Bugarski, Dušanka

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Bugarski, Dušanka (40)

Author's Bibliography

Nove NS sorte povrtarskih biljnih vrsta

Danojević, Dario; Červenski, Janko; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Ignjatov, Maja; Medić-Pap, Slađana; Savić, Aleksandra; Bugarski, Dušanka; Takač, Adam; Vlajić, Slobodan; Popović, Vukašin; Kiprovski, Biljana; Bajić, Ivana; Glogovac, Svetlana; Milošević, Dragana; Stojanov, Nadežda; Zeremski, Tijana

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Danojević, Dario
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
AU  - Medić-Pap, Slađana
AU  - Savić, Aleksandra
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
AU  - Popović, Vukašin
AU  - Kiprovski, Biljana
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
AU  - Glogovac, Svetlana
AU  - Milošević, Dragana
AU  - Stojanov, Nadežda
AU  - Zeremski, Tijana
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2548
AB  - Povrće je važan deo ljudske ishrane jer ono prvenstveno sadrži materije korisne za ljudsko zdravlje kao što su: vitamini, minerali, biljna vlakna, antioksidansi, organske kiseline i dr. U svetu je poznato oko hiljadu vrsta povrća, od kojih se gaji oko 150, a najširu upotrebu ima 30-50 vrsta, koliko je zastupljeno u ishrani u Srbiji (Gvozdanovic-Varga i sar., 2016). U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad do sada je stvoreno više od 50 sorti povrća priznatih u zemlji i delom u inostranstvu. Sortiment povrća Odeljenja za povrtarske i alternativne biljne vrste čine nove sorte povrća, kao i odomaćene sorte, te se proizvodi seme 27 povrtarskih vrsta i 10 vrsta cveća. Pored rada na novim sortama povrća koje se odlikuju visokim prinosom, vodilo se računa da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zadovoljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta i da su prilagođene našim agroklimatskim uslovima (Gvozdenovic i sar., 2008). Zadatak ovog rada je da se prikažu karakteristike novopriznatih sorti povrća, koje su dobijene kao rezultat višegodišnjeg rada, u cilju zadovoljenja potreba proizvođača i potrošača za novim, atraktivnim i kvalitetnim sortama
povrtarskih vrsta.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik referata, 56. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 2. Savetovanje agronoma Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 30.01-03.02.2022.
T1  - Nove NS sorte povrtarskih biljnih vrsta
EP  - 129
SP  - 121
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2548
ER  - 
author = "Danojević, Dario and Červenski, Janko and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Ignjatov, Maja and Medić-Pap, Slađana and Savić, Aleksandra and Bugarski, Dušanka and Takač, Adam and Vlajić, Slobodan and Popović, Vukašin and Kiprovski, Biljana and Bajić, Ivana and Glogovac, Svetlana and Milošević, Dragana and Stojanov, Nadežda and Zeremski, Tijana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Povrće je važan deo ljudske ishrane jer ono prvenstveno sadrži materije korisne za ljudsko zdravlje kao što su: vitamini, minerali, biljna vlakna, antioksidansi, organske kiseline i dr. U svetu je poznato oko hiljadu vrsta povrća, od kojih se gaji oko 150, a najširu upotrebu ima 30-50 vrsta, koliko je zastupljeno u ishrani u Srbiji (Gvozdanovic-Varga i sar., 2016). U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad do sada je stvoreno više od 50 sorti povrća priznatih u zemlji i delom u inostranstvu. Sortiment povrća Odeljenja za povrtarske i alternativne biljne vrste čine nove sorte povrća, kao i odomaćene sorte, te se proizvodi seme 27 povrtarskih vrsta i 10 vrsta cveća. Pored rada na novim sortama povrća koje se odlikuju visokim prinosom, vodilo se računa da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zadovoljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta i da su prilagođene našim agroklimatskim uslovima (Gvozdenovic i sar., 2008). Zadatak ovog rada je da se prikažu karakteristike novopriznatih sorti povrća, koje su dobijene kao rezultat višegodišnjeg rada, u cilju zadovoljenja potreba proizvođača i potrošača za novim, atraktivnim i kvalitetnim sortama
povrtarskih vrsta.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik referata, 56. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 2. Savetovanje agronoma Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 30.01-03.02.2022.",
title = "Nove NS sorte povrtarskih biljnih vrsta",
pages = "129-121",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2548"
Danojević, D., Červenski, J., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Ignjatov, M., Medić-Pap, S., Savić, A., Bugarski, D., Takač, A., Vlajić, S., Popović, V., Kiprovski, B., Bajić, I., Glogovac, S., Milošević, D., Stojanov, N.,& Zeremski, T.. (2022). Nove NS sorte povrtarskih biljnih vrsta. in Zbornik referata, 56. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 2. Savetovanje agronoma Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 30.01-03.02.2022.
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo., 121-129.
Danojević D, Červenski J, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Ignjatov M, Medić-Pap S, Savić A, Bugarski D, Takač A, Vlajić S, Popović V, Kiprovski B, Bajić I, Glogovac S, Milošević D, Stojanov N, Zeremski T. Nove NS sorte povrtarskih biljnih vrsta. in Zbornik referata, 56. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 2. Savetovanje agronoma Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 30.01-03.02.2022.. 2022;:121-129.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2548 .
Danojević, Dario, Červenski, Janko, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Ignjatov, Maja, Medić-Pap, Slađana, Savić, Aleksandra, Bugarski, Dušanka, Takač, Adam, Vlajić, Slobodan, Popović, Vukašin, Kiprovski, Biljana, Bajić, Ivana, Glogovac, Svetlana, Milošević, Dragana, Stojanov, Nadežda, Zeremski, Tijana, "Nove NS sorte povrtarskih biljnih vrsta" in Zbornik referata, 56. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS) i 2. Savetovanje agronoma Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske, Zlatibor, 30.01-03.02.2022. (2022):121-129,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2548 .

Irrigation scheduling strategies for pepper based on evaporation and reference evapotranspiration

Pejić, Borivoj; Bajić, Ivana; Mačkić, Ksenija; Bugarski, Dušanka; Vlajić, Slobodan; Takač, Adam; Aksić, Miroljub

(Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku, 2021)

AU  - Pejić, Borivoj
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
AU  - Mačkić, Ksenija
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Aksić, Miroljub
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3830
AB  - The experiment with drip irrigated pepper was conducted at the Rimski Šančevi experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad in 2019. The irrigation was scheduled on the basis of the water balance method. Two methods were used to compute the daily evapotranspiration of pepper (ETd): reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and evaporation from an open water surface (Eo). Crop coefficients (kc) and corrective coefficients (k) were used to convert ETo and Eo values into ETd. Kc and k were 0.3–0.4, 0.6–0.7, 0.9–1.1, 0.8–0.9 and 0.4, 0.7, 1.0 and 0.8 for initial stage, crop development, mid season, and late season, respectively. ETo was calculated by the Hargreaves equation. Eo values were measured by a Class-A pan located at a meteorological station near the experimental plot. Irrigation started when readily available water (RAW) in the 0.3 m soil layer was completely absorbed by plants. Differences in crop yield (Y) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) obtained using Eo (42.58 t ha-1, 15.20 kg m-3) and ETo (40.78 t ha-1, 14.56 kg m-3) were not statistically different. Evapotranspiration rate was 364.2 mm and 337.3 mm in Eo and ETo variant, respectively. The fact that the differences in Y and IWUE between different calculations of ETd were not statistically significant indicates that both methods can be recommended for irrigation scheduling programs for pepper in the climatic conditions of the Vojvodina region. However, priority should be given to ETo due to the easy accessibility and reliability of data.
AB  - Navodnjavanje paprike sistemom kap po kap obavljeno je u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na oglednom polju Rimski Šančevi (Novi Sad) 2019. godine. Vreme zalivanja je određivano vodnim bilansom. Dve metode su korišćene za obračun dnevnog utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju paprike (ETd): referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) i evaporacija sa slobodne vodene površine (Eo). Koeficijenti kulture (kc) i koeficijenti korekcije (k) korišćeni su za pretvaranje ETo i Eo vrednosti u ETd. Vrednosti kc i k bile su 0,3–0,4; 0,6–0.7; 0,9–1,1; 0,8–0,9 odnosno 0,4; 0,7; 1,0 i 0,8 za početak vegetacije, intenzivni porast, centralni deo vegetacije i kraj vegetacije. ETo je računata postupkom Hargrivsa (Hargreaves). Eo vrednosti su merene evaporimetrom klase A, postavljenim na meteorološkoj stanici u neposrednoj blizini ogledne parcele. Navodnjavanje je obavljano kada je lakopristupačna voda u sloju zemljišta do 30 cm bila utrošena od strane biljaka. Razlike u prinosu (Y) i produktivnosti utrošene vode navodnjavanjem (IWUE) korišćenjem Eo (42,58 t ha-1, 15,20 kg m-3) i ETo (40,78 t ha-1, 14,56 kg m-3) nisu bile statistički značajne. Vrednosti evapotranspiracije u periodu vegetacije paprike bile su 364,2 mm odnosno 337,3 mm na varijantama obračuna Eo i ETo. Činjenica da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u vrednostima Y i IWUE ukazuje da se obe metode mogu koristiti u obračunu ETd u realizaciji racionalnog zalivnog režima paprike u klimatskim uslovima Vojvodine. Međutim, prednost zbog dostupnosti podataka ipak treba dati postupku ETo.
PB  - Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Irrigation scheduling strategies for pepper based on evaporation and reference evapotranspiration
EP  - 76
IS  - 51
SP  - 69
VL  - 26
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2151069P
ER  - 
author = "Pejić, Borivoj and Bajić, Ivana and Mačkić, Ksenija and Bugarski, Dušanka and Vlajić, Slobodan and Takač, Adam and Aksić, Miroljub",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The experiment with drip irrigated pepper was conducted at the Rimski Šančevi experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad in 2019. The irrigation was scheduled on the basis of the water balance method. Two methods were used to compute the daily evapotranspiration of pepper (ETd): reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and evaporation from an open water surface (Eo). Crop coefficients (kc) and corrective coefficients (k) were used to convert ETo and Eo values into ETd. Kc and k were 0.3–0.4, 0.6–0.7, 0.9–1.1, 0.8–0.9 and 0.4, 0.7, 1.0 and 0.8 for initial stage, crop development, mid season, and late season, respectively. ETo was calculated by the Hargreaves equation. Eo values were measured by a Class-A pan located at a meteorological station near the experimental plot. Irrigation started when readily available water (RAW) in the 0.3 m soil layer was completely absorbed by plants. Differences in crop yield (Y) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) obtained using Eo (42.58 t ha-1, 15.20 kg m-3) and ETo (40.78 t ha-1, 14.56 kg m-3) were not statistically different. Evapotranspiration rate was 364.2 mm and 337.3 mm in Eo and ETo variant, respectively. The fact that the differences in Y and IWUE between different calculations of ETd were not statistically significant indicates that both methods can be recommended for irrigation scheduling programs for pepper in the climatic conditions of the Vojvodina region. However, priority should be given to ETo due to the easy accessibility and reliability of data., Navodnjavanje paprike sistemom kap po kap obavljeno je u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na oglednom polju Rimski Šančevi (Novi Sad) 2019. godine. Vreme zalivanja je određivano vodnim bilansom. Dve metode su korišćene za obračun dnevnog utroška vode na evapotranspiraciju paprike (ETd): referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) i evaporacija sa slobodne vodene površine (Eo). Koeficijenti kulture (kc) i koeficijenti korekcije (k) korišćeni su za pretvaranje ETo i Eo vrednosti u ETd. Vrednosti kc i k bile su 0,3–0,4; 0,6–0.7; 0,9–1,1; 0,8–0,9 odnosno 0,4; 0,7; 1,0 i 0,8 za početak vegetacije, intenzivni porast, centralni deo vegetacije i kraj vegetacije. ETo je računata postupkom Hargrivsa (Hargreaves). Eo vrednosti su merene evaporimetrom klase A, postavljenim na meteorološkoj stanici u neposrednoj blizini ogledne parcele. Navodnjavanje je obavljano kada je lakopristupačna voda u sloju zemljišta do 30 cm bila utrošena od strane biljaka. Razlike u prinosu (Y) i produktivnosti utrošene vode navodnjavanjem (IWUE) korišćenjem Eo (42,58 t ha-1, 15,20 kg m-3) i ETo (40,78 t ha-1, 14,56 kg m-3) nisu bile statistički značajne. Vrednosti evapotranspiracije u periodu vegetacije paprike bile su 364,2 mm odnosno 337,3 mm na varijantama obračuna Eo i ETo. Činjenica da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u vrednostima Y i IWUE ukazuje da se obe metode mogu koristiti u obračunu ETd u realizaciji racionalnog zalivnog režima paprike u klimatskim uslovima Vojvodine. Međutim, prednost zbog dostupnosti podataka ipak treba dati postupku ETo.",
publisher = "Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Irrigation scheduling strategies for pepper based on evaporation and reference evapotranspiration",
pages = "76-69",
number = "51",
volume = "26",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2151069P"
Pejić, B., Bajić, I., Mačkić, K., Bugarski, D., Vlajić, S., Takač, A.,& Aksić, M.. (2021). Irrigation scheduling strategies for pepper based on evaporation and reference evapotranspiration. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku., 26(51), 69-76.
Pejić B, Bajić I, Mačkić K, Bugarski D, Vlajić S, Takač A, Aksić M. Irrigation scheduling strategies for pepper based on evaporation and reference evapotranspiration. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2021;26(51):69-76.
doi:10.5937/AASer2151069P .
Pejić, Borivoj, Bajić, Ivana, Mačkić, Ksenija, Bugarski, Dušanka, Vlajić, Slobodan, Takač, Adam, Aksić, Miroljub, "Irrigation scheduling strategies for pepper based on evaporation and reference evapotranspiration" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 26, no. 51 (2021):69-76,
https://doi.org/10.5937/AASer2151069P . .

