Mikić, Aleksandar

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Mikić, Aleksandar (200)
Increasing the market significance of forage crops by breeding and optimizing seed production technology Improvement of field forage crops agronomy and grassland management
Multidisciplinarni pristup oplemenjivanju i proizvodnji semena krmnih biljaka za konvencionalne i nove načine upotrebe Development of new varieties and production technology improvement of oil crops for different purposes
The Role of Transcription Factors and Small RNAs in Abiotic Stress Response in Plants and Genetic Diversity of Plant Species Important for Agriculture and Biotechnology Interdisciplinary Approach to Development of New Soybean Varieties and Improvement of the Cultivation Practices and Seed Production
"Sustainable preservation of indigenous South East European legumes and their traditional food and feed products", (SEELEGUMES) within the EU SEE-ERA.PLUS Net programme, 2010-2011 Unapređenje tehnologije gajenja krmnih biljaka u funkciji proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne stočne hrane
European Union, European Commission, ERA 168/01 SEELEGUMES Modern breeding of small grains for present and future needs
Improvment of maize and soybean traits by molecular and conventional breeding Bilateral project Serbia - France, Pavle Savić Programme: FABAGRALE, Characterisation of faba bean genetic resources (Vicia faba L.) to support genetic improvement of this agronomic legume, 680-00-132/2012-09/15 (2012-2013)
Bilateral project Serbia - France, Pavle Savić Programme: LEG-HIVER European Union, European Commission
Grant Agency of Palacky University [IGA PrF-2012-001] LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow
Plant Biodiversity of Serbia and the Balkans - assesment, sustainable use and protection Improvement of Maize and Sorghum Production Under Stress Conditions
IPA Program prekogranične saradnje Mađarska - Srbija HUSRB 1203/214/123 PEASEMAKERS APV 114-451-2180/2016-01: Gajenje krmnih biljaka u plodoredu u cilju povećanja plodnosti zemljišta i biodiverziteta u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, AP Vojvodina
APV 114-451-3139/2011-01: For the Vojvodina Farmer, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, AP Vojvodina Bilateral project Serbia - Spain: Joint strategies for legume breeding for stress resistance in Spain and Serbia (2012-2013)
ECO-NET [18817] Grant Agency of Palacky University in Olomouc [IGA PrF-2013-003]
Molecular characterization of bacteria from genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas as potential agents for biological control Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200032 (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad)
New products based on cereals and pseudocereals from organic production Diverzitet flore panonskog dela Srbije, ugroženost širenjem invazivnih korova i njihov uticaj na zdravlje ljudi
Stvaranje i korišćenje sorata i hibrida povrća za otvoreno polje Stvaranje visoko produktivnih genotipova suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.)

Author's Bibliography

NS Sana, sorta crvene deteline (Slovenija)

Vasiljević, Sanja; Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar


AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3415
AB  - Ovo je novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) NS Sana priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ishrane Republike Slovenije.
AB  - This is registered newly-developed cultivar of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) NS Sana released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia.
T1  - NS Sana, sorta crvene deteline (Slovenija)
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3415
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Sanja and Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Ovo je novostvorena sorta crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) NS Sana priznata od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ishrane Republike Slovenije., This is registered newly-developed cultivar of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) NS Sana released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia.",
title = "NS Sana, sorta crvene deteline (Slovenija)",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3415"
Vasiljević, S., Mihailović, V.,& Mikić, A.. (2021). NS Sana, sorta crvene deteline (Slovenija). .
Vasiljević S, Mihailović V, Mikić A. NS Sana, sorta crvene deteline (Slovenija). 2021;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3415 .
Vasiljević, Sanja, Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, "NS Sana, sorta crvene deteline (Slovenija)" (2021),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3415 .

Archaeoentomological assessment of weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) infestation level of pea (Pisum sativum) at the Late Bronze Age settlement Hissar

Medović, Aleksandar; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, 2021)

AU  - Medović, Aleksandar
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2816
AB  - A find of 2572 charred seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) was detected at the Late Bronze Age tell settlement Hissar near Leskovac, in Serbia, belonging to the Brnjica cultural group, 14–10 cent. BC. Two types of pea seeds were observed: apparently healthy seeds and seeds damaged by the activity of a weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). At least twofifths of all finds have apparently been infested most probably by pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.), one of the most important pea pests worldwide, especially in medium-moist and dry climates, such as Southern Europe and Australia. A large amount of infested pea seeds indicates a developed pea production on small plots, strongly indicating that cultivating this ancient pulse crop must have been well-rooted in field conditions. Previous DNA analyses of charred pea placed the ancient Hissar pea at an intermediate position between extantly cultivated pea (P. sativum L. subsp. sativum var. sativum) and a wild, winter hardy, ‘tall’ pea (P. sativum subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. et Graebn.). Based on an assumption of its late harvest time and combined with pea weevil life cycle stage in charred seeds, it was possible to estimate the season during which the seeds were carbonized, namely, the second half of July or the first days of August at the latest. Older, final weevil instars were predominant before seed carbonization. The pea infestation rate at Hissar is one of the highest noted among pulses in the Old World and the highest among peas, so far.
AB  - U jednoj zalihi uglјenisanog graška na lokalitetu Hisar kod Leskovca primećene su dve vrste semena: naizgled zdrava semena i semena oštećena ubušivanjem larvi, najverovatnije graškovog žiška. Najmanje dve petine svih nalaza su imale tipična oštećenja nastala ishranom larvi Bruchus pisorum L. Ovaj broj nije konačan jer se nakon svake naknadne analize broj formiranih „prozora“ na zaraženim semenima povećao i postao vidlјiv. Visok procenat zaraženih semena graška na Hisaru ukazuje na razvijenu proizvodnju graška na malim parcelama. Na kraju bronzanog doba, uzgoj graška je sigurno bio dobro ukorenjen u ratarskoj proizvodnji stanovnika ovog naselјa. Prethodne DNK analize postavile su ovaj drevni grašak u poziciju između gajenog (Pisum sativum L.) i divlјeg, ozimog P. sativum subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. et Graebn. Na osnovu pretpostavke o kasnom vremenu žetve ozimog graška i utvrđene faze životnog ciklusa graškovog žiška, bilo je moguće proceniti deo sezone tokom kojeg je došlo do procesa uglјenisanja. Na osnovu skoro formiranih „prozora“, pretpostavlјamo da su se larve sa Hisara nalazile u poodmakloj fazi razvoja, neposredno pred preobražaj u stadijum lutke. Svega nekoliko velikih izlaznih otvora odraslih žižaka je bilo uočeno. Proces uglјenisanja se stoga morao dogoditi u drugoj polovini jula, ili najkasnije tokom prvih dana avgusta. Ovaj rezultat predstavlјa jedan od dosad najvećih nivoa infestacije mahunarki dokumentovanih u Starom svetu i najveći praistroijski nalaz infestiranosti graška. Nema dokaza o upotrebi prirodnih supstanci kao repelenata protiv graškovog žiška. Grašak uzgajan na Hisaru bio je sitnozrni. Na osnovu kombinacije morfoloških podataka i rezultata dobijenih eksperimentima, pretpostavlјamo da je grašak imao veći sadržaj proteina i fosfora.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
T1  - Archaeoentomological assessment of weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) infestation level of pea (Pisum sativum) at the Late Bronze Age settlement Hissar
T1  - Arheoentomološka procena nivoa zaraženosti žiškom (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) u zalihi graška na kasnobronzanodobnom, gradinskom naselju Hisar
EP  - 22
IS  - 1
SP  - 14
VL  - 58
DO  - 10.5937/ratpov58-31204
ER  - 
author = "Medović, Aleksandar and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "A find of 2572 charred seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) was detected at the Late Bronze Age tell settlement Hissar near Leskovac, in Serbia, belonging to the Brnjica cultural group, 14–10 cent. BC. Two types of pea seeds were observed: apparently healthy seeds and seeds damaged by the activity of a weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). At least twofifths of all finds have apparently been infested most probably by pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.), one of the most important pea pests worldwide, especially in medium-moist and dry climates, such as Southern Europe and Australia. A large amount of infested pea seeds indicates a developed pea production on small plots, strongly indicating that cultivating this ancient pulse crop must have been well-rooted in field conditions. Previous DNA analyses of charred pea placed the ancient Hissar pea at an intermediate position between extantly cultivated pea (P. sativum L. subsp. sativum var. sativum) and a wild, winter hardy, ‘tall’ pea (P. sativum subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. et Graebn.). Based on an assumption of its late harvest time and combined with pea weevil life cycle stage in charred seeds, it was possible to estimate the season during which the seeds were carbonized, namely, the second half of July or the first days of August at the latest. Older, final weevil instars were predominant before seed carbonization. The pea infestation rate at Hissar is one of the highest noted among pulses in the Old World and the highest among peas, so far., U jednoj zalihi uglјenisanog graška na lokalitetu Hisar kod Leskovca primećene su dve vrste semena: naizgled zdrava semena i semena oštećena ubušivanjem larvi, najverovatnije graškovog žiška. Najmanje dve petine svih nalaza su imale tipična oštećenja nastala ishranom larvi Bruchus pisorum L. Ovaj broj nije konačan jer se nakon svake naknadne analize broj formiranih „prozora“ na zaraženim semenima povećao i postao vidlјiv. Visok procenat zaraženih semena graška na Hisaru ukazuje na razvijenu proizvodnju graška na malim parcelama. Na kraju bronzanog doba, uzgoj graška je sigurno bio dobro ukorenjen u ratarskoj proizvodnji stanovnika ovog naselјa. Prethodne DNK analize postavile su ovaj drevni grašak u poziciju između gajenog (Pisum sativum L.) i divlјeg, ozimog P. sativum subsp. elatius (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Asch. et Graebn. Na osnovu pretpostavke o kasnom vremenu žetve ozimog graška i utvrđene faze životnog ciklusa graškovog žiška, bilo je moguće proceniti deo sezone tokom kojeg je došlo do procesa uglјenisanja. Na osnovu skoro formiranih „prozora“, pretpostavlјamo da su se larve sa Hisara nalazile u poodmakloj fazi razvoja, neposredno pred preobražaj u stadijum lutke. Svega nekoliko velikih izlaznih otvora odraslih žižaka je bilo uočeno. Proces uglјenisanja se stoga morao dogoditi u drugoj polovini jula, ili najkasnije tokom prvih dana avgusta. Ovaj rezultat predstavlјa jedan od dosad najvećih nivoa infestacije mahunarki dokumentovanih u Starom svetu i najveći praistroijski nalaz infestiranosti graška. Nema dokaza o upotrebi prirodnih supstanci kao repelenata protiv graškovog žiška. Grašak uzgajan na Hisaru bio je sitnozrni. Na osnovu kombinacije morfoloških podataka i rezultata dobijenih eksperimentima, pretpostavlјamo da je grašak imao veći sadržaj proteina i fosfora.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research",
title = "Archaeoentomological assessment of weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) infestation level of pea (Pisum sativum) at the Late Bronze Age settlement Hissar, Arheoentomološka procena nivoa zaraženosti žiškom (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) u zalihi graška na kasnobronzanodobnom, gradinskom naselju Hisar",
pages = "22-14",
number = "1",
volume = "58",
doi = "10.5937/ratpov58-31204"
Medović, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2021). Archaeoentomological assessment of weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) infestation level of pea (Pisum sativum) at the Late Bronze Age settlement Hissar. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
Novi Sad : Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops., 58(1), 14-22.
Medović A, Mikić A. Archaeoentomological assessment of weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) infestation level of pea (Pisum sativum) at the Late Bronze Age settlement Hissar. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research. 2021;58(1):14-22.
doi:10.5937/ratpov58-31204 .
Medović, Aleksandar, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Archaeoentomological assessment of weevil (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) infestation level of pea (Pisum sativum) at the Late Bronze Age settlement Hissar" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 58, no. 1 (2021):14-22,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ratpov58-31204 . .

