Milivoje and Živanović, Ljubiša and Bojović, Radmila",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Panicum miliaceum - millet is a gluten-free cereals with high nutritional value, rich in proteins, carbohydrates, phytic, phenolic and salicylic acids, minerals and vitamins: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc and B complex vitamins. Millet flour is added to wheat flour to make bread and pastries and the aim is to obtain products with improved nutritional value. Before use, millet should be soaked in water for 6-12 hours, and only then thermally processed (cooked). Heat treatment affects the reduction of phytic acid content. Due to the high content of salicylic acid, millet is used in cosmetics, and it also has antifungal and anticancer properties. The grain is rich in magnesium and iron, which is why it is used by people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study is to indicate the importance of millet, production technology, yielding potential, nutritional value of the Biserka variety and impact on health.",
publisher = "Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH",
title = "Production technology of Panicum miliaceum - millet is functional food for anemical people - rich with magnesium and iron",
pages = "13-13",
url = ""
Popović, V., Burić, M., Vučković, S., Gantner, V., Ikanović, J., Ćosić, M., Živanović, L.,& Bojović, R.. (2022). Production technology of Panicum miliaceum - millet is functional food for anemical people - rich with magnesium and iron. in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH
Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet., 13-13.
Popović V, Burić M, Vučković S, Gantner V, Ikanović J, Ćosić M, Živanović L, Bojović R. Production technology of Panicum miliaceum - millet is functional food for anemical people - rich with magnesium and iron. in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH. 2022;:13-13. .
Popović, Vera, Burić, Marko, Vučković, Savo, Gantner, Vesna, Ikanović, Jela, Ćosić, Milivoje, Živanović, Ljubiša, Bojović, Radmila, "Production technology of Panicum miliaceum - millet is functional food for anemical people - rich with magnesium and iron" in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH (2022):13-13, .

Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Rajić, Zoran; Petković, Zdravka; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Zejak, Dejan; Rakaščan, Nikola

(Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet, 2022)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Rajić, Zoran
AU  - Petković, Zdravka
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Zejak, Dejan
AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In the last forty years, about 30% of agricultural soil has undergone degradation processes, especially in developed countries. There are attempts to repair or recultivate degraded soils, but the results both in the world and in our country are mostly symbolic. Spelt achieves good results on degraded soil. It is more and more cultivated, because spelled grain has a high protein content, up to 25%, more proline, tyrosine, glutamic and aspartic acids, lipids and unsaturated fatty acids from common wheat. It is resistant to low temperatures, diseases and pests and suitable for organic production. The paper presents the results of two-year tests on the spelt productivity grown on degraded soil. The average value for grain yield in the examined years was 3.951±0.53 t/ha. The Nirvana variety had a statistically significantly higher grain yield in 2020 (4.40±0.10 t/ha) compared to 2021 (3.50±0.30 t/ha). Positive and very strong correlations were found between grain yield and volumetric mass (r=0.97*) and a strong positive correlation between yield and mass of 1000 grains (r=0.67*).
PB  - Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH
T1  - Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil
EP  - 12
SP  - 12
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Rajić, Zoran and Petković, Zdravka and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Zejak, Dejan and Rakaščan, Nikola",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In the last forty years, about 30% of agricultural soil has undergone degradation processes, especially in developed countries. There are attempts to repair or recultivate degraded soils, but the results both in the world and in our country are mostly symbolic. Spelt achieves good results on degraded soil. It is more and more cultivated, because spelled grain has a high protein content, up to 25%, more proline, tyrosine, glutamic and aspartic acids, lipids and unsaturated fatty acids from common wheat. It is resistant to low temperatures, diseases and pests and suitable for organic production. The paper presents the results of two-year tests on the spelt productivity grown on degraded soil. The average value for grain yield in the examined years was 3.951±0.53 t/ha. The Nirvana variety had a statistically significantly higher grain yield in 2020 (4.40±0.10 t/ha) compared to 2021 (3.50±0.30 t/ha). Positive and very strong correlations were found between grain yield and volumetric mass (r=0.97*) and a strong positive correlation between yield and mass of 1000 grains (r=0.67*).",
publisher = "Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH",
title = "Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil",
pages = "12-12",
url = ""
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Rajić, Z., Petković, Z., Živanović, L., Kolarić, L., Zejak, D.,& Rakaščan, N.. (2022). Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil. in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH
Bijeljina : Bijeljina Univerzitet., 12-12.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Rajić Z, Petković Z, Živanović L, Kolarić L, Zejak D, Rakaščan N. Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil. in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH. 2022;:12-12. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Rajić, Zoran, Petković, Zdravka, Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Zejak, Dejan, Rakaščan, Nikola, "Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil" in Book of Abstracts, 5th International Scientific Conference "Village and Agriculture", 30 September - 1 October 2022, Bijeljina, Republic of Srpska, BiH (2022):12-12, .

Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for Secale cereale L. productive traits and circular economy

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Dragana; Popović, Vera; Jaćimović, Goran; Đurović, Igor; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Ćosić, Milivoje; Rakaščan, Nikola

(Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty, 2022)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Dragana
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Jaćimović, Goran
AU  - Đurović, Igor
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Ćosić, Milivoje
AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The circular economy offers a new product-waste-product model, in this case obtaining biofuels from rye biomass. The circular economy introduces a new product design, which will enable its functionality for a longer period of use. Secale cereale L. is an economically important crop for food, feed and bioenergy. The objective of this study was to estimate productivity of rye genotypes and the possibility of obtaining biogas from rye biomass during two growing seasons, 2019-2020. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of year and genotype on rye productivity parameters, biogas, methane yield, methane proportion, and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia. The influence of the year and genotypes on the parameters of rye productivity, biogas and methane yield, methane content and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia was investigated. Genotype and year × genotype interaction had a statistically significant effect on biogas yield, methane yield and methane content in the studied rye genotypes. Genotype G1 had the mean of green biomass yield (25.73 t ha-1) significantly higher compared to genotype G2 (23.75 t ha-1) in both years of experiment. Green biomass yield (24.11 t ha-1) was better in 2019 compared to 2020. Biogas yield varied from 260.57 m3 ha-1 (genotype G1) to 214.58 m3 ha-1 (genotype G2). Biogas yield were better in 2019 (237.85 m3 ha-1 ) compared to 2020 (237.30 m3 ha-1 ). A positive statistically highly significant correlation was attained between the green biomass yield and the length of the spikes (0.82**), green biomass yield and biogas yield (0.93**), 
green biomass yield and methane content (0.90**).
PB  - Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty
T2  - Agriculture and Forestry
T1  - Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for Secale cereale L. productive traits and circular economy
EP  - 319
IS  - 1
SP  - 297
VL  - 68
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Dragana and Popović, Vera and Jaćimović, Goran and Đurović, Igor and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Ćosić, Milivoje and Rakaščan, Nikola",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The circular economy offers a new product-waste-product model, in this case obtaining biofuels from rye biomass. The circular economy introduces a new product design, which will enable its functionality for a longer period of use. Secale cereale L. is an economically important crop for food, feed and bioenergy. The objective of this study was to estimate productivity of rye genotypes and the possibility of obtaining biogas from rye biomass during two growing seasons, 2019-2020. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of year and genotype on rye productivity parameters, biogas, methane yield, methane proportion, and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia. The influence of the year and genotypes on the parameters of rye productivity, biogas and methane yield, methane content and the possibility of using rye as an alternative fuel in Serbia was investigated. Genotype and year × genotype interaction had a statistically significant effect on biogas yield, methane yield and methane content in the studied rye genotypes. Genotype G1 had the mean of green biomass yield (25.73 t ha-1) significantly higher compared to genotype G2 (23.75 t ha-1) in both years of experiment. Green biomass yield (24.11 t ha-1) was better in 2019 compared to 2020. Biogas yield varied from 260.57 m3 ha-1 (genotype G1) to 214.58 m3 ha-1 (genotype G2). Biogas yield were better in 2019 (237.85 m3 ha-1 ) compared to 2020 (237.30 m3 ha-1 ). A positive statistically highly significant correlation was attained between the green biomass yield and the length of the spikes (0.82**), green biomass yield and biogas yield (0.93**), 
green biomass yield and methane content (0.90**).",
publisher = "Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty",
journal = "Agriculture and Forestry",
title = "Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for Secale cereale L. productive traits and circular economy",
pages = "319-297",
number = "1",
volume = "68",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19"
Ikanović, J., Popović, D., Popović, V., Jaćimović, G., Đurović, I., Kolarić, L., Ćosić, M.,& Rakaščan, N.. (2022). Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for Secale cereale L. productive traits and circular economy. in Agriculture and Forestry
Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty., 68(1), 297-319.
Ikanović J, Popović D, Popović V, Jaćimović G, Đurović I, Kolarić L, Ćosić M, Rakaščan N. Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for Secale cereale L. productive traits and circular economy. in Agriculture and Forestry. 2022;68(1):297-319.
doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.19 .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Dragana, Popović, Vera, Jaćimović, Goran, Đurović, Igor, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Ćosić, Milivoje, Rakaščan, Nikola, "Analysis of genotype-by-year interaction for Secale cereale L. productive traits and circular economy" in Agriculture and Forestry, 68, no. 1 (2022):297-319, . .

Importance of broad bean in the diet – possibility of more rational use of main and by-products

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Živanović, Ljubiša; Kolarić, Ljubiša; Rajičić, Vera; Filipović, Vladimir; Ljubičić, Nataša; Kajiš, Kristina

(Novi Sad : Ecological Movement of Novi Sad, 2022)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Kajiš, Kristina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Broad bean is rich in quality proteins, which is why we use it in the diet of humans and domestic animals. Ripe bean seeds can be used as a stew or ground, and flour mixed with grain flour in a certain percentage is an excellent raw material for making various bakery products. The aim of this study is to point out the benefits of improving broad bean production in the Balkans use of its main and by-products. In addition to the main product, mature grain, there are harvest residues that have multiple applications.
AB  - Bob је bogat kvalitetnim proteinima zbog čega ga upotrebljavamo u ishrani ljudi i domaćih životinja. Zrelo seme boba možemo koristiti kao varivo ili ga samleti, a brašno pomešano sa brašnom žita u određenom procentu predstavlja odličnu sirovinu za izradu različitih pekarskih proizvoda.Cilj ove studije je da se ukaže na prednosti unapređenja proizvodnje boba na području Balkana, kao i na mogućnosti racinalnije upotrebe glavnih i sporednih proizvoda boba. Osim glavnog proizvoda, zrelog zrna, ostaju žetveni ostaci koji imaju višestruku primenu.
PB  - Novi Sad : Ecological Movement of Novi Sad
C3  - Proceedings, 26 International Eco-Conference and 12 Safe Food, Novi Sad, 21-23 September 2022
T1  - Importance of broad bean in the diet – possibility of more rational use of main and by-products
T1  - Značaj boba u ishrani – mogućnost racionalnije upotrebe glavnih i sporednih proizvoda
EP  - 352
SP  - 343
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Živanović, Ljubiša and Kolarić, Ljubiša and Rajičić, Vera and Filipović, Vladimir and Ljubičić, Nataša and Kajiš, Kristina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Broad bean is rich in quality proteins, which is why we use it in the diet of humans and domestic animals. Ripe bean seeds can be used as a stew or ground, and flour mixed with grain flour in a certain percentage is an excellent raw material for making various bakery products. The aim of this study is to point out the benefits of improving broad bean production in the Balkans use of its main and by-products. In addition to the main product, mature grain, there are harvest residues that have multiple applications., Bob је bogat kvalitetnim proteinima zbog čega ga upotrebljavamo u ishrani ljudi i domaćih životinja. Zrelo seme boba možemo koristiti kao varivo ili ga samleti, a brašno pomešano sa brašnom žita u određenom procentu predstavlja odličnu sirovinu za izradu različitih pekarskih proizvoda.Cilj ove studije je da se ukaže na prednosti unapređenja proizvodnje boba na području Balkana, kao i na mogućnosti racinalnije upotrebe glavnih i sporednih proizvoda boba. Osim glavnog proizvoda, zrelog zrna, ostaju žetveni ostaci koji imaju višestruku primenu.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Ecological Movement of Novi Sad",
journal = "Proceedings, 26 International Eco-Conference and 12 Safe Food, Novi Sad, 21-23 September 2022",
title = "Importance of broad bean in the diet – possibility of more rational use of main and by-products, Značaj boba u ishrani – mogućnost racionalnije upotrebe glavnih i sporednih proizvoda",
pages = "352-343",
url = ""
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Živanović, L., Kolarić, L., Rajičić, V., Filipović, V., Ljubičić, N.,& Kajiš, K.. (2022). Importance of broad bean in the diet – possibility of more rational use of main and by-products. in Proceedings, 26 International Eco-Conference and 12 Safe Food, Novi Sad, 21-23 September 2022
Novi Sad : Ecological Movement of Novi Sad., 343-352.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Živanović L, Kolarić L, Rajičić V, Filipović V, Ljubičić N, Kajiš K. Importance of broad bean in the diet – possibility of more rational use of main and by-products. in Proceedings, 26 International Eco-Conference and 12 Safe Food, Novi Sad, 21-23 September 2022. 2022;:343-352. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Živanović, Ljubiša, Kolarić, Ljubiša, Rajičić, Vera, Filipović, Vladimir, Ljubičić, Nataša, Kajiš, Kristina, "Importance of broad bean in the diet – possibility of more rational use of main and by-products" in Proceedings, 26 International Eco-Conference and 12 Safe Food, Novi Sad, 21-23 September 2022 (2022):343-352, .