Ethiological studies of root rot of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in Vojvodina

Cinkocki, Ingrida; Vlajić, Slobodan; Bajić, Ivana; Bugarski, Dušanka; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Takač, Adam; Đurović, Vesna

(Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2020)

AU  - Cinkocki, Ingrida
AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Đurović, Vesna
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4453
AB  - In the past few years, the symptoms of parsnip root rot (Pastinaca sativa L.)
have been more intense in production. This had a significant impact on the decrease
in the yield as well as the market value of the roots. Symptoms of rot are only
noticed during harvest. Continued development of the pathogen has been reported in
storage rooms, especially if the root is stored under uncontrolled conditions of
temperature and humidity. The aim of the study was the etiological study of root rot
in the open field and in storage rooms. Total of 56 root samples were collected in
the period 2016 – 2019 years. Isolation was performed by standard of
phytopathology procedure on PDA medium for fungi, MPA and CVP for bacteria.
After growth, a collection of isolates was formed, which was included in the
pathogenicity test. For the isolates that showed pathogenicity, the identification was
performed, the fungi were identified on the basis of morphological characteristics,
while the bacteria were studied for biochemical - physiological characteristics. Of
the 42 fungus and bacterial isolates collected, 37 caused similar symptoms of rot, on
artificially inoculated parsnip root, which was considered a pathogenic trait.
Fusarium spp. was isolated from the symptoms of dry rot on the leaf rosette
crossing, while Pectobacterium carotovorum subp. was isolated from the wet rot.
The symptom of rot, followed by the white mycelium of the fungus, was preliminary
indicated by the species Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which was confirmed by isolation and identification. The dominant species in storage rooms which provide root rot
were Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. They were followed by Rhisopus
spp. and Penicillium spp. species, but they have not been proven pathogenic and
have been considered saprophytes. Root rot caused damage during harvest, as
insects too, which allowed pathogens and saprophytes to penetrate.
PB  - Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
C3  - Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium "Modern Trends in Agricultural Production and Environmental Protection", 1-4 July 2020, Tivat, Montenegro
T1  - Ethiological studies of root rot of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in Vojvodina
EP  - 240
SP  - 233
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4453
ER  - 
author = "Cinkocki, Ingrida and Vlajić, Slobodan and Bajić, Ivana and Bugarski, Dušanka and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Takač, Adam and Đurović, Vesna",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In the past few years, the symptoms of parsnip root rot (Pastinaca sativa L.)
have been more intense in production. This had a significant impact on the decrease
in the yield as well as the market value of the roots. Symptoms of rot are only
noticed during harvest. Continued development of the pathogen has been reported in
storage rooms, especially if the root is stored under uncontrolled conditions of
temperature and humidity. The aim of the study was the etiological study of root rot
in the open field and in storage rooms. Total of 56 root samples were collected in
the period 2016 – 2019 years. Isolation was performed by standard of
phytopathology procedure on PDA medium for fungi, MPA and CVP for bacteria.
After growth, a collection of isolates was formed, which was included in the
pathogenicity test. For the isolates that showed pathogenicity, the identification was
performed, the fungi were identified on the basis of morphological characteristics,
while the bacteria were studied for biochemical - physiological characteristics. Of
the 42 fungus and bacterial isolates collected, 37 caused similar symptoms of rot, on
artificially inoculated parsnip root, which was considered a pathogenic trait.
Fusarium spp. was isolated from the symptoms of dry rot on the leaf rosette
crossing, while Pectobacterium carotovorum subp. was isolated from the wet rot.
The symptom of rot, followed by the white mycelium of the fungus, was preliminary
indicated by the species Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which was confirmed by isolation and identification. The dominant species in storage rooms which provide root rot
were Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. They were followed by Rhisopus
spp. and Penicillium spp. species, but they have not been proven pathogenic and
have been considered saprophytes. Root rot caused damage during harvest, as
insects too, which allowed pathogens and saprophytes to penetrate.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences",
journal = "Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium "Modern Trends in Agricultural Production and Environmental Protection", 1-4 July 2020, Tivat, Montenegro",
title = "Ethiological studies of root rot of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in Vojvodina",
pages = "240-233",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4453"
Cinkocki, I., Vlajić, S., Bajić, I., Bugarski, D., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Takač, A.,& Đurović, V.. (2020). Ethiological studies of root rot of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in Vojvodina. in Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium "Modern Trends in Agricultural Production and Environmental Protection", 1-4 July 2020, Tivat, Montenegro
Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences., 233-240.
Cinkocki I, Vlajić S, Bajić I, Bugarski D, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Takač A, Đurović V. Ethiological studies of root rot of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in Vojvodina. in Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium "Modern Trends in Agricultural Production and Environmental Protection", 1-4 July 2020, Tivat, Montenegro. 2020;:233-240.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4453 .
Cinkocki, Ingrida, Vlajić, Slobodan, Bajić, Ivana, Bugarski, Dušanka, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Takač, Adam, Đurović, Vesna, "Ethiological studies of root rot of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) in Vojvodina" in Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium "Modern Trends in Agricultural Production and Environmental Protection", 1-4 July 2020, Tivat, Montenegro (2020):233-240,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4453 .

The importance of crop rotation in intensive vegetable production in a greenhouse

Červenski, Janko; Medić-Pap, Slađana; Danojević, Dario; Savić, Aleksandra; Bugarski, Dušanka

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Medić-Pap, Slađana
AU  - Danojević, Dario
AU  - Savić, Aleksandra
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2068
AB  - Intensive vegetable production nowadays is a large "energy consumer". Producers look only at the economic side of such production, which is most often the excuse for its current realization. Intensive vegetable production is now reduced to cultivating several vegetable species, more often in the single-crop system. By thinking this way we bring the entire production into an unsustainable situation. Therefore, vegetable production in a greenhouse should be organized by growing preceding crops, main crops and stubble crops. Intensive vegetable production implies the maximally well-organized use of available land and resources. This includes proper crop rotation and cultivation practices, as well as knowledge of the market, as a possibility of placing excess production. With the good organization of crop rotation and the timely replacement of crops, we can transform a greenhouse into a useful place for vegetable production.
AB  - Intenzivna proizvodnja povrća danas predstavlja velikog "potrošača" energije. Proizvođači najviše gledaju ekonomsku stranu ove proizvodnje, što najčešće biva i izgovor za njenu trenutnu realizaciju. Intenziva proizvodnja povrća se danas svodi na gajenje nekoliko povrtarskih vrsta a sve češće u monokulturi. Ovakvim sistemom razmišljanja i gajenja povrća u monokulturi, cela proizvodnja može biti dovedena u neodrživu situaciju. Zbog toga bi trebalo proizvodnju povrća u zaštićenom prostoru organizovati sistemom gajenja pretkulture, glavne kulture i naknadne kulture. Intenzivna proizvodnja povrća trebalo bi da podrazumeva maksimalno dobro organizovano korišćenje raspoloživog zemljišta i resursa. To znači pravilan plodored sa kompletnom agrotehnikom, te poznavanje tržišta kao mogućnosti plasmana viška proizvodnje. Dobrom organizacijom rotacije i vremenskim smenjivanjem useva, zaštićeni prostor možemo pretvoriti u koristan prostor za proizvodnju povrća.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
T1  - The importance of crop rotation in intensive vegetable production in a greenhouse
T1  - Značaj rotacije useva u intenzivnoj proizvodnji povrća u zaštićenom prostoru
EP  - 212
IS  - 3
SP  - 199
VL  - 65
DO  - 10.2298/JAS2003199C
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Medić-Pap, Slađana and Danojević, Dario and Savić, Aleksandra and Bugarski, Dušanka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Intensive vegetable production nowadays is a large "energy consumer". Producers look only at the economic side of such production, which is most often the excuse for its current realization. Intensive vegetable production is now reduced to cultivating several vegetable species, more often in the single-crop system. By thinking this way we bring the entire production into an unsustainable situation. Therefore, vegetable production in a greenhouse should be organized by growing preceding crops, main crops and stubble crops. Intensive vegetable production implies the maximally well-organized use of available land and resources. This includes proper crop rotation and cultivation practices, as well as knowledge of the market, as a possibility of placing excess production. With the good organization of crop rotation and the timely replacement of crops, we can transform a greenhouse into a useful place for vegetable production., Intenzivna proizvodnja povrća danas predstavlja velikog "potrošača" energije. Proizvođači najviše gledaju ekonomsku stranu ove proizvodnje, što najčešće biva i izgovor za njenu trenutnu realizaciju. Intenziva proizvodnja povrća se danas svodi na gajenje nekoliko povrtarskih vrsta a sve češće u monokulturi. Ovakvim sistemom razmišljanja i gajenja povrća u monokulturi, cela proizvodnja može biti dovedena u neodrživu situaciju. Zbog toga bi trebalo proizvodnju povrća u zaštićenom prostoru organizovati sistemom gajenja pretkulture, glavne kulture i naknadne kulture. Intenzivna proizvodnja povrća trebalo bi da podrazumeva maksimalno dobro organizovano korišćenje raspoloživog zemljišta i resursa. To znači pravilan plodored sa kompletnom agrotehnikom, te poznavanje tržišta kao mogućnosti plasmana viška proizvodnje. Dobrom organizacijom rotacije i vremenskim smenjivanjem useva, zaštićeni prostor možemo pretvoriti u koristan prostor za proizvodnju povrća.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)",
title = "The importance of crop rotation in intensive vegetable production in a greenhouse, Značaj rotacije useva u intenzivnoj proizvodnji povrća u zaštićenom prostoru",
pages = "212-199",
number = "3",
volume = "65",
doi = "10.2298/JAS2003199C"
Červenski, J., Medić-Pap, S., Danojević, D., Savić, A.,& Bugarski, D.. (2020). The importance of crop rotation in intensive vegetable production in a greenhouse. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd., 65(3), 199-212.
Červenski J, Medić-Pap S, Danojević D, Savić A, Bugarski D. The importance of crop rotation in intensive vegetable production in a greenhouse. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade). 2020;65(3):199-212.
doi:10.2298/JAS2003199C .
Červenski, Janko, Medić-Pap, Slađana, Danojević, Dario, Savić, Aleksandra, Bugarski, Dušanka, "The importance of crop rotation in intensive vegetable production in a greenhouse" in Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 65, no. 3 (2020):199-212,
https://doi.org/10.2298/JAS2003199C . .

Significance of vegetable crops rotation in garden plots from the perspective of producing health-safe food

Červenski, Janko; Medić-Pap, Slađana; Danojević, Dario; Bugarski, Dušanka

(Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad, 2020)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Medić-Pap, Slađana
AU  - Danojević, Dario
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2456
AB  - Vegetable crops production should represent the source of healthy and safe food, which is the basis for human development and health. It allows intensive use of soil and earns a high income per unit area, certainly with greater investment and a lot of human labour. Production of health-safe and biologically valuable vegetables with known composition and quality in controlled conditions is becoming increasingly interesting to consumers. Therefore, land resources should be used as rationally as possible and with proper vegetable crop rotation, reducing the possible occurrence of harmful organisms and obtaining health-safe products. In vegetable production, crop rotation is the most often neglected basic preventive measure.
AB  - Povrtarska proizvodnja treba da predstavlja izvor zdravstveno bezbedne hrane, koja je osnov za razvoj i zdravlje čoveka. Ona omogućava intenzivno korišćenje zemljišta i ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine, svakako uz veća ulaganja i dosta ljudskog rada. Proizvodnja zdravstveno bezbednog i biološki vrednog povrća sa poznatim sastavom i kvalitetom u kontrolisanim uslovima postaje sve interesantnija potrošačima. Zbog toga treba što racionalnije koristiti zemljišne resurse i pravilnom smenom povrtarskih biljaka, smanjiti moguću pojavu štetnih organizama te dobijanja zdravstveno bezbednih proizvoda. U proizvodnji povrća plodored predstavlja najčešće zapostavljenu osnovnu preventivnu meru.
PB  - Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad
C3  - Proceedings, 24th International Eco-Conference - 11th Safe food, 23-25 September 2020, Novi Sad
T1  - Significance of vegetable crops rotation in garden plots from the perspective of producing health-safe food
T1  - Značaj smene povrtarskih useva u baštama sa stanovišta proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane
EP  - 212
SP  - 205
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2456
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Medić-Pap, Slađana and Danojević, Dario and Bugarski, Dušanka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Vegetable crops production should represent the source of healthy and safe food, which is the basis for human development and health. It allows intensive use of soil and earns a high income per unit area, certainly with greater investment and a lot of human labour. Production of health-safe and biologically valuable vegetables with known composition and quality in controlled conditions is becoming increasingly interesting to consumers. Therefore, land resources should be used as rationally as possible and with proper vegetable crop rotation, reducing the possible occurrence of harmful organisms and obtaining health-safe products. In vegetable production, crop rotation is the most often neglected basic preventive measure., Povrtarska proizvodnja treba da predstavlja izvor zdravstveno bezbedne hrane, koja je osnov za razvoj i zdravlje čoveka. Ona omogućava intenzivno korišćenje zemljišta i ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine, svakako uz veća ulaganja i dosta ljudskog rada. Proizvodnja zdravstveno bezbednog i biološki vrednog povrća sa poznatim sastavom i kvalitetom u kontrolisanim uslovima postaje sve interesantnija potrošačima. Zbog toga treba što racionalnije koristiti zemljišne resurse i pravilnom smenom povrtarskih biljaka, smanjiti moguću pojavu štetnih organizama te dobijanja zdravstveno bezbednih proizvoda. U proizvodnji povrća plodored predstavlja najčešće zapostavljenu osnovnu preventivnu meru.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad",
journal = "Proceedings, 24th International Eco-Conference - 11th Safe food, 23-25 September 2020, Novi Sad",
title = "Significance of vegetable crops rotation in garden plots from the perspective of producing health-safe food, Značaj smene povrtarskih useva u baštama sa stanovišta proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane",
pages = "212-205",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2456"
Červenski, J., Medić-Pap, S., Danojević, D.,& Bugarski, D.. (2020). Significance of vegetable crops rotation in garden plots from the perspective of producing health-safe food. in Proceedings, 24th International Eco-Conference - 11th Safe food, 23-25 September 2020, Novi Sad
Novi Sad : Ecological movement of Novi Sad., 205-212.
Červenski J, Medić-Pap S, Danojević D, Bugarski D. Significance of vegetable crops rotation in garden plots from the perspective of producing health-safe food. in Proceedings, 24th International Eco-Conference - 11th Safe food, 23-25 September 2020, Novi Sad. 2020;:205-212.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2456 .
Červenski, Janko, Medić-Pap, Slađana, Danojević, Dario, Bugarski, Dušanka, "Significance of vegetable crops rotation in garden plots from the perspective of producing health-safe food" in Proceedings, 24th International Eco-Conference - 11th Safe food, 23-25 September 2020, Novi Sad (2020):205-212,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2456 .

