Dušanić, Nenad

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Dušanić, Nenad (89)
Development of new varieties and production technology improvement of oil crops for different purposes Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200032 (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad)
Climate Crops - Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Breeding of Climate-Resilient Crops, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production
Stvaranje visoko produktivnih genotipova suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) SmartSun - Creating climate smart sunflower for future challenges
COST Action CA16212: Impact of Nuclear Domains on Gene Expression and Plant Traits COST Action CA18111: Genome editing in plants - a technology with transformative potential
Bilateral project Germany-Serbia (No. 451-03-01732/2017-09/3 and project code 57393592) IAEA project RER5024: Enhancing Productivity and Resilience to Climate Change of Major Food Crops in Europe and Central Asia
APV 114-451-2126/2016-03: Anatomic characterization of wild sunflower collection as a potential genepool for cultivated sunflower breeding in Vojvodina, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, AP Vojvodina APV 142-451-2115/2019-02 financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, AP Vojvodina
COST Action CA19125: EPIgenetic mechanisms of Crop Adaptation To Climate cHange (EPI-CATCH) HelEx - Use of extremophile Helianthus species to mitigate climate change impact on feedstock and ecosystem services provided by sunflower
MIDAS - Marginal lands and industrial crops for the European bioeconomy Increasing the market significance of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production technology
SafeSeed - New biorational methods for stored seed pest control and protection: To serve and prevent Rational use of fertilizers and pesticides in order to protect agroecosystem, quality and efficiency of crop production based on long term field trials, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, AP Vojvodina

Author's Bibliography

Adaptabilnost, stabilnost i visok prinos - NS hibridi suncokreta nove generacije za nove izazove

Krstić, Miloš; Babec, Brankica; Ćuk, Nemanja; Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Ovuka, Jelena; Miladinović, Dragana; Jocković, Milan; Jocković, Jelena; Hladni, Nada; Grahovac, Nada; Dušanić, Nenad; Radić, Velimir; Balalić, Igor; Gvozdenac, Sonja; Dedić, Boško; Ostojić, Branislav; Jokić, Goran; Butaš, Daliborka; Radeka, Ilija; Klisurić, Nedjeljko; Miklič, Vladimir

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2024)

AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Babec, Brankica
AU  - Ćuk, Nemanja
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Jocković, Jelena
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Grahovac, Nada
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Balalić, Igor
AU  - Gvozdenac, Sonja
AU  - Dedić, Boško
AU  - Ostojić, Branislav
AU  - Jokić, Goran
AU  - Butaš, Daliborka
AU  - Radeka, Ilija
AU  - Klisurić, Nedjeljko
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4238
AB  - Suncokret je sve više ižložen negativnim uticajima klimatskih promena, posebno visokim
temperaturama i sušnim periodima, što neretko uzrokuje značajne varijacije i smanjenje prinosa
semena. S obzirom na to da se klimatske promene ne mogu zaustaviti, neophodno je
identifikovati promene u biljci koje omogućavaju prilagođavanje na ekstremne klimatske uslove i
primeniti ova saznanja u procesu oplemenjivanja. Stvaranje novih genotipova tolerantnih na sušu
i sve vrste stresa je prioritet u sadašnjem ali i budućem procesu oplemenjivanja biljaka.
Postizanje ovog cilja zahteva ispitivanje performanši hibrida na više lokaliteta i u ražlićitim
godinama, osiguravajuć i tako pouzdane rezultate i prilagodljivost u promenljivim okolnostima.
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Novi Sad
sprovodi svake godine multilokacijske mikro i proizvodne ogleda širom zemlje, testirajući
adaptabilnost i stabilnost novih i već raširenih hibrida suncokreta u različitim mikroklimatskim
uslovima. Tokom 2023. godine hibridi nove generacije, odnosno dva konvencionalna hibrida (NS
Kruna i NS Ronin) i dva Express (SUMO) hibrida (NS H 8002 i NS H 8005) posejani su u osam
regiona tj. okruga, kod četiri poljoprivredna proizvođača a u svakom okrugu. Imajući u vidu da je u
2023. godini, prosečan prinos semena suncokreta u Republici Srbiji prema procenama iznošio 2,7
-2,9 t/ha, a kada uporedimo ovu vrednost sa prosečnim prinosima u mreži proizvodnih ogleda
osam okruga, jasno se ističe visok kvalitet NS hibrida suncokreta nove generacije. NS Ronin je
ostvario izuzetan prinos od 4,2 t/ha, prati ga NS Kruna sa 4 t/ha, dok su SUMO hibridi NS H 8002
i NS H 8005 postigli prinose od 3,7 t/ha i 3,8 t/ha. Rezultati AMMI analize pokazuju da je za
prinos semena tokom 2023. godine u proseku kroz sve okruge najstabilniji bio hibrid NS H 8002,
sa vrednosć u IPC1 najblizoj nuli. Hibridi NS Kruna, NS Ronin i NS H 8005 su pokazali manju
stabilnost, jer su bili udaljeniji od linije stabilnosti u odnosu na hibrid NS H 8002, ali su ovi
hibridi u proseku ostvarili veće prinose u svim okruzima. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju da novosadski
hibridi nove generacije poseduju izuzetnu adaptabilnost, stabilnost, a pored toga i visok
potencijal za prinos u različitim agroekološkim uslovima širom Republike Srbije.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik referata, 58. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 4. Savetovanje agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 29. januar - 2. februar 2024.
T1  - Adaptabilnost, stabilnost i visok prinos - NS hibridi suncokreta nove generacije za nove izazove
EP  - 32
SP  - 24
DO  - 10.5937/SAPS24003K
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4238
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Miloš and Babec, Brankica and Ćuk, Nemanja and Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Ovuka, Jelena and Miladinović, Dragana and Jocković, Milan and Jocković, Jelena and Hladni, Nada and Grahovac, Nada and Dušanić, Nenad and Radić, Velimir and Balalić, Igor and Gvozdenac, Sonja and Dedić, Boško and Ostojić, Branislav and Jokić, Goran and Butaš, Daliborka and Radeka, Ilija and Klisurić, Nedjeljko and Miklič, Vladimir",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Suncokret je sve više ižložen negativnim uticajima klimatskih promena, posebno visokim
temperaturama i sušnim periodima, što neretko uzrokuje značajne varijacije i smanjenje prinosa
semena. S obzirom na to da se klimatske promene ne mogu zaustaviti, neophodno je
identifikovati promene u biljci koje omogućavaju prilagođavanje na ekstremne klimatske uslove i
primeniti ova saznanja u procesu oplemenjivanja. Stvaranje novih genotipova tolerantnih na sušu
i sve vrste stresa je prioritet u sadašnjem ali i budućem procesu oplemenjivanja biljaka.
Postizanje ovog cilja zahteva ispitivanje performanši hibrida na više lokaliteta i u ražlićitim
godinama, osiguravajuć i tako pouzdane rezultate i prilagodljivost u promenljivim okolnostima.
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Novi Sad
sprovodi svake godine multilokacijske mikro i proizvodne ogleda širom zemlje, testirajući
adaptabilnost i stabilnost novih i već raširenih hibrida suncokreta u različitim mikroklimatskim
uslovima. Tokom 2023. godine hibridi nove generacije, odnosno dva konvencionalna hibrida (NS
Kruna i NS Ronin) i dva Express (SUMO) hibrida (NS H 8002 i NS H 8005) posejani su u osam
regiona tj. okruga, kod četiri poljoprivredna proizvođača a u svakom okrugu. Imajući u vidu da je u
2023. godini, prosečan prinos semena suncokreta u Republici Srbiji prema procenama iznošio 2,7
-2,9 t/ha, a kada uporedimo ovu vrednost sa prosečnim prinosima u mreži proizvodnih ogleda
osam okruga, jasno se ističe visok kvalitet NS hibrida suncokreta nove generacije. NS Ronin je
ostvario izuzetan prinos od 4,2 t/ha, prati ga NS Kruna sa 4 t/ha, dok su SUMO hibridi NS H 8002
i NS H 8005 postigli prinose od 3,7 t/ha i 3,8 t/ha. Rezultati AMMI analize pokazuju da je za
prinos semena tokom 2023. godine u proseku kroz sve okruge najstabilniji bio hibrid NS H 8002,
sa vrednosć u IPC1 najblizoj nuli. Hibridi NS Kruna, NS Ronin i NS H 8005 su pokazali manju
stabilnost, jer su bili udaljeniji od linije stabilnosti u odnosu na hibrid NS H 8002, ali su ovi
hibridi u proseku ostvarili veće prinose u svim okruzima. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju da novosadski
hibridi nove generacije poseduju izuzetnu adaptabilnost, stabilnost, a pored toga i visok
potencijal za prinos u različitim agroekološkim uslovima širom Republike Srbije.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik referata, 58. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 4. Savetovanje agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 29. januar - 2. februar 2024.",
title = "Adaptabilnost, stabilnost i visok prinos - NS hibridi suncokreta nove generacije za nove izazove",
pages = "32-24",
doi = "10.5937/SAPS24003K",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4238"
Krstić, M., Babec, B., Ćuk, N., Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Ovuka, J., Miladinović, D., Jocković, M., Jocković, J., Hladni, N., Grahovac, N., Dušanić, N., Radić, V., Balalić, I., Gvozdenac, S., Dedić, B., Ostojić, B., Jokić, G., Butaš, D., Radeka, I., Klisurić, N.,& Miklič, V.. (2024). Adaptabilnost, stabilnost i visok prinos - NS hibridi suncokreta nove generacije za nove izazove. in Zbornik referata, 58. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 4. Savetovanje agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 29. januar - 2. februar 2024.
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo., 24-32.
Krstić M, Babec B, Ćuk N, Jocić S, Cvejić S, Ovuka J, Miladinović D, Jocković M, Jocković J, Hladni N, Grahovac N, Dušanić N, Radić V, Balalić I, Gvozdenac S, Dedić B, Ostojić B, Jokić G, Butaš D, Radeka I, Klisurić N, Miklič V. Adaptabilnost, stabilnost i visok prinos - NS hibridi suncokreta nove generacije za nove izazove. in Zbornik referata, 58. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 4. Savetovanje agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 29. januar - 2. februar 2024.. 2024;:24-32.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4238 .
Krstić, Miloš, Babec, Brankica, Ćuk, Nemanja, Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Ovuka, Jelena, Miladinović, Dragana, Jocković, Milan, Jocković, Jelena, Hladni, Nada, Grahovac, Nada, Dušanić, Nenad, Radić, Velimir, Balalić, Igor, Gvozdenac, Sonja, Dedić, Boško, Ostojić, Branislav, Jokić, Goran, Butaš, Daliborka, Radeka, Ilija, Klisurić, Nedjeljko, Miklič, Vladimir, "Adaptabilnost, stabilnost i visok prinos - NS hibridi suncokreta nove generacije za nove izazove" in Zbornik referata, 58. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 4. Savetovanje agronoma Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 29. januar - 2. februar 2024. (2024):24-32,
https://doi.org/10.5937/SAPS24003K .,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4238 .