An update to the La Tène plant economy in northern Serbia

Medović, Aleksandar; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2021)

AU  - Medović, Aleksandar
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2244
AB  - The archaeobotanical research of the macrobiotic remains from archaeological sites provides a valuable insight into the plant economy of the continental Celtic (Gaulish or Galatian) tribe of Scordisci, which lived around the rivers of Sava, Drava and Danube during the last three centuries before Christ. The field crop production of Scordisci was based upon cereals, grain legumes and oil crops. The importance of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) in the everyday diets of Scordisci has been underestimated so far. Recent researches proved the presence of Byzantine oat (Avena byzantina K. Koch) at the Celtic tilths in the northern Balkans. Cereals were stored in mud-plastered granary baskets. The spectrum of grain legumes is as diverse as that of cereals. The latest analyses expand the list of oil plants with a new species – dragon’s head (Lallemantia iberica (M.Bieb.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.). There is also the first evidence of a beer production facility in one of the Scordisci oppida, Čarnok.
AB  - Arheobotanička istraživanja makrobiljnih ostataka na arheološkim lokalitetima pružaju uvid u biljnu privredu keltskog kontinentalnog (galskog ili galatskog) plemena Skordiska koje je poslednja tri veka pre nove ere živelo na prostoru oko reka Save, Drave i Dunava. Ratarstvo Skordiska se zasnivalo na proizvodnji žitarica, zrnastih mahunarki i uljarica. U najvećoj meri uzgajali su ječam, proso, jednozrnu pšenicu, golozrnu i dvozrnu pšenicu. Do sada je bio potcenjen značaj krupnika u ratarskoj proizvodnji ovog plemena. Novija istraživanja su po prvi put dokazala postojanje vizantijskog ovsa na keltskim oranicama u severnom delu Balkana. Uz ovu novu kulturu Kelti su sa svog neuspelog pohoda na Grčku poneli i korovsku biljku koja se u našim krajevima pojavljuje po prvi put — obični posunac. Žitarice su čuvane u silosima od pletera oblepljenog blatom. Inventar zrnastih mahunarki ne zaostaje po brojnosti u odnosu na žitarice. Uzgajaju se sočivo, grašak, sastrica, bob i urov. Lan je glavna uljarica, dok se sitna semena maka i lanika retko pronalaze. Najnovija, do sada neobjavljena istraživanja zaboravljenog uzorka iz 60-ih godina pršlog veka sa arheološkog lokaliteta Gomolava, dokazuju prisustvo još jedne uljarice u naseljima Skordiska — lalemancije. Na osnovu novih saznanja na drugim arheološkim istraživanjima uspeli smo da identifikujemo prvu pivaru na tlu Srbije u keltskom opidumu Čarnok.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
T1  - An update to the La Tène plant economy in northern Serbia
T1  - Nove informacije o biljnoj privredi Kelta u severnoj Srbiji
EP  - 65
IS  - 2
SP  - 53
VL  - 58
DO  - 10.5937/ratpov58-33250
ER  - 
author = "Medović, Aleksandar and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The archaeobotanical research of the macrobiotic remains from archaeological sites provides a valuable insight into the plant economy of the continental Celtic (Gaulish or Galatian) tribe of Scordisci, which lived around the rivers of Sava, Drava and Danube during the last three centuries before Christ. The field crop production of Scordisci was based upon cereals, grain legumes and oil crops. The importance of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) in the everyday diets of Scordisci has been underestimated so far. Recent researches proved the presence of Byzantine oat (Avena byzantina K. Koch) at the Celtic tilths in the northern Balkans. Cereals were stored in mud-plastered granary baskets. The spectrum of grain legumes is as diverse as that of cereals. The latest analyses expand the list of oil plants with a new species – dragon’s head (Lallemantia iberica (M.Bieb.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.). There is also the first evidence of a beer production facility in one of the Scordisci oppida, Čarnok., Arheobotanička istraživanja makrobiljnih ostataka na arheološkim lokalitetima pružaju uvid u biljnu privredu keltskog kontinentalnog (galskog ili galatskog) plemena Skordiska koje je poslednja tri veka pre nove ere živelo na prostoru oko reka Save, Drave i Dunava. Ratarstvo Skordiska se zasnivalo na proizvodnji žitarica, zrnastih mahunarki i uljarica. U najvećoj meri uzgajali su ječam, proso, jednozrnu pšenicu, golozrnu i dvozrnu pšenicu. Do sada je bio potcenjen značaj krupnika u ratarskoj proizvodnji ovog plemena. Novija istraživanja su po prvi put dokazala postojanje vizantijskog ovsa na keltskim oranicama u severnom delu Balkana. Uz ovu novu kulturu Kelti su sa svog neuspelog pohoda na Grčku poneli i korovsku biljku koja se u našim krajevima pojavljuje po prvi put — obični posunac. Žitarice su čuvane u silosima od pletera oblepljenog blatom. Inventar zrnastih mahunarki ne zaostaje po brojnosti u odnosu na žitarice. Uzgajaju se sočivo, grašak, sastrica, bob i urov. Lan je glavna uljarica, dok se sitna semena maka i lanika retko pronalaze. Najnovija, do sada neobjavljena istraživanja zaboravljenog uzorka iz 60-ih godina pršlog veka sa arheološkog lokaliteta Gomolava, dokazuju prisustvo još jedne uljarice u naseljima Skordiska — lalemancije. Na osnovu novih saznanja na drugim arheološkim istraživanjima uspeli smo da identifikujemo prvu pivaru na tlu Srbije u keltskom opidumu Čarnok.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research",
title = "An update to the La Tène plant economy in northern Serbia, Nove informacije o biljnoj privredi Kelta u severnoj Srbiji",
pages = "65-53",
number = "2",
volume = "58",
doi = "10.5937/ratpov58-33250"
Medović, A., Marjanović-Jeromela, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2021). An update to the La Tène plant economy in northern Serbia. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo., 58(2), 53-65.
Medović A, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić A. An update to the La Tène plant economy in northern Serbia. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research. 2021;58(2):53-65.
doi:10.5937/ratpov58-33250 .
Medović, Aleksandar, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Aleksandar, "An update to the La Tène plant economy in northern Serbia" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 58, no. 2 (2021):53-65,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ratpov58-33250 . .