Uticaj inokulanata na sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje

Rakašćan, Nikola; Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Živanović, Ljubiša; Inđić, Mirko; Spahić, Anđela; Dražić, Gordana; Kolarić, Ljubiša

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Rakašćan, Nikola
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Inđić, Mirko
AU  - Spahić, Anđela
AU  - Dražić, Gordana
AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U ovoj studiji ispitivan je uticaj različitih inokulanata na osobine kvaliteta sorte soje, 0 grupe zrenja. Eksperiment je izveden u Staroj Pazovi tokom 2019. u tri varijante: kontrola, Rizol i tečni Azotofiksin. Analizirani su sledeći parametri kvaliteta: prinos zrna, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je na ispitivane parametre kvaliteta soje najveći uticaj ispoljio inokulant Rizol, nešto manji tečni Azotofiksin, dok je kontrolna varijanta dala najlošije rezultate.
AB  - The influence of different inoculants was examined in this study on the quality traits of soybean varieties, 0 ripening groups. The experiment was performed in Stara Pazova during 2019. in three variants: control, Rizol and liquid Azotofixin. The following quality parameters were analyzed: oil content, oil yield and grain yield. The results of the research showed that on examined soybean quality parameters the greatest influence was exerted by the inoculant Rizol, slightly less liquid Azotofixin, while the control variant gave the worst results.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora
T1  - Uticaj inokulanata na sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje
T1  - Influence of inoculants on oil content in soybean seed
EP  - 107
SP  - 97
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rakašćan, Nikola and Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Živanović, Ljubiša and Inđić, Mirko and Spahić, Anđela and Dražić, Gordana and Kolarić, Ljubiša",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U ovoj studiji ispitivan je uticaj različitih inokulanata na osobine kvaliteta sorte soje, 0 grupe zrenja. Eksperiment je izveden u Staroj Pazovi tokom 2019. u tri varijante: kontrola, Rizol i tečni Azotofiksin. Analizirani su sledeći parametri kvaliteta: prinos zrna, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je na ispitivane parametre kvaliteta soje najveći uticaj ispoljio inokulant Rizol, nešto manji tečni Azotofiksin, dok je kontrolna varijanta dala najlošije rezultate., The influence of different inoculants was examined in this study on the quality traits of soybean varieties, 0 ripening groups. The experiment was performed in Stara Pazova during 2019. in three variants: control, Rizol and liquid Azotofixin. The following quality parameters were analyzed: oil content, oil yield and grain yield. The results of the research showed that on examined soybean quality parameters the greatest influence was exerted by the inoculant Rizol, slightly less liquid Azotofixin, while the control variant gave the worst results.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora",
title = "Uticaj inokulanata na sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje, Influence of inoculants on oil content in soybean seed",
pages = "107-97",
url = ""
Rakašćan, N., Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Živanović, L., Inđić, M., Spahić, A., Dražić, G.,& Kolarić, L.. (2022). Uticaj inokulanata na sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje. in Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 97-107.
Rakašćan N, Ikanović J, Popović V, Živanović L, Inđić M, Spahić A, Dražić G, Kolarić L. Uticaj inokulanata na sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje. in Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora. 2022;:97-107. .
Rakašćan, Nikola, Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Živanović, Ljubiša, Inđić, Mirko, Spahić, Anđela, Dražić, Gordana, Kolarić, Ljubiša, "Uticaj inokulanata na sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje" in Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora (2022):97-107, .

Variranje sadržaja ulja u sortama uljanog lana NS Marko i NS Primus u uslovima klimatskih promena

Popović, Vera; Ikanović, Jela; Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica; Vukeljić, Nađa; Filipović, Vladimir; Strugar, Vladimir; Cerovski, Pavel; Rogić, Marija