Production of sunflower seed under new climate conditions

Miklič, Vladimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Ostojić, Branislav; Radić, Velimir; Krstić, Miloš; Jokić, Goran; Butaš, Daliborka; Ovuka, Jelena; Balalić, Igor; Jocić, Siniša; Hladni, Nada; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Ćuk, Nemanja; Miladinović, Dragana

(International Sunflower Association (ISA), 2024)

AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Ostojić, Branislav
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Jokić, Goran
AU  - Butaš, Daliborka
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Balalić, Igor
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Ćuk, Nemanja
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4850
AB  - Sunflower is the third largest oil crop and in 2023 it was grown on over 28 million hectares in the world. With the discovery of the CMS source in 1969, sunflower hybrids began to be created. The first commercial hybrids based on CMS were registered in Romania, in 1974 and in Yugoslavia, in 1978. It is estimated that hybrids are grown on around 85% of the total sunflower planting area today, and the remaining 15% are still landrace varieties, mostly of the confectionery type. Therefore, the requirement for hybrid sunflower seeds in the world today is around 120 million kg (about 12 million bags of 150,000 grains). To reach to this amount, the sunflower will be with an average yield of 700 kg/ha of processed seeds, it is necessary to plant sunflower with area about 170,000 ha. The total commercial hybrid sunflower seed production is estimated at USD 2 billion today. The production of hybrid sunflower seeds today is exposed to many new challenges. Global climate change facilitate warming environmentally, thus make drought and stormy winds occurrence. By monitoring the daily dynamics of bee visits, we determined that the maximum number of visits occurs at air temperatures between 20 and 28℃, and air humidity of 40-50%. In recent years, the average temperature in Serbia has increased by nearly 2℃ compared to the multi-year average. This has a negative effect on the vitality of pollen and fertilization, as well as on the visit of bees, so the recommendations for supplying beehives have increased from 2 to 4/ha. Bees are the most important pollinators for sunflower and on average make up 71% of the total visit (in some years over 90%), the insects is mainly from the Syrfidae family (19% of visits), bumblebees (8%) and butterflies (2%), whose populations are constantly decreasing. Due to the increase in the sunflower planting area, it is increasingly difficult to ensure spatial isolation of insects, it decreases to 500 m in many countries, and this already leads to increased foreign fertilization and the spread of wild sunflowers, which is especially dangerous if they carry some of the genes for resistance to herbicides. In the last 20 years, many herbicides, insecticides and fungicides have lost their registration, especially in Europe. Seed treatment makes sunflower production especially difficult, as well as the international trade of seeds, because the situation differs among different countries. With the announced cancellation of the license for Reglone desiccant, the situation is further aggravated and higher costs can be expected (primarily due to drying), but also a significantly drop in yield and seed quality. The potential substitutes techniques we tried to create (Kabuki, carfentrazone, pelargonic acid, glyphosate...) did not have good results. Problems with high fluctuations in mercantile prices and the increased price  of energy and fertilizers, with a lack of labor and especially with the war in Ukraine, leads the restrictions on seed trade in Russia, significantly affect the sunflower production, thus leading to an increasing risk on the price of sunflower seeds in the future.
PB  - International Sunflower Association (ISA)
C3  - Proceedings, 21st International Sunflower Conference, 20-24 August 2024, Wuyuan, Inner Mongolia, China
T1  - Production of sunflower seed under new climate conditions
EP  - 27
SP  - 27
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4850
ER  - 
author = "Miklič, Vladimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Ostojić, Branislav and Radić, Velimir and Krstić, Miloš and Jokić, Goran and Butaš, Daliborka and Ovuka, Jelena and Balalić, Igor and Jocić, Siniša and Hladni, Nada and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Ćuk, Nemanja and Miladinović, Dragana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Sunflower is the third largest oil crop and in 2023 it was grown on over 28 million hectares in the world. With the discovery of the CMS source in 1969, sunflower hybrids began to be created. The first commercial hybrids based on CMS were registered in Romania, in 1974 and in Yugoslavia, in 1978. It is estimated that hybrids are grown on around 85% of the total sunflower planting area today, and the remaining 15% are still landrace varieties, mostly of the confectionery type. Therefore, the requirement for hybrid sunflower seeds in the world today is around 120 million kg (about 12 million bags of 150,000 grains). To reach to this amount, the sunflower will be with an average yield of 700 kg/ha of processed seeds, it is necessary to plant sunflower with area about 170,000 ha. The total commercial hybrid sunflower seed production is estimated at USD 2 billion today. The production of hybrid sunflower seeds today is exposed to many new challenges. Global climate change facilitate warming environmentally, thus make drought and stormy winds occurrence. By monitoring the daily dynamics of bee visits, we determined that the maximum number of visits occurs at air temperatures between 20 and 28℃, and air humidity of 40-50%. In recent years, the average temperature in Serbia has increased by nearly 2℃ compared to the multi-year average. This has a negative effect on the vitality of pollen and fertilization, as well as on the visit of bees, so the recommendations for supplying beehives have increased from 2 to 4/ha. Bees are the most important pollinators for sunflower and on average make up 71% of the total visit (in some years over 90%), the insects is mainly from the Syrfidae family (19% of visits), bumblebees (8%) and butterflies (2%), whose populations are constantly decreasing. Due to the increase in the sunflower planting area, it is increasingly difficult to ensure spatial isolation of insects, it decreases to 500 m in many countries, and this already leads to increased foreign fertilization and the spread of wild sunflowers, which is especially dangerous if they carry some of the genes for resistance to herbicides. In the last 20 years, many herbicides, insecticides and fungicides have lost their registration, especially in Europe. Seed treatment makes sunflower production especially difficult, as well as the international trade of seeds, because the situation differs among different countries. With the announced cancellation of the license for Reglone desiccant, the situation is further aggravated and higher costs can be expected (primarily due to drying), but also a significantly drop in yield and seed quality. The potential substitutes techniques we tried to create (Kabuki, carfentrazone, pelargonic acid, glyphosate...) did not have good results. Problems with high fluctuations in mercantile prices and the increased price  of energy and fertilizers, with a lack of labor and especially with the war in Ukraine, leads the restrictions on seed trade in Russia, significantly affect the sunflower production, thus leading to an increasing risk on the price of sunflower seeds in the future.",
publisher = "International Sunflower Association (ISA)",
journal = "Proceedings, 21st International Sunflower Conference, 20-24 August 2024, Wuyuan, Inner Mongolia, China",
title = "Production of sunflower seed under new climate conditions",
pages = "27-27",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4850"
Miklič, V., Dušanić, N., Ostojić, B., Radić, V., Krstić, M., Jokić, G., Butaš, D., Ovuka, J., Balalić, I., Jocić, S., Hladni, N., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Ćuk, N.,& Miladinović, D.. (2024). Production of sunflower seed under new climate conditions. in Proceedings, 21st International Sunflower Conference, 20-24 August 2024, Wuyuan, Inner Mongolia, China
International Sunflower Association (ISA)., 27-27.
Miklič V, Dušanić N, Ostojić B, Radić V, Krstić M, Jokić G, Butaš D, Ovuka J, Balalić I, Jocić S, Hladni N, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Ćuk N, Miladinović D. Production of sunflower seed under new climate conditions. in Proceedings, 21st International Sunflower Conference, 20-24 August 2024, Wuyuan, Inner Mongolia, China. 2024;:27-27.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4850 .
Miklič, Vladimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Ostojić, Branislav, Radić, Velimir, Krstić, Miloš, Jokić, Goran, Butaš, Daliborka, Ovuka, Jelena, Balalić, Igor, Jocić, Siniša, Hladni, Nada, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Ćuk, Nemanja, Miladinović, Dragana, "Production of sunflower seed under new climate conditions" in Proceedings, 21st International Sunflower Conference, 20-24 August 2024, Wuyuan, Inner Mongolia, China (2024):27-27,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4850 .

Oprašivanje suncokreta kao uslov uspešne proizvodnje

Miklič, Vladimir; Jocić, Siniša; Dušanić, Nenad; Hladni, Nada; Ostojić, Branislav; Radić, Velimir; Krstić, Miloš; Miladinović, Dragana