The rise and fall of Vicia calcarata Desf.

Hammer, Karl; Laghetti, Gaetano; Accogli, Rita; Radić, Velimir; Milošević, Branko; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Springer, Dordrecht, 2021)

AU  - Hammer, Karl
AU  - Laghetti, Gaetano
AU  - Accogli, Rita
AU  - Radić, Velimir
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2095
AB  - The chief subject of this brief overview is a vetch species, once distinguished asVicia calcarataDesf. and currently regarded asV. monanthaRetz. subsp.triflora(Ten.) B. L. Burtt & P. Lewis, but we prefer to distinguish this taxon at species level asVicia calcarata.It is a volunteer plant occurring regularly on ruderal sites in the local floras of the coastal and maritime areas of the Mediterranean Basin, and sporadically happens to be cultivated in fields. It has a more robust growth habit thanV. monanthasubsp.monantha, with usually three flowers per peduncle and larger seeds, rather constant morphological traits. In situ and on-farm observations onV. calcarataare scarce, relating mostly to the southern mainland of Italy and its islands, Spain, North Africa and Syria, where it is found in forests, grasslands, wheat fields, ruderal soils and along roadsides. On a global scale, there are 91 accessions ofV. calcaratain six ex situ genebank collections in Alcala de Henares, Bari, Beirut, Gatersleben, Sadovo and St. Petersburg. In a series of ex situ field trials in Novi Sad, twelve accessions ofV. calcarataproduced average yields of 6.3 t ha(-1)of forage dry matter and 1100 kg ha(-1)of seed. There are promising perspectives for developing cultivars ofV. calcarata, since the available divergence offers a solid basis for crop improvement. After a long fall, a novel rise ofV. calcaratais yet to come.
PB  - Springer, Dordrecht
T2  - Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution
T1  - The rise and fall of Vicia calcarata Desf.
EP  - 395
IS  - 1
SP  - 381
VL  - 68
DO  - 10.1007/s10722-020-01004-4
ER  - 
author = "Hammer, Karl and Laghetti, Gaetano and Accogli, Rita and Radić, Velimir and Milošević, Branko and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The chief subject of this brief overview is a vetch species, once distinguished asVicia calcarataDesf. and currently regarded asV. monanthaRetz. subsp.triflora(Ten.) B. L. Burtt & P. Lewis, but we prefer to distinguish this taxon at species level asVicia calcarata.It is a volunteer plant occurring regularly on ruderal sites in the local floras of the coastal and maritime areas of the Mediterranean Basin, and sporadically happens to be cultivated in fields. It has a more robust growth habit thanV. monanthasubsp.monantha, with usually three flowers per peduncle and larger seeds, rather constant morphological traits. In situ and on-farm observations onV. calcarataare scarce, relating mostly to the southern mainland of Italy and its islands, Spain, North Africa and Syria, where it is found in forests, grasslands, wheat fields, ruderal soils and along roadsides. On a global scale, there are 91 accessions ofV. calcaratain six ex situ genebank collections in Alcala de Henares, Bari, Beirut, Gatersleben, Sadovo and St. Petersburg. In a series of ex situ field trials in Novi Sad, twelve accessions ofV. calcarataproduced average yields of 6.3 t ha(-1)of forage dry matter and 1100 kg ha(-1)of seed. There are promising perspectives for developing cultivars ofV. calcarata, since the available divergence offers a solid basis for crop improvement. After a long fall, a novel rise ofV. calcaratais yet to come.",
publisher = "Springer, Dordrecht",
journal = "Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution",
title = "The rise and fall of Vicia calcarata Desf.",
pages = "395-381",
number = "1",
volume = "68",
doi = "10.1007/s10722-020-01004-4"
Hammer, K., Laghetti, G., Accogli, R., Radić, V., Milošević, B.,& Mikić, A.. (2021). The rise and fall of Vicia calcarata Desf.. in Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution
Springer, Dordrecht., 68(1), 381-395.
Hammer K, Laghetti G, Accogli R, Radić V, Milošević B, Mikić A. The rise and fall of Vicia calcarata Desf.. in Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution. 2021;68(1):381-395.
doi:10.1007/s10722-020-01004-4 .
Hammer, Karl, Laghetti, Gaetano, Accogli, Rita, Radić, Velimir, Milošević, Branko, Mikić, Aleksandar, "The rise and fall of Vicia calcarata Desf." in Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution, 68, no. 1 (2021):381-395,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-020-01004-4 . .

Čičoka (Helianthus tuberosus L.), divlji srodnik gajenog suncokreta, ali i samonikla jestiva biljka

Terzić, Sreten; Mikić, Aleksandar; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana

(Pirot : Istraživačko društvo „Babin nos“, Temska, 2021)