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica
AU  - Vukeljić, Nađa
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Strugar, Vladimir
AU  - Cerovski, Pavel
AU  - Rogić, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U ovoj studiji istražujemo koncept prilagođavanja klimatskim promenama iz aspekta analize uticaja promena na proizvodnju lana. Testirani su parametri kvaliteta sorti uljanog lana NS Marko i NS Primus, koje su selekcionisane u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na parcelama Instituta, u tri ponavljanja, u trogodišnjem periodu. Godina istraživanja je imala značaj uticaj na ispitivane parametre proizvodnje lana. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali značajna 
variranja sadržaja ulja po godinama. Primenom nove poboljšane tehnologije proizvodnje uspešno možemo da se suočimo sa promenama koje su nastupile, a koje izvesno opredeljuju pravce budućeg razvoja.
AB  - In this study, we explore the concept of adaptation to climate change from the aspect of analyzing the impact of changes on linseed production. The quality parameters of linseed varieties NS Marko and NS Primus were tested, which were selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The experiments were performed on the plots of the Institute, in three replications, over a three-year period. The year of research had a significant impact on the examined parameters of linseed production. The results of the research showed significant variations in oil content over the years. By applying
new improved production technology we can successfully face the changes that have taken place, and which certainly determine the directions of future development.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora
T1  - Variranje sadržaja ulja u sortama uljanog lana  NS Marko i NS Primus u uslovima klimatskih promena
T1  - Variability of oil content in linseed varieties NS Marko and NS Primus in climate change conditions
EP  - 122
SP  - 109
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Ikanović, Jela and Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica and Vukeljić, Nađa and Filipović, Vladimir and Strugar, Vladimir and Cerovski, Pavel and Rogić, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U ovoj studiji istražujemo koncept prilagođavanja klimatskim promenama iz aspekta analize uticaja promena na proizvodnju lana. Testirani su parametri kvaliteta sorti uljanog lana NS Marko i NS Primus, koje su selekcionisane u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na parcelama Instituta, u tri ponavljanja, u trogodišnjem periodu. Godina istraživanja je imala značaj uticaj na ispitivane parametre proizvodnje lana. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali značajna 
variranja sadržaja ulja po godinama. Primenom nove poboljšane tehnologije proizvodnje uspešno možemo da se suočimo sa promenama koje su nastupile, a koje izvesno opredeljuju pravce budućeg razvoja., In this study, we explore the concept of adaptation to climate change from the aspect of analyzing the impact of changes on linseed production. The quality parameters of linseed varieties NS Marko and NS Primus were tested, which were selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The experiments were performed on the plots of the Institute, in three replications, over a three-year period. The year of research had a significant impact on the examined parameters of linseed production. The results of the research showed significant variations in oil content over the years. By applying
new improved production technology we can successfully face the changes that have taken place, and which certainly determine the directions of future development.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora",
title = "Variranje sadržaja ulja u sortama uljanog lana  NS Marko i NS Primus u uslovima klimatskih promena, Variability of oil content in linseed varieties NS Marko and NS Primus in climate change conditions",
pages = "122-109",
url = ""
Popović, V., Ikanović, J., Šarčević Todosijević, L., Vukeljić, N., Filipović, V., Strugar, V., Cerovski, P.,& Rogić, M.. (2022). Variranje sadržaja ulja u sortama uljanog lana  NS Marko i NS Primus u uslovima klimatskih promena. in Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 109-122.
Popović V, Ikanović J, Šarčević Todosijević L, Vukeljić N, Filipović V, Strugar V, Cerovski P, Rogić M. Variranje sadržaja ulja u sortama uljanog lana  NS Marko i NS Primus u uslovima klimatskih promena. in Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora. 2022;:109-122. .
Popović, Vera, Ikanović, Jela, Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica, Vukeljić, Nađa, Filipović, Vladimir, Strugar, Vladimir, Cerovski, Pavel, Rogić, Marija, "Variranje sadržaja ulja u sortama uljanog lana  NS Marko i NS Primus u uslovima klimatskih promena" in Zbornik radova, 63. Savetovanje proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, 26.6.-2.7.2022, Herceg Novi, Crna Gora (2022):109-122, .

Economically important oilseed flax - NS Primus

Popović, Dragana; Vučković, Savo; Rajičić, Vera; Filipović, Vladimir; Ikanović, Jela; Ljubičić, Nataša; Popović, Vera

(Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, 2022)

AU  - Popović, Dragana
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - There are three "golden" oilseeds in the world: soybeans, sunflowers and oil flax. Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is an economically important oilseed because seed of flax has an excellent nutritional composition, has a high oil content (40-50%), protein (19-25%), sugar (22-35%) and mineral salts (2-3%). It is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins (A, D, E, K, B1,2,3,6,9), minerals (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, F, Se) and lignans, which is of great importance in medicine, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this study was to examine the productivity of the variety NS Primus, grown in Novi Sad, on chernozem soil, in the production year 2020. Previous crop was winter wheat. Sowing was done in early March with a sowing rate of 60 kg ha-1. Optimal crop care measures were applied during the vegetation period. The harvest was done in the technological maturity of the crop, on September 15, 2020. The variety “NS Primus” has created excellent performance, the grain yield was 2210 kg ha-1, while the oil yield was 750 kg ha-1. Based on the above, we conclude that the sowing of oil flax “NS Primus” 
achieves economically justified production.
PB  - Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 11th International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2022", 26-28 May 2022, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T1  - Economically important oilseed flax - NS Primus
EP  - 80
SP  - 80
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Dragana and Vučković, Savo and Rajičić, Vera and Filipović, Vladimir and Ikanović, Jela and Ljubičić, Nataša and Popović, Vera",
year = "2022",
abstract = "There are three "golden" oilseeds in the world: soybeans, sunflowers and oil flax. Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is an economically important oilseed because seed of flax has an excellent nutritional composition, has a high oil content (40-50%), protein (19-25%), sugar (22-35%) and mineral salts (2-3%). It is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins (A, D, E, K, B1,2,3,6,9), minerals (Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, F, Se) and lignans, which is of great importance in medicine, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of this study was to examine the productivity of the variety NS Primus, grown in Novi Sad, on chernozem soil, in the production year 2020. Previous crop was winter wheat. Sowing was done in early March with a sowing rate of 60 kg ha-1. Optimal crop care measures were applied during the vegetation period. The harvest was done in the technological maturity of the crop, on September 15, 2020. The variety “NS Primus” has created excellent performance, the grain yield was 2210 kg ha-1, while the oil yield was 750 kg ha-1. Based on the above, we conclude that the sowing of oil flax “NS Primus” 
achieves economically justified production.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 11th International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2022", 26-28 May 2022, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
title = "Economically important oilseed flax - NS Primus",
pages = "80-80",
url = ""
Popović, D., Vučković, S., Rajičić, V., Filipović, V., Ikanović, J., Ljubičić, N.,& Popović, V.. (2022). Economically important oilseed flax - NS Primus. in Book of Abstracts, 11th International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2022", 26-28 May 2022, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture., 80-80.
Popović D, Vučković S, Rajičić V, Filipović V, Ikanović J, Ljubičić N, Popović V. Economically important oilseed flax - NS Primus. in Book of Abstracts, 11th International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2022", 26-28 May 2022, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2022;:80-80. .
Popović, Dragana, Vučković, Savo, Rajičić, Vera, Filipović, Vladimir, Ikanović, Jela, Ljubičić, Nataša, Popović, Vera, "Economically important oilseed flax - NS Primus" in Book of Abstracts, 11th International Symposium of Agricultural Sciences “AgroReS 2022", 26-28 May 2022, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2022):80-80, .