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Ostojić, Branislav
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4707
AB  - Suncokret je stranooplodna entomofilna biljka i za uspešnu proizvodnju semena neophodno je prisustvo polinatora. Ispitivan je uticaj uslova oplodnje na elemente prinosa. U slobodnoj oplodnji prinos semena po glavi je u proseku za 12 genotipova u 2 godine ispitivanja bio za 72,13% veći u odnosu na uslove samooplodnje, masa 1000 semena je bila za 10,08% manja a sadržaj ulja veći za gotovo 6%. Uslovi oplodnje značajno utiču na sadržaj ulja što potvrđuje i Spirmanov koeficijent korelacije rangova genotipova po sadržaju ulja u dva tipa oplodnje koji je veoma nizak (Sccr = 0,1119). Na posetu utiču sadržaj nektara, količina i kvalitet polena, dužina krunice, boja cveta i drugi faktori atraktivnosti, ali je veći uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine i primenjenih agrotehničkih mera.
AB  - The sunflower is an entomophilous plant, and the presence of pollinators is necessary for successful seed production. The influence of fertilization conditions on yield elements was examined. In open pollination, the seed yield per head was on average 72.13% higher for 12 genotypes in 2 years of testing compared to self-fertilization conditions, the weight of 1000 seeds was 10.08% lower and the oil content was almost 6% higher. Fertilization conditions significantly affect the oil content, which is confirmed by Spearman's coefficient of correlation of genotype ranks by oil content in two types of fertilization, which is very low (Scer = 0.1119). The visit is influenced by the content of nectar, the quantity and quality of pollen, the length of the corolla, the color of the flower and other factors of attractiveness, but the factors of the external environment and applied agrotechnical measures have a greater influence.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.
T1  - Oprašivanje suncokreta kao uslov uspešne proizvodnje
T1  - Sunflower pollination as a condition for successful production
EP  - 27
SP  - 22
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4707
ER  - 
author = "Miklič, Vladimir and Jocić, Siniša and Dušanić, Nenad and Hladni, Nada and Ostojić, Branislav and Radić, Velimir and Krstić, Miloš and Miladinović, Dragana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Suncokret je stranooplodna entomofilna biljka i za uspešnu proizvodnju semena neophodno je prisustvo polinatora. Ispitivan je uticaj uslova oplodnje na elemente prinosa. U slobodnoj oplodnji prinos semena po glavi je u proseku za 12 genotipova u 2 godine ispitivanja bio za 72,13% veći u odnosu na uslove samooplodnje, masa 1000 semena je bila za 10,08% manja a sadržaj ulja veći za gotovo 6%. Uslovi oplodnje značajno utiču na sadržaj ulja što potvrđuje i Spirmanov koeficijent korelacije rangova genotipova po sadržaju ulja u dva tipa oplodnje koji je veoma nizak (Sccr = 0,1119). Na posetu utiču sadržaj nektara, količina i kvalitet polena, dužina krunice, boja cveta i drugi faktori atraktivnosti, ali je veći uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine i primenjenih agrotehničkih mera., The sunflower is an entomophilous plant, and the presence of pollinators is necessary for successful seed production. The influence of fertilization conditions on yield elements was examined. In open pollination, the seed yield per head was on average 72.13% higher for 12 genotypes in 2 years of testing compared to self-fertilization conditions, the weight of 1000 seeds was 10.08% lower and the oil content was almost 6% higher. Fertilization conditions significantly affect the oil content, which is confirmed by Spearman's coefficient of correlation of genotype ranks by oil content in two types of fertilization, which is very low (Scer = 0.1119). The visit is influenced by the content of nectar, the quantity and quality of pollen, the length of the corolla, the color of the flower and other factors of attractiveness, but the factors of the external environment and applied agrotechnical measures have a greater influence.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.",
title = "Oprašivanje suncokreta kao uslov uspešne proizvodnje, Sunflower pollination as a condition for successful production",
pages = "27-22",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4707"
Miklič, V., Jocić, S., Dušanić, N., Hladni, N., Ostojić, B., Radić, V., Krstić, M.,& Miladinović, D.. (2024). Oprašivanje suncokreta kao uslov uspešne proizvodnje. in Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 22-27.
Miklič V, Jocić S, Dušanić N, Hladni N, Ostojić B, Radić V, Krstić M, Miladinović D. Oprašivanje suncokreta kao uslov uspešne proizvodnje. in Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024.. 2024;:22-27.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4707 .
Miklič, Vladimir, Jocić, Siniša, Dušanić, Nenad, Hladni, Nada, Ostojić, Branislav, Radić, Velimir, Krstić, Miloš, Miladinović, Dragana, "Oprašivanje suncokreta kao uslov uspešne proizvodnje" in Zbornik radova, 65. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. (2024):22-27,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4707 .

Datum setve kao strategija tokom proizvodnje semenskog suncokreta u uslovima promenjene klime

Krstić, Miloš; Dunđerski, Dušan; Ovuka, Jelena; Mladenov, Velimir; Banjac, Borislav; Babec, Brankica; Ćuk, Nemanja; Gvozdenac, Sonja; Butaš, Daliborka; Miladinović, Dragana; Miklič, Vladimir; Radić, Velimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Dunđerski, Dušan
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Mladenov, Velimir
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
AU  - Babec, Brankica
AU  - Ćuk, Nemanja
AU  - Gvozdenac, Sonja
AU  - Butaš, Daliborka
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3989
AB  - Klimatske promene značajno utiču na gajene kulture, smanjujući stabilnost prinosa i kvalitet semena. Adaptabilnost suncokreta na promenu klime ima ključnu ulogu u perspektivi gajenja ove kulture u Evropi. Prilagođavenjem besplatne agrotehničke mere kao što je datum setve suncokreta, poljoprivrednici mogu povećati prinose. Cilj istraživanja je da analizira i proceni kako različiti genotipovi reaguju na različite datume setve u uslovima promenjene klime, te da identifikuje najpovoljnije uslove za maksimalne prinose semena, ulja, kvalitet proizvedenog semena i morfološke osobine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno od 2020. do 2022. godine na oglednim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Ogled se sastojao od tri izolacije u četiri ponavljanja sa šest genotipova, kao simulacija semenske proizvodnje osnovne kategorije semena i setrifikovane kategorije semena I generacije. Svi genotipovi su posejani u četiri različita datuma setve sa razmakom od dve nedelje između datuma. Analizom rezultata može se primetiti da datum setve, genotip i njihova interakcija značajno utiču na variranje ispitivanih osobina. Utvrđeno je da povećanje prinosa semena prati povećanje kvaliteta proizvedenog semena u svim datumima setve. Korelacijama je utvrđeno da, smanjenje padavina u fazi nalivanja semena utiče na smanjenje prinosa semena i ulja. Primećeno je da visoke temperature od nicanja do butonizacije imaju negativan uticaj na prinos semena, ali povećavaju visinu biljke, energiju klijanja i klijavost proizvedenog semena. Visoke temperature tokom cvetanja negativno utiču na energiju klijanja i klijavost proizvedenog semena, ali pozitivno na prečnik glave. Prilagođavanje datuma setve može biti pouzdan alat za odgovor na buduće klimatske promene. Pomeranje optimalnih datuma setve (sredina aprila) na kasniji period (početak ili sredina maja) može smanjiti stresne uslove tokom oplodnje i nalivanja semena, rezultirajući većim prinosima i boljim kvalitetom proizvedenog semena, što je cilj svake semenske proizvodnje.
AB  - Climate change has a significant impact on cultivated crops, reducing yield stability and seed quality. The adaptability of sunflower to climate change plays a key role in the perspective of growing this crop in Europe. By adjusting a free agrotechnical measure such as the sunflower sowing date, farmers can increase yields. The goal of the research is to analyze and evaluate how different genotypes react to different sowing dates in conditions of a changed climate, and to identify the most favorable conditions for maximum yields of seeds, oil, quality of produced seeds and morphological characteristics. The research was conducted from 2020 to 2022 on the experimental fields of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The experiment consisted of three isolations in four replications with six genotypes, as a simulation of seed production of the basic seed category and the certified seed category of the first generation. All genotypes were sown on four different sowing dates with a two-week interval between dates. Analyzing the results, it can be observed that the date of sowing, the genotype and their interaction significantly affect the variation of the tested traits. It was found that the increase in seed yield is accompanied by an increase in the quality of the produced seed on all sowing dates. Through correlations, it was determined that the decrease in precipitation during the seed-filling phase affects the decrease in seed and oil yields. It was observed that high temperatures from germination to budding have a negative effect on seed yield, but increase plant height, germination energy and germination of the seeds produced. High temperatures during flowering have a negative effect on the energy of germination and germination of the seeds produced, but a positive effect on the diameter of the head. Adjusting sowing dates can be a reliable tool to respond to future climate change. Shifting the optimal sowing dates (mid-April) to a later period (early or mid-May) can reduce stressful conditions during pollination and the seed filling, resulting in higher yields and better quality seed production, which is the goal of any seed production.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Srbije
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.
T1  - Datum setve kao strategija tokom proizvodnje semenskog suncokreta u uslovima promenjene klime
T1  - Sowing date as a strategy during seed sunflower production in conditions of a changed climate
EP  - 206
SP  - 205
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3989
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Miloš and Dunđerski, Dušan and Ovuka, Jelena and Mladenov, Velimir and Banjac, Borislav and Babec, Brankica and Ćuk, Nemanja and Gvozdenac, Sonja and Butaš, Daliborka and Miladinović, Dragana and Miklič, Vladimir and Radić, Velimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Klimatske promene značajno utiču na gajene kulture, smanjujući stabilnost prinosa i kvalitet semena. Adaptabilnost suncokreta na promenu klime ima ključnu ulogu u perspektivi gajenja ove kulture u Evropi. Prilagođavenjem besplatne agrotehničke mere kao što je datum setve suncokreta, poljoprivrednici mogu povećati prinose. Cilj istraživanja je da analizira i proceni kako različiti genotipovi reaguju na različite datume setve u uslovima promenjene klime, te da identifikuje najpovoljnije uslove za maksimalne prinose semena, ulja, kvalitet proizvedenog semena i morfološke osobine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno od 2020. do 2022. godine na oglednim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Ogled se sastojao od tri izolacije u četiri ponavljanja sa šest genotipova, kao simulacija semenske proizvodnje osnovne kategorije semena i setrifikovane kategorije semena I generacije. Svi genotipovi su posejani u četiri različita datuma setve sa razmakom od dve nedelje između datuma. Analizom rezultata može se primetiti da datum setve, genotip i njihova interakcija značajno utiču na variranje ispitivanih osobina. Utvrđeno je da povećanje prinosa semena prati povećanje kvaliteta proizvedenog semena u svim datumima setve. Korelacijama je utvrđeno da, smanjenje padavina u fazi nalivanja semena utiče na smanjenje prinosa semena i ulja. Primećeno je da visoke temperature od nicanja do butonizacije imaju negativan uticaj na prinos semena, ali povećavaju visinu biljke, energiju klijanja i klijavost proizvedenog semena. Visoke temperature tokom cvetanja negativno utiču na energiju klijanja i klijavost proizvedenog semena, ali pozitivno na prečnik glave. Prilagođavanje datuma setve može biti pouzdan alat za odgovor na buduće klimatske promene. Pomeranje optimalnih datuma setve (sredina aprila) na kasniji period (početak ili sredina maja) može smanjiti stresne uslove tokom oplodnje i nalivanja semena, rezultirajući većim prinosima i boljim kvalitetom proizvedenog semena, što je cilj svake semenske proizvodnje., Climate change has a significant impact on cultivated crops, reducing yield stability and seed quality. The adaptability of sunflower to climate change plays a key role in the perspective of growing this crop in Europe. By adjusting a free agrotechnical measure such as the sunflower sowing date, farmers can increase yields. The goal of the research is to analyze and evaluate how different genotypes react to different sowing dates in conditions of a changed climate, and to identify the most favorable conditions for maximum yields of seeds, oil, quality of produced seeds and morphological characteristics. The research was conducted from 2020 to 2022 on the experimental fields of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The experiment consisted of three isolations in four replications with six genotypes, as a simulation of seed production of the basic seed category and the certified seed category of the first generation. All genotypes were sown on four different sowing dates with a two-week interval between dates. Analyzing the results, it can be observed that the date of sowing, the genotype and their interaction significantly affect the variation of the tested traits. It was found that the increase in seed yield is accompanied by an increase in the quality of the produced seed on all sowing dates. Through correlations, it was determined that the decrease in precipitation during the seed-filling phase affects the decrease in seed and oil yields. It was observed that high temperatures from germination to budding have a negative effect on seed yield, but increase plant height, germination energy and germination of the seeds produced. High temperatures during flowering have a negative effect on the energy of germination and germination of the seeds produced, but a positive effect on the diameter of the head. Adjusting sowing dates can be a reliable tool to respond to future climate change. Shifting the optimal sowing dates (mid-April) to a later period (early or mid-May) can reduce stressful conditions during pollination and the seed filling, resulting in higher yields and better quality seed production, which is the goal of any seed production.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.",
title = "Datum setve kao strategija tokom proizvodnje semenskog suncokreta u uslovima promenjene klime, Sowing date as a strategy during seed sunflower production in conditions of a changed climate",
pages = "206-205",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3989"
Krstić, M., Dunđerski, D., Ovuka, J., Mladenov, V., Banjac, B., Babec, B., Ćuk, N., Gvozdenac, S., Butaš, D., Miladinović, D., Miklič, V., Radić, V., Dušanić, N., Jocić, S.,& Cvejić, S.. (2023). Datum setve kao strategija tokom proizvodnje semenskog suncokreta u uslovima promenjene klime. in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 205-206.
Krstić M, Dunđerski D, Ovuka J, Mladenov V, Banjac B, Babec B, Ćuk N, Gvozdenac S, Butaš D, Miladinović D, Miklič V, Radić V, Dušanić N, Jocić S, Cvejić S. Datum setve kao strategija tokom proizvodnje semenskog suncokreta u uslovima promenjene klime. in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.. 2023;:205-206.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3989 .
Krstić, Miloš, Dunđerski, Dušan, Ovuka, Jelena, Mladenov, Velimir, Banjac, Borislav, Babec, Brankica, Ćuk, Nemanja, Gvozdenac, Sonja, Butaš, Daliborka, Miladinović, Dragana, Miklič, Vladimir, Radić, Velimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, "Datum setve kao strategija tokom proizvodnje semenskog suncokreta u uslovima promenjene klime" in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023. (2023):205-206,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3989 .