Susceptibility of selected melon genotypes against downy and powdery mildew

Vlajić, Slobodan; Iličić, Renata; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Bugarski, Dušanka; Bajić, Ivana; Takač, Adam

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad, 2019)

AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Bajić, Ivana
AU  - Takač, Adam
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1865
AB  - Downy and powdery mildew are economically important diseases in all cultivated plant species. Pathogens Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Erysiphe cichoracearum are one of the limiting factors of successful melon production in agro-ecological conditions of Serbia. Cultivation of less susceptible and resistant genotypes against pathogens is the basis for successful melon production. Consequently, 30 melon genotypes were tested against the causative agent of downy mildew P. cubensis in the fi eld conditions. Also, the susceptibility of 4 lines originating from Ananas melon against causative agents of powdery mildew S. fuliginea and E. cichoracearum in greenhouse was determined. The lowest susceptibility to P. cubensis was expressed in the melon genotypes D11, D7, D13 in the fi rst and D30 in the second evaluation. The highest susceptibility to the mentioned pathogen was expressed in 8 genotypes in the fi rst and 15 genotypes in the second evaluation. In terms of the susceptibility of the tested lines to causative agent of powdery mildew, line A 2/1 was found as most resistant, and line A 3/4 as the most susceptible.
AB  - Prouzrokovači plamenjače i pepelnice predstavljaju ekonomski značajna oboljenja na svim gajenim biljnim vrstama. Patogeni Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Sphaerotheca fuliginea i Erysiphe cichoracearum predstavljaju jedan od ograničavajućih faktora uspešne proizvodnje dinje u agroekološkim uslovima Srbije. Gajenje manje osetljivih i otpornih genotipova dinje prema patogenima, predstavlja osnovu uspešne proizvodnje. Shodno tome testirano je 30 genotipova dinje prema prouzrokovaču plamenjače vrežastih biljaka P. cubensis u uslovima prirodne infekcije na otvorenom polju. Takođe, utvrđena je i osetljivost 4 linije poreklom iz Ananas dinje prema prouzrokovačima pepelnica S. fuliginea i E. cichoracearum u zaštićenom prostoru. Najmanju osetljivost prema P. cubensis ispoljili su genotipovi dinje D11, D7, D13 u prvoj i D30 u drugoj oceni. Najveću osetljivost prema pomenutom patogenu ispoljilo je 8 genotipova u prvoj i 15 genotipova u drugoj oceni. U pogledu osetljivosti ispitivanih linija prema prouzrokovaču pepelnice, linija A 2/1 izdvojila se kao najtolerantnija, odnosno linija A 3/4 kao najosetljivija.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
T2  - Biljni lekar
T1  - Susceptibility of selected melon genotypes against downy and powdery mildew
T1  - Osetljivost odabranih genotipova dinje prema prouzrokovačima plamenjače i pepelnice
EP  - 456
IS  - 6
SP  - 446
VL  - 47
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1865
ER  - 
author = "Vlajić, Slobodan and Iličić, Renata and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Bugarski, Dušanka and Bajić, Ivana and Takač, Adam",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Downy and powdery mildew are economically important diseases in all cultivated plant species. Pathogens Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Erysiphe cichoracearum are one of the limiting factors of successful melon production in agro-ecological conditions of Serbia. Cultivation of less susceptible and resistant genotypes against pathogens is the basis for successful melon production. Consequently, 30 melon genotypes were tested against the causative agent of downy mildew P. cubensis in the fi eld conditions. Also, the susceptibility of 4 lines originating from Ananas melon against causative agents of powdery mildew S. fuliginea and E. cichoracearum in greenhouse was determined. The lowest susceptibility to P. cubensis was expressed in the melon genotypes D11, D7, D13 in the fi rst and D30 in the second evaluation. The highest susceptibility to the mentioned pathogen was expressed in 8 genotypes in the fi rst and 15 genotypes in the second evaluation. In terms of the susceptibility of the tested lines to causative agent of powdery mildew, line A 2/1 was found as most resistant, and line A 3/4 as the most susceptible., Prouzrokovači plamenjače i pepelnice predstavljaju ekonomski značajna oboljenja na svim gajenim biljnim vrstama. Patogeni Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Sphaerotheca fuliginea i Erysiphe cichoracearum predstavljaju jedan od ograničavajućih faktora uspešne proizvodnje dinje u agroekološkim uslovima Srbije. Gajenje manje osetljivih i otpornih genotipova dinje prema patogenima, predstavlja osnovu uspešne proizvodnje. Shodno tome testirano je 30 genotipova dinje prema prouzrokovaču plamenjače vrežastih biljaka P. cubensis u uslovima prirodne infekcije na otvorenom polju. Takođe, utvrđena je i osetljivost 4 linije poreklom iz Ananas dinje prema prouzrokovačima pepelnica S. fuliginea i E. cichoracearum u zaštićenom prostoru. Najmanju osetljivost prema P. cubensis ispoljili su genotipovi dinje D11, D7, D13 u prvoj i D30 u drugoj oceni. Najveću osetljivost prema pomenutom patogenu ispoljilo je 8 genotipova u prvoj i 15 genotipova u drugoj oceni. U pogledu osetljivosti ispitivanih linija prema prouzrokovaču pepelnice, linija A 2/1 izdvojila se kao najtolerantnija, odnosno linija A 3/4 kao najosetljivija.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad",
journal = "Biljni lekar",
title = "Susceptibility of selected melon genotypes against downy and powdery mildew, Osetljivost odabranih genotipova dinje prema prouzrokovačima plamenjače i pepelnice",
pages = "456-446",
number = "6",
volume = "47",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1865"
Vlajić, S., Iličić, R., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Bugarski, D., Bajić, I.,& Takač, A.. (2019). Susceptibility of selected melon genotypes against downy and powdery mildew. in Biljni lekar
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad., 47(6), 446-456.
Vlajić S, Iličić R, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Bugarski D, Bajić I, Takač A. Susceptibility of selected melon genotypes against downy and powdery mildew. in Biljni lekar. 2019;47(6):446-456.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1865 .
Vlajić, Slobodan, Iličić, Renata, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Bugarski, Dušanka, Bajić, Ivana, Takač, Adam, "Susceptibility of selected melon genotypes against downy and powdery mildew" in Biljni lekar, 47, no. 6 (2019):446-456,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1865 .

Sensitivity of phytopathogenic bacteria to bactericides in vitro conditions

Dakić, Siniša; Vlajić, Slobodan; Maširević, Stevan; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Iličić, Renata; Bugarski, Dušanka; Ognjanov, Vladislav

(Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture, 2019)

AU  - Dakić, Siniša
AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
AU  - Maširević, Stevan
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Iličić, Renata
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Ognjanov, Vladislav
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2392
AB  - Bacterial diseases present serious problem in agricultural production which is
reflected in reduction of quality and yield of cultivated plants. Long term use of
copper compounds in bacterial diseases control can induce resistance in bacterial
population. Considering the economic importance of bacterial diseases on
cultivated plants the aim of this research was to tested different copper compounds
(copper-hydroxide, copper-oxychloride, copper (II) sulphate, copper (III) sulphate)
in different concentrations (100, 200, 300, 350 ppm) against one of the most
distributed plant pathogenic bacteria (37 strains) in vitro conditions. Obtained
results suggested that bacterial strains showed different sensitivity to tested copper
compounds and concentrations. The lowest sensitivity was observed in strains of
Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum race 1 (KBNS75; M25) and Erwinia
amylovora (JČ5, DHM1) in copper-hydroxide and copper-oxychloride. Strains of
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap1-5) and X. campestris pv. campestris
(UR-1) showed the highest sensitivity to copper compounds compared to other
tested strains.
PB  - Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 8th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2019", 16-18 May 2019, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T1  - Sensitivity of phytopathogenic bacteria to bactericides in vitro conditions
EP  - 63
SP  - 63
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2392
ER  - 
author = "Dakić, Siniša and Vlajić, Slobodan and Maširević, Stevan and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Iličić, Renata and Bugarski, Dušanka and Ognjanov, Vladislav",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Bacterial diseases present serious problem in agricultural production which is
reflected in reduction of quality and yield of cultivated plants. Long term use of
copper compounds in bacterial diseases control can induce resistance in bacterial
population. Considering the economic importance of bacterial diseases on
cultivated plants the aim of this research was to tested different copper compounds
(copper-hydroxide, copper-oxychloride, copper (II) sulphate, copper (III) sulphate)
in different concentrations (100, 200, 300, 350 ppm) against one of the most
distributed plant pathogenic bacteria (37 strains) in vitro conditions. Obtained
results suggested that bacterial strains showed different sensitivity to tested copper
compounds and concentrations. The lowest sensitivity was observed in strains of
Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum race 1 (KBNS75; M25) and Erwinia
amylovora (JČ5, DHM1) in copper-hydroxide and copper-oxychloride. Strains of
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap1-5) and X. campestris pv. campestris
(UR-1) showed the highest sensitivity to copper compounds compared to other
tested strains.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 8th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2019", 16-18 May 2019, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina",
title = "Sensitivity of phytopathogenic bacteria to bactericides in vitro conditions",
pages = "63-63",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2392"
Dakić, S., Vlajić, S., Maširević, S., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Iličić, R., Bugarski, D.,& Ognjanov, V.. (2019). Sensitivity of phytopathogenic bacteria to bactericides in vitro conditions. in Book of Abstracts, 8th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2019", 16-18 May 2019, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Banja Luka : University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture., 63-63.
Dakić S, Vlajić S, Maširević S, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Iličić R, Bugarski D, Ognjanov V. Sensitivity of phytopathogenic bacteria to bactericides in vitro conditions. in Book of Abstracts, 8th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2019", 16-18 May 2019, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2019;:63-63.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2392 .
Dakić, Siniša, Vlajić, Slobodan, Maširević, Stevan, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Iličić, Renata, Bugarski, Dušanka, Ognjanov, Vladislav, "Sensitivity of phytopathogenic bacteria to bactericides in vitro conditions" in Book of Abstracts, 8th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2019", 16-18 May 2019, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019):63-63,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2392 .

Genetička varijabilnost kolekcija prolećnog belog luka u Srbiji

Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Moravčević, Đorđe; Zorić, Miroslav; Vlajić, Slobodan; Mladenović, Danica; Pavlović, Nenad; Bugarski, Dušanka

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2018)

AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Moravčević, Đorđe
AU  - Zorić, Miroslav
AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
AU  - Mladenović, Danica
AU  - Pavlović, Nenad
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3086
AB  - Vegetativni način razmnožavanja belog luka (Allium sativum L.) je ograničavajući faktor ne samo za održavanje genetičke raznovrsnosti, već i za eksploataciju u selekciji. U našem regionu dominiraju domaći ekotipovi prolećnog belog luka, visoko adaptirani agroekološkim uslovima. U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost genotipova prolećnog belog luka koji se nalaze u kolekciji Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu (NS) i Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu (BG). Podaci o kvantitativnim osobinama lukovice za 71 genotip prikazani su pomoću nekoliko parametara deskriptivne statistike kao i multivarijantne analize glavnih komponenti (PC). Zbog prisustva genotipova sa ekstremnim vrednostima određenih osobina korišćena je i robusna verzija analize glavnih komponenata (r-PC).
AB  - Vegetative propagation of garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a limiting factor not only for maintenance of genetic variability, but also for exploitation during selection. Local ecotypes of spring garlic that are highly adapted to agroecological conditions prevail in our region. Variability of spring garlic genotypes that are part of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (NS) and Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade (BG) collections was studied in this paper. Data about bulb quantitative traits for 71 genotypes are shown using several parameters of descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of principal components (PC). Presence of genotypes with extreme values of determined traits was the cause of using robust version of the principal component analysis (r-PC).
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata, 6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 7-11. maj 2018.
T1  - Genetička varijabilnost kolekcija prolećnog belog luka u Srbiji
T1  - Genetic variability in the Serbian collection of spring garlic
EP  - 26
SP  - 25
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3086
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Moravčević, Đorđe and Zorić, Miroslav and Vlajić, Slobodan and Mladenović, Danica and Pavlović, Nenad and Bugarski, Dušanka",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Vegetativni način razmnožavanja belog luka (Allium sativum L.) je ograničavajući faktor ne samo za održavanje genetičke raznovrsnosti, već i za eksploataciju u selekciji. U našem regionu dominiraju domaći ekotipovi prolećnog belog luka, visoko adaptirani agroekološkim uslovima. U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost genotipova prolećnog belog luka koji se nalaze u kolekciji Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu (NS) i Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu (BG). Podaci o kvantitativnim osobinama lukovice za 71 genotip prikazani su pomoću nekoliko parametara deskriptivne statistike kao i multivarijantne analize glavnih komponenti (PC). Zbog prisustva genotipova sa ekstremnim vrednostima određenih osobina korišćena je i robusna verzija analize glavnih komponenata (r-PC)., Vegetative propagation of garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a limiting factor not only for maintenance of genetic variability, but also for exploitation during selection. Local ecotypes of spring garlic that are highly adapted to agroecological conditions prevail in our region. Variability of spring garlic genotypes that are part of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (NS) and Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade (BG) collections was studied in this paper. Data about bulb quantitative traits for 71 genotypes are shown using several parameters of descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of principal components (PC). Presence of genotypes with extreme values of determined traits was the cause of using robust version of the principal component analysis (r-PC).",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata, 6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 7-11. maj 2018.",
title = "Genetička varijabilnost kolekcija prolećnog belog luka u Srbiji, Genetic variability in the Serbian collection of spring garlic",
pages = "26-25",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3086"
Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Moravčević, Đ., Zorić, M., Vlajić, S., Mladenović, D., Pavlović, N.,& Bugarski, D.. (2018). Genetička varijabilnost kolekcija prolećnog belog luka u Srbiji. in Zbornik apstrakata, 6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 7-11. maj 2018.
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 25-26.
Gvozdanović-Varga J, Moravčević Đ, Zorić M, Vlajić S, Mladenović D, Pavlović N, Bugarski D. Genetička varijabilnost kolekcija prolećnog belog luka u Srbiji. in Zbornik apstrakata, 6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 7-11. maj 2018.. 2018;:25-26.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3086 .
Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Moravčević, Đorđe, Zorić, Miroslav, Vlajić, Slobodan, Mladenović, Danica, Pavlović, Nenad, Bugarski, Dušanka, "Genetička varijabilnost kolekcija prolećnog belog luka u Srbiji" in Zbornik apstrakata, 6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum društva selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja, 7-11. maj 2018. (2018):25-26,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3086 .

Morphological differences among strains of oyster mushroom grown on different substrates

Bugarski, Dušanka; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Vasić, Mirjana; Červenski, Janko; Vlajić, Slobodan

(East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, 2018)

AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Vlajić, Slobodan
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3789
AB  - Distribution of oyster mushroom production worldwide is based on its cultivation on available
and low-priced substrates prepared using residues of cellulose materials from agricultural
production. It is also based on its nutritive value and content of medically active matters that
favourably affect the human organism, as well as the specific taste, which offers wide
possibilities in cooking. Forms of oyster mushroom differ by colour, size and shape of the
cap, length and width of stems, taste, as well as the physiological requirements during
cultivation on different substrates in various climate conditions. Three isolated and
determined strains of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) were studied - NS 77, NS 355
and NS 244. They were grown on residues of agricultural production most frequent on the
territory of Vojvodina, such as wheat and soybean stems, and stalks of maize and sunflower,
as individual substrates and in combinations with wheat straw. Variability was recorded
among strains in most important morphological traits. The study monitored the ratios of cap
weight (CW) and stem weight (SW), cap length (CL), cap width (CWi), stem length (SL) and
stem width (SWi), as well as the number of mushrooms per bunch (NM). The monitored
morphological traits have been expressed differently most of the time, depending on the
strain, while in some cases the substrate was the determining factor. The number of fruiting
bodies in strain NS 244 therefore varied in range 4.2-5.5, depending on the substrate. Strain
NS 77 ranged from 7.4 to 11.2, while strain NS 355 ranged from 8.6 to 10.7. However, the
highest values of cap weight of all three strains were recorded on maize stalk substrate.
PB  - East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", 4-7 October 2018, Jahorina
T1  - Morphological differences among strains of oyster mushroom grown on different substrates
EP  - 624
SP  - 618
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3789
ER  - 
author = "Bugarski, Dušanka and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Vasić, Mirjana and Červenski, Janko and Vlajić, Slobodan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Distribution of oyster mushroom production worldwide is based on its cultivation on available
and low-priced substrates prepared using residues of cellulose materials from agricultural
production. It is also based on its nutritive value and content of medically active matters that
favourably affect the human organism, as well as the specific taste, which offers wide
possibilities in cooking. Forms of oyster mushroom differ by colour, size and shape of the
cap, length and width of stems, taste, as well as the physiological requirements during
cultivation on different substrates in various climate conditions. Three isolated and
determined strains of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) were studied - NS 77, NS 355
and NS 244. They were grown on residues of agricultural production most frequent on the
territory of Vojvodina, such as wheat and soybean stems, and stalks of maize and sunflower,
as individual substrates and in combinations with wheat straw. Variability was recorded
among strains in most important morphological traits. The study monitored the ratios of cap
weight (CW) and stem weight (SW), cap length (CL), cap width (CWi), stem length (SL) and
stem width (SWi), as well as the number of mushrooms per bunch (NM). The monitored
morphological traits have been expressed differently most of the time, depending on the
strain, while in some cases the substrate was the determining factor. The number of fruiting
bodies in strain NS 244 therefore varied in range 4.2-5.5, depending on the substrate. Strain
NS 77 ranged from 7.4 to 11.2, while strain NS 355 ranged from 8.6 to 10.7. However, the
highest values of cap weight of all three strains were recorded on maize stalk substrate.",
publisher = "East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", 4-7 October 2018, Jahorina",
title = "Morphological differences among strains of oyster mushroom grown on different substrates",
pages = "624-618",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3789"
Bugarski, D., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Vasić, M., Červenski, J.,& Vlajić, S.. (2018). Morphological differences among strains of oyster mushroom grown on different substrates. in Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", 4-7 October 2018, Jahorina
East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture., 618-624.
Bugarski D, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Vasić M, Červenski J, Vlajić S. Morphological differences among strains of oyster mushroom grown on different substrates. in Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", 4-7 October 2018, Jahorina. 2018;:618-624.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3789 .
Bugarski, Dušanka, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Vasić, Mirjana, Červenski, Janko, Vlajić, Slobodan, "Morphological differences among strains of oyster mushroom grown on different substrates" in Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", 4-7 October 2018, Jahorina (2018):618-624,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3789 .