AU  - Terzić, Sreten
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2314
AB  - Kao zeljasta višegodišnja vrsta, čičoka (H. tuberosus L.) se odomaćila na Balkanskom poluostrvu tokom 19. veka. Zbog svoje velike konkurentne sposobnosti u lokalnoj divljoj flori i izrazitoj sposobnosti razmnožavanja, široko je rasprostranjena u regionu. Javlja se uglavnom pored reka, ali se nalazi i na otvorenim staništima, duž puteva i obrađenih polja. Tokom mapiranja invazivnih vrsta u Srbiji, zabeležene su populacije u Pirotskom okrugu u blizini reka Nišave i Vlasine u opštinama Pirot i Babušnica. Narodni nazivi koji označavaju vrstu H. tuberosus uključuju pozajmice francuskog topinambur, dok su oni na mađarskom ili srpskom jeziku izvedeni iz otomanskog turskog čiček, što jednostavno znači cvet. Etnobotanički izveštaji o čičoki je opisuju kao lako dostupan izvor hrane, krtola za ljudsku, a nadzemnog dela za stočnu hranu. Korisna je u ishrani ljudi koji pate od dijabetesa, koristi se kao antiastmatik, pa i za zarastanje rana i opekotina. Čičoka je takođe cenjena i kao ukrasna biljka. Odgovarajuća vlažnost, temperatura zemljišta i vazduha potrebne su u aprilu za optimalno nicanje i vegetativni razvoj, a u avgustu za formiranje rizoma i krtola pre cvetanja. Biljke su razgranate i dostižu maksimalnu visinu od 1,5 do 3,5 m, sa 30-50 krtola po biljci. Početak cvetanja podstaknut je skraćenjem obdanice na 15,5 h u julu ili 13,5 h krajem avgusta, što označava razliku između divljih populacija sa dužim cvetanjem i lokalnih populacija. Cvetanje uglavnom traje od avgusta do oktobra i duži periodi cvetanja primećuju se u populacijama sa većim brojem manjih krtola.  Promene u klimi, potrebama za obnovljivom energijom i navikama u ishrani obnovile su interesovanje za čičoku kao potencijalnim izvorom biomase za različite potrebe.
AB  - As aherbaceous perennial species, topinambour (Helianthus tuberosus L.) became native in the Balkan Peninsula during 19th century. Due to its high competing ability in local wild floras and powerful propagation ability it is widespread in the region. It occurs mainly along rivers but is also found in open habitats, along roads and cultivated fields. During the mapping of invasive species in Serbia, populations were recorded in the Pirot district near rivers Nišava and Vlasina in the municipalities of Pirot and Babušnica. The vernacular names denoting H. Tuberosus in many Southeast European languages include borrowings of the French topinambour, while those in Hungarian or Serbian were derived from the Ottoman Turkish çiçek, meaning simply flower. Ethnobotanical accounts on topinambour refer to itas an easily available food source, predominantly as human food and animal forage. It is beneficial in the diet of people suffering from diabetes, used as an antiasthmatic and even forhealing wounds and burned skin. Topinambour is also appreciated as an ornamental plant.  Adequate humidity, soil and air temperatures in April are needed for optimal emergence and canopy development, similarly in August during rhizome formation and tuberization prior to flowering. Plants are branched and reach a maximum height of 1.5 to 3.5 m, with 30-50 tubers per plant. The start of flowering is induced by short photoperiod in July at 15.5 h or late August at 13.5 h of daylight, marking the difference between wild populations and landraces, respectably. Flowering mostly occures from August to October and longer flowering periods are observed in populations with larger number of smaller tubers. The changes in climate, renewable energy requirements and eating habbits renewed interest for topinambour as a potential source of biomass for various needs.
PB  - Pirot : Istraživačko društvo „Babin nos“, Temska
C3  - Knjiga apstrakata, Etnobotanika, 1. Savetovanje o lekovitom i samoniklom jestivom bilju, 12-14. jul 2021., Stara planina, Pirot
T1  - Čičoka (Helianthus tuberosus L.), divlji srodnik gajenog suncokreta, ali i samonikla jestiva biljka
T1  - Topinambour (Helianthus tuberosus L.), a wild relative of cultivated sunflower, but also an edible plant.
EP  - 46
SP  - 44
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2314
ER  - 
author = "Terzić, Sreten and Mikić, Aleksandar and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Kao zeljasta višegodišnja vrsta, čičoka (H. tuberosus L.) se odomaćila na Balkanskom poluostrvu tokom 19. veka. Zbog svoje velike konkurentne sposobnosti u lokalnoj divljoj flori i izrazitoj sposobnosti razmnožavanja, široko je rasprostranjena u regionu. Javlja se uglavnom pored reka, ali se nalazi i na otvorenim staništima, duž puteva i obrađenih polja. Tokom mapiranja invazivnih vrsta u Srbiji, zabeležene su populacije u Pirotskom okrugu u blizini reka Nišave i Vlasine u opštinama Pirot i Babušnica. Narodni nazivi koji označavaju vrstu H. tuberosus uključuju pozajmice francuskog topinambur, dok su oni na mađarskom ili srpskom jeziku izvedeni iz otomanskog turskog čiček, što jednostavno znači cvet. Etnobotanički izveštaji o čičoki je opisuju kao lako dostupan izvor hrane, krtola za ljudsku, a nadzemnog dela za stočnu hranu. Korisna je u ishrani ljudi koji pate od dijabetesa, koristi se kao antiastmatik, pa i za zarastanje rana i opekotina. Čičoka je takođe cenjena i kao ukrasna biljka. Odgovarajuća vlažnost, temperatura zemljišta i vazduha potrebne su u aprilu za optimalno nicanje i vegetativni razvoj, a u avgustu za formiranje rizoma i krtola pre cvetanja. Biljke su razgranate i dostižu maksimalnu visinu od 1,5 do 3,5 m, sa 30-50 krtola po biljci. Početak cvetanja podstaknut je skraćenjem obdanice na 15,5 h u julu ili 13,5 h krajem avgusta, što označava razliku između divljih populacija sa dužim cvetanjem i lokalnih populacija. Cvetanje uglavnom traje od avgusta do oktobra i duži periodi cvetanja primećuju se u populacijama sa većim brojem manjih krtola.  Promene u klimi, potrebama za obnovljivom energijom i navikama u ishrani obnovile su interesovanje za čičoku kao potencijalnim izvorom biomase za različite potrebe., As aherbaceous perennial species, topinambour (Helianthus tuberosus L.) became native in the Balkan Peninsula during 19th century. Due to its high competing ability in local wild floras and powerful propagation ability it is widespread in the region. It occurs mainly along rivers but is also found in open habitats, along roads and cultivated fields. During the mapping of invasive species in Serbia, populations were recorded in the Pirot district near rivers Nišava and Vlasina in the municipalities of Pirot and Babušnica. The vernacular names denoting H. Tuberosus in many Southeast European languages include borrowings of the French topinambour, while those in Hungarian or Serbian were derived from the Ottoman Turkish çiçek, meaning simply flower. Ethnobotanical accounts on topinambour refer to itas an easily available food source, predominantly as human food and animal forage. It is beneficial in the diet of people suffering from diabetes, used as an antiasthmatic and even forhealing wounds and burned skin. Topinambour is also appreciated as an ornamental plant.  Adequate humidity, soil and air temperatures in April are needed for optimal emergence and canopy development, similarly in August during rhizome formation and tuberization prior to flowering. Plants are branched and reach a maximum height of 1.5 to 3.5 m, with 30-50 tubers per plant. The start of flowering is induced by short photoperiod in July at 15.5 h or late August at 13.5 h of daylight, marking the difference between wild populations and landraces, respectably. Flowering mostly occures from August to October and longer flowering periods are observed in populations with larger number of smaller tubers. The changes in climate, renewable energy requirements and eating habbits renewed interest for topinambour as a potential source of biomass for various needs.",
publisher = "Pirot : Istraživačko društvo „Babin nos“, Temska",
journal = "Knjiga apstrakata, Etnobotanika, 1. Savetovanje o lekovitom i samoniklom jestivom bilju, 12-14. jul 2021., Stara planina, Pirot",
title = "Čičoka (Helianthus tuberosus L.), divlji srodnik gajenog suncokreta, ali i samonikla jestiva biljka, Topinambour (Helianthus tuberosus L.), a wild relative of cultivated sunflower, but also an edible plant.",
pages = "46-44",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2314"
Terzić, S., Mikić, A.,& Marjanović-Jeromela, A.. (2021). Čičoka (Helianthus tuberosus L.), divlji srodnik gajenog suncokreta, ali i samonikla jestiva biljka. in Knjiga apstrakata, Etnobotanika, 1. Savetovanje o lekovitom i samoniklom jestivom bilju, 12-14. jul 2021., Stara planina, Pirot
Pirot : Istraživačko društvo „Babin nos“, Temska., 44-46.
Terzić S, Mikić A, Marjanović-Jeromela A. Čičoka (Helianthus tuberosus L.), divlji srodnik gajenog suncokreta, ali i samonikla jestiva biljka. in Knjiga apstrakata, Etnobotanika, 1. Savetovanje o lekovitom i samoniklom jestivom bilju, 12-14. jul 2021., Stara planina, Pirot. 2021;:44-46.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2314 .
Terzić, Sreten, Mikić, Aleksandar, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, "Čičoka (Helianthus tuberosus L.), divlji srodnik gajenog suncokreta, ali i samonikla jestiva biljka" in Knjiga apstrakata, Etnobotanika, 1. Savetovanje o lekovitom i samoniklom jestivom bilju, 12-14. jul 2021., Stara planina, Pirot (2021):44-46,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2314 .

Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties

Milošević, Branko; Mihailović, Vojislav; Karagić, Đura; Vasiljević, Sanja; Milić, Dragan; Petrović, Gordana; Katanski, Snežana; Živanov, Dalibor; Mikić, Aleksandar; Đalović, Ivica; Dolapčev, Anja; Uhlarik, Ana

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak, 2020)

AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Karagić, Đura
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Milić, Dragan
AU  - Petrović, Gordana
AU  - Katanski, Snežana
AU  - Živanov, Dalibor
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Đalović, Ivica
AU  - Dolapčev, Anja
AU  - Uhlarik, Ana
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2000
AB  - Field peas are mostly used for animal nutrition in the Balkan region and in the countries of the former USSR, while in the countries of Western Europe, Canada, the USA and the Middle East they are mostly used for human nutrition. Over three years (2010-2012), the yield and grain yield components of the most widespread field pea varieties were examined. The lowest number of plants was determined in 'NS Junior' intended for combined use (65 plants/m2), while 'Dukat' and 'Partner' had 88 and 85 plants/m2 on average, respectively. The average stem height was 158 cm for 'NS Junior', and 65 and 70 cm for 'Dukat' and 'Partner', respectively. 'Dukat' (4846 kg/ha) and 'Partner' (4521 kg/ha) had significantly higher grain yields compared with 'NS Junior' (2717 kg/ha). The content of crude protein in the grain was highest in 'NS Junior' (27.6%), while 'Dukat' and 'Partner' had lower contents (23-25%).
AB  - Proteinski grašak se uglavnom koristi za ishranu životinja u našem regionu i u zemljama bivšeg SSSR-a, dok se u zemljama zapadne Evrope, Kanade, SAD-a i Bliskog istoka najviše koristi za ishranu ljudi. Tokom tri godine (2010-2012) ispitivane su komponente prinosa i prinos zrna najrasprostranjenijih sorti proteinskog graška. Najmanji broj biljaka utvrđen je kod sorte NS Junior, namenjene za kombinovanu upotrebu (65 biljaka / m2), dok su sorte Dukat i Partner imale u proseku 88 i 85 biljaka / m2. Prosečna visina stabljike za sortu NS Junior iznosila je 158 cm, a za sorte Dukat i Partner 65 i 70 cm. Sorte Dukat (4846 kg / ha) i Partner (4521 kg / ha) imale su znatno veći prinos zrna u poređenju sa sortom NS Junior (2717 kg / ha). Sadržaj sirovih proteina u zrnu bio je najveći kod sorte NS Junior (27,6%), dok su sorte Dukat i Partner imale između 23 i 25%.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak
T2  - Acta agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties
EP  - 157
IS  - 50
SP  - 153
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2050153M
ER  - 
author = "Milošević, Branko and Mihailović, Vojislav and Karagić, Đura and Vasiljević, Sanja and Milić, Dragan and Petrović, Gordana and Katanski, Snežana and Živanov, Dalibor and Mikić, Aleksandar and Đalović, Ivica and Dolapčev, Anja and Uhlarik, Ana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Field peas are mostly used for animal nutrition in the Balkan region and in the countries of the former USSR, while in the countries of Western Europe, Canada, the USA and the Middle East they are mostly used for human nutrition. Over three years (2010-2012), the yield and grain yield components of the most widespread field pea varieties were examined. The lowest number of plants was determined in 'NS Junior' intended for combined use (65 plants/m2), while 'Dukat' and 'Partner' had 88 and 85 plants/m2 on average, respectively. The average stem height was 158 cm for 'NS Junior', and 65 and 70 cm for 'Dukat' and 'Partner', respectively. 'Dukat' (4846 kg/ha) and 'Partner' (4521 kg/ha) had significantly higher grain yields compared with 'NS Junior' (2717 kg/ha). The content of crude protein in the grain was highest in 'NS Junior' (27.6%), while 'Dukat' and 'Partner' had lower contents (23-25%)., Proteinski grašak se uglavnom koristi za ishranu životinja u našem regionu i u zemljama bivšeg SSSR-a, dok se u zemljama zapadne Evrope, Kanade, SAD-a i Bliskog istoka najviše koristi za ishranu ljudi. Tokom tri godine (2010-2012) ispitivane su komponente prinosa i prinos zrna najrasprostranjenijih sorti proteinskog graška. Najmanji broj biljaka utvrđen je kod sorte NS Junior, namenjene za kombinovanu upotrebu (65 biljaka / m2), dok su sorte Dukat i Partner imale u proseku 88 i 85 biljaka / m2. Prosečna visina stabljike za sortu NS Junior iznosila je 158 cm, a za sorte Dukat i Partner 65 i 70 cm. Sorte Dukat (4846 kg / ha) i Partner (4521 kg / ha) imale su znatno veći prinos zrna u poređenju sa sortom NS Junior (2717 kg / ha). Sadržaj sirovih proteina u zrnu bio je najveći kod sorte NS Junior (27,6%), dok su sorte Dukat i Partner imale između 23 i 25%.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak",
journal = "Acta agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties",
pages = "157-153",
number = "50",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2050153M"
Milošević, B., Mihailović, V., Karagić, Đ., Vasiljević, S., Milić, D., Petrović, G., Katanski, S., Živanov, D., Mikić, A., Đalović, I., Dolapčev, A.,& Uhlarik, A.. (2020). Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties. in Acta agriculturae Serbica
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak., 25(50), 153-157.
Milošević B, Mihailović V, Karagić Đ, Vasiljević S, Milić D, Petrović G, Katanski S, Živanov D, Mikić A, Đalović I, Dolapčev A, Uhlarik A. Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties. in Acta agriculturae Serbica. 2020;25(50):153-157.
doi:10.5937/AASer2050153M .
Milošević, Branko, Mihailović, Vojislav, Karagić, Đura, Vasiljević, Sanja, Milić, Dragan, Petrović, Gordana, Katanski, Snežana, Živanov, Dalibor, Mikić, Aleksandar, Đalović, Ivica, Dolapčev, Anja, Uhlarik, Ana, "Grain yield potential of spring dry pea varieties" in Acta agriculturae Serbica, 25, no. 50 (2020):153-157,
https://doi.org/10.5937/AASer2050153M . .

Vetch seed vigour evaluation under saline conditions

Jovičić, Dušica; Nikolić, Zorica; Mikić, Aleksandar; Petrović, Gordana; Tamindžić, Gordana; Milošević, Dragana; Ignjatov, Maja

(Zurich : International Seed Testing Association, 2019)

AU  - Jovičić, Dušica
AU  - Nikolić, Zorica
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Petrović, Gordana
AU  - Tamindžić, Gordana
AU  - Milošević, Dragana
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3330
AB  - Salinity affects almost every aspect of the physiology and biochemistry of plants, including the
whole plant and at the cellular level. There is a significant variation in salt tolerance within vetch
species, providing opportunities for improving salt-stress tolerance using genetic resources.
Considering the significance of successful seed germination and seedling emergence for further
plant establishment, plant development and achieving high crop yields, the study of the interaction
between salt stress and germination is of great importance. The aim of this experiment was to
evaluate the seed vigour of vetch species (Vicia sativa, V. pannonica), through vigour tests under
saline conditions. Germination and vigour were assessed through the standard test, accelerated
ageing test and cold test, estimating the germination percentage, root and shoot length, and total fresh and dry matter accumulation, under three levels of salt stress (100 mM, 150 mM,200 mM NaCl). The obtained results of the experiment showed significant differences between the two species in response to salinity stress. Furthermore, a species that has a higher vigour has shown noticeably higher tolerance to stress. After the accelerated ageing test, V pannonica showed significantly lower values in all the tested parameters, at all concentrations of NaCl.
PB  - Zurich : International Seed Testing Association
C3  - ISTA Seed Symposium Abstracts, 32 ISTA Congress, Hyderabad, India, 26-28 June 2019
T1  - Vetch seed vigour evaluation under saline conditions
SP  - 48
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3330
ER  - 
author = "Jovičić, Dušica and Nikolić, Zorica and Mikić, Aleksandar and Petrović, Gordana and Tamindžić, Gordana and Milošević, Dragana and Ignjatov, Maja",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Salinity affects almost every aspect of the physiology and biochemistry of plants, including the
whole plant and at the cellular level. There is a significant variation in salt tolerance within vetch
species, providing opportunities for improving salt-stress tolerance using genetic resources.
Considering the significance of successful seed germination and seedling emergence for further
plant establishment, plant development and achieving high crop yields, the study of the interaction
between salt stress and germination is of great importance. The aim of this experiment was to
evaluate the seed vigour of vetch species (Vicia sativa, V. pannonica), through vigour tests under
saline conditions. Germination and vigour were assessed through the standard test, accelerated
ageing test and cold test, estimating the germination percentage, root and shoot length, and total fresh and dry matter accumulation, under three levels of salt stress (100 mM, 150 mM,200 mM NaCl). The obtained results of the experiment showed significant differences between the two species in response to salinity stress. Furthermore, a species that has a higher vigour has shown noticeably higher tolerance to stress. After the accelerated ageing test, V pannonica showed significantly lower values in all the tested parameters, at all concentrations of NaCl.",
publisher = "Zurich : International Seed Testing Association",
journal = "ISTA Seed Symposium Abstracts, 32 ISTA Congress, Hyderabad, India, 26-28 June 2019",
title = "Vetch seed vigour evaluation under saline conditions",
pages = "48",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3330"
Jovičić, D., Nikolić, Z., Mikić, A., Petrović, G., Tamindžić, G., Milošević, D.,& Ignjatov, M.. (2019). Vetch seed vigour evaluation under saline conditions. in ISTA Seed Symposium Abstracts, 32 ISTA Congress, Hyderabad, India, 26-28 June 2019
Zurich : International Seed Testing Association., 48.
Jovičić D, Nikolić Z, Mikić A, Petrović G, Tamindžić G, Milošević D, Ignjatov M. Vetch seed vigour evaluation under saline conditions. in ISTA Seed Symposium Abstracts, 32 ISTA Congress, Hyderabad, India, 26-28 June 2019. 2019;:48.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3330 .
Jovičić, Dušica, Nikolić, Zorica, Mikić, Aleksandar, Petrović, Gordana, Tamindžić, Gordana, Milošević, Dragana, Ignjatov, Maja, "Vetch seed vigour evaluation under saline conditions" in ISTA Seed Symposium Abstracts, 32 ISTA Congress, Hyderabad, India, 26-28 June 2019 (2019):48,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3330 .

Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Multi-podded mutants for enhanced commercial seed production

Mikić, Aleksandar; Mihailović, Vojislav; Karagić, Đura; Milošević, Branko; Milić, Dragan; Vasiljević, Sanja; Katanski, Snežana; Živanov, Dalibor

(All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources -Federal Research Center, 2019)

AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Karagić, Đura
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Milić, Dragan
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Katanski, Snežana
AU  - Živanov, Dalibor
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1946
AB  - In comparison to other annual forage legumes, such as pea (Pisum sativum L.), advances in breeding vetches (Vicia spp.) are rather modest. One of the main obstacles in increasing the cultivation area under vetches is uncertain seed production, mostly due to their indeterminate stem growth and non-uniform maturity, with the genes controlling these important traits still unattested. In contrast, in wild populations of common vetch (V. sativa L.) the genes have been identified, isolated in this study, and mutant plants with more than usual two pods per node tested. Crossing these mutant genotypes with wild-type ones demonstrated that the number of pods in this vetch species is controlled by two genes, orthologs to FN and FNA in pea. If both genes are recessive, a plant will have more than two flowers per each node and, depending on not yet clarified environmental factors, more than two pods per node. Developing vetch cultivars with more than two pods per node may be one of the solutions for enhancing seed production in this crop.
PB  - All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources -Federal Research Center
T2  - Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics & Breeding
T1  - Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Multi-podded mutants for enhanced commercial seed production
EP  - 81
IS  - 1
SP  - 78
VL  - 180
DO  - 10.30901/2227-8834-2019-1-78-81
ER  - 
author = "Mikić, Aleksandar and Mihailović, Vojislav and Karagić, Đura and Milošević, Branko and Milić, Dragan and Vasiljević, Sanja and Katanski, Snežana and Živanov, Dalibor",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In comparison to other annual forage legumes, such as pea (Pisum sativum L.), advances in breeding vetches (Vicia spp.) are rather modest. One of the main obstacles in increasing the cultivation area under vetches is uncertain seed production, mostly due to their indeterminate stem growth and non-uniform maturity, with the genes controlling these important traits still unattested. In contrast, in wild populations of common vetch (V. sativa L.) the genes have been identified, isolated in this study, and mutant plants with more than usual two pods per node tested. Crossing these mutant genotypes with wild-type ones demonstrated that the number of pods in this vetch species is controlled by two genes, orthologs to FN and FNA in pea. If both genes are recessive, a plant will have more than two flowers per each node and, depending on not yet clarified environmental factors, more than two pods per node. Developing vetch cultivars with more than two pods per node may be one of the solutions for enhancing seed production in this crop.",
publisher = "All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources -Federal Research Center",
journal = "Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics & Breeding",
title = "Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Multi-podded mutants for enhanced commercial seed production",
pages = "81-78",
number = "1",
volume = "180",
doi = "10.30901/2227-8834-2019-1-78-81"
Mikić, A., Mihailović, V., Karagić, Đ., Milošević, B., Milić, D., Vasiljević, S., Katanski, S.,& Živanov, D.. (2019). Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Multi-podded mutants for enhanced commercial seed production. in Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics & Breeding
All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources -Federal Research Center., 180(1), 78-81.
Mikić A, Mihailović V, Karagić Đ, Milošević B, Milić D, Vasiljević S, Katanski S, Živanov D. Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Multi-podded mutants for enhanced commercial seed production. in Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics & Breeding. 2019;180(1):78-81.
doi:10.30901/2227-8834-2019-1-78-81 .
Mikić, Aleksandar, Mihailović, Vojislav, Karagić, Đura, Milošević, Branko, Milić, Dragan, Vasiljević, Sanja, Katanski, Snežana, Živanov, Dalibor, "Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Multi-podded mutants for enhanced commercial seed production" in Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics & Breeding, 180, no. 1 (2019):78-81,
https://doi.org/10.30901/2227-8834-2019-1-78-81 . .

Keltska poljoprivreda u severnim i središnjim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva

Medović, Aleksandar; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Medović, Aleksandar
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2271
AB  - Arheobotanička istraživanja makrobiljnih ostataka na arheološkim lokalitetima pružaju uvid u biljnu privredu keltskog kontinentalnog (galskog ili galatskog) plemena Skordiska koje je poslednja tri veka pre nove ere živelo na prostoru oko reka Save, Drave i Dunava. Ratarstvo Skordiska se zasnivalo na proizvodnji žitarica, zrnastih mahunarki i uljarica. Na kraju gvozdenog doba se na dobro obrađenim i intenzivno korišćenim njivama u najvećoj meri uzgajaju ječam, proso, jednozrna pšenica i krupnik. Golozrna meka pšenica se seje na sve većim površinama. Na pojedinim njivama seje se dvozrna pšenica. Nova istraživanja su po prvi put dokazala postojanje vizantijskog ovsa na keltskim oranicama u severnom delu Balkana. Sve češće se pojavljuju i nalazi ugljenisanih zrna raži. Inventar žitarica dopunjuju pojedinačni nalazi italijanskog muhara i verovatno timofejeve pšenice. Žitarice su čuvane u silosima od pletera oblepljenog blatom. Inventar zrnastih mahunarki ne zaostaje po brojnosti u odnosu na žitarice. Uzgajaju se sočivo, grašak, sastrica, bob i urov.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Knjiga apstrakata, Treći naučni skup "Teorija i praksa agrara u istorijskoj perspektivi", 14-15.11.2019, Novi Sad, Srbija
T1  - Keltska poljoprivreda u severnim i središnjim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2271
ER  - 
author = "Medović, Aleksandar and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Arheobotanička istraživanja makrobiljnih ostataka na arheološkim lokalitetima pružaju uvid u biljnu privredu keltskog kontinentalnog (galskog ili galatskog) plemena Skordiska koje je poslednja tri veka pre nove ere živelo na prostoru oko reka Save, Drave i Dunava. Ratarstvo Skordiska se zasnivalo na proizvodnji žitarica, zrnastih mahunarki i uljarica. Na kraju gvozdenog doba se na dobro obrađenim i intenzivno korišćenim njivama u najvećoj meri uzgajaju ječam, proso, jednozrna pšenica i krupnik. Golozrna meka pšenica se seje na sve većim površinama. Na pojedinim njivama seje se dvozrna pšenica. Nova istraživanja su po prvi put dokazala postojanje vizantijskog ovsa na keltskim oranicama u severnom delu Balkana. Sve češće se pojavljuju i nalazi ugljenisanih zrna raži. Inventar žitarica dopunjuju pojedinačni nalazi italijanskog muhara i verovatno timofejeve pšenice. Žitarice su čuvane u silosima od pletera oblepljenog blatom. Inventar zrnastih mahunarki ne zaostaje po brojnosti u odnosu na žitarice. Uzgajaju se sočivo, grašak, sastrica, bob i urov.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Knjiga apstrakata, Treći naučni skup "Teorija i praksa agrara u istorijskoj perspektivi", 14-15.11.2019, Novi Sad, Srbija",
title = "Keltska poljoprivreda u severnim i središnjim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2271"
Medović, A., Marjanović-Jeromela, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2019). Keltska poljoprivreda u severnim i središnjim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva. in Knjiga apstrakata, Treći naučni skup "Teorija i praksa agrara u istorijskoj perspektivi", 14-15.11.2019, Novi Sad, Srbija
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet..
Medović A, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić A. Keltska poljoprivreda u severnim i središnjim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva. in Knjiga apstrakata, Treći naučni skup "Teorija i praksa agrara u istorijskoj perspektivi", 14-15.11.2019, Novi Sad, Srbija. 2019;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2271 .
Medović, Aleksandar, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Keltska poljoprivreda u severnim i središnjim delovima Balkanskog poluostrva" in Knjiga apstrakata, Treći naučni skup "Teorija i praksa agrara u istorijskoj perspektivi", 14-15.11.2019, Novi Sad, Srbija (2019),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2271 .