Uticaj godine i lokaliteta na klijavost semena kod inbred linija suncokreta

Radić, Velimir; Balalić, Igor; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Balalić, Igor
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4015
AB  - Jedna od najvažnijih karakteristika semena je njegova klijavost i ona je kao svojstvo karakteristično za svaki pojedinačni genotip, za svaku biljnu vrstu. Na njega utiče velik broj različitih činilaca, počev od klimatskih činilaca, preko uticaja agrotehničkih mera i oštećenja nastalih tokom proizvodnje semena pa do uticaja načina sušenja, dorade, tretiranja i skladištenja dorađenog semena. Ispitivanje je vršeno, u poljskim uslovima, na parcelama gde је organizovana semenska proizvodnja roditeljskih komponenti hibrida suncokreta. Semenska proizvodnja organizovana je na tri različita lokaliteta. Posmatranje se odvijalo tokom tri godine. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 18 različitih genotipova. Od ukupnog broja posmatranih genotipova, 10 genotipova predstavljale su linije na bazi CMS-a dok su preostalih 8 genotipova predstavljali restorer linije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su restoreri imali veće vrednosti klijavosti u odnosu na sterilne linije.
AB  - One of the most important characteristics of a seed is its germination, and as a property, it is characteristic for each genotype, and for each plant species. It is influenced by a large number of different factors, starting from climatic factors, through the influence of cultivation practices and damage caused during seed production, to the influence of the method of drying, processing, treatment and storage of processed seeds. The test was carried out, in field conditions, on plots where seed production of parental components of sunflower hybrids was organized. Seed production is organized in three different locations. The observation took place over three years. The test was performed on 18 different genotypes. From the total number of observed genotypes, 10 genotypes were CMS-based lines, while the remaining 8 genotypes were restorer lines.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.
T1  - Uticaj godine i lokaliteta na klijavost semena kod inbred linija suncokreta
T1  - Effect of year and location on seed germination in sunflower inbred lines
EP  - 214
SP  - 213
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4015
ER  - 
author = "Radić, Velimir and Balalić, Igor and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Jedna od najvažnijih karakteristika semena je njegova klijavost i ona je kao svojstvo karakteristično za svaki pojedinačni genotip, za svaku biljnu vrstu. Na njega utiče velik broj različitih činilaca, počev od klimatskih činilaca, preko uticaja agrotehničkih mera i oštećenja nastalih tokom proizvodnje semena pa do uticaja načina sušenja, dorade, tretiranja i skladištenja dorađenog semena. Ispitivanje je vršeno, u poljskim uslovima, na parcelama gde је organizovana semenska proizvodnja roditeljskih komponenti hibrida suncokreta. Semenska proizvodnja organizovana je na tri različita lokaliteta. Posmatranje se odvijalo tokom tri godine. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 18 različitih genotipova. Od ukupnog broja posmatranih genotipova, 10 genotipova predstavljale su linije na bazi CMS-a dok su preostalih 8 genotipova predstavljali restorer linije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su restoreri imali veće vrednosti klijavosti u odnosu na sterilne linije., One of the most important characteristics of a seed is its germination, and as a property, it is characteristic for each genotype, and for each plant species. It is influenced by a large number of different factors, starting from climatic factors, through the influence of cultivation practices and damage caused during seed production, to the influence of the method of drying, processing, treatment and storage of processed seeds. The test was carried out, in field conditions, on plots where seed production of parental components of sunflower hybrids was organized. Seed production is organized in three different locations. The observation took place over three years. The test was performed on 18 different genotypes. From the total number of observed genotypes, 10 genotypes were CMS-based lines, while the remaining 8 genotypes were restorer lines.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.",
title = "Uticaj godine i lokaliteta na klijavost semena kod inbred linija suncokreta, Effect of year and location on seed germination in sunflower inbred lines",
pages = "214-213",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4015"
Radić, V., Balalić, I., Dušanić, N.,& Miklič, V.. (2023). Uticaj godine i lokaliteta na klijavost semena kod inbred linija suncokreta. in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 213-214.
Radić V, Balalić I, Dušanić N, Miklič V. Uticaj godine i lokaliteta na klijavost semena kod inbred linija suncokreta. in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023.. 2023;:213-214.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4015 .
Radić, Velimir, Balalić, Igor, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, "Uticaj godine i lokaliteta na klijavost semena kod inbred linija suncokreta" in Zbornik apstrakata, 10. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije i 7. Simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-18.10.2023. (2023):213-214,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4015 .

Sunflower hybrid seed production - chalenges and perspectives

Miklič, Vladimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Ostojić, Branislav; Radić, Velimir; Krstić, Miloš; Jokić, Goran; Butaš, Daliborka; Jocić, Siniša; Hladni, Nada; Miladinović, Dragana; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Cvejić, Sandra; Ovuka, Jelena

(Edirne : Trakya University, 2023)

AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Ostojić, Branislav
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Jokić, Goran
AU  - Butaš, Daliborka
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4027
AB  - The introduction of sunflower hybrids into production became possible after the discovery of the CMS source in 1969. The first hybrids were put into production in Romania, Yugoslavia and France at the end of the eighties of the last century. Today, sunflowers are grown on over 28 million hectares in the world, and hybrid seeds are sown on over 85% of this area, the rest of the area is still occupied by open-pollinated varieties. The production of hybrid seeds involved certain specificities. Since the female and male parental lines often do not have the same length of vegetation, they need to be sown at different times to achieve a flowering match. This problem was largely overcome by introducing recessive branching into the male line, which extended its flowering period. The main problems in production are related to fertilization, which can lead to low seed yields. The reasons for poor fertilization lie in incompatibility, low attractiveness for pollinators and other factors. These problems are overcome by finding lines with good compatibility, changing the ratio of the number of rows, increasing the number of hives/ha, but also by using preparations based on pheromones that increase bee visits. A successful hybrid must be good and yielding in seed production too, otherwise its production is not worthwhile.
PB  - Edirne : Trakya University
C3  - Proceedings, International Congress on Oil and Protein Crops, EUCARPIA Oil and Protein Crops Section, 2-4 November 2023, Antalya
T1  - Sunflower hybrid seed production - chalenges and perspectives
EP  - 82
SP  - 81
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4027
ER  - 
author = "Miklič, Vladimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Ostojić, Branislav and Radić, Velimir and Krstić, Miloš and Jokić, Goran and Butaš, Daliborka and Jocić, Siniša and Hladni, Nada and Miladinović, Dragana and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Cvejić, Sandra and Ovuka, Jelena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The introduction of sunflower hybrids into production became possible after the discovery of the CMS source in 1969. The first hybrids were put into production in Romania, Yugoslavia and France at the end of the eighties of the last century. Today, sunflowers are grown on over 28 million hectares in the world, and hybrid seeds are sown on over 85% of this area, the rest of the area is still occupied by open-pollinated varieties. The production of hybrid seeds involved certain specificities. Since the female and male parental lines often do not have the same length of vegetation, they need to be sown at different times to achieve a flowering match. This problem was largely overcome by introducing recessive branching into the male line, which extended its flowering period. The main problems in production are related to fertilization, which can lead to low seed yields. The reasons for poor fertilization lie in incompatibility, low attractiveness for pollinators and other factors. These problems are overcome by finding lines with good compatibility, changing the ratio of the number of rows, increasing the number of hives/ha, but also by using preparations based on pheromones that increase bee visits. A successful hybrid must be good and yielding in seed production too, otherwise its production is not worthwhile.",
publisher = "Edirne : Trakya University",
journal = "Proceedings, International Congress on Oil and Protein Crops, EUCARPIA Oil and Protein Crops Section, 2-4 November 2023, Antalya",
title = "Sunflower hybrid seed production - chalenges and perspectives",
pages = "82-81",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4027"
Miklič, V., Dušanić, N., Ostojić, B., Radić, V., Krstić, M., Jokić, G., Butaš, D., Jocić, S., Hladni, N., Miladinović, D., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Cvejić, S.,& Ovuka, J.. (2023). Sunflower hybrid seed production - chalenges and perspectives. in Proceedings, International Congress on Oil and Protein Crops, EUCARPIA Oil and Protein Crops Section, 2-4 November 2023, Antalya
Edirne : Trakya University., 81-82.
Miklič V, Dušanić N, Ostojić B, Radić V, Krstić M, Jokić G, Butaš D, Jocić S, Hladni N, Miladinović D, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Cvejić S, Ovuka J. Sunflower hybrid seed production - chalenges and perspectives. in Proceedings, International Congress on Oil and Protein Crops, EUCARPIA Oil and Protein Crops Section, 2-4 November 2023, Antalya. 2023;:81-82.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4027 .
Miklič, Vladimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Ostojić, Branislav, Radić, Velimir, Krstić, Miloš, Jokić, Goran, Butaš, Daliborka, Jocić, Siniša, Hladni, Nada, Miladinović, Dragana, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Cvejić, Sandra, Ovuka, Jelena, "Sunflower hybrid seed production - chalenges and perspectives" in Proceedings, International Congress on Oil and Protein Crops, EUCARPIA Oil and Protein Crops Section, 2-4 November 2023, Antalya (2023):81-82,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4027 .