Nova sorta uljanog lana - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus

Popović, Vera; Jovović, Zoran; Ignjatov, Maja; Mihailović, Vojislav; Ikanović, Jela; Rajičić, Vera; Ljubičić, Nataša

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Jovović, Zoran
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Lan (Linum usitatissimum L.) se gaji za proizvodnju: vlakna (predivi lan) i semena (uljani lan). Laneno ulje ima veliku primenu u prehrambenoj i hemijskoj industriji ali i u medicini. Za gajenje uljanog lana najbolja su plodna i vlažna zemljišta, čista od korova. Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, ima dve nove sorte uljanog lana stvorene 2017. i 2019.: „NS Primus” i „NS Marko”. U ovoj studiji testirana je sorta „NS Primus”, na černozemu. Sorta „NS Primus” je pokazala odlične performanse i visok prinos semena.
AB  - Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is grown for the production of: fibers (fiber flax) and seeds (oil flax). Flax oil is widely used in the food and chemical industries, but also in medicine. For the cultivation of flax oil are the best fertile and moist soils, clean of weeds. The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops has two new varieties of oil flax created in 2017 and 2019: „NS Primus” and „NS Marko”. In this study, the variety „NS Primus” was tested on chernozem. The „NS Primus” variety showed excellent performance and high seed yield.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.
T1  - Nova sorta uljanog lana - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus
T1  - New variety of oil flax - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus
EP  - 133
SP  - 125
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Jovović, Zoran and Ignjatov, Maja and Mihailović, Vojislav and Ikanović, Jela and Rajičić, Vera and Ljubičić, Nataša",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Lan (Linum usitatissimum L.) se gaji za proizvodnju: vlakna (predivi lan) i semena (uljani lan). Laneno ulje ima veliku primenu u prehrambenoj i hemijskoj industriji ali i u medicini. Za gajenje uljanog lana najbolja su plodna i vlažna zemljišta, čista od korova. Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, ima dve nove sorte uljanog lana stvorene 2017. i 2019.: „NS Primus” i „NS Marko”. U ovoj studiji testirana je sorta „NS Primus”, na černozemu. Sorta „NS Primus” je pokazala odlične performanse i visok prinos semena., Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is grown for the production of: fibers (fiber flax) and seeds (oil flax). Flax oil is widely used in the food and chemical industries, but also in medicine. For the cultivation of flax oil are the best fertile and moist soils, clean of weeds. The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops has two new varieties of oil flax created in 2017 and 2019: „NS Primus” and „NS Marko”. In this study, the variety „NS Primus” was tested on chernozem. The „NS Primus” variety showed excellent performance and high seed yield.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.",
title = "Nova sorta uljanog lana - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus, New variety of oil flax - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus",
pages = "133-125",
url = ""
Popović, V., Jovović, Z., Ignjatov, M., Mihailović, V., Ikanović, J., Rajičić, V.,& Ljubičić, N.. (2021). Nova sorta uljanog lana - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus. in Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 125-133.
Popović V, Jovović Z, Ignjatov M, Mihailović V, Ikanović J, Rajičić V, Ljubičić N. Nova sorta uljanog lana - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus. in Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.. 2021;:125-133. .
Popović, Vera, Jovović, Zoran, Ignjatov, Maja, Mihailović, Vojislav, Ikanović, Jela, Rajičić, Vera, Ljubičić, Nataša, "Nova sorta uljanog lana - Linum usitatissimum L.: NS Primus" in Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021. (2021):125-133, .

Effect of digestate from anaerobic digestion on Sorghum bicolor L. production and circular economy

Rakaščan, Nikola; Dražić, Gordana; Popović, Vera; Milovanović, Jelena; Živanović, Ljubiša; Aćimić-Remiković, Milena; Milanović, Tijana; Ikanović, Jela

(Academic Press, 2021)

AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
AU  - Dražić, Gordana
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Milovanović, Jelena
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Aćimić-Remiković, Milena
AU  - Milanović, Tijana
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the research was determination the efficiency of application 50 t ha-1 digestate from the process of anaerobic digestion on the productivity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) on moderately degraded (calcic gleysol) and fertile (chernozem) agricultural land, in southern Banat, Republic of Serbia. In the field experiment during three years digestate amendment led to an increase in the number of leaves by 28.56% and plant height by 5.34%, which led to an increase in yield by 3.40%. The maximum yield was 2018 (41.74 DM t ha-1) on chernozem. The yield of sorghum was lower on calcic gleysol compared to chernozem by 5.43% and was in positive, medium and very significant dependence on precipitation (0.61) and in positive significant correlation with digestate (0.53) and plant height (0.59). Biogas yield reach 157.05 Nm3 t-1 (9582 Nm3 ha-1) on chernozem with digestate. Digestate had a statistically significant positive effect on all tested characteristics of sorghum as well as biogas yield during all three experimental years. The use of digestate as a by-product in the process of producing biogas based on silage of sorghum, allows the substitution of mineral fertilizers and remediation of damaged soil, which contributes to sustainability from the bio-economic and environmental aspects
PB  - Academic Press
T2  - Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
T1  - Effect of digestate from anaerobic digestion on Sorghum bicolor L. production and circular economy
EP  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
VL  - 49
DO  - 10.15835/nbha49112270
ER  - 
author = "Rakaščan, Nikola and Dražić, Gordana and Popović, Vera and Milovanović, Jelena and Živanović, Ljubiša and Aćimić-Remiković, Milena and Milanović, Tijana and Ikanović, Jela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of the research was determination the efficiency of application 50 t ha-1 digestate from the process of anaerobic digestion on the productivity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) on moderately degraded (calcic gleysol) and fertile (chernozem) agricultural land, in southern Banat, Republic of Serbia. In the field experiment during three years digestate amendment led to an increase in the number of leaves by 28.56% and plant height by 5.34%, which led to an increase in yield by 3.40%. The maximum yield was 2018 (41.74 DM t ha-1) on chernozem. The yield of sorghum was lower on calcic gleysol compared to chernozem by 5.43% and was in positive, medium and very significant dependence on precipitation (0.61) and in positive significant correlation with digestate (0.53) and plant height (0.59). Biogas yield reach 157.05 Nm3 t-1 (9582 Nm3 ha-1) on chernozem with digestate. Digestate had a statistically significant positive effect on all tested characteristics of sorghum as well as biogas yield during all three experimental years. The use of digestate as a by-product in the process of producing biogas based on silage of sorghum, allows the substitution of mineral fertilizers and remediation of damaged soil, which contributes to sustainability from the bio-economic and environmental aspects",
publisher = "Academic Press",
journal = "Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca",
title = "Effect of digestate from anaerobic digestion on Sorghum bicolor L. production and circular economy",
pages = "13-1",
number = "1",
volume = "49",
doi = "10.15835/nbha49112270"
Rakaščan, N., Dražić, G., Popović, V., Milovanović, J., Živanović, L., Aćimić-Remiković, M., Milanović, T.,& Ikanović, J.. (2021). Effect of digestate from anaerobic digestion on Sorghum bicolor L. production and circular economy. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
Academic Press., 49(1), 1-13.
Rakaščan N, Dražić G, Popović V, Milovanović J, Živanović L, Aćimić-Remiković M, Milanović T, Ikanović J. Effect of digestate from anaerobic digestion on Sorghum bicolor L. production and circular economy. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2021;49(1):1-13.
doi:10.15835/nbha49112270 .
Rakaščan, Nikola, Dražić, Gordana, Popović, Vera, Milovanović, Jelena, Živanović, Ljubiša, Aćimić-Remiković, Milena, Milanović, Tijana, Ikanović, Jela, "Effect of digestate from anaerobic digestion on Sorghum bicolor L. production and circular economy" in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 49, no. 1 (2021):1-13, . .

Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management

Kolarić, Ljubiša; Popović, Vera; Živanović, Ljubiša; Ljubičić, Nataša; Stevanović, Petar; Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica; Simić, Divna; Ikanović, Jela

(Basel : MDPI, 2021)

AU  - Kolarić, Ljubiša
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Živanović, Ljubiša
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Stevanović, Petar
AU  - Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica
AU  - Simić, Divna
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Buckwheat is an economically important gluten free cereal, and it is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. The field experiments with buckwheat variety “Novosadska” were set in two experimental years in Pancevo, Serbia. The aim of this study was to determine the most optimal technology for buckwheat production. The study aims were to investigate the effects of (1) row spacing: RS1-25 cm and RS2-50 cm; (2) nutrition variants: (N1) 0 kg ha−1 NPK; (N2) NPK 30 kg ha−1; (N3) NPK 60 kg ha−1; and (N4) NPK 90 kg ha−1; (3) environment: Y1-2018 and Y2-2019; and their interactions on the plant height (PH), number of lateral branches (NoLB), mass of seeds per plant (MSP), number of seeds per plant (NoSP), buckwheat grain yield (GY); and (4) the correlations among these traits. All tested parameters of buckwheat significantly varied across row spacing, environment, and nutrition. The average grain yield in the row spacing, RD1-25 cm, was significantly higher than in the wider spacing, RD2-50 cm, and in 2018 than 2019 as well as with the nutrition NPK applied in the amount of 90 kg ha−1 in relation with all the other nutrition variants. All the studied agronomic traits were positively and strongly correlated with GY.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Agronomy - Basel
T1  - Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management
IS  - 12
SP  - 2371
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/agronomy11122371
ER  - 
author = "Kolarić, Ljubiša and Popović, Vera and Živanović, Ljubiša and Ljubičić, Nataša and Stevanović, Petar and Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica and Simić, Divna and Ikanović, Jela",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Buckwheat is an economically important gluten free cereal, and it is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. The field experiments with buckwheat variety “Novosadska” were set in two experimental years in Pancevo, Serbia. The aim of this study was to determine the most optimal technology for buckwheat production. The study aims were to investigate the effects of (1) row spacing: RS1-25 cm and RS2-50 cm; (2) nutrition variants: (N1) 0 kg ha−1 NPK; (N2) NPK 30 kg ha−1; (N3) NPK 60 kg ha−1; and (N4) NPK 90 kg ha−1; (3) environment: Y1-2018 and Y2-2019; and their interactions on the plant height (PH), number of lateral branches (NoLB), mass of seeds per plant (MSP), number of seeds per plant (NoSP), buckwheat grain yield (GY); and (4) the correlations among these traits. All tested parameters of buckwheat significantly varied across row spacing, environment, and nutrition. The average grain yield in the row spacing, RD1-25 cm, was significantly higher than in the wider spacing, RD2-50 cm, and in 2018 than 2019 as well as with the nutrition NPK applied in the amount of 90 kg ha−1 in relation with all the other nutrition variants. All the studied agronomic traits were positively and strongly correlated with GY.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Agronomy - Basel",
title = "Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management",
number = "12",
pages = "2371",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/agronomy11122371"
Kolarić, L., Popović, V., Živanović, L., Ljubičić, N., Stevanović, P., Šarčević-Todosijević, L., Simić, D.,& Ikanović, J.. (2021). Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management. in Agronomy - Basel
Basel : MDPI., 11(12), 2371.
Kolarić L, Popović V, Živanović L, Ljubičić N, Stevanović P, Šarčević-Todosijević L, Simić D, Ikanović J. Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management. in Agronomy - Basel. 2021;11(12):2371.
doi:10.3390/agronomy11122371 .
Kolarić, Ljubiša, Popović, Vera, Živanović, Ljubiša, Ljubičić, Nataša, Stevanović, Petar, Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica, Simić, Divna, Ikanović, Jela, "Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management" in Agronomy - Basel, 11, no. 12 (2021):2371, . .