Influence of Different Substrates on Morphological, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Selected Strains of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871

Bugarski, Dušanka

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/6917
UR  - http://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/DownloadFileServlet/Disertacija146772090007763.pdf?controlNumber=(BISIS)10
UR  - http://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/record.jsf?recordId=101414&source=NaRDuS&language=sr
UR  - http://www.cris.uns.ac.rs/DownloadFileServlet/IzvestajKomisije146772091554127.pdf?controlNumber=(BIS
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2121
AB  - Three strains of oyster mushroom (P. ostreatus NS 77, NS 355, and 244) were grown on substrates made from four crops (wheat, maize, soybean, and sunflower), as individual substrates or in combination with wheat straw. After fruit maturity,  mushroom growing, morphological, and chemical properties were analysed, as well as chemical and microbiological analyses of fresh and used substrates. All three strains showed maximum yields on soybean substrate (S5), and minimum yields on wheat substrate (S1). A large variability among the strains was observed based on the morphological properties. The strain NS 77 has caps of the smallest weight,  width and length, the largest number of fruiting bodies, and the longest stalks. The  strain NS 244 have caps of the largest weight, width and length, the lowest number of fruiting bodies and stalk length, but the largest width of the stalks. Regarding water regime, maize substrate (S6) was the best, while sunflower (S7) was the poorest. Ash content was the highest in maize substrate (S6) and the lowest in wheat  substrate (S1). Potassium content in the stalk was higher than in the cap, which is opposite from other micro- and macro elements. Cellulose content was higher in all fresh substrates than in the used substrates after the strains have fruited, while ash content was higher in the used substrates. Concentration of total number of microorganisms, abundance of ammonifiers and saprophytic fungi in the unsterilized substrates were lower than in the used ones. Dehydrogenase activity was the highest in substrates after fruiting of NS 244, while cellulose enzyme complex varied regarding the strain and substrate.
AB  - Tri soja gljive bukovače, P. ostreatus NS 77, P. ostreatus NS 355 i P. ostreatus 244, gajena su na supstratima četiri biljne vrste, pšenica, kukuruz, soja i suncokret, kao samostalni supstrati i u kombinaciji sa pšeničnom slamom. Nakon plodonošenja vršena su ispitivanja odgajivačkih, morfoloških, hemijskih, svojstva gljiva, kao i hemijske i mikrobiološke    sirovim supstratima u odnosu na sadržaj celuloze u supstratima nakon plodonošenja sojeva, dok je kod sadržaja pepela obrnuto, u sirovim supstratima je niži u odnosu na supstrate nakon plodonošenja. Koncentracija ukupnog broja mikroorganizama, brojnost amonifikatora i brojnost saprofitnih gljiva na nesterilisanim supstratima je niža nego na iskorištenim supstratima. Dehidrogenazna aktivnost  je najviša na supstratima nakon plodonošenja soja NS 244, dok kod enzimskog kompleksa celulaza varira u zavisnosti od soja i supstrata Kod sva tri soja maksimalni prinosi su bili na supstratu Soja (S5), a minimlni na supstratu Pšenica (S1). Na osnovu morfoloških osobine konstatovana je velika varijabilnist između sojeva. Supstrat Kukuruz (S6) se pokazao kao najbolji, sa aspekta vodnog režima, dok se Suncokret (S7) pokazao kao najlošiji. Na supstratu Kukuruz (S6) je najviši, a na supstratu Pšenica (S1) je najniži sadržaj pepela. Sadržaj natrijuma u nožici je veći od sadržaja u šeširu, što je obrnuto u odnosu na druge mikroelemente i makroelemente. Sadržaj celuloze je viši u svim  sirovim supstratima, dok  je kod sadržaja pepela obrnuto. Brojnost svih mikroorgnaizma na nesterilisanim supstratima je niža nego na iskorištenim supstratima.  Dehidrogenazna  je najviša na supstratima nakon plodonošenja soja NS 244, dok kod enzimskog kompleksa celulaza varira u zavisnosti od soja i supstrata.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet
T1  - Influence of Different Substrates on Morphological, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Selected Strains of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871
T1  - Uticaj raličitih supstrata na morfološka,fiziološka i hemijska svojstva odabranih sojeva gljve bukovače Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6917
ER  - 
author = "Bugarski, Dušanka",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Three strains of oyster mushroom (P. ostreatus NS 77, NS 355, and 244) were grown on substrates made from four crops (wheat, maize, soybean, and sunflower), as individual substrates or in combination with wheat straw. After fruit maturity,  mushroom growing, morphological, and chemical properties were analysed, as well as chemical and microbiological analyses of fresh and used substrates. All three strains showed maximum yields on soybean substrate (S5), and minimum yields on wheat substrate (S1). A large variability among the strains was observed based on the morphological properties. The strain NS 77 has caps of the smallest weight,  width and length, the largest number of fruiting bodies, and the longest stalks. The  strain NS 244 have caps of the largest weight, width and length, the lowest number of fruiting bodies and stalk length, but the largest width of the stalks. Regarding water regime, maize substrate (S6) was the best, while sunflower (S7) was the poorest. Ash content was the highest in maize substrate (S6) and the lowest in wheat  substrate (S1). Potassium content in the stalk was higher than in the cap, which is opposite from other micro- and macro elements. Cellulose content was higher in all fresh substrates than in the used substrates after the strains have fruited, while ash content was higher in the used substrates. Concentration of total number of microorganisms, abundance of ammonifiers and saprophytic fungi in the unsterilized substrates were lower than in the used ones. Dehydrogenase activity was the highest in substrates after fruiting of NS 244, while cellulose enzyme complex varied regarding the strain and substrate., Tri soja gljive bukovače, P. ostreatus NS 77, P. ostreatus NS 355 i P. ostreatus 244, gajena su na supstratima četiri biljne vrste, pšenica, kukuruz, soja i suncokret, kao samostalni supstrati i u kombinaciji sa pšeničnom slamom. Nakon plodonošenja vršena su ispitivanja odgajivačkih, morfoloških, hemijskih, svojstva gljiva, kao i hemijske i mikrobiološke    sirovim supstratima u odnosu na sadržaj celuloze u supstratima nakon plodonošenja sojeva, dok je kod sadržaja pepela obrnuto, u sirovim supstratima je niži u odnosu na supstrate nakon plodonošenja. Koncentracija ukupnog broja mikroorganizama, brojnost amonifikatora i brojnost saprofitnih gljiva na nesterilisanim supstratima je niža nego na iskorištenim supstratima. Dehidrogenazna aktivnost  je najviša na supstratima nakon plodonošenja soja NS 244, dok kod enzimskog kompleksa celulaza varira u zavisnosti od soja i supstrata Kod sva tri soja maksimalni prinosi su bili na supstratu Soja (S5), a minimlni na supstratu Pšenica (S1). Na osnovu morfoloških osobine konstatovana je velika varijabilnist između sojeva. Supstrat Kukuruz (S6) se pokazao kao najbolji, sa aspekta vodnog režima, dok se Suncokret (S7) pokazao kao najlošiji. Na supstratu Kukuruz (S6) je najviši, a na supstratu Pšenica (S1) je najniži sadržaj pepela. Sadržaj natrijuma u nožici je veći od sadržaja u šeširu, što je obrnuto u odnosu na druge mikroelemente i makroelemente. Sadržaj celuloze je viši u svim  sirovim supstratima, dok  je kod sadržaja pepela obrnuto. Brojnost svih mikroorgnaizma na nesterilisanim supstratima je niža nego na iskorištenim supstratima.  Dehidrogenazna  je najviša na supstratima nakon plodonošenja soja NS 244, dok kod enzimskog kompleksa celulaza varira u zavisnosti od soja i supstrata.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet",
title = "Influence of Different Substrates on Morphological, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Selected Strains of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871, Uticaj raličitih supstrata na morfološka,fiziološka i hemijska svojstva odabranih sojeva gljve bukovače Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6917"
Bugarski, D.. (2016). Influence of Different Substrates on Morphological, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Selected Strains of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871. 
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet..
Bugarski D. Influence of Different Substrates on Morphological, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Selected Strains of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871. 2016;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6917 .
Bugarski, Dušanka, "Influence of Different Substrates on Morphological, Physiological and Chemical Properties of Selected Strains of Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. 1871" (2016),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_nardus_6917 .

A new experimental hybrid of cabbage suitable for early production

Červenski, Janko; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Bugarski, Dušanka; Takač, Adam; Glogovac, Svetlana

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Glogovac, Svetlana
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1089
AB  - The paper analyzes experimental hybrids of early cabbage developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in the previous period. The hybrids were tested together for two years and then one (H17) was chosen and submitted to the Variety Commission of the Republic of Serbia. In 2011, the experimental hybrid H17 was officially released as an early cabbage hybrid and registered under the name of NS Mendo F1. The hybrid had been developed by crossing two early lines, one of which was sterile. It is characterized by a short growing season - 65 days from transplanting to harvest. The head weight ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 kg depending on the cultural practice applied. The head is light green in color, sweet-tasting, and suitable for fresh consumption. The hybrid’s traits that contributed significantly to the formation of the first principal component were in fact those that the breeders attach most importance to in their breeding programs. These are the traits that directly influence the market value of a new hybrid and make a given hybrid recognizable on the market. Most notable among such traits are head weight and the weight of the useful part of the head.
AB  - U radu su analizirani eksperimentalni hibridi ranog kupusa stvoreni u prethodnom periodu u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Hibridi su međusobno dve godine testirani, iz čega je jedan hibrid (H17) izabran i prijavljen Republičkoj sortnoj komisiji. 2011 godine je eksperimentalni hibrid H17 i zvanično priznat kao rani hibrid kupusa, te registrovan pod imenom NS Mendo F1. Navedeni rani hibrid je nastao ukrštanjem dve linije kupusa, od kojih je jedna sterilna linija. Karakteriše se kratkom dužinom vegetacije, tj. 65 dana od rasađivanja do berbe. Masa glavice se kreće od 2,5 kg do 3,5 kg u zavisnosti od agrotehnike. Glavica je svetlo zelene boje, slatkog ukusa pogodna za svežu potrošnju. Osobine koje su pokazale značajan udeo na formiranje varijabilnosti prve glavne komponente, su u stvari i osobine na koje selekcionari daju i najveći značaj u oplemenjivačkim programima. To su svojstva koja direktno utiču na formiranje tržišne vrednosti novi hibrida, i čine pojedine hibride prepoznatljive na tržištu. To se odnosi pre svega na masu glavice i masu korisnog dela glavice.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika-Belgrade
T1  - A new experimental hybrid of cabbage suitable for early production
T1  - Novi eksperimentalni hibrid kupusa pogodan za ranu proizvodnju
EP  - 316
IS  - 2
SP  - 307
VL  - 44
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1202307C
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Bugarski, Dušanka and Takač, Adam and Glogovac, Svetlana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "The paper analyzes experimental hybrids of early cabbage developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in the previous period. The hybrids were tested together for two years and then one (H17) was chosen and submitted to the Variety Commission of the Republic of Serbia. In 2011, the experimental hybrid H17 was officially released as an early cabbage hybrid and registered under the name of NS Mendo F1. The hybrid had been developed by crossing two early lines, one of which was sterile. It is characterized by a short growing season - 65 days from transplanting to harvest. The head weight ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 kg depending on the cultural practice applied. The head is light green in color, sweet-tasting, and suitable for fresh consumption. The hybrid’s traits that contributed significantly to the formation of the first principal component were in fact those that the breeders attach most importance to in their breeding programs. These are the traits that directly influence the market value of a new hybrid and make a given hybrid recognizable on the market. Most notable among such traits are head weight and the weight of the useful part of the head., U radu su analizirani eksperimentalni hibridi ranog kupusa stvoreni u prethodnom periodu u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Hibridi su međusobno dve godine testirani, iz čega je jedan hibrid (H17) izabran i prijavljen Republičkoj sortnoj komisiji. 2011 godine je eksperimentalni hibrid H17 i zvanično priznat kao rani hibrid kupusa, te registrovan pod imenom NS Mendo F1. Navedeni rani hibrid je nastao ukrštanjem dve linije kupusa, od kojih je jedna sterilna linija. Karakteriše se kratkom dužinom vegetacije, tj. 65 dana od rasađivanja do berbe. Masa glavice se kreće od 2,5 kg do 3,5 kg u zavisnosti od agrotehnike. Glavica je svetlo zelene boje, slatkog ukusa pogodna za svežu potrošnju. Osobine koje su pokazale značajan udeo na formiranje varijabilnosti prve glavne komponente, su u stvari i osobine na koje selekcionari daju i najveći značaj u oplemenjivačkim programima. To su svojstva koja direktno utiču na formiranje tržišne vrednosti novi hibrida, i čine pojedine hibride prepoznatljive na tržištu. To se odnosi pre svega na masu glavice i masu korisnog dela glavice.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika-Belgrade",
title = "A new experimental hybrid of cabbage suitable for early production, Novi eksperimentalni hibrid kupusa pogodan za ranu proizvodnju",
pages = "316-307",
number = "2",
volume = "44",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1202307C"
Červenski, J., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Bugarski, D., Takač, A.,& Glogovac, S.. (2012). A new experimental hybrid of cabbage suitable for early production. in Genetika-Belgrade
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 44(2), 307-316.
Červenski J, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Bugarski D, Takač A, Glogovac S. A new experimental hybrid of cabbage suitable for early production. in Genetika-Belgrade. 2012;44(2):307-316.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1202307C .
Červenski, Janko, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Bugarski, Dušanka, Takač, Adam, Glogovac, Svetlana, "A new experimental hybrid of cabbage suitable for early production" in Genetika-Belgrade, 44, no. 2 (2012):307-316,
https://doi.org/10.2298/GENSR1202307C . .