Hemijska desikacija suncokreta – novi izazovi

Miklič, Vladimir; Ovuka, Jelena; Malidža, Goran; Ostojić, Branislav; Krstić, Miloš; Jokić, Goran; Butaš, Daliborka; Radić, Velimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Hladni, Nada; Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Malidža, Goran
AU  - Ostojić, Branislav
AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Jokić, Goran
AU  - Butaš, Daliborka
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3667
AB  - Ispitivan je uticaj hemijskih desikanata na gubitak vlage zrna i semenske kvalitete suncokreta. Herbicidima Kabuki 2.5 EC (a. i. pyraflufen-ethyl, 1 l/ha), i carfentrazoneethyl, (0,4 l/ha) tretirano je 6 CMS roditeljskih linija. Prosečan sadržaj vlage zrna se kod oba tretmana nije značajno razlikovao od kontrolne varijante. Nije bilo vidljivih znakova sušenja drugih biljnih organa u odnosu na kontrolu. Energija klijanja i klijavost semena ispitivani su 40 i 54 dana posle žetve. Nije došlo do pada semenskih kvaliteta u odnosu na kontrolu. Korišćeni herbicidi nisu pokazali zadovoljavajući efekat u desikaciji suncokreta.
AB  - The influence of chemical desiccants on grain moisture loss and sunflower seed quality was investigated. 6 CMS parental lines were treated with the herbicides Kabuki 2.5 EC (a. i. pyraflufen-ethyl, 1 l/ha) and carfentrazone-ethyl (0.4 l/ha). The average grain moisture content in both treatments was not significantly different from the control variety. There were no visible signs of drying of other plant organs compared to the control. Germination energy and seed germination were examined 40 and 54 days after harvest. There was no decline in seed quality compared to the control. The used herbicides did not show a satisfactory effect in sunflower chemical desiccation.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.
T1  - Hemijska desikacija suncokreta – novi izazovi
T1  - Chemical desiccation of sunflower – new challenges
EP  - 36
SP  - 29
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3667
ER  - 
author = "Miklič, Vladimir and Ovuka, Jelena and Malidža, Goran and Ostojić, Branislav and Krstić, Miloš and Jokić, Goran and Butaš, Daliborka and Radić, Velimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Hladni, Nada and Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Ispitivan je uticaj hemijskih desikanata na gubitak vlage zrna i semenske kvalitete suncokreta. Herbicidima Kabuki 2.5 EC (a. i. pyraflufen-ethyl, 1 l/ha), i carfentrazoneethyl, (0,4 l/ha) tretirano je 6 CMS roditeljskih linija. Prosečan sadržaj vlage zrna se kod oba tretmana nije značajno razlikovao od kontrolne varijante. Nije bilo vidljivih znakova sušenja drugih biljnih organa u odnosu na kontrolu. Energija klijanja i klijavost semena ispitivani su 40 i 54 dana posle žetve. Nije došlo do pada semenskih kvaliteta u odnosu na kontrolu. Korišćeni herbicidi nisu pokazali zadovoljavajući efekat u desikaciji suncokreta., The influence of chemical desiccants on grain moisture loss and sunflower seed quality was investigated. 6 CMS parental lines were treated with the herbicides Kabuki 2.5 EC (a. i. pyraflufen-ethyl, 1 l/ha) and carfentrazone-ethyl (0.4 l/ha). The average grain moisture content in both treatments was not significantly different from the control variety. There were no visible signs of drying of other plant organs compared to the control. Germination energy and seed germination were examined 40 and 54 days after harvest. There was no decline in seed quality compared to the control. The used herbicides did not show a satisfactory effect in sunflower chemical desiccation.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.",
title = "Hemijska desikacija suncokreta – novi izazovi, Chemical desiccation of sunflower – new challenges",
pages = "36-29",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3667"
Miklič, V., Ovuka, J., Malidža, G., Ostojić, B., Krstić, M., Jokić, G., Butaš, D., Radić, V., Dušanić, N., Hladni, N., Jocić, S.,& Cvejić, S.. (2023). Hemijska desikacija suncokreta – novi izazovi. in Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 29-36.
Miklič V, Ovuka J, Malidža G, Ostojić B, Krstić M, Jokić G, Butaš D, Radić V, Dušanić N, Hladni N, Jocić S, Cvejić S. Hemijska desikacija suncokreta – novi izazovi. in Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023.. 2023;:29-36.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3667 .
Miklič, Vladimir, Ovuka, Jelena, Malidža, Goran, Ostojić, Branislav, Krstić, Miloš, Jokić, Goran, Butaš, Daliborka, Radić, Velimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Hladni, Nada, Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, "Hemijska desikacija suncokreta – novi izazovi" in Zbornik radova, 64. Savetovanje industrije ulja Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica, Herceg Novi, 25-30. jun 2023. (2023):29-36,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3667 .

CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production

Miladinović, Dragana; Kondić-Špika, Ankica; Zeremski, Tijana; Cvejić, Sandra; Gvozdenac, Sonja; Dedić, Boško; Jocić, Siniša; Radanović, Aleksandra; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Đorđević, Vuk; Tomičić, Marina; Bekavac, Goran; Tančić-Živanov, Sonja; Mirosavljević, Milan; Ovuka, Jelena; Jocković, Milan; Hladni, Nada; Kiprovski, Biljana; Mikić, Sanja; Trkulja, Dragana; Glogovac, Svetlana; Miklič, Vladimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Radić, Velimir; Grahovac, Nada; Rajković, Dragana; Ćuk, Nemanja; Takač, Verica; Krstić, Miloš; Jocković, Jelena; Miladinović, Jegor

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Kondić-Špika, Ankica
AU  - Zeremski, Tijana
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Gvozdenac, Sonja
AU  - Dedić, Boško
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Radanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Tomičić, Marina
AU  - Bekavac, Goran
AU  - Tančić-Živanov, Sonja
AU  - Mirosavljević, Milan
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Kiprovski, Biljana
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Trkulja, Dragana
AU  - Glogovac, Svetlana
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Grahovac, Nada
AU  - Rajković, Dragana
AU  - Ćuk, Nemanja
AU  - Takač, Verica
AU  - Krstić, Miloš
AU  - Jocković, Jelena
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3281
AB  - Twinning project CROPINNO establishes collaboration network between Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS), Novi Sad, Serbia and internationally-recognized research institutions from Spain (CSIC-IAS, Cordoba), Italy (UNIPD, Padova), and Germany (FZJ, Juelich and UROS, Rostock). Its main objective is to step up and stimulate scientific excellence and innovation capacity of IFVCNS in the field of climate-smart crop improvement and production and enhance its ability to respond and create innovative solutions for the challenges that agriculture faces - climate changes and need to feed the increasing population. The other CROPINNO objectives are strengthening of the research management and administration skills of the IFVCNS and creating the conditions for positioning of IFVCNS as a regional hub of R&I in the area of agriculture and creation of Climate Crops Centre. These objectives will be achieved through a set of training, networking and dissemination activities, including short-term scientific missions, workshops, international summer schools, national and international conferences, as well as Field days. The expected impacts of CROPPINO include improved excellence capacity, enhanced strategic networking activities, raised reputation, research profile and attractiveness of IFVCNS and the research profile of its staff, strengthened research management capacities and administrative skills of IFVCNS staff, as well as improved creativity supported by the development of new research activities and collaborations and increased mobility of qualified scientists.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop "Advance multicompound analyses and novel solutions for protection of environmental resources with contaminants of emerging concern in focus", 20-21 October 2022, Novi Sad
T1  - CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production
EP  - 18
SP  - 18
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3281
ER  - 
author = "Miladinović, Dragana and Kondić-Špika, Ankica and Zeremski, Tijana and Cvejić, Sandra and Gvozdenac, Sonja and Dedić, Boško and Jocić, Siniša and Radanović, Aleksandra and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Đorđević, Vuk and Tomičić, Marina and Bekavac, Goran and Tančić-Živanov, Sonja and Mirosavljević, Milan and Ovuka, Jelena and Jocković, Milan and Hladni, Nada and Kiprovski, Biljana and Mikić, Sanja and Trkulja, Dragana and Glogovac, Svetlana and Miklič, Vladimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Radić, Velimir and Grahovac, Nada and Rajković, Dragana and Ćuk, Nemanja and Takač, Verica and Krstić, Miloš and Jocković, Jelena and Miladinović, Jegor",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Twinning project CROPINNO establishes collaboration network between Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS), Novi Sad, Serbia and internationally-recognized research institutions from Spain (CSIC-IAS, Cordoba), Italy (UNIPD, Padova), and Germany (FZJ, Juelich and UROS, Rostock). Its main objective is to step up and stimulate scientific excellence and innovation capacity of IFVCNS in the field of climate-smart crop improvement and production and enhance its ability to respond and create innovative solutions for the challenges that agriculture faces - climate changes and need to feed the increasing population. The other CROPINNO objectives are strengthening of the research management and administration skills of the IFVCNS and creating the conditions for positioning of IFVCNS as a regional hub of R&I in the area of agriculture and creation of Climate Crops Centre. These objectives will be achieved through a set of training, networking and dissemination activities, including short-term scientific missions, workshops, international summer schools, national and international conferences, as well as Field days. The expected impacts of CROPPINO include improved excellence capacity, enhanced strategic networking activities, raised reputation, research profile and attractiveness of IFVCNS and the research profile of its staff, strengthened research management capacities and administrative skills of IFVCNS staff, as well as improved creativity supported by the development of new research activities and collaborations and increased mobility of qualified scientists.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop "Advance multicompound analyses and novel solutions for protection of environmental resources with contaminants of emerging concern in focus", 20-21 October 2022, Novi Sad",
title = "CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production",
pages = "18-18",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3281"
Miladinović, D., Kondić-Špika, A., Zeremski, T., Cvejić, S., Gvozdenac, S., Dedić, B., Jocić, S., Radanović, A., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Đorđević, V., Tomičić, M., Bekavac, G., Tančić-Živanov, S., Mirosavljević, M., Ovuka, J., Jocković, M., Hladni, N., Kiprovski, B., Mikić, S., Trkulja, D., Glogovac, S., Miklič, V., Dušanić, N., Radić, V., Grahovac, N., Rajković, D., Ćuk, N., Takač, V., Krstić, M., Jocković, J.,& Miladinović, J.. (2022). CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop "Advance multicompound analyses and novel solutions for protection of environmental resources with contaminants of emerging concern in focus", 20-21 October 2022, Novi Sad
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 18-18.
Miladinović D, Kondić-Špika A, Zeremski T, Cvejić S, Gvozdenac S, Dedić B, Jocić S, Radanović A, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Đorđević V, Tomičić M, Bekavac G, Tančić-Živanov S, Mirosavljević M, Ovuka J, Jocković M, Hladni N, Kiprovski B, Mikić S, Trkulja D, Glogovac S, Miklič V, Dušanić N, Radić V, Grahovac N, Rajković D, Ćuk N, Takač V, Krstić M, Jocković J, Miladinović J. CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production. in Book of Abstracts, 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop "Advance multicompound analyses and novel solutions for protection of environmental resources with contaminants of emerging concern in focus", 20-21 October 2022, Novi Sad. 2022;:18-18.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3281 .
Miladinović, Dragana, Kondić-Špika, Ankica, Zeremski, Tijana, Cvejić, Sandra, Gvozdenac, Sonja, Dedić, Boško, Jocić, Siniša, Radanović, Aleksandra, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Đorđević, Vuk, Tomičić, Marina, Bekavac, Goran, Tančić-Živanov, Sonja, Mirosavljević, Milan, Ovuka, Jelena, Jocković, Milan, Hladni, Nada, Kiprovski, Biljana, Mikić, Sanja, Trkulja, Dragana, Glogovac, Svetlana, Miklič, Vladimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Radić, Velimir, Grahovac, Nada, Rajković, Dragana, Ćuk, Nemanja, Takač, Verica, Krstić, Miloš, Jocković, Jelena, Miladinović, Jegor, "CROPINNO - Stepping up scientific excellence and innovation capacity for climate-resilient crop improvement and production" in Book of Abstracts, 1st TwiNSol-CECs Workshop "Advance multicompound analyses and novel solutions for protection of environmental resources with contaminants of emerging concern in focus", 20-21 October 2022, Novi Sad (2022):18-18,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3281 .