Few Lines From Le Robert Crucifère: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Napus

Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection, 2018)

AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3269
AB  - The most significant contemporary cultivated species in the family Brassicaceae Burnett (syn. Cruciferae Juss.) is Brassica napus L., which is grown on 33,708,547 ha on a global scale, followed far behind by B.oleracea L. subtaxa and cultivar groups and mustards (Brassica spp. and Sinapis spp.), all together with slightly above 4,5 million ha, in 2016 (FAOSTAT 2017). Its primary centre of diversity is the Mediterranean (Zeven & Zhukovsky 1975), having widespread across the world and becoming most extensively produced in with Canada and China, with almost 18.5 t and more than 15 t, respectively (Chai et al. 2017, Phillips 2018). Resulting from the fusion of the whole genomes of B. oleracea (2n = 9) and B. rapa (2n = 10), B. napus is considered an amphidiploid (Li et al. 2017). 
A considerable variability of morphological and quality traits may have caused a number of synonyms in various taxonomic classifications, such as B. gongylodes Mill., B. napobrassica Mill., B. oleifera Moench nom. illeg., B. praecox Kit. ex Hornem., B. praecox Waldst. & Kit. ex DC., B. rutabaga DC. ex H.Lév., B. rutabaga (DC.) Druce, B. stricta Nestl. ex DC. or C. napus E. H. L. Krause (The Plant List 2013). The Linnean species name, nāpus (Linnaeus 1753, Linnaeus 1758), is a Latin noun, which is derived from the Ancient Greek nâpu, denoting mustards. The synonym of the latter is sínapi, being, in its own turn, a borrowing of the Demotic snwpt, both referring to the same crops (Erichen 1954, Wiktionary 2018). Since the historical linguistic database of both Egyptian and Proto-Afroasiatic, its direct ancestor that was spoken at most 18,000 years ago, is rather abundant, there are many potential candidates for the ultimate origin of the modern scientific sinapis. One pair is the Egyptian sm.w, designating a cruciferous vegetable, and the Proto-Afroasiatic *sayam, denoting grass, while another is the Egyptian sn.w, associated with a kind of ritual food, and the Proto-Afroasiatic *sVny/’-, referring to seed and corn (Militarev 2005, Militarev & Stolbova 2007). 
This overview is aimed at presenting the subspecies, varieties, forms, cultivar groups and common names relating to B. napus (Porcher 2008, The Plant List 2013, Wiersema & León 2016, Erić et al. 2017, Kew Science 2017, Logos 2018, NPGS 2018, Wikipedia 2018, Wiktionary 2018).
PB  - Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection
T2  - Cruciferae Newsletter
T1  - Few Lines From Le Robert Crucifère: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Napus
EP  - 26
SP  - 18
VL  - 36
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3269
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The most significant contemporary cultivated species in the family Brassicaceae Burnett (syn. Cruciferae Juss.) is Brassica napus L., which is grown on 33,708,547 ha on a global scale, followed far behind by B.oleracea L. subtaxa and cultivar groups and mustards (Brassica spp. and Sinapis spp.), all together with slightly above 4,5 million ha, in 2016 (FAOSTAT 2017). Its primary centre of diversity is the Mediterranean (Zeven & Zhukovsky 1975), having widespread across the world and becoming most extensively produced in with Canada and China, with almost 18.5 t and more than 15 t, respectively (Chai et al. 2017, Phillips 2018). Resulting from the fusion of the whole genomes of B. oleracea (2n = 9) and B. rapa (2n = 10), B. napus is considered an amphidiploid (Li et al. 2017). 
A considerable variability of morphological and quality traits may have caused a number of synonyms in various taxonomic classifications, such as B. gongylodes Mill., B. napobrassica Mill., B. oleifera Moench nom. illeg., B. praecox Kit. ex Hornem., B. praecox Waldst. & Kit. ex DC., B. rutabaga DC. ex H.Lév., B. rutabaga (DC.) Druce, B. stricta Nestl. ex DC. or C. napus E. H. L. Krause (The Plant List 2013). The Linnean species name, nāpus (Linnaeus 1753, Linnaeus 1758), is a Latin noun, which is derived from the Ancient Greek nâpu, denoting mustards. The synonym of the latter is sínapi, being, in its own turn, a borrowing of the Demotic snwpt, both referring to the same crops (Erichen 1954, Wiktionary 2018). Since the historical linguistic database of both Egyptian and Proto-Afroasiatic, its direct ancestor that was spoken at most 18,000 years ago, is rather abundant, there are many potential candidates for the ultimate origin of the modern scientific sinapis. One pair is the Egyptian sm.w, designating a cruciferous vegetable, and the Proto-Afroasiatic *sayam, denoting grass, while another is the Egyptian sn.w, associated with a kind of ritual food, and the Proto-Afroasiatic *sVny/’-, referring to seed and corn (Militarev 2005, Militarev & Stolbova 2007). 
This overview is aimed at presenting the subspecies, varieties, forms, cultivar groups and common names relating to B. napus (Porcher 2008, The Plant List 2013, Wiersema & León 2016, Erić et al. 2017, Kew Science 2017, Logos 2018, NPGS 2018, Wikipedia 2018, Wiktionary 2018).",
publisher = "Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection",
journal = "Cruciferae Newsletter",
title = "Few Lines From Le Robert Crucifère: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Napus",
pages = "26-18",
volume = "36",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3269"
Marjanović-Jeromela, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2018). Few Lines From Le Robert Crucifère: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Napus. in Cruciferae Newsletter
Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection., 36, 18-26.
Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić A. Few Lines From Le Robert Crucifère: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Napus. in Cruciferae Newsletter. 2018;36:18-26.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3269 .
Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Few Lines From Le Robert Crucifère: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Napus" in Cruciferae Newsletter, 36 (2018):18-26,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3269 .