Interdependence of Traits in Early-Maturing Genotypes of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

Červenski, Janko; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Bugarski, Dušanka; Vasić, Mirjana; Glogovac, Svetlana

(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2012)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Glogovac, Svetlana
PY  - 2012
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1164
AB  - In this paper we studied the variability and correlation of agronomic traits in early maturity cabbages. The study included early spring cabbages (planted in early spring, harvested in early summer). Using coefficients of variation and correlation coefficients, we analyzed 17 agronomic traits in 20 commercially grown cultivars, F-1 hybrids, and experimental F-1 hybrids. In the early cabbages, the coefficients of variation ranged from 4.8 to 44.2%. The early cabbages had 26 significant positive correlations. Plant height and plant diameter in the early genotypes were highly positively correlated with total weight of developed leaves, total weight of plant, total weight of head, usable portion of head, head length, and head diameter. Plant height and plant diameter participate in the formation of active photosynthetic area in early cabbages. Plant diameter in these genotypes provides a greater influx of light and heat, which results in greater total weight of head. Also, in early cabbages that have greater plant height, the leaf rosette will not lie on the cold surface of the ground in the spring. The activity of the cabbage plant is thus more focused towards the formation of larger total weight of head.
PB  - International Society for Horticultural Science
T2  - Acta Horticulturae
T1  - Interdependence of Traits in Early-Maturing Genotypes of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
EP  - 104
SP  - 99
VL  - 960
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.12
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Bugarski, Dušanka and Vasić, Mirjana and Glogovac, Svetlana",
year = "2012",
abstract = "In this paper we studied the variability and correlation of agronomic traits in early maturity cabbages. The study included early spring cabbages (planted in early spring, harvested in early summer). Using coefficients of variation and correlation coefficients, we analyzed 17 agronomic traits in 20 commercially grown cultivars, F-1 hybrids, and experimental F-1 hybrids. In the early cabbages, the coefficients of variation ranged from 4.8 to 44.2%. The early cabbages had 26 significant positive correlations. Plant height and plant diameter in the early genotypes were highly positively correlated with total weight of developed leaves, total weight of plant, total weight of head, usable portion of head, head length, and head diameter. Plant height and plant diameter participate in the formation of active photosynthetic area in early cabbages. Plant diameter in these genotypes provides a greater influx of light and heat, which results in greater total weight of head. Also, in early cabbages that have greater plant height, the leaf rosette will not lie on the cold surface of the ground in the spring. The activity of the cabbage plant is thus more focused towards the formation of larger total weight of head.",
publisher = "International Society for Horticultural Science",
journal = "Acta Horticulturae",
title = "Interdependence of Traits in Early-Maturing Genotypes of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)",
pages = "104-99",
volume = "960",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.12"
Červenski, J., Gvozdenović, Đ., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Bugarski, D., Vasić, M.,& Glogovac, S.. (2012). Interdependence of Traits in Early-Maturing Genotypes of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). in Acta Horticulturae
International Society for Horticultural Science., 960, 99-104.
Červenski J, Gvozdenović Đ, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Bugarski D, Vasić M, Glogovac S. Interdependence of Traits in Early-Maturing Genotypes of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). in Acta Horticulturae. 2012;960:99-104.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.12 .
Červenski, Janko, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Bugarski, Dušanka, Vasić, Mirjana, Glogovac, Svetlana, "Interdependence of Traits in Early-Maturing Genotypes of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)" in Acta Horticulturae, 960 (2012):99-104,
https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.12 . .

Characteristics of vegetable cultivars released by the Institute of field and vegetable crops in Serbia and abroad

Jovićević, Dragan; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Vasić, Mirjana; Bugarski, Dušanka; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Takač, Adam; Červenski, Janko; Dolapčev, Svetislav

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2009)

AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Dolapčev, Svetislav
PY  - 2009
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/715
AB  - The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has 51 newly developed, high-yielding vegetable cultivars, which can be grown in any of our country's vegetable-growing regions throughout the year and both indoors and outdoors. In addition to the newly developed cultivars and hybrids, the Institute produces the basic and commercial seeds and processes, tests for quality, packages and distributes domestic and domesticated cultivars alike. The Institute's offer of vegetables totals more than 90 cultivars of various vegetable species.
AB  - Povrće ima veliki značaj u ishrani ljudi bilo da se koristi u svežem, prerađenom ili konzervisanom stanju, a pored toga ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine što obezbeđuje i visoku akumulaciju. Sortiment povrća Instituta možemo svrstati u dve grupe i to: odomaćene i domaće sorte i sortne populacije i novostvorene sorte i hibridi. Do sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka selekcija povrća, u Institutu, bazirala se na iskorišćavanju lokalnih populacija i stvaranju sorti individualnom selekcijom iz istih. Na taj način stvorene su sorte povrća, koje su dugi niz godina predstavljale osnovu povrtarske proizvodnje. Od sedamdesetih godina u stvaranju sorti povrća, primenjen je metod hibridizacije, odnosno metod kombinacijskog ukrštanja, što je dalo veću mogućnost u stvaranju sorti otpornijih na patogene, ranostasnijih, bolje aklimatizovane našim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja i boljeg iskorišćavanja genetskog potencijala rodnosti. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo stvoreno je 51 sorta i hibrid od 14 različitih vrsta povrća, koje je Komisija za priznavanje sorti registrovala zaključno sa 2008. godinom. U Odeljenju za povrtarstvo se proizvodi seme 25 različitih povrtarskih vrsta, a u okviru njih se nalazi oko 90 novostvorenih ili odomaćenih sorti i hibrida.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Characteristics of vegetable cultivars released by the Institute of field and vegetable crops in Serbia and abroad
T1  - Karakteristike priznatih sorti povrća Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u našoj zemlji i u inostranstvu
EP  - 165
IS  - 1
SP  - 155
VL  - 46
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_715
ER  - 
author = "Jovićević, Dragan and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Vasić, Mirjana and Bugarski, Dušanka and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Takač, Adam and Červenski, Janko and Dolapčev, Svetislav",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has 51 newly developed, high-yielding vegetable cultivars, which can be grown in any of our country's vegetable-growing regions throughout the year and both indoors and outdoors. In addition to the newly developed cultivars and hybrids, the Institute produces the basic and commercial seeds and processes, tests for quality, packages and distributes domestic and domesticated cultivars alike. The Institute's offer of vegetables totals more than 90 cultivars of various vegetable species., Povrće ima veliki značaj u ishrani ljudi bilo da se koristi u svežem, prerađenom ili konzervisanom stanju, a pored toga ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine što obezbeđuje i visoku akumulaciju. Sortiment povrća Instituta možemo svrstati u dve grupe i to: odomaćene i domaće sorte i sortne populacije i novostvorene sorte i hibridi. Do sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka selekcija povrća, u Institutu, bazirala se na iskorišćavanju lokalnih populacija i stvaranju sorti individualnom selekcijom iz istih. Na taj način stvorene su sorte povrća, koje su dugi niz godina predstavljale osnovu povrtarske proizvodnje. Od sedamdesetih godina u stvaranju sorti povrća, primenjen je metod hibridizacije, odnosno metod kombinacijskog ukrštanja, što je dalo veću mogućnost u stvaranju sorti otpornijih na patogene, ranostasnijih, bolje aklimatizovane našim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja i boljeg iskorišćavanja genetskog potencijala rodnosti. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo stvoreno je 51 sorta i hibrid od 14 različitih vrsta povrća, koje je Komisija za priznavanje sorti registrovala zaključno sa 2008. godinom. U Odeljenju za povrtarstvo se proizvodi seme 25 različitih povrtarskih vrsta, a u okviru njih se nalazi oko 90 novostvorenih ili odomaćenih sorti i hibrida.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Characteristics of vegetable cultivars released by the Institute of field and vegetable crops in Serbia and abroad, Karakteristike priznatih sorti povrća Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u našoj zemlji i u inostranstvu",
pages = "165-155",
number = "1",
volume = "46",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_715"
Jovićević, D., Gvozdenović, Đ., Vasić, M., Bugarski, D., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Takač, A., Červenski, J.,& Dolapčev, S.. (2009). Characteristics of vegetable cultivars released by the Institute of field and vegetable crops in Serbia and abroad. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 46(1), 155-165.
Jovićević D, Gvozdenović Đ, Vasić M, Bugarski D, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Takač A, Červenski J, Dolapčev S. Characteristics of vegetable cultivars released by the Institute of field and vegetable crops in Serbia and abroad. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2009;46(1):155-165.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_715 .
Jovićević, Dragan, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Vasić, Mirjana, Bugarski, Dušanka, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Takač, Adam, Červenski, Janko, Dolapčev, Svetislav, "Characteristics of vegetable cultivars released by the Institute of field and vegetable crops in Serbia and abroad" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 46, no. 1 (2009):155-165,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_715 .

Garlic production from the aspect of planting material

Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Vasić, Mirjana; Takač, Adam; Bugarski, Dušanka; Jovićević, Dragan; Červenski, Janko; Stojšin, Vera

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2009)

AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Stojšin, Vera
PY  - 2009
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/721
AB  - Over the last ten years in Serbia, garlic has been produced on about 9,000 ha annually. Although this makes Serbia a major European producer of the crop in terms of area planted, the total production of garlic in the country is still very low. The increase of average yield and production of garlic in Serbia requires the introduction of modern varieties and the use of certified planting material. The present paper discusses the main biological characteristics of garlic, with special emphasis on the principles of planting material production. The advancement and expansion of garlic production in Serbia could make garlic one of the country's major exports to European markets.
AB  - Proizvodnja belog luka u Srbiji u poslednjih deset godina se organizuje na oko 9000 ha, tako da smo prema zasađenim površinama značajni evropski proizvođači, ali ukupna produkcija je veoma niska. Da bi se povećala proizvodnja, a samim tim i prosečan prinos neophodno je uvođenje savremenog sortimenta uz korišćenje deklarisanog sadnog materijala. U radu su prikazane osnovne biološke specifičnosti belog luka, sa posebnim osvrtom na principe proizvodnje sadnog materijala. Unapređenjem i proširenjem ove proizvodnje beli luk bi postao značajan proizvod u izvozu na evropsko tržište.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Garlic production from the aspect of planting material
T1  - Proizvodnja belog luka sa aspekta sadnog materijala
EP  - 109
IS  - 1
SP  - 99
VL  - 46
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_721
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Vasić, Mirjana and Takač, Adam and Bugarski, Dušanka and Jovićević, Dragan and Červenski, Janko and Stojšin, Vera",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Over the last ten years in Serbia, garlic has been produced on about 9,000 ha annually. Although this makes Serbia a major European producer of the crop in terms of area planted, the total production of garlic in the country is still very low. The increase of average yield and production of garlic in Serbia requires the introduction of modern varieties and the use of certified planting material. The present paper discusses the main biological characteristics of garlic, with special emphasis on the principles of planting material production. The advancement and expansion of garlic production in Serbia could make garlic one of the country's major exports to European markets., Proizvodnja belog luka u Srbiji u poslednjih deset godina se organizuje na oko 9000 ha, tako da smo prema zasađenim površinama značajni evropski proizvođači, ali ukupna produkcija je veoma niska. Da bi se povećala proizvodnja, a samim tim i prosečan prinos neophodno je uvođenje savremenog sortimenta uz korišćenje deklarisanog sadnog materijala. U radu su prikazane osnovne biološke specifičnosti belog luka, sa posebnim osvrtom na principe proizvodnje sadnog materijala. Unapređenjem i proširenjem ove proizvodnje beli luk bi postao značajan proizvod u izvozu na evropsko tržište.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Garlic production from the aspect of planting material, Proizvodnja belog luka sa aspekta sadnog materijala",
pages = "109-99",
number = "1",
volume = "46",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_721"
Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Vasić, M., Takač, A., Bugarski, D., Jovićević, D., Červenski, J.,& Stojšin, V.. (2009). Garlic production from the aspect of planting material. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 46(1), 99-109.
Gvozdanović-Varga J, Vasić M, Takač A, Bugarski D, Jovićević D, Červenski J, Stojšin V. Garlic production from the aspect of planting material. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2009;46(1):99-109.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_721 .
Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Vasić, Mirjana, Takač, Adam, Bugarski, Dušanka, Jovićević, Dragan, Červenski, Janko, Stojšin, Vera, "Garlic production from the aspect of planting material" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 46, no. 1 (2009):99-109,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_721 .

Why does loose head packing occur in the cabbage?

Červenski, Janko; Takač, Adam; Bugarski, Dušanka; Jovićević, Dragan

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2008)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/596
AB  - Loose head packing is a frequent problem in cabbage production. This undesirable characteristic is typically attributed to the cabbage itself, when it is grown under unfavorable conditions and when it receives poor cultivation practices. Because of market demand on one side and weather conditions and cultivation practices on the other, cabbage is mainly harvested in a single turn. Furthermore, the harvested heads are not handled with due care. In other words, correct choice and application of cultivation practices may greatly improve head packing in the cabbage.
AB  - Rastresitost ili slaba zbijenost glavica je problem na koji svaki proizvođač kupusa nailazi tokom proizvodnje. Često se ovo nepoželjno svojstvo pripisuje samom kupusu, koji više puta raste u manje povoljnim uslovima uz nepotpunu agrotehniku, što ima za posledicu slabiju zbijenost. Na jednoj strani zbog tržišta, na drugoj zbog vremenskih uslova i agrotehnike, berba kupusa se uglavnom obavlja jednokratno. Takođe, sa manje pažnje se manipuliše glavicama. Kad se svi ovi faktori saberu, glavica kupusa jednostavno nema optimalne uslove za pravilno formiranje, zbog čega se agrotehnika mora prilagoditi svakoj fenofazi rasta kupusa, a posebno periodu zavijanja glavice i berbe, kad je zbijenost glavice pri kraju formiranja.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Why does loose head packing occur in the cabbage?
T1  - Zašto se pojavljuje rastresitost glavice kod kupusa?
EP  - 206
IS  - 2
SP  - 203
VL  - 45
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_596
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Takač, Adam and Bugarski, Dušanka and Jovićević, Dragan",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Loose head packing is a frequent problem in cabbage production. This undesirable characteristic is typically attributed to the cabbage itself, when it is grown under unfavorable conditions and when it receives poor cultivation practices. Because of market demand on one side and weather conditions and cultivation practices on the other, cabbage is mainly harvested in a single turn. Furthermore, the harvested heads are not handled with due care. In other words, correct choice and application of cultivation practices may greatly improve head packing in the cabbage., Rastresitost ili slaba zbijenost glavica je problem na koji svaki proizvođač kupusa nailazi tokom proizvodnje. Često se ovo nepoželjno svojstvo pripisuje samom kupusu, koji više puta raste u manje povoljnim uslovima uz nepotpunu agrotehniku, što ima za posledicu slabiju zbijenost. Na jednoj strani zbog tržišta, na drugoj zbog vremenskih uslova i agrotehnike, berba kupusa se uglavnom obavlja jednokratno. Takođe, sa manje pažnje se manipuliše glavicama. Kad se svi ovi faktori saberu, glavica kupusa jednostavno nema optimalne uslove za pravilno formiranje, zbog čega se agrotehnika mora prilagoditi svakoj fenofazi rasta kupusa, a posebno periodu zavijanja glavice i berbe, kad je zbijenost glavice pri kraju formiranja.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Why does loose head packing occur in the cabbage?, Zašto se pojavljuje rastresitost glavice kod kupusa?",
pages = "206-203",
number = "2",
volume = "45",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_596"
Červenski, J., Takač, A., Bugarski, D.,& Jovićević, D.. (2008). Why does loose head packing occur in the cabbage?. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 45(2), 203-206.
Červenski J, Takač A, Bugarski D, Jovićević D. Why does loose head packing occur in the cabbage?. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2008;45(2):203-206.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_596 .
Červenski, Janko, Takač, Adam, Bugarski, Dušanka, Jovićević, Dragan, "Why does loose head packing occur in the cabbage?" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 45, no. 2 (2008):203-206,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_596 .