CROPINNO – Introducing multi-omics tools for improved crop stress resilience

Miladinović, Dragana; Kondić-Špika, Ankica; Zeremski, Tijana; Cvejić, Sandra; Gvozdenac, Sonja; Dedić, Boško; Jocić, Siniša; Radanović, Aleksandra; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Miladinović, Jegor; Đorđević, Vuk; Tomičić, Marina; Bekavac, Goran; Tančić-Živanov, Sonja; Mirosavljević, Milan; Ovuka, Jelena; Jocković, Milan; Hladni, Nada; Kiprovski, Biljana; Mikić, Sanja; Trkulja, Dragana; Glogovac, Svetlana; Miklič, Vladimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Radić, Velimir; Grahovac, Nada; Rajković, Dragana; Ćuk, Nemanja; Takač, Verica; Krstić, Miloš

(Belgrade : Serbian Plant Physiology Society, 2022)

AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Kondić-Špika, Ankica
AU  - Zeremski, Tijana
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Gvozdenac, Sonja
AU  - Dedić, Boško
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Radanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Tomičić, Marina
AU  - Bekavac, Goran
AU  - Tančić-Živanov, Sonja
AU  - Mirosavljević, Milan
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Kiprovski, Biljana
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Trkulja, Dragana
AU  - Glogovac, Svetlana
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Grahovac, Nada
AU  - Rajković, Dragana
AU  - Ćuk, Nemanja
AU  - Takač, Verica
AU  - Krstić, Miloš
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3101
AB  - Agriculture is one of the “victims” of climate change and one of the most severely affected sectors. It has become evident that as the climate changes, crop production strategies must change as well, including primarily adaptations through breeding and crop management. In the future, it is expected that integrative approaches that combine -omics technologies by using bioinformatic tools will facilitate the identification of target genes and markers for complex traits and facilitate crop adaptation to the changing environment. Within its activities, Twinning project CROPINNO will implement at and validate different phenotyping and multi-omics tools in breeding for improved stress resilience. Sunflower is chosen as a model crop for validation of different tools and approaches since it is considered as potential model crop for adaptation to a changing environment. Activities within CROPINNO are aimed at: i) pre-screening sunflower genotypes from IFVCNS collection using for biotic and abiotic stress resilience using different phenotyping methods; ii) study of effects of drought on sunflower plants at chromatin and transcriptional level; iii) performing whole genome SNP analysis in order to develop SNP-based markers for drought stress resilience; iv) performing integrated data analysis and comparative bioinformatics for drought responses in order to unveil possible direct correlations between stress-induced genes transcriptional variation and histone modification levels and design of networks of candidate genes for sunflower drought tolerance. Models, tools and know-how developed on sunflower will be transferred and implemented in the breeding programs of other main field crops at IFVCNS and Western Balkans region.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Plant Physiology Society
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research „Siniša Stanković“
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Plant Biology (23rd SPPS Meeting), 6-8 October 2022, Belgrade
T1  - CROPINNO – Introducing multi-omics tools for improved crop stress resilience
EP  - 74
SP  - 74
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3101
ER  - 
author = "Miladinović, Dragana and Kondić-Špika, Ankica and Zeremski, Tijana and Cvejić, Sandra and Gvozdenac, Sonja and Dedić, Boško and Jocić, Siniša and Radanović, Aleksandra and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Miladinović, Jegor and Đorđević, Vuk and Tomičić, Marina and Bekavac, Goran and Tančić-Živanov, Sonja and Mirosavljević, Milan and Ovuka, Jelena and Jocković, Milan and Hladni, Nada and Kiprovski, Biljana and Mikić, Sanja and Trkulja, Dragana and Glogovac, Svetlana and Miklič, Vladimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Radić, Velimir and Grahovac, Nada and Rajković, Dragana and Ćuk, Nemanja and Takač, Verica and Krstić, Miloš",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Agriculture is one of the “victims” of climate change and one of the most severely affected sectors. It has become evident that as the climate changes, crop production strategies must change as well, including primarily adaptations through breeding and crop management. In the future, it is expected that integrative approaches that combine -omics technologies by using bioinformatic tools will facilitate the identification of target genes and markers for complex traits and facilitate crop adaptation to the changing environment. Within its activities, Twinning project CROPINNO will implement at and validate different phenotyping and multi-omics tools in breeding for improved stress resilience. Sunflower is chosen as a model crop for validation of different tools and approaches since it is considered as potential model crop for adaptation to a changing environment. Activities within CROPINNO are aimed at: i) pre-screening sunflower genotypes from IFVCNS collection using for biotic and abiotic stress resilience using different phenotyping methods; ii) study of effects of drought on sunflower plants at chromatin and transcriptional level; iii) performing whole genome SNP analysis in order to develop SNP-based markers for drought stress resilience; iv) performing integrated data analysis and comparative bioinformatics for drought responses in order to unveil possible direct correlations between stress-induced genes transcriptional variation and histone modification levels and design of networks of candidate genes for sunflower drought tolerance. Models, tools and know-how developed on sunflower will be transferred and implemented in the breeding programs of other main field crops at IFVCNS and Western Balkans region.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Plant Physiology Society, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research „Siniša Stanković“, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Plant Biology (23rd SPPS Meeting), 6-8 October 2022, Belgrade",
title = "CROPINNO – Introducing multi-omics tools for improved crop stress resilience",
pages = "74-74",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3101"
Miladinović, D., Kondić-Špika, A., Zeremski, T., Cvejić, S., Gvozdenac, S., Dedić, B., Jocić, S., Radanović, A., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Miladinović, J., Đorđević, V., Tomičić, M., Bekavac, G., Tančić-Živanov, S., Mirosavljević, M., Ovuka, J., Jocković, M., Hladni, N., Kiprovski, B., Mikić, S., Trkulja, D., Glogovac, S., Miklič, V., Dušanić, N., Radić, V., Grahovac, N., Rajković, D., Ćuk, N., Takač, V.,& Krstić, M.. (2022). CROPINNO – Introducing multi-omics tools for improved crop stress resilience. in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Plant Biology (23rd SPPS Meeting), 6-8 October 2022, Belgrade
Belgrade : Serbian Plant Physiology Society., 74-74.
Miladinović D, Kondić-Špika A, Zeremski T, Cvejić S, Gvozdenac S, Dedić B, Jocić S, Radanović A, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Miladinović J, Đorđević V, Tomičić M, Bekavac G, Tančić-Živanov S, Mirosavljević M, Ovuka J, Jocković M, Hladni N, Kiprovski B, Mikić S, Trkulja D, Glogovac S, Miklič V, Dušanić N, Radić V, Grahovac N, Rajković D, Ćuk N, Takač V, Krstić M. CROPINNO – Introducing multi-omics tools for improved crop stress resilience. in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Plant Biology (23rd SPPS Meeting), 6-8 October 2022, Belgrade. 2022;:74-74.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3101 .
Miladinović, Dragana, Kondić-Špika, Ankica, Zeremski, Tijana, Cvejić, Sandra, Gvozdenac, Sonja, Dedić, Boško, Jocić, Siniša, Radanović, Aleksandra, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Miladinović, Jegor, Đorđević, Vuk, Tomičić, Marina, Bekavac, Goran, Tančić-Živanov, Sonja, Mirosavljević, Milan, Ovuka, Jelena, Jocković, Milan, Hladni, Nada, Kiprovski, Biljana, Mikić, Sanja, Trkulja, Dragana, Glogovac, Svetlana, Miklič, Vladimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Radić, Velimir, Grahovac, Nada, Rajković, Dragana, Ćuk, Nemanja, Takač, Verica, Krstić, Miloš, "CROPINNO – Introducing multi-omics tools for improved crop stress resilience" in Book of Abstracts, 4th International Conference on Plant Biology (23rd SPPS Meeting), 6-8 October 2022, Belgrade (2022):74-74,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3101 .

Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis

Hladni, Nada; Salgam, Samet; Zorić, Miroslav; Miladinović, Dragana; Jocić, Siniša; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Terzić, Sreten; Jocković, Milan; Cvejić, Sandra; Dedić, Boško; Radanović, Aleksandra; Sakač, Zvonimir; Radić, Velimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Babec, Brankica; Ćuk, Nemanja; Ovuka, Jelena; Grahovac, Nada; Gvozdenac, Sonja; Miklič, Vladimir

(Paris : International Sunflower Association, 2022)

AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Salgam, Samet
AU  - Zorić, Miroslav
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Terzić, Sreten
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Dedić, Boško
AU  - Radanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Sakač, Zvonimir
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Babec, Brankica
AU  - Ćuk, Nemanja
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Grahovac, Nada
AU  - Gvozdenac, Sonja
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2894
AB  - High seed protein content and low oil content are the most important criteria when introducing high protein confectionary hybrids into the production. Testing new hybrids and detection of hybrids that maintain stability of the tested traits under different agro-ecological conditions is an important part of breeding programs. In order to evaluate the stability of seed oil and protein content in NS confectionery sunflower hybrids under different environmental conditions, fifteen confectionery sunflower hybrids developed at IFVCNS were examined during 2015, 2016 and 2017, in a trial set up as a randomized block design with three repetitions at the location of Rimski Šančevi. The REML random model was used for evaluation of the effects of hybrids, years and their interaction, while the AMMI multivariational analysis was applied to determine genotype (hybrid) x environment (year) interaction. The effect of genotypes (G), environments (E), and their interaction (GE) was compared considering their contribution to the total variance. In terms of seed oil content, the effect of G (70.63 %) played a more important role than the effects of E (19.36%) and GE (10%).
PB  - Paris : International Sunflower Association
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia
T1  - Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis
EP  - 194
SP  - 194
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2894
ER  - 
author = "Hladni, Nada and Salgam, Samet and Zorić, Miroslav and Miladinović, Dragana and Jocić, Siniša and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Terzić, Sreten and Jocković, Milan and Cvejić, Sandra and Dedić, Boško and Radanović, Aleksandra and Sakač, Zvonimir and Radić, Velimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Babec, Brankica and Ćuk, Nemanja and Ovuka, Jelena and Grahovac, Nada and Gvozdenac, Sonja and Miklič, Vladimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "High seed protein content and low oil content are the most important criteria when introducing high protein confectionary hybrids into the production. Testing new hybrids and detection of hybrids that maintain stability of the tested traits under different agro-ecological conditions is an important part of breeding programs. In order to evaluate the stability of seed oil and protein content in NS confectionery sunflower hybrids under different environmental conditions, fifteen confectionery sunflower hybrids developed at IFVCNS were examined during 2015, 2016 and 2017, in a trial set up as a randomized block design with three repetitions at the location of Rimski Šančevi. The REML random model was used for evaluation of the effects of hybrids, years and their interaction, while the AMMI multivariational analysis was applied to determine genotype (hybrid) x environment (year) interaction. The effect of genotypes (G), environments (E), and their interaction (GE) was compared considering their contribution to the total variance. In terms of seed oil content, the effect of G (70.63 %) played a more important role than the effects of E (19.36%) and GE (10%).",
publisher = "Paris : International Sunflower Association, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia",
title = "Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis",
pages = "194-194",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2894"
Hladni, N., Salgam, S., Zorić, M., Miladinović, D., Jocić, S., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Terzić, S., Jocković, M., Cvejić, S., Dedić, B., Radanović, A., Sakač, Z., Radić, V., Dušanić, N., Babec, B., Ćuk, N., Ovuka, J., Grahovac, N., Gvozdenac, S.,& Miklič, V.. (2022). Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis. in Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia
Paris : International Sunflower Association., 194-194.
Hladni N, Salgam S, Zorić M, Miladinović D, Jocić S, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Terzić S, Jocković M, Cvejić S, Dedić B, Radanović A, Sakač Z, Radić V, Dušanić N, Babec B, Ćuk N, Ovuka J, Grahovac N, Gvozdenac S, Miklič V. Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis. in Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2022;:194-194.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2894 .
Hladni, Nada, Salgam, Samet, Zorić, Miroslav, Miladinović, Dragana, Jocić, Siniša, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Terzić, Sreten, Jocković, Milan, Cvejić, Sandra, Dedić, Boško, Radanović, Aleksandra, Sakač, Zvonimir, Radić, Velimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Babec, Brankica, Ćuk, Nemanja, Ovuka, Jelena, Grahovac, Nada, Gvozdenac, Sonja, Miklič, Vladimir, "Assessment of stability of seed oil and protein content in confectionery hybrids using the apple AMMI analysis" in Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia (2022):194-194,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2894 .

Towards new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower

Miklič, Vladimir; Ovuka, Jelena; Malidža, Goran; Ostojić, Branislav; Radić, Velimir; Dušanić, Nenad; Jocić, Siniša

(Paris : International Sunflower Association, 2022)

AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Malidža, Goran
AU  - Ostojić, Branislav
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2908
AB  - The use of chemical desiccation has largely solved the problems encountered in mechanized sunflower harvesting. In addition to the earlier harvest, the benefits of this measure are the reduction of losses due to the effects of birds and diseases, due to plant lodging and seed dropout. Applying chemical desiccation in seed production results in better seed quality. In many years, desiccant Reglone has been used most widely for these purposes, but its use will no longer be allowed in most European countries. The aim of these studies was to try to find new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower. Two preparations were used, Kabuki 2.5 EC, a. i. pyraflufen-ethyl, (at a dose of 1 l / ha), commonly used as a potato desiccant, and carfentrazone-ethyl, (at a dose of 0.4 l / ha), commonly used against broadleaf weeds and for cotton regrowth desiccation. Six female sunflower lines from the breeding program of the Novi Sad Institute were treated. Depending on the line, the moisture content of the grain was 19-45% at the moment of desiccation. At 7 and 14 days after desiccation, the moisture content of the grain was determined again.
PB  - Paris : International Sunflower Association
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
C3  - Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia
T1  - Towards new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower
EP  - 270
SP  - 270
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2908
ER  - 
author = "Miklič, Vladimir and Ovuka, Jelena and Malidža, Goran and Ostojić, Branislav and Radić, Velimir and Dušanić, Nenad and Jocić, Siniša",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The use of chemical desiccation has largely solved the problems encountered in mechanized sunflower harvesting. In addition to the earlier harvest, the benefits of this measure are the reduction of losses due to the effects of birds and diseases, due to plant lodging and seed dropout. Applying chemical desiccation in seed production results in better seed quality. In many years, desiccant Reglone has been used most widely for these purposes, but its use will no longer be allowed in most European countries. The aim of these studies was to try to find new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower. Two preparations were used, Kabuki 2.5 EC, a. i. pyraflufen-ethyl, (at a dose of 1 l / ha), commonly used as a potato desiccant, and carfentrazone-ethyl, (at a dose of 0.4 l / ha), commonly used against broadleaf weeds and for cotton regrowth desiccation. Six female sunflower lines from the breeding program of the Novi Sad Institute were treated. Depending on the line, the moisture content of the grain was 19-45% at the moment of desiccation. At 7 and 14 days after desiccation, the moisture content of the grain was determined again.",
publisher = "Paris : International Sunflower Association, Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia",
title = "Towards new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower",
pages = "270-270",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2908"
Miklič, V., Ovuka, J., Malidža, G., Ostojić, B., Radić, V., Dušanić, N.,& Jocić, S.. (2022). Towards new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower. in Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia
Paris : International Sunflower Association., 270-270.
Miklič V, Ovuka J, Malidža G, Ostojić B, Radić V, Dušanić N, Jocić S. Towards new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower. in Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2022;:270-270.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2908 .
Miklič, Vladimir, Ovuka, Jelena, Malidža, Goran, Ostojić, Branislav, Radić, Velimir, Dušanić, Nenad, Jocić, Siniša, "Towards new solutions for the chemical desiccation of sunflower" in Proceedings, 20th International Sunflower Conference, 20-23 June 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia (2022):270-270,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2908 .

NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3916
AB  - NA Grinvich je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za ispitivanje i zaštitu selekcionih dostignuća Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Ruske Federacije.
AB  - NA Grinvich is a registered newly-developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
T1  - NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3916
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "NA Grinvich je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za ispitivanje i zaštitu selekcionih dostignuća Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Ruske Federacije., NA Grinvich is a registered newly-developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.",
title = "NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3916"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2022). NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija). 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3916 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)" (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3916 .

NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3917
AB  - NA Imilend je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za ispitivanje i zaštitu selekcionih dostignuća Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ruske Federacije.
AB  - NA Imilend is a registered newly-developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
T1  - NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3917
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "NA Imilend je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za ispitivanje i zaštitu selekcionih dostignuća Ministarstva poljoprivrede Ruske Federacije., NA Imilend is a registered newly-developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.",
title = "NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3917"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2022). NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija). 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3917 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)" (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3917 .

NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3919
AB  - NA Konkord je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za ispitivanje i zaštitu selekcionih dostignuća Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Ruske Federacije.
AB  - NA Konkord is a registered newly-developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
T1  - NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3919
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "NA Konkord je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za ispitivanje i zaštitu selekcionih dostignuća Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Ruske Federacije., NA Konkord is a registered newly-developed sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Testing and Protection of Selection Achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.",
title = "NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3919"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2022). NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija). 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3919 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Rusija)" (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3919 .

NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3951
AB  - NA Grinvich je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - NA Grinvich is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3951
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NA Grinvich je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., NA Grinvich is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3951"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2021). NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3951 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Grinvich, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3951 .

Pyatiy element, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič; Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič
AU  - Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3952
AB  - Pyatiy element je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - Pyatiy element is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - Pyatiy element, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3952
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič and Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Pyatiy element je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., Pyatiy element is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "Pyatiy element, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3952"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V., Zajcev, O. B.,& Kovaljov, V. G.. (2021). Pyatiy element, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Zajcev OB, Kovaljov VG. Pyatiy element, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3952 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič, Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič, "Pyatiy element, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3952 .

Raptor OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič; Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič
AU  - Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3953
AB  - Raptor OR e hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - Raptor OR is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - Raptor OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3953
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič and Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Raptor OR e hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., Raptor OR is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "Raptor OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3953"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V., Zajcev, O. B.,& Kovaljov, V. G.. (2021). Raptor OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Zajcev OB, Kovaljov VG. Raptor OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3953 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič, Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič, "Raptor OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3953 .