Forage sorghum performance in the function of the circular economy

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Radojević, Vuk; Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica; Filipović, Vladimir; Vasileva, Viliana; Đurić, Nenad; Rakaščan, Nikola

(Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad, 2021)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Radojević, Vuk
AU  - Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Vasileva, Viliana
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - With a circular economy, biodegradable waste – plant biomass can be reused as: compost, for soil fertilization, and for biogas production, as an affordable bioenergy source. In this study, the productivity of two hybrids of fodder sorghum, grown in Ilandza, Serbia, was examined. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the tested hybrids, for leaf mass. A positive highly significant correlation was found between plant mass and leaf mass. Fodder sorghum is a species with C4 photosynthesis, which has a high degree of photosynthetic activity and has a high production of organic matter resulting in high biomass yield. Sorghum is a productive and cost-effective plant suitable for production: animal feed, and for energy purposes.
AB  - Cirkularnom ekonomijom, biorazgradivi otpad-biomasa biljaka može se koristiti i kao: kompost ali i za proizvodnju biogasa, kao pristupačan izvor bioenergije. U ovoj studiji ispitivana je produktivnost dva hibrida krmnog sirka, gajenog u Ilandži u Srbiji. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika između testiranih hibrida. Pronađena je pozitivna značajna korelacija između mase biljke i mase lista. Krmni sirak je vrsta sa S4 fotosintezom, ima visok stepen fotosintetske aktivnosti i visoku proizvodnju organske materije što rezultira visokim prinosom biomase. Produktivna je vrsta pogodna za proizvodnju: hrane za životinje i energetske svrhe.
PB  - Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad
C3  - Proceedings, 25th International Eco-Conference - Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements, 22-24 September 2021, Novi Sad
T1  - Forage sorghum performance in the function of the circular economy
T1  - Performanse krmnog sirka u funkciji cirkularne ekonomije
EP  - 443
SP  - 434
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Radojević, Vuk and Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica and Filipović, Vladimir and Vasileva, Viliana and Đurić, Nenad and Rakaščan, Nikola",
year = "2021",
abstract = "With a circular economy, biodegradable waste – plant biomass can be reused as: compost, for soil fertilization, and for biogas production, as an affordable bioenergy source. In this study, the productivity of two hybrids of fodder sorghum, grown in Ilandza, Serbia, was examined. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the tested hybrids, for leaf mass. A positive highly significant correlation was found between plant mass and leaf mass. Fodder sorghum is a species with C4 photosynthesis, which has a high degree of photosynthetic activity and has a high production of organic matter resulting in high biomass yield. Sorghum is a productive and cost-effective plant suitable for production: animal feed, and for energy purposes., Cirkularnom ekonomijom, biorazgradivi otpad-biomasa biljaka može se koristiti i kao: kompost ali i za proizvodnju biogasa, kao pristupačan izvor bioenergije. U ovoj studiji ispitivana je produktivnost dva hibrida krmnog sirka, gajenog u Ilandži u Srbiji. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika između testiranih hibrida. Pronađena je pozitivna značajna korelacija između mase biljke i mase lista. Krmni sirak je vrsta sa S4 fotosintezom, ima visok stepen fotosintetske aktivnosti i visoku proizvodnju organske materije što rezultira visokim prinosom biomase. Produktivna je vrsta pogodna za proizvodnju: hrane za životinje i energetske svrhe.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad",
journal = "Proceedings, 25th International Eco-Conference - Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements, 22-24 September 2021, Novi Sad",
title = "Forage sorghum performance in the function of the circular economy, Performanse krmnog sirka u funkciji cirkularne ekonomije",
pages = "443-434",
url = ""
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Radojević, V., Šarčević-Todosijević, L., Filipović, V., Vasileva, V., Đurić, N.,& Rakaščan, N.. (2021). Forage sorghum performance in the function of the circular economy. in Proceedings, 25th International Eco-Conference - Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements, 22-24 September 2021, Novi Sad
Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad., 434-443.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Radojević V, Šarčević-Todosijević L, Filipović V, Vasileva V, Đurić N, Rakaščan N. Forage sorghum performance in the function of the circular economy. in Proceedings, 25th International Eco-Conference - Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements, 22-24 September 2021, Novi Sad. 2021;:434-443. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Radojević, Vuk, Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica, Filipović, Vladimir, Vasileva, Viliana, Đurić, Nenad, Rakaščan, Nikola, "Forage sorghum performance in the function of the circular economy" in Proceedings, 25th International Eco-Conference - Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements, 22-24 September 2021, Novi Sad (2021):434-443, .

Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy

Dražić, Nikola; Rakascan, Nikola; Radojević, Vuk; Popović, Vera; Ignjatov, Maja; Popović, Dragana; Ikanović, Jela; Petković, Zdravka

(Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty, 2021)

AU  - Dražić, Nikola
AU  - Rakascan, Nikola
AU  - Radojević, Vuk
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
AU  - Popović, Dragana
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Petković, Zdravka
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The circular economy is an approach that integrates the economy, the waste management system and protects the environment. The goal of the circular economy is to optimize the existing system and increase welfare. The growth trend of alternative fuels is evident in the world from year to year, thanks to the development of new technologies for processing biological waste into energy sources. Commercial production needs to be economically and environmentally friendly so that biofuels from renewable sources are an adequate substitute for fossil fuels. In this study, two winter grains, wheat and rye, were examined, during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, in order to obtain biogas from plant biomass. The results showed that wheat had a statistically significantly higher production of biomass and biogas compared to rye. Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there are highly significant differences in biomass yield in regard to the genotype (Fexp=937.75**) and years (Fexp=28.07**) of investigation. There is a strong positive correlation between biomass and biogas yields.
PB  - Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty
T2  - Agriculture and Forestry
T1  - Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy
EP  - 18
IS  - 3
SP  - 7
VL  - 67
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.67.3.01
ER  - 
author = "Dražić, Nikola and Rakascan, Nikola and Radojević, Vuk and Popović, Vera and Ignjatov, Maja and Popović, Dragana and Ikanović, Jela and Petković, Zdravka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The circular economy is an approach that integrates the economy, the waste management system and protects the environment. The goal of the circular economy is to optimize the existing system and increase welfare. The growth trend of alternative fuels is evident in the world from year to year, thanks to the development of new technologies for processing biological waste into energy sources. Commercial production needs to be economically and environmentally friendly so that biofuels from renewable sources are an adequate substitute for fossil fuels. In this study, two winter grains, wheat and rye, were examined, during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, in order to obtain biogas from plant biomass. The results showed that wheat had a statistically significantly higher production of biomass and biogas compared to rye. Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there are highly significant differences in biomass yield in regard to the genotype (Fexp=937.75**) and years (Fexp=28.07**) of investigation. There is a strong positive correlation between biomass and biogas yields.",
publisher = "Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty",
journal = "Agriculture and Forestry",
title = "Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy",
pages = "18-7",
number = "3",
volume = "67",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.67.3.01"
Dražić, N., Rakascan, N., Radojević, V., Popović, V., Ignjatov, M., Popović, D., Ikanović, J.,& Petković, Z.. (2021). Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy. in Agriculture and Forestry
Podgorica : University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty., 67(3), 7-18.
Dražić N, Rakascan N, Radojević V, Popović V, Ignjatov M, Popović D, Ikanović J, Petković Z. Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy. in Agriculture and Forestry. 2021;67(3):7-18.
doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.67.3.01 .
Dražić, Nikola, Rakascan, Nikola, Radojević, Vuk, Popović, Vera, Ignjatov, Maja, Popović, Dragana, Ikanović, Jela, Petković, Zdravka, "Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy" in Agriculture and Forestry, 67, no. 3 (2021):7-18, . .