Contribution of the Institute of field and vegetable crops to the advancement of vegetable production in the last 70 years

Gvozdenović, Đuro; Bugarski, Dušanka; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Vasić, Mirjana; Červenski, Janko; Takač, Adam; Jovićević, Dragan

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2008)

AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/615
AB  - Vegetables comprise a fairly large number of crop species differing phenotypically and genotypically as well as in how they are grown and used. The main task of vegetable production is increased production of quality vegetables. In this context, breeding is of special importance as the basis for the development of new and improved cultivars and hybrids. Breeding of vegetables has always had as its goal the development of cultivars with increased genetic potentials for yield for the purpose of increasing total vegetable production and the quality of human nutrition. In the last few decades, new techniques have been added to the list of traditional methods of breeding and developing new vegetable cultivars. The new methods of vegetable selection have focused on resolving the issues of early maturity, heterosis, inheritance of certain traits, resistance to diseases and pests, and so on. The vegetable cultivars developed at the Institute have been designed not only to have a high genetic potential for yield but also to be able to satisfy the requirements of the discerning vegetable market in terms of appearance and taste as well as to be well-adapted to the domestic agroecological conditions. The Institute's vegetable program has released on the domestic and foreign markets a range of cultivars intended for fresh use, processing and canning that can be successfully grown year round both indoors and outdoors.
AB  - Povrće je skup većeg broja biljnih vrsta koje se međusobno razlikuju kako po fenotipu i genotipu tako i po načinu gajenja i korišćenja. Osnovni zadatak u proizvodnji povrća jeste povećanje proizvodnje kvalitetnog povrća. Od posebnog značaja za takav vid povećanja proizvodnje jeste selekcija kao osnova stvaranja novih i boljih sorti i hibrida. Oplemenjivanje povrtarskih biljaka imalo je za cilj, u prošlosti i sadašnjosti, stvaranje soti većeg genetskog potencijala rodnosti, a za povećanje ukupne povrtarske proizvodnje, za bolju i kvalitetniju ljudsku ishranu. U poslednjih nekoliko decenija tradicionalni načini oplemenjivanja i stvaranja novih sorti prošireni su uvođenjem novih tehnika. Korišćenjem savremenih metoda oplemenjivanja kod povrtarskih biljaka rad je usmeren na rešavanja pitanja ranostasnosti, heterozisa, nasleđivanja pojedinih osobina, otpornosti prema bolestima i štetočinama, itd. Pored stvaranja sorti visokog genetičkog prinosa, vodilo se računa i o tome da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zado- voljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta povrća i da su prilagođene našim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja. Stvoren je određeni sortiment povrća priznat u zemlji i inostranstvu, a može uspešno da se gaji tokom cele godine na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru namenjen korišćenju svežem, prerađenom i konzervisanom stanju.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Contribution of the Institute of field and vegetable crops to the advancement of vegetable production in the last 70 years
T1  - Doprinosi unapređenju povrtarske proizvodnje za 70 godina rada Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
EP  - 129
IS  - 1
SP  - 113
VL  - 45
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_615
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdenović, Đuro and Bugarski, Dušanka and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Vasić, Mirjana and Červenski, Janko and Takač, Adam and Jovićević, Dragan",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Vegetables comprise a fairly large number of crop species differing phenotypically and genotypically as well as in how they are grown and used. The main task of vegetable production is increased production of quality vegetables. In this context, breeding is of special importance as the basis for the development of new and improved cultivars and hybrids. Breeding of vegetables has always had as its goal the development of cultivars with increased genetic potentials for yield for the purpose of increasing total vegetable production and the quality of human nutrition. In the last few decades, new techniques have been added to the list of traditional methods of breeding and developing new vegetable cultivars. The new methods of vegetable selection have focused on resolving the issues of early maturity, heterosis, inheritance of certain traits, resistance to diseases and pests, and so on. The vegetable cultivars developed at the Institute have been designed not only to have a high genetic potential for yield but also to be able to satisfy the requirements of the discerning vegetable market in terms of appearance and taste as well as to be well-adapted to the domestic agroecological conditions. The Institute's vegetable program has released on the domestic and foreign markets a range of cultivars intended for fresh use, processing and canning that can be successfully grown year round both indoors and outdoors., Povrće je skup većeg broja biljnih vrsta koje se međusobno razlikuju kako po fenotipu i genotipu tako i po načinu gajenja i korišćenja. Osnovni zadatak u proizvodnji povrća jeste povećanje proizvodnje kvalitetnog povrća. Od posebnog značaja za takav vid povećanja proizvodnje jeste selekcija kao osnova stvaranja novih i boljih sorti i hibrida. Oplemenjivanje povrtarskih biljaka imalo je za cilj, u prošlosti i sadašnjosti, stvaranje soti većeg genetskog potencijala rodnosti, a za povećanje ukupne povrtarske proizvodnje, za bolju i kvalitetniju ljudsku ishranu. U poslednjih nekoliko decenija tradicionalni načini oplemenjivanja i stvaranja novih sorti prošireni su uvođenjem novih tehnika. Korišćenjem savremenih metoda oplemenjivanja kod povrtarskih biljaka rad je usmeren na rešavanja pitanja ranostasnosti, heterozisa, nasleđivanja pojedinih osobina, otpornosti prema bolestima i štetočinama, itd. Pored stvaranja sorti visokog genetičkog prinosa, vodilo se računa i o tome da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zado- voljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta povrća i da su prilagođene našim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja. Stvoren je određeni sortiment povrća priznat u zemlji i inostranstvu, a može uspešno da se gaji tokom cele godine na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru namenjen korišćenju svežem, prerađenom i konzervisanom stanju.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Contribution of the Institute of field and vegetable crops to the advancement of vegetable production in the last 70 years, Doprinosi unapređenju povrtarske proizvodnje za 70 godina rada Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
pages = "129-113",
number = "1",
volume = "45",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_615"
Gvozdenović, Đ., Bugarski, D., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Vasić, M., Červenski, J., Takač, A.,& Jovićević, D.. (2008). Contribution of the Institute of field and vegetable crops to the advancement of vegetable production in the last 70 years. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 45(1), 113-129.
Gvozdenović Đ, Bugarski D, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Vasić M, Červenski J, Takač A, Jovićević D. Contribution of the Institute of field and vegetable crops to the advancement of vegetable production in the last 70 years. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2008;45(1):113-129.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_615 .
Gvozdenović, Đuro, Bugarski, Dušanka, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Vasić, Mirjana, Červenski, Janko, Takač, Adam, Jovićević, Dragan, "Contribution of the Institute of field and vegetable crops to the advancement of vegetable production in the last 70 years" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 45, no. 1 (2008):113-129,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_615 .

Macro-elements in pepper fruits

Bugarski, Dušanka; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Červenski, Janko

(Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1, 2007)

AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Červenski, Janko
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/475
AB  - Various aspects of genetic specificity of mineral nutrition have been studied in different plant genotypes. In the case of the pepper, however, such studies have been scant, despite a necessity to determine nutrient requirements of new pepper cultivars. This study dealt with the chemical heterogeneity of eight pepper cultivars which have been analyzed for the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and ash in leaves and edible and inedible fruit parts. Contents of elements were found to depend on cultivar, plant part and element analyzed. The average content of total ash was highest in leaves, then in inedible fruit part (10.82%) and edible fruit part (8.61%). While the nitrogen content varied among the cultivars and plant parts, the contents of phosphorus and sodium did not vary much among the cultivars. The highest absolute value was found for the potassium content, which accumulated mostly in the inedible fruit part. The concentration of calcium was 3 to 4 times higher in leaves than in the other plant parts.
PB  - Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1
C3  - Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes
T1  - Macro-elements in pepper fruits
EP  - +
IS  - 729
SP  - 193
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.30
ER  - 
author = "Bugarski, Dušanka and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Červenski, Janko",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Various aspects of genetic specificity of mineral nutrition have been studied in different plant genotypes. In the case of the pepper, however, such studies have been scant, despite a necessity to determine nutrient requirements of new pepper cultivars. This study dealt with the chemical heterogeneity of eight pepper cultivars which have been analyzed for the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium and ash in leaves and edible and inedible fruit parts. Contents of elements were found to depend on cultivar, plant part and element analyzed. The average content of total ash was highest in leaves, then in inedible fruit part (10.82%) and edible fruit part (8.61%). While the nitrogen content varied among the cultivars and plant parts, the contents of phosphorus and sodium did not vary much among the cultivars. The highest absolute value was found for the potassium content, which accumulated mostly in the inedible fruit part. The concentration of calcium was 3 to 4 times higher in leaves than in the other plant parts.",
publisher = "Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1",
journal = "Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes",
title = "Macro-elements in pepper fruits",
pages = "+-193",
number = "729",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.30"
Bugarski, D., Gvozdenović, Đ.,& Červenski, J.. (2007). Macro-elements in pepper fruits. in Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes
Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1.(729), 193-+.
Bugarski D, Gvozdenović Đ, Červenski J. Macro-elements in pepper fruits. in Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes. 2007;(729):193-+.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.30 .
Bugarski, Dušanka, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Červenski, Janko, "Macro-elements in pepper fruits" in Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes, no. 729 (2007):193-+,
https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.30 . .

Effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of oyster mushroom

Bugarski, Dušanka; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Červenski, Janko; Klokočar-Šmit, Zlata

(Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1, 2007)

AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Klokočar-Šmit, Zlata
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/486
AB  - Mushrooms have a high nutritive value. Because literature sources vary considerably regarding the chemical composition of the oyster mushroom, we decided to study the effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of the mushroom: ash, proteins, cellulose, fats, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Substrates have been selected on the basis of previous investigations and available materials from the local crop production: wheat straw, soybean straw, corn stalks, sunflower stems, wheat straw 50% + soybean straw 50%, wheat straw 50% + corn stalks 50%, wheat straw 50% + sunflower stems 50%. Examining the chemical composition of oyster mushrooms grown on seven different substrates, we arrived at the conclusion that the substrates did not affect only the content of magnesium. The contents of ash, proteins, cellulose, fats, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron manganese, copper and zinc varied with the substrate.
PB  - Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1
C3  - Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes
T1  - Effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of oyster mushroom
EP  - +
IS  - 729
SP  - 189
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.29
ER  - 
author = "Bugarski, Dušanka and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Červenski, Janko and Klokočar-Šmit, Zlata",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Mushrooms have a high nutritive value. Because literature sources vary considerably regarding the chemical composition of the oyster mushroom, we decided to study the effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of the mushroom: ash, proteins, cellulose, fats, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Substrates have been selected on the basis of previous investigations and available materials from the local crop production: wheat straw, soybean straw, corn stalks, sunflower stems, wheat straw 50% + soybean straw 50%, wheat straw 50% + corn stalks 50%, wheat straw 50% + sunflower stems 50%. Examining the chemical composition of oyster mushrooms grown on seven different substrates, we arrived at the conclusion that the substrates did not affect only the content of magnesium. The contents of ash, proteins, cellulose, fats, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron manganese, copper and zinc varied with the substrate.",
publisher = "Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1",
journal = "Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes",
title = "Effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of oyster mushroom",
pages = "+-189",
number = "729",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.29"
Bugarski, D., Gvozdenović, Đ., Červenski, J.,& Klokočar-Šmit, Z.. (2007). Effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of oyster mushroom. in Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes
Int Soc Horticultural Science, Leuven 1.(729), 189-+.
Bugarski D, Gvozdenović Đ, Červenski J, Klokočar-Šmit Z. Effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of oyster mushroom. in Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes. 2007;(729):189-+.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.29 .
Bugarski, Dušanka, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Červenski, Janko, Klokočar-Šmit, Zlata, "Effect of various substrates on the chemical composition of oyster mushroom" in Proceedings of the III Balkan Symposium on Vegetable & Potatoes, no. 729 (2007):189-+,
https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.29 . .

Modern tomato production

Takač, Adam; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Bugarski, Dušanka; Červenski, Janko

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2007)

AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Červenski, Janko
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/531
AB  - Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) is one of the most common and economically important vegetable crops grown in an open field and indoors. In Serbia, it is grown on about 20,000 ha and 180,0001 of tomato fruit are harvested. The average yields per hectare in the country are very low around 9,000 kg/ha. The reasons for such low yields do not lie in the genetic potential of tomato cultivars and hybrids grown but in the inadequacy of the growing technologies used and the reduced or inadequate application of mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals. The present paper describes tomato production and its demands related to growing conditions water requirements as affected by temperature, crop rotation, and soil selection. It also discusses fertilizer application in this crop as affected by soil fertility as well as tomato harvesting. Special attention is devoted to calculations used in outdoor tomato production from seeds and to the economy of tomato production. Tomato fruit production can be highly profitable, provided it makes use of appropriate cultural practices scientific discoveries and achievements of modern vegetable production.
AB  - Paradajz (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) je jedna od najčešćih i ekonomski najznačajnijih povrtarskih vrsta, koje se gaje na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru. U Srbiji se paradajz gaji na oko 20.000 ha, sa ostvarenom proizvodnjom od 180.000 t ploda. Ostvareni prosečni prinosi po hektaru su veoma niski (u Srbiji) i kreću se oko 9.000 kg po hektaru. Razlozi ovako niskih prinosa nisu u genetskom potencijalu sorti i hibrida već u neadekvatnoj tehnologiji gajenja, smanjenoj i neadekvatnoj primeni mineralnih đubriva i sredstava za zaštitu bilja. U radu su dati uslovi uspevanja potrebe za vodom u zavisnosti od temperature, plodored i izbor zemljišta za proizvodnju paradajza. Dat je osvrt na đubrenje paradajza u zavisnosti od plodnosti zemljišta, kao i berba paradajza. Posebno je obrađena kalkulacija proizvodnje paradajza na otvorenom polju iz direktne setve i ekonomičnost proizvodnje. Proizvodnja ploda paradajza je profitabilna i visoko akumulativna, ukoliko se primenjuju: pravilna agrotehnika, naučna saznanja i dostignuća savremene povrtarske proizvodnje.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Modern tomato production
T1  - Savremena proizvodnja paradajza
EP  - 281
IS  - 1
SP  - 269
VL  - 43
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_531
ER  - 
author = "Takač, Adam and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Bugarski, Dušanka and Červenski, Janko",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) is one of the most common and economically important vegetable crops grown in an open field and indoors. In Serbia, it is grown on about 20,000 ha and 180,0001 of tomato fruit are harvested. The average yields per hectare in the country are very low around 9,000 kg/ha. The reasons for such low yields do not lie in the genetic potential of tomato cultivars and hybrids grown but in the inadequacy of the growing technologies used and the reduced or inadequate application of mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals. The present paper describes tomato production and its demands related to growing conditions water requirements as affected by temperature, crop rotation, and soil selection. It also discusses fertilizer application in this crop as affected by soil fertility as well as tomato harvesting. Special attention is devoted to calculations used in outdoor tomato production from seeds and to the economy of tomato production. Tomato fruit production can be highly profitable, provided it makes use of appropriate cultural practices scientific discoveries and achievements of modern vegetable production., Paradajz (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) je jedna od najčešćih i ekonomski najznačajnijih povrtarskih vrsta, koje se gaje na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru. U Srbiji se paradajz gaji na oko 20.000 ha, sa ostvarenom proizvodnjom od 180.000 t ploda. Ostvareni prosečni prinosi po hektaru su veoma niski (u Srbiji) i kreću se oko 9.000 kg po hektaru. Razlozi ovako niskih prinosa nisu u genetskom potencijalu sorti i hibrida već u neadekvatnoj tehnologiji gajenja, smanjenoj i neadekvatnoj primeni mineralnih đubriva i sredstava za zaštitu bilja. U radu su dati uslovi uspevanja potrebe za vodom u zavisnosti od temperature, plodored i izbor zemljišta za proizvodnju paradajza. Dat je osvrt na đubrenje paradajza u zavisnosti od plodnosti zemljišta, kao i berba paradajza. Posebno je obrađena kalkulacija proizvodnje paradajza na otvorenom polju iz direktne setve i ekonomičnost proizvodnje. Proizvodnja ploda paradajza je profitabilna i visoko akumulativna, ukoliko se primenjuju: pravilna agrotehnika, naučna saznanja i dostignuća savremene povrtarske proizvodnje.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Modern tomato production, Savremena proizvodnja paradajza",
pages = "281-269",
number = "1",
volume = "43",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_531"
Takač, A., Gvozdenović, Đ., Bugarski, D.,& Červenski, J.. (2007). Modern tomato production. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 43(1), 269-281.
Takač A, Gvozdenović Đ, Bugarski D, Červenski J. Modern tomato production. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2007;43(1):269-281.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_531 .
Takač, Adam, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Bugarski, Dušanka, Červenski, Janko, "Modern tomato production" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 43, no. 1 (2007):269-281,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_531 .