Solaris OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič; Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič
AU  - Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3954
AB  - Solaris OR je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - Solaris OR is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - Solaris OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3954
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič and Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Solaris OR je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., Solaris OR is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "Solaris OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3954"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V., Zajcev, O. B.,& Kovaljov, V. G.. (2021). Solaris OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Zajcev OB, Kovaljov VG. Solaris OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3954 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Zajcev, Oleksij Borisovič, Kovaljov, Volodimir Grigorovič, "Solaris OR, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3954 .

NS Veles, hibrid suncokreta (Rumunija)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Radeka, Ilija; Terzić, Sreten; Dušanić, Nenad


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Radeka, Ilija
AU  - Terzić, Sreten
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3931
AB  - NS Veles je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Nacionalnog instituta za testiranje i registraciju biljnih vrsta Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Rumunije.
AB  - NS Veles is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the National Institute for Plant Cultivar Testing and Release, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Romania.
T1  - NS Veles, hibrid suncokreta (Rumunija)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3931
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Radeka, Ilija and Terzić, Sreten and Dušanić, Nenad",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NS Veles je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Nacionalnog instituta za testiranje i registraciju biljnih vrsta Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Rumunije., NS Veles is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the National Institute for Plant Cultivar Testing and Release, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Romania.",
title = "NS Veles, hibrid suncokreta (Rumunija)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3931"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Radeka, I., Terzić, S.,& Dušanić, N.. (2021). NS Veles, hibrid suncokreta (Rumunija). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Radeka I, Terzić S, Dušanić N. NS Veles, hibrid suncokreta (Rumunija). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3931 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Radeka, Ilija, Terzić, Sreten, Dušanić, Nenad, "NS Veles, hibrid suncokreta (Rumunija)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3931 .

NA Lira, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3946
AB  - NA Lira je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - NA Lira is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - NA Lira, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3946
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NA Lira je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., NA Lira is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "NA Lira, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3946"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2021). NA Lira, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Lira, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3946 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Lira, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3946 .

NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3947
AB  - NA Imilend je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - NA Imilend is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3947
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NA Imilend je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., NA Imilend is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3947"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2021). NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3947 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Imilend, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3947 .

NA Surinada, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3948
AB  - NA Surinada je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - NA Surinada is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - NA Surinada, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3948
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NA Surinada je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., NA Surinada is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "NA Surinada, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3948"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2021). NA Surinada, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Surinada, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3948 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Surinada, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3948 .

NA Sunrise, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3949
AB  - NA Sunrise je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - NA Sunrise is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - NA Sunrise, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3949
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NA Sunrise je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., NA Sunrise is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "NA Sunrise, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3949"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2021). NA Sunrise, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Sunrise, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3949 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Sunrise, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3949 .

NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)

Jocić, Siniša; Cvejić, Sandra; Jocković, Milan; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir; Vjačeslavovič, M.


AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
AU  - Vjačeslavovič, M.
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3950
AB  - NA Konkord je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine.
AB  - NA Konkord is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.
T1  - NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3950
ER  - 
author = "Jocić, Siniša and Cvejić, Sandra and Jocković, Milan and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir and Vjačeslavovič, M.",
year = "2021",
abstract = "NA Konkord je hibrid suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) priznat od strane Državne komisije za zaštitu biljnih sorti Ministarstva za poljoprivredu Republike Ukrajine., NA Konkord is a sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid released by the State Committee for Plant Cultivar Protection, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Ukraine.",
title = "NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3950"
Jocić, S., Cvejić, S., Jocković, M., Dušanić, N., Miklič, V.,& Vjačeslavovič, M.. (2021). NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). .
Jocić S, Cvejić S, Jocković M, Dušanić N, Miklič V, Vjačeslavovič M. NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3950 .
Jocić, Siniša, Cvejić, Sandra, Jocković, Milan, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, Vjačeslavovič, M., "NA Konkord, hibrid suncokreta (Ukrajina)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3950 .

Novi trendovi u oplemenjivanju uljarica

Miladinović, Dragana; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Jocić, Siniša; Radanović, Aleksandra; Cvejić, Sandra; Hladni, Nada; Terzić, Sreten; Ovuka, Jelena; Jocković, Milan; Dedić, Boško; Rajković, Milan; Gvozdenac, Sonja; Radić, Velimir; Balalić, Igor; Dušanić, Nenad; Miklič, Vladimir

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Jocić, Siniša
AU  - Radanović, Aleksandra
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Hladni, Nada
AU  - Terzić, Sreten
AU  - Ovuka, Jelena
AU  - Jocković, Milan
AU  - Dedić, Boško
AU  - Rajković, Milan
AU  - Gvozdenac, Sonja
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Balalić, Igor
AU  - Dušanić, Nenad
AU  - Miklič, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2297
AB  - Oplemenjivanje uljanih biljnih vrsta je kontinuirani proces dizajniran da poveća nivo prinosa i poboljša otpornost na biotičke i abiotičke stresove. Oplemenjivači su bili uspešni u proizvodnji velikog broja sorti koristeći konvencionalne metode oplemenjivanja koje se razlikuju u zavisnosti od vrste. Pojava novih tehnika, kao što je genomska selekcija i izmena genoma, zajedno sa efikasnim platformama za fenotipizaciju, utrle su put efikasnijem unošenju poželjnih osobina. Novi pristupi u genotipizaciji i fenotipizaciji omogućili su efikasnije prikupljanje podataka za identifikaciju kvantitativnih svojstava i objašnjenje genetske osnove agronomski važnih osobina. Međutim, još uvek ima prostora za poboljšanje, posebno u prikupljanju podataka i njihovoj integraciji. U radu je dat pregled novih tehnika oplemenjivanja uljanih biljnih vrsta, metoda fenotipizacije i mogućnosti njihove primene, uz osvrt na aktivnosti u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo vezane za njihovo uvođenje i primenu u NS oplemenjivačkim programima.
AB  - Oil crops breeding and selection is a continual process designed to increase yield levels and improve resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Breeders have been successful in producing a large number of varieties using conventional breeding methods which vary depending on the species. Appearance of new techniques such as genomic selection and genome editing, along with efficioent phenotyping platforms, paved the way of more efficient trait introduction. Novel approaches in genotyping and phenotyping enabled more efficient data collection for identification of quantitative characters and elucidation of the genetic basis of agriculturally important traits. However, there is still room for improvement, especially in data collection and integration. This paper presents an overview of new techniques for oil crops breeding, phenotypic methods and their application, with an overview of the activities of the Institute for Field and Vegetable Crops related to introduction and application of these new techniques in NS breeding programs.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova, 60. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem, 16-21. jun 2019., Herceg Novi
T1  - Novi trendovi u oplemenjivanju uljarica
T1  - New trends in oil crops breeding
EP  - 32
SP  - 27
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2297
ER  - 
author = "Miladinović, Dragana and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Jocić, Siniša and Radanović, Aleksandra and Cvejić, Sandra and Hladni, Nada and Terzić, Sreten and Ovuka, Jelena and Jocković, Milan and Dedić, Boško and Rajković, Milan and Gvozdenac, Sonja and Radić, Velimir and Balalić, Igor and Dušanić, Nenad and Miklič, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Oplemenjivanje uljanih biljnih vrsta je kontinuirani proces dizajniran da poveća nivo prinosa i poboljša otpornost na biotičke i abiotičke stresove. Oplemenjivači su bili uspešni u proizvodnji velikog broja sorti koristeći konvencionalne metode oplemenjivanja koje se razlikuju u zavisnosti od vrste. Pojava novih tehnika, kao što je genomska selekcija i izmena genoma, zajedno sa efikasnim platformama za fenotipizaciju, utrle su put efikasnijem unošenju poželjnih osobina. Novi pristupi u genotipizaciji i fenotipizaciji omogućili su efikasnije prikupljanje podataka za identifikaciju kvantitativnih svojstava i objašnjenje genetske osnove agronomski važnih osobina. Međutim, još uvek ima prostora za poboljšanje, posebno u prikupljanju podataka i njihovoj integraciji. U radu je dat pregled novih tehnika oplemenjivanja uljanih biljnih vrsta, metoda fenotipizacije i mogućnosti njihove primene, uz osvrt na aktivnosti u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo vezane za njihovo uvođenje i primenu u NS oplemenjivačkim programima., Oil crops breeding and selection is a continual process designed to increase yield levels and improve resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Breeders have been successful in producing a large number of varieties using conventional breeding methods which vary depending on the species. Appearance of new techniques such as genomic selection and genome editing, along with efficioent phenotyping platforms, paved the way of more efficient trait introduction. Novel approaches in genotyping and phenotyping enabled more efficient data collection for identification of quantitative characters and elucidation of the genetic basis of agriculturally important traits. However, there is still room for improvement, especially in data collection and integration. This paper presents an overview of new techniques for oil crops breeding, phenotypic methods and their application, with an overview of the activities of the Institute for Field and Vegetable Crops related to introduction and application of these new techniques in NS breeding programs.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova, 60. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem, 16-21. jun 2019., Herceg Novi",
title = "Novi trendovi u oplemenjivanju uljarica, New trends in oil crops breeding",
pages = "32-27",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2297"
Miladinović, D., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Jocić, S., Radanović, A., Cvejić, S., Hladni, N., Terzić, S., Ovuka, J., Jocković, M., Dedić, B., Rajković, M., Gvozdenac, S., Radić, V., Balalić, I., Dušanić, N.,& Miklič, V.. (2019). Novi trendovi u oplemenjivanju uljarica. in Zbornik radova, 60. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem, 16-21. jun 2019., Herceg Novi
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet., 27-32.
Miladinović D, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Jocić S, Radanović A, Cvejić S, Hladni N, Terzić S, Ovuka J, Jocković M, Dedić B, Rajković M, Gvozdenac S, Radić V, Balalić I, Dušanić N, Miklič V. Novi trendovi u oplemenjivanju uljarica. in Zbornik radova, 60. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem, 16-21. jun 2019., Herceg Novi. 2019;:27-32.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2297 .
Miladinović, Dragana, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Jocić, Siniša, Radanović, Aleksandra, Cvejić, Sandra, Hladni, Nada, Terzić, Sreten, Ovuka, Jelena, Jocković, Milan, Dedić, Boško, Rajković, Milan, Gvozdenac, Sonja, Radić, Velimir, Balalić, Igor, Dušanić, Nenad, Miklič, Vladimir, "Novi trendovi u oplemenjivanju uljarica" in Zbornik radova, 60. Savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem, 16-21. jun 2019., Herceg Novi (2019):27-32,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2297 .