Ekonomski značaj šafranjike i uticaj genotipa na produkciju biomase

Ikanović, Jela; Popović, Vera; Rakaščan, Nikola; Ljubičić, Nataša; Dražić, Gordana; Aćimić Remiković, Milena; Petković, Zdravka

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2021)

AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Rakaščan, Nikola
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Dražić, Gordana
AU  - Aćimić Remiković, Milena
AU  - Petković, Zdravka
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Šafranjika pripada porodici glavočika (familia Asteraceae). Celokupna nadzemna generativna i vegetativna biomasa sorti najnovije generacije, može se upotrebiti na različite načine. U radu su ispitivani su parametri produktuvnosti dva genotipa šafranjike i mogućnost njihove upotrebe. Rezultati su pokazali da su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosima biomase, masi 1000 zrna i zapreminskoj masi u zavisnosti od genotipa (p<0,05). Prosečni prinosi bili su statistički veoma značajno veći u sorte šafranjike S-20 (4,43 t/ha) u odnosu na sortu Nutrasaff (4,20 t/ha). Prinos biomase bio je u pozitivnoj statistički visoko značajnoj korelaciji sa masom 1000 zrna (0,94**) i u pozitivnoj statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa zapreminskom masom (0,67*). U uslovima sve više izraženih globalnih klimatskih promena šafranjika može postati vrlo značajna ratarska biljka.
AB  - Safflower belongs to the family Asteraceae. The entire overhead generative and vegetative biomass varieties the latest generations, can be used in a variety of ways. The productivity parameters of two saffron genotypes and were investigated the possibility of their use. The results showed that statistically significant differences in biomass yields were found, mass of 1000 grains and volumetric mass depending on genotype (p<0.05). Average yields were statistically very significantly higher in saffron varieties S-20 (4.43 t / ha) compared to the Nutrasaff variety (4.20 t / ha). Biomass yield was positive statistically highly significant correlation with the mass of 1000 grains (0.94 **) and in a positive statistically significant correlation with volumetric mass (0.67 *). In the conditions of increasingly pronounced global climate changes saffron can become a very important crop
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.
T1  - Ekonomski značaj šafranjike i uticaj genotipa na produkciju biomase
T1  - The economic importance of safflower and the influence of genotype on biomass production
EP  - 178
SP  - 169
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ikanović, Jela and Popović, Vera and Rakaščan, Nikola and Ljubičić, Nataša and Dražić, Gordana and Aćimić Remiković, Milena and Petković, Zdravka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Šafranjika pripada porodici glavočika (familia Asteraceae). Celokupna nadzemna generativna i vegetativna biomasa sorti najnovije generacije, može se upotrebiti na različite načine. U radu su ispitivani su parametri produktuvnosti dva genotipa šafranjike i mogućnost njihove upotrebe. Rezultati su pokazali da su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosima biomase, masi 1000 zrna i zapreminskoj masi u zavisnosti od genotipa (p<0,05). Prosečni prinosi bili su statistički veoma značajno veći u sorte šafranjike S-20 (4,43 t/ha) u odnosu na sortu Nutrasaff (4,20 t/ha). Prinos biomase bio je u pozitivnoj statistički visoko značajnoj korelaciji sa masom 1000 zrna (0,94**) i u pozitivnoj statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa zapreminskom masom (0,67*). U uslovima sve više izraženih globalnih klimatskih promena šafranjika može postati vrlo značajna ratarska biljka., Safflower belongs to the family Asteraceae. The entire overhead generative and vegetative biomass varieties the latest generations, can be used in a variety of ways. The productivity parameters of two saffron genotypes and were investigated the possibility of their use. The results showed that statistically significant differences in biomass yields were found, mass of 1000 grains and volumetric mass depending on genotype (p<0.05). Average yields were statistically very significantly higher in saffron varieties S-20 (4.43 t / ha) compared to the Nutrasaff variety (4.20 t / ha). Biomass yield was positive statistically highly significant correlation with the mass of 1000 grains (0.94 **) and in a positive statistically significant correlation with volumetric mass (0.67 *). In the conditions of increasingly pronounced global climate changes saffron can become a very important crop",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.",
title = "Ekonomski značaj šafranjike i uticaj genotipa na produkciju biomase, The economic importance of safflower and the influence of genotype on biomass production",
pages = "178-169",
url = ""
Ikanović, J., Popović, V., Rakaščan, N., Ljubičić, N., Dražić, G., Aćimić Remiković, M.,& Petković, Z.. (2021). Ekonomski značaj šafranjike i uticaj genotipa na produkciju biomase. in Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 169-178.
Ikanović J, Popović V, Rakaščan N, Ljubičić N, Dražić G, Aćimić Remiković M, Petković Z. Ekonomski značaj šafranjike i uticaj genotipa na produkciju biomase. in Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021.. 2021;:169-178. .
Ikanović, Jela, Popović, Vera, Rakaščan, Nikola, Ljubičić, Nataša, Dražić, Gordana, Aćimić Remiković, Milena, Petković, Zdravka, "Ekonomski značaj šafranjike i uticaj genotipa na produkciju biomase" in Zbornik radova, 62. Savetovanje industrije ulja "Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica", Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, 27. jun - 2. jul 2021. (2021):169-178, .