Combining abilities for head height and head width in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

Červenski, Janko; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Bugarski, Dušanka; Vasić, Mirjana

(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2007)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/551
AB  - Used in this study were seven divergent cabbage cultivars, which were subjected to complete diallel crossing. Head height and head width are important traits in breeding. Looking at all the traits and cultivars as a whole, the following parents appeared the most often as general combiners: Kboce, Futoski, and SM-10. Higher heterosis values will be obtained by crossing cultivars with high GCA values. Significant SCA values and expression of heterosis in a larger number of combinations would enable the correct choice of parents in developing F-1 cabbage hybrids. The results showed significant divergence of the traits under study, which will also constitute an important source of variability for future cycles of selection.
PB  - International Society for Horticultural Science
C3  - Acta Horticulturae
T1  - Combining abilities for head height and head width in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
EP  - 71
SP  - 67
VL  - 729
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.7
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Bugarski, Dušanka and Vasić, Mirjana",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Used in this study were seven divergent cabbage cultivars, which were subjected to complete diallel crossing. Head height and head width are important traits in breeding. Looking at all the traits and cultivars as a whole, the following parents appeared the most often as general combiners: Kboce, Futoski, and SM-10. Higher heterosis values will be obtained by crossing cultivars with high GCA values. Significant SCA values and expression of heterosis in a larger number of combinations would enable the correct choice of parents in developing F-1 cabbage hybrids. The results showed significant divergence of the traits under study, which will also constitute an important source of variability for future cycles of selection.",
publisher = "International Society for Horticultural Science",
journal = "Acta Horticulturae",
title = "Combining abilities for head height and head width in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)",
pages = "71-67",
volume = "729",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.7"
Červenski, J., Gvozdenović, Đ., Bugarski, D.,& Vasić, M.. (2007). Combining abilities for head height and head width in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). in Acta Horticulturae
International Society for Horticultural Science., 729, 67-71.
Červenski J, Gvozdenović Đ, Bugarski D, Vasić M. Combining abilities for head height and head width in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). in Acta Horticulturae. 2007;729:67-71.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.7 .
Červenski, Janko, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Bugarski, Dušanka, Vasić, Mirjana, "Combining abilities for head height and head width in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)" in Acta Horticulturae, 729 (2007):67-71,
https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.7 . .

Identification of desirable genotypes in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

Červenski, Janko; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Bugarski, Dušanka

(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2007)

AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/555
AB  - Twenty-one cabbage genotypes (10 cultivars and 11 hybrids) have been studied for stability of head mass over three growing seasons. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes, study years and genotype X year interactions. The stability test showed that seven of the genotypes significantly deviated from the regression line. Four of the seven genotypes were cultivars and three were hybrids. The three hybrids are early, three cultivars are late. These genotypes had quite different regression coefficients which varied around or above the value of one.
PB  - International Society for Horticultural Science
C3  - Acta Horticulturae
T1  - Identification of desirable genotypes in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
EP  - 66
SP  - 61
VL  - 729
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.6
ER  - 
author = "Červenski, Janko and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Bugarski, Dušanka",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Twenty-one cabbage genotypes (10 cultivars and 11 hybrids) have been studied for stability of head mass over three growing seasons. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes, study years and genotype X year interactions. The stability test showed that seven of the genotypes significantly deviated from the regression line. Four of the seven genotypes were cultivars and three were hybrids. The three hybrids are early, three cultivars are late. These genotypes had quite different regression coefficients which varied around or above the value of one.",
publisher = "International Society for Horticultural Science",
journal = "Acta Horticulturae",
title = "Identification of desirable genotypes in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)",
pages = "66-61",
volume = "729",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.6"
Červenski, J., Gvozdenović, Đ., Gvozdanović-Varga, J.,& Bugarski, D.. (2007). Identification of desirable genotypes in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). in Acta Horticulturae
International Society for Horticultural Science., 729, 61-66.
Červenski J, Gvozdenović Đ, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Bugarski D. Identification of desirable genotypes in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). in Acta Horticulturae. 2007;729:61-66.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.6 .
Červenski, Janko, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Bugarski, Dušanka, "Identification of desirable genotypes in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)" in Acta Horticulturae, 729 (2007):61-66,
https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.729.6 . .

Genetics and breeding at the Vegetable Crops Department during the 40 years of existence of seminar of agronomists

Gvozdenović, Đuro; Vasić, Mirjana; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Bugarski, Dušanka; Červenski, Janko; Takač, Adam; Jovićević, Dragan

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2006)

AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
PY  - 2006
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/368
AB  - In all of its work on vegetables thus far, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has been keeping pace with the latest advancements in vegetable genetics and breeding using all the newest methods to make its work in this field easier, faster, safer and more successful. The Institute workers have been making sure that the vegetable cultivars they develop not only produce high yields but also that they meet the requirements of the highly discriminating vegetable market in their appearance and flavor as well as that they are adapted to our country agroecological conditions and economical in their consumption of all agricultural inputs. They have developed and released home and abroad a range of vegetable cultivars that make it possible to increase the production of high-quality vegetables and grow vegetable cultivars suitable for fresh use, processing and canning all year round outdoors as well as indoors. The range includes domestic and domesticated varietal populations as well as newly developed cultivars and hybrids. The Institute vegetable cultivars and specific recommendations for their successful production have been presented at the Seminar of Agronomists hosted by the Institute as well as at many other scientific and technical meetings.
AB  - Tokom dosadašnjeg rada na genetici i oplemenjivanu povrća u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo praćen je napredak u toj oblasti i korišćene sve savremene metode radi olakšavanja, ubrzavanja i činjenja tog rada sigurnijim i uspešnijim. Sem o stvaranju sorata visokog prinosa vodilo se računa o tome da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zadovoljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta povrća, da su prilagođene našim agroklimatskim uslovima i ekonomične u potrošnji svih inputa u proizvodnju. Stvoren je sortiment povrća priznat u zemlji i inostranstvu koji daje mogućnost povećanje proizvodnje kvalitetnog povrća i gajenje tokom cele godine na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru namenjen korišćenju u svežem, prerađenom ili konzervnom stanju. Ovaj sortiment čine domaće i odomaćene sortne populacije i novostvorene sorte i hibridi. Sorte i specifični saveti za njihovu uspešnu proizvodnju prezentovani su na Seminarima agronoma novosadskog Instituta i mnogobrojnim drugim naučnim i stručnim skupovima.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Genetics and breeding at the Vegetable Crops Department during the 40 years of existence of seminar of agronomists
T1  - Genetika i oplemenjivanje u Zavodu za povrtarstvo tokom 40 godina seminara agronoma
EP  - 224
IS  - 1
SP  - 207
VL  - 42
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_368
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdenović, Đuro and Vasić, Mirjana and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Bugarski, Dušanka and Červenski, Janko and Takač, Adam and Jovićević, Dragan",
year = "2006",
abstract = "In all of its work on vegetables thus far, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has been keeping pace with the latest advancements in vegetable genetics and breeding using all the newest methods to make its work in this field easier, faster, safer and more successful. The Institute workers have been making sure that the vegetable cultivars they develop not only produce high yields but also that they meet the requirements of the highly discriminating vegetable market in their appearance and flavor as well as that they are adapted to our country agroecological conditions and economical in their consumption of all agricultural inputs. They have developed and released home and abroad a range of vegetable cultivars that make it possible to increase the production of high-quality vegetables and grow vegetable cultivars suitable for fresh use, processing and canning all year round outdoors as well as indoors. The range includes domestic and domesticated varietal populations as well as newly developed cultivars and hybrids. The Institute vegetable cultivars and specific recommendations for their successful production have been presented at the Seminar of Agronomists hosted by the Institute as well as at many other scientific and technical meetings., Tokom dosadašnjeg rada na genetici i oplemenjivanu povrća u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo praćen je napredak u toj oblasti i korišćene sve savremene metode radi olakšavanja, ubrzavanja i činjenja tog rada sigurnijim i uspešnijim. Sem o stvaranju sorata visokog prinosa vodilo se računa o tome da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zadovoljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta povrća, da su prilagođene našim agroklimatskim uslovima i ekonomične u potrošnji svih inputa u proizvodnju. Stvoren je sortiment povrća priznat u zemlji i inostranstvu koji daje mogućnost povećanje proizvodnje kvalitetnog povrća i gajenje tokom cele godine na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru namenjen korišćenju u svežem, prerađenom ili konzervnom stanju. Ovaj sortiment čine domaće i odomaćene sortne populacije i novostvorene sorte i hibridi. Sorte i specifični saveti za njihovu uspešnu proizvodnju prezentovani su na Seminarima agronoma novosadskog Instituta i mnogobrojnim drugim naučnim i stručnim skupovima.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Genetics and breeding at the Vegetable Crops Department during the 40 years of existence of seminar of agronomists, Genetika i oplemenjivanje u Zavodu za povrtarstvo tokom 40 godina seminara agronoma",
pages = "224-207",
number = "1",
volume = "42",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_368"
Gvozdenović, Đ., Vasić, M., Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Bugarski, D., Červenski, J., Takač, A.,& Jovićević, D.. (2006). Genetics and breeding at the Vegetable Crops Department during the 40 years of existence of seminar of agronomists. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 42(1), 207-224.
Gvozdenović Đ, Vasić M, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Bugarski D, Červenski J, Takač A, Jovićević D. Genetics and breeding at the Vegetable Crops Department during the 40 years of existence of seminar of agronomists. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2006;42(1):207-224.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_368 .
Gvozdenović, Đuro, Vasić, Mirjana, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Bugarski, Dušanka, Červenski, Janko, Takač, Adam, Jovićević, Dragan, "Genetics and breeding at the Vegetable Crops Department during the 40 years of existence of seminar of agronomists" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 42, no. 1 (2006):207-224,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_368 .

Outdoor pepper production from transplants

Gvozdenović, Đuro; Bugarski, Dušanka; Takač, Adam; Červenski, Janko

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2006)

AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Červenski, Janko
PY  - 2006
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/385
AB  - Pepper (Capsicum L) has great economic significance in our country, where it is one of the most important crops. It has high nutritional and biological value as well as many uses, including fresh consumption, pickling, baking and freezing, It can also be used as a condiment or as raw material for various types of industrial processing. Pepper is a vegetable that makes use of intensive agricultural systems and its cultivation is labor-intensive. It produces large profits per unit area. In Serbia, and especially in Vojvodina there are highly favorable agroecological conditions for pepper growing. To ensure high and stable pepper yields, growers must provide the crop with fertile and well-structured soil, appropriate crop rotation, top-quality tillage and seedbed preparation, and adequate fertilizer application, both organic and mineral. The success of pepper production also depends on the quality of transplant production, the proper timing of sowing when growing transplants, the process of transplant tending and preparation, and the transplanting procedure itself. High and stable pepper yields are obtained by the use of appropriate growing technologies during the growing season, most notably by the use of cultivation, irrigation, top dressing, protection from weeds, pests and diseases, and well-timed harvesting.
AB  - Paprika (Capsicum L) u našoj zemlji ima veliki privredni značaj. Spada u grupu najznačajnijih kultura. Ima visoku hranljivu i biološku vrednost. Može se koristiti na različite načine, kao sveža, kisela, pečena, smrznuta dodatak raznim jelima a u industriji predstavlja sirovinu za različite vidove prerade. Spada u grupu intenzivnih povrtarskih kultura. Zahteva veliko angažovanje ljudskoga rada. Ona je visokoakumulativna kultura, jer ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine. U Srbiji, a posebno u Vojvodini, postoje veoma povoljni agroekološki uslovi za uspešno gajenje povrtarske paprike. Za ostvarivanjevisokih i stabilnih prinosa neophodno je obezbediti plodno i strukturno zemljište, odgovarajući plodored, odnosno plodosmenu, i kvalitetnu obradu i predsetvenu površinsku pripremu zemljišta kao i primene đubrenja kako organskih tako i mineralnih. Uspešna proizvodnja paprike zavisi nadalje, od kvalitetne proizvodnje rasada, pravovremene setve za proizvodnju rasad, nege, pripreme rasada i rasađivanje. Stabilni i visoki prinosi se ostvaruju primenom odgovarajuće tehnologije gajenjem u toku vegetacije, a to je pre svega, kultiviranje, navodnjavanje, prihranjivanje i zaštita od korova, bolesti i štetočina, kao i pravovremene berbe ploda paprike.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Outdoor pepper production from transplants
T1  - Proizvodnja povrtarske paprike na otvorenom polju iz rasada
EP  - 258
IS  - 1
SP  - 241
VL  - 42
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_385
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdenović, Đuro and Bugarski, Dušanka and Takač, Adam and Červenski, Janko",
year = "2006",
abstract = "Pepper (Capsicum L) has great economic significance in our country, where it is one of the most important crops. It has high nutritional and biological value as well as many uses, including fresh consumption, pickling, baking and freezing, It can also be used as a condiment or as raw material for various types of industrial processing. Pepper is a vegetable that makes use of intensive agricultural systems and its cultivation is labor-intensive. It produces large profits per unit area. In Serbia, and especially in Vojvodina there are highly favorable agroecological conditions for pepper growing. To ensure high and stable pepper yields, growers must provide the crop with fertile and well-structured soil, appropriate crop rotation, top-quality tillage and seedbed preparation, and adequate fertilizer application, both organic and mineral. The success of pepper production also depends on the quality of transplant production, the proper timing of sowing when growing transplants, the process of transplant tending and preparation, and the transplanting procedure itself. High and stable pepper yields are obtained by the use of appropriate growing technologies during the growing season, most notably by the use of cultivation, irrigation, top dressing, protection from weeds, pests and diseases, and well-timed harvesting., Paprika (Capsicum L) u našoj zemlji ima veliki privredni značaj. Spada u grupu najznačajnijih kultura. Ima visoku hranljivu i biološku vrednost. Može se koristiti na različite načine, kao sveža, kisela, pečena, smrznuta dodatak raznim jelima a u industriji predstavlja sirovinu za različite vidove prerade. Spada u grupu intenzivnih povrtarskih kultura. Zahteva veliko angažovanje ljudskoga rada. Ona je visokoakumulativna kultura, jer ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine. U Srbiji, a posebno u Vojvodini, postoje veoma povoljni agroekološki uslovi za uspešno gajenje povrtarske paprike. Za ostvarivanjevisokih i stabilnih prinosa neophodno je obezbediti plodno i strukturno zemljište, odgovarajući plodored, odnosno plodosmenu, i kvalitetnu obradu i predsetvenu površinsku pripremu zemljišta kao i primene đubrenja kako organskih tako i mineralnih. Uspešna proizvodnja paprike zavisi nadalje, od kvalitetne proizvodnje rasada, pravovremene setve za proizvodnju rasad, nege, pripreme rasada i rasađivanje. Stabilni i visoki prinosi se ostvaruju primenom odgovarajuće tehnologije gajenjem u toku vegetacije, a to je pre svega, kultiviranje, navodnjavanje, prihranjivanje i zaštita od korova, bolesti i štetočina, kao i pravovremene berbe ploda paprike.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Outdoor pepper production from transplants, Proizvodnja povrtarske paprike na otvorenom polju iz rasada",
pages = "258-241",
number = "1",
volume = "42",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_385"
Gvozdenović, Đ., Bugarski, D., Takač, A.,& Červenski, J.. (2006). Outdoor pepper production from transplants. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 42(1), 241-258.
Gvozdenović Đ, Bugarski D, Takač A, Červenski J. Outdoor pepper production from transplants. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2006;42(1):241-258.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_385 .
Gvozdenović, Đuro, Bugarski, Dušanka, Takač, Adam, Červenski, Janko, "Outdoor pepper production from transplants" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 42, no. 1 (2006):241-258,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_385 .

Production of vegetable seeds

Gvozdenović, Đuro; Takač, Adam; Bugarski, Dušanka; Jovićević, Dragan; Červenski, Janko; Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Vasić, Mirjana

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2006)

AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
AU  - Červenski, Janko
AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
PY  - 2006
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/386
AB  - Because of the biological particularities of vegetables, different methods are used to produce seeds of different vegetable species. The large number of vegetable species, differences in their reproduction coefficients, and the considerable necessity for human labor all make vegetable seed production diverse and specific as well as profitable. This is what makes vegetable seed production such an important part of the Institute activities, which have a large influence on the volume, quality and development of vegetable seed production in the country. Importantly, almost 90% of our country vegetable seed production (with the exception of potato) takes place in the province of Vojvodina. The Institute organized production of vegetable seeds contributes to the overall success of this activity at the national level and provides growers with seeds of over 80 vegetable cultivars and hybrids, encompassing 28 different vegetable species in total. Vegetable seed production is diverse and species-specific. Some vegetable species reproduce vegetatively, some by generative propagation, while some do it both ways. An important issue that must not be overlooked when producing vegetable seeds is that of spatial isolation, as some species are self-pollinated, while others are open-pollinated or facultative. Based on the acreage sown in 2004, the annual demand for vegetable seeds (excluding potato) in Serbia is around 19,000 tons. The Institute produces around 30 different vegetable species, including more than 80 cultivars and hybrids. In addition to producing seeds of high seed categories (super elite and elite), the Institute also produces commercial seeds (original and certified) for the domestic and foreign markets.
AB  - Biološke specifičnosti povrća uslovljavaju različite metode pri proizvodnji semena. Brojnost vrsta, razlike u koeficijentu razmnožavanja i značajno učešće ljudskog rada čine proizvodnju semena povrća raznolikom, specifičnom ali i profitabilnom. Stoga je semenarstvo povrća toliko značajna naučna i stručna oblast delovanja ali i uticaja Instituta na nivo i kvalitet proizvodnje i razvoj semenske proizvodnje povrća u zemlji. To je značajno i zbog činjenice da se skoro 90% semenske proizvodnje povrća odvija u Vojvodini (izuzev krompira). Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo organizovanom proizvodnjom doprinosi uspešnoj proizvodnji semena povrća i obezbeđuje proizvođače semenom od 28 povrtarskih vrsta, što uključuje preko 80 sorata i hibrida povrća. Proizvodnja semena povrća je specifična i raznovrsna. Neke vrste se razmnožavaju vegetativno, druge generativno, a neke na oba načina. U ovoj proizvodnji se mora voditi računa o prostornoj izolaciji, s obzirom na način oplodnje, jer su neke samooplodne, druge stranooplodne ili fakultativne vrste. Na osnovu zasejanih površina u Srbiji 2004 godine, godišnje potrebe za semenom povrća iznose oko 19000 tona (sem krompira). Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo se bavi proizvodnjom od oko 30 povrtarskih vrsta, što uključuje preko 80 sorata i hibrida. Pored proizvodnje visokih kategorija semena (superelite i elite), proizvodi se i komercijalno seme (originali i prva sortna reprodukcija) za potrebe domaćeg prometa i izvoza.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Production of vegetable seeds
T1  - Proizvodnja semena povrća
EP  - 240
IS  - 1
SP  - 225
VL  - 42
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_386
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdenović, Đuro and Takač, Adam and Bugarski, Dušanka and Jovićević, Dragan and Červenski, Janko and Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Vasić, Mirjana",
year = "2006",
abstract = "Because of the biological particularities of vegetables, different methods are used to produce seeds of different vegetable species. The large number of vegetable species, differences in their reproduction coefficients, and the considerable necessity for human labor all make vegetable seed production diverse and specific as well as profitable. This is what makes vegetable seed production such an important part of the Institute activities, which have a large influence on the volume, quality and development of vegetable seed production in the country. Importantly, almost 90% of our country vegetable seed production (with the exception of potato) takes place in the province of Vojvodina. The Institute organized production of vegetable seeds contributes to the overall success of this activity at the national level and provides growers with seeds of over 80 vegetable cultivars and hybrids, encompassing 28 different vegetable species in total. Vegetable seed production is diverse and species-specific. Some vegetable species reproduce vegetatively, some by generative propagation, while some do it both ways. An important issue that must not be overlooked when producing vegetable seeds is that of spatial isolation, as some species are self-pollinated, while others are open-pollinated or facultative. Based on the acreage sown in 2004, the annual demand for vegetable seeds (excluding potato) in Serbia is around 19,000 tons. The Institute produces around 30 different vegetable species, including more than 80 cultivars and hybrids. In addition to producing seeds of high seed categories (super elite and elite), the Institute also produces commercial seeds (original and certified) for the domestic and foreign markets., Biološke specifičnosti povrća uslovljavaju različite metode pri proizvodnji semena. Brojnost vrsta, razlike u koeficijentu razmnožavanja i značajno učešće ljudskog rada čine proizvodnju semena povrća raznolikom, specifičnom ali i profitabilnom. Stoga je semenarstvo povrća toliko značajna naučna i stručna oblast delovanja ali i uticaja Instituta na nivo i kvalitet proizvodnje i razvoj semenske proizvodnje povrća u zemlji. To je značajno i zbog činjenice da se skoro 90% semenske proizvodnje povrća odvija u Vojvodini (izuzev krompira). Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo organizovanom proizvodnjom doprinosi uspešnoj proizvodnji semena povrća i obezbeđuje proizvođače semenom od 28 povrtarskih vrsta, što uključuje preko 80 sorata i hibrida povrća. Proizvodnja semena povrća je specifična i raznovrsna. Neke vrste se razmnožavaju vegetativno, druge generativno, a neke na oba načina. U ovoj proizvodnji se mora voditi računa o prostornoj izolaciji, s obzirom na način oplodnje, jer su neke samooplodne, druge stranooplodne ili fakultativne vrste. Na osnovu zasejanih površina u Srbiji 2004 godine, godišnje potrebe za semenom povrća iznose oko 19000 tona (sem krompira). Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo se bavi proizvodnjom od oko 30 povrtarskih vrsta, što uključuje preko 80 sorata i hibrida. Pored proizvodnje visokih kategorija semena (superelite i elite), proizvodi se i komercijalno seme (originali i prva sortna reprodukcija) za potrebe domaćeg prometa i izvoza.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Production of vegetable seeds, Proizvodnja semena povrća",
pages = "240-225",
number = "1",
volume = "42",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_386"
Gvozdenović, Đ., Takač, A., Bugarski, D., Jovićević, D., Červenski, J., Gvozdanović-Varga, J.,& Vasić, M.. (2006). Production of vegetable seeds. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 42(1), 225-240.
Gvozdenović Đ, Takač A, Bugarski D, Jovićević D, Červenski J, Gvozdanović-Varga J, Vasić M. Production of vegetable seeds. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2006;42(1):225-240.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_386 .
Gvozdenović, Đuro, Takač, Adam, Bugarski, Dušanka, Jovićević, Dragan, Červenski, Janko, Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Vasić, Mirjana, "Production of vegetable seeds" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 42, no. 1 (2006):225-240,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_386 .

Development of vegetable production over the last 40 years

Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica; Lazić, Branka; Gvozdenović, Đuro; Vasić, Mirjana; Bugarski, Dušanka; Takač, Adam; Jovićević, Dragan; Červenski, Janko

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2006)

AU  - Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
AU  - Lazić, Branka
AU  - Gvozdenović, Đuro
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Bugarski, Dušanka
AU  - Takač, Adam
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
AU  - Červenski, Janko
PY  - 2006
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/388
AB  - As a result of the great biological diversity of the cultivated vegetable crop species, there are many different methods of vegetable production, each with its own accompanying growing technology. The intensive development of vegetable growing that began in 1975 triggered a parallel development of research closely tied with the needs of vegetable production. Today vegetable production takes the forms of year-round field production intended for various types of processing, field production intended for the fresh market, intensive garden production, and indoor vegetable production. Research conducted as part of developing environmentally-friendly ways of field vegetable production has resulted in the development of methods for the mechanized covering of soil with black biodegradable foil, while early vegetable production is carried out by covering the plants with materials known as agrotextiles, in which case the best results are achieved by combining mulching and direct covering of plants. Indoor vegetable production has gone through the largest amount of technical and technological change and is a form of industrial vegetable production on different substrates using controlled and programmed mineral nutrition as well as microclimate regulation using different materials for light and temperature regulation. The importance of vegetables comes not only from their role as food and medicine (as a medicinal supplement and part of folk medicine) but also from their aesthetic value, as today they are part of horticultural management of gardens and green spaces. For each of the above methods of growing, an adequate cultivar range was tested and the quality of the end product and its nutritive value were monitored. Growing of a larger number of vegetable crop species and the use of secondary products of crop growing has led to the development of environmentally-friendly growing methods, which are part of sustainable development. The transition from conventional to sustainable production leads through production based on principles of good agricultural practice (GAP). All research results are important for the development of different production technologies. Today, they are the most important segments of modern technologies, including the GIS system of precision satellite-guided production, which, along with the use of the latest technical solutions, must guarantee economic gain and environmental safety.
AB  - Proizvodnju povrća, intenzivnu, kompleksnu granu biljne proizvodnje odlikuje više načina gajenja većeg broja biološki i genetski različitih vrsta. Od tradicionalnog baštenskog gajenja danas se povrtarstvo razvilo u tržišni oblik proizvodnje, u koji je uključen odgovarajući sortiment uz primenu naučnoistra- živačkih rezultata koji su tesno vezani za različite oblike proizvodnje povrća. Danas se proizvodnja povrća odvija u okviru njivske proizvodnje namenjene različitim oblicima prerade, za svežu pijacu, baštenske proizvodnje i proizvodnje u zaštićenom prostoru. U okviru ekoloških načina proizvodnje kako na otvorenom tako i u zaštićenom prostoru, primenjuju se najsavremenjia tehničko tehnološka rešenja, kojima se osigurava ekonomska dobit i ekološka sigurnost.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Development of vegetable production over the last 40 years
T1  - Razvoj povrtarske proizvodnje tokom 40 godina
EP  - 206
IS  - 1
SP  - 191
VL  - 42
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_388
ER  - 
author = "Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica and Lazić, Branka and Gvozdenović, Đuro and Vasić, Mirjana and Bugarski, Dušanka and Takač, Adam and Jovićević, Dragan and Červenski, Janko",
year = "2006",
abstract = "As a result of the great biological diversity of the cultivated vegetable crop species, there are many different methods of vegetable production, each with its own accompanying growing technology. The intensive development of vegetable growing that began in 1975 triggered a parallel development of research closely tied with the needs of vegetable production. Today vegetable production takes the forms of year-round field production intended for various types of processing, field production intended for the fresh market, intensive garden production, and indoor vegetable production. Research conducted as part of developing environmentally-friendly ways of field vegetable production has resulted in the development of methods for the mechanized covering of soil with black biodegradable foil, while early vegetable production is carried out by covering the plants with materials known as agrotextiles, in which case the best results are achieved by combining mulching and direct covering of plants. Indoor vegetable production has gone through the largest amount of technical and technological change and is a form of industrial vegetable production on different substrates using controlled and programmed mineral nutrition as well as microclimate regulation using different materials for light and temperature regulation. The importance of vegetables comes not only from their role as food and medicine (as a medicinal supplement and part of folk medicine) but also from their aesthetic value, as today they are part of horticultural management of gardens and green spaces. For each of the above methods of growing, an adequate cultivar range was tested and the quality of the end product and its nutritive value were monitored. Growing of a larger number of vegetable crop species and the use of secondary products of crop growing has led to the development of environmentally-friendly growing methods, which are part of sustainable development. The transition from conventional to sustainable production leads through production based on principles of good agricultural practice (GAP). All research results are important for the development of different production technologies. Today, they are the most important segments of modern technologies, including the GIS system of precision satellite-guided production, which, along with the use of the latest technical solutions, must guarantee economic gain and environmental safety., Proizvodnju povrća, intenzivnu, kompleksnu granu biljne proizvodnje odlikuje više načina gajenja većeg broja biološki i genetski različitih vrsta. Od tradicionalnog baštenskog gajenja danas se povrtarstvo razvilo u tržišni oblik proizvodnje, u koji je uključen odgovarajući sortiment uz primenu naučnoistra- živačkih rezultata koji su tesno vezani za različite oblike proizvodnje povrća. Danas se proizvodnja povrća odvija u okviru njivske proizvodnje namenjene različitim oblicima prerade, za svežu pijacu, baštenske proizvodnje i proizvodnje u zaštićenom prostoru. U okviru ekoloških načina proizvodnje kako na otvorenom tako i u zaštićenom prostoru, primenjuju se najsavremenjia tehničko tehnološka rešenja, kojima se osigurava ekonomska dobit i ekološka sigurnost.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Development of vegetable production over the last 40 years, Razvoj povrtarske proizvodnje tokom 40 godina",
pages = "206-191",
number = "1",
volume = "42",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_388"
Gvozdanović-Varga, J., Lazić, B., Gvozdenović, Đ., Vasić, M., Bugarski, D., Takač, A., Jovićević, D.,& Červenski, J.. (2006). Development of vegetable production over the last 40 years. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 42(1), 191-206.
Gvozdanović-Varga J, Lazić B, Gvozdenović Đ, Vasić M, Bugarski D, Takač A, Jovićević D, Červenski J. Development of vegetable production over the last 40 years. in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. 2006;42(1):191-206.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_388 .
Gvozdanović-Varga, Jelica, Lazić, Branka, Gvozdenović, Đuro, Vasić, Mirjana, Bugarski, Dušanka, Takač, Adam, Jovićević, Dragan, Červenski, Janko, "Development of vegetable production over the last 40 years" in Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 42, no. 1 (2006):191-206,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_388 .