Few Lines From Le Robert Crusifere: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Juncea

Mikić, Aleksandar; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana

(Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Envir onment and Plant Protection, 2018)

AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/3335
AB  - The species Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. is one of the economically most important mustard species in the world (Rakow 2004). It belongs to the genus Brassica L., the tribe Brassiceae de Candolle and the family Brassicaceae Burnett (syn. Cruciferae Juss.). This species originated in the African centre of diversity, from which it subsequently spread to East and South Asia and East Europe (Zeven & Zhukovsky 1975), having, in the end, become naturalised elsewhere, as far as Oceania (Wilcox 2003). According to the theory known as the U Triangle, B. juncea is, in fact, a result of the amphidiploidisation, with the chromosome number of 2n = 36 and comprising the whole genomes of Brassica napus L., 2n = 20, and Brassica nigra (L.) W. J. D. Koch, 2n = 16 (Koh et al. 2017). Apart from the most widely designation of B. juncea, there is a rather vast number of its synonyms in plant taxonomy. We may mention the following few, which witness how wide is its intraspecific variation, ultimately leading to its positioning in several different genera: Crucifera juncea E. H. L. Krause, Raphanus junceus (L.) Crantz, Rhamphosermum volgense Andrz. ex Rupr., Sinabraca juncea (L.) G. H. Loos and Sinapis juncea L. (The Plant List 2013). The adjective juncea (Linnaeus 1753, Linnaeus 1758) means juncus-like and is based upon the Latin noun iuncus, denoting rushes or reeds, and has an ultimate origin in the Proto-Italic *joinikos and the Proto-Indo-European *yoy-ni-, referring to the same (Nikolayev 2012, Wiktionary 2018). This variability of diverse morphological traits has led to the development of mutually rather contrasting cultivar types, as a consequence of the goals of local breeding programmes adapting to the traditional uses and consumers preferences of a specific region. The goal of this paper is to offer a hopefully comprehensive and useful guide through the treasury of botanical, agronomic and common names relating to B. juncea. In order to carry out this intention, the following paragraphs are designed in a hierarchical fashion, with the widely recognised botanical categories within this species (The Plant List 2013, NPGS 2018) as the primary, the agronomic types as the secondary (Porcher 2008) and the common names in diverse world’s languages as the third level (Kew Science 2017, Logos 2018, Wiersema & León 2016, Wikipedia 2018, Wiktionary 2018).
PB  - Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Envir onment and Plant Protection
T2  - Cruciferae Newsletter
T1  - Few Lines From Le Robert Crusifere: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Juncea
EP  - 49
SP  - 40
VL  - 37
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3335
ER  - 
author = "Mikić, Aleksandar and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The species Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. is one of the economically most important mustard species in the world (Rakow 2004). It belongs to the genus Brassica L., the tribe Brassiceae de Candolle and the family Brassicaceae Burnett (syn. Cruciferae Juss.). This species originated in the African centre of diversity, from which it subsequently spread to East and South Asia and East Europe (Zeven & Zhukovsky 1975), having, in the end, become naturalised elsewhere, as far as Oceania (Wilcox 2003). According to the theory known as the U Triangle, B. juncea is, in fact, a result of the amphidiploidisation, with the chromosome number of 2n = 36 and comprising the whole genomes of Brassica napus L., 2n = 20, and Brassica nigra (L.) W. J. D. Koch, 2n = 16 (Koh et al. 2017). Apart from the most widely designation of B. juncea, there is a rather vast number of its synonyms in plant taxonomy. We may mention the following few, which witness how wide is its intraspecific variation, ultimately leading to its positioning in several different genera: Crucifera juncea E. H. L. Krause, Raphanus junceus (L.) Crantz, Rhamphosermum volgense Andrz. ex Rupr., Sinabraca juncea (L.) G. H. Loos and Sinapis juncea L. (The Plant List 2013). The adjective juncea (Linnaeus 1753, Linnaeus 1758) means juncus-like and is based upon the Latin noun iuncus, denoting rushes or reeds, and has an ultimate origin in the Proto-Italic *joinikos and the Proto-Indo-European *yoy-ni-, referring to the same (Nikolayev 2012, Wiktionary 2018). This variability of diverse morphological traits has led to the development of mutually rather contrasting cultivar types, as a consequence of the goals of local breeding programmes adapting to the traditional uses and consumers preferences of a specific region. The goal of this paper is to offer a hopefully comprehensive and useful guide through the treasury of botanical, agronomic and common names relating to B. juncea. In order to carry out this intention, the following paragraphs are designed in a hierarchical fashion, with the widely recognised botanical categories within this species (The Plant List 2013, NPGS 2018) as the primary, the agronomic types as the secondary (Porcher 2008) and the common names in diverse world’s languages as the third level (Kew Science 2017, Logos 2018, Wiersema & León 2016, Wikipedia 2018, Wiktionary 2018).",
publisher = "Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Envir onment and Plant Protection",
journal = "Cruciferae Newsletter",
title = "Few Lines From Le Robert Crusifere: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Juncea",
pages = "49-40",
volume = "37",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3335"
Mikić, A.,& Marjanović-Jeromela, A.. (2018). Few Lines From Le Robert Crusifere: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Juncea. in Cruciferae Newsletter
Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Envir onment and Plant Protection., 37, 40-49.
Mikić A, Marjanović-Jeromela A. Few Lines From Le Robert Crusifere: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Juncea. in Cruciferae Newsletter. 2018;37:40-49.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3335 .
Mikić, Aleksandar, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, "Few Lines From Le Robert Crusifere: Botanical, Agronomic And Common Names Relating To Brassica Juncea" in Cruciferae Newsletter, 37 (2018):40-49,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_3335 .

From the Gregor Mendel’s garden to a molecular marker lab: cutting edge of breeding grain and forage crucifers in Serbia

Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Miladinović, Dragana; Mitrović, Petar; Grahovac, Nada; Dimitrijević, Aleksandra; Rajković, Dragana; Lazić, Sanja; Šunjka, Dragana; Mikić, Aleksandar

(East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, 2018)

AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Mitrović, Petar
AU  - Grahovac, Nada
AU  - Dimitrijević, Aleksandra
AU  - Rajković, Dragana
AU  - Lazić, Sanja
AU  - Šunjka, Dragana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2311
AB  - A complex and strategically structured research on oil-rich grain, vegetable and forage crucifers at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (IFVCNS) is based upon maintaining and sustainably utilising the germplasm collections of each crop. It comprises conventional and molecular breeding, biotechnology, agroecology, physiology, biochemistry, agronomy and seed science as well as commercial production for local and international markets. Here, we shall focus on oil-rich grain and forage crops, namely rapeseed, black and white mustards, forage kale and false flax. All collected accessions of our collection were phenotypically and cytogenetically characterized, including the monitoring and examining flower morphology, pollen features and number of chromosomes. The Mendel's rules are the basis of all the methods in breeding cultivars and hybrids of oil and forage crucifers. Constant and systematic use of these fundamental genetic postulates has led to the development and official registration of 13 autumn-sown rapeseed cultivars and two hybrids, two spring-sown rapeseed, one black mustard, one oil-rich grain white mustard, three autumn-sown forage kale and one spring-sown forage white mustard cultivar, as well as two false flax lines. Today, the conventional breeding methods are closely followed by various molecular genetic tools. So far, the most prominent role in assisting the selection of the genotypes with desirable traits has been played by RAPD and SSR molecular markers. A well-designed and feasibly organized integration of the Mendel's rules, conventional breeding methods and molecular breeding tools are anticipated as significantly improving the existing programmes. It ensures that the future efforts will yield further progress in oil and forage crucifers’ research. This will benefit to various aspects of economy, especially the environment friendly production of quality oil for both human consumption and non-food industry and low-input and esteemed forage in ruminant feeding.
PB  - East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018
T1  - From the Gregor Mendel’s garden to a molecular marker lab: cutting edge of breeding grain and forage crucifers in Serbia
EP  - 295
SP  - 290
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2311
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Miladinović, Dragana and Mitrović, Petar and Grahovac, Nada and Dimitrijević, Aleksandra and Rajković, Dragana and Lazić, Sanja and Šunjka, Dragana and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "A complex and strategically structured research on oil-rich grain, vegetable and forage crucifers at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (IFVCNS) is based upon maintaining and sustainably utilising the germplasm collections of each crop. It comprises conventional and molecular breeding, biotechnology, agroecology, physiology, biochemistry, agronomy and seed science as well as commercial production for local and international markets. Here, we shall focus on oil-rich grain and forage crops, namely rapeseed, black and white mustards, forage kale and false flax. All collected accessions of our collection were phenotypically and cytogenetically characterized, including the monitoring and examining flower morphology, pollen features and number of chromosomes. The Mendel's rules are the basis of all the methods in breeding cultivars and hybrids of oil and forage crucifers. Constant and systematic use of these fundamental genetic postulates has led to the development and official registration of 13 autumn-sown rapeseed cultivars and two hybrids, two spring-sown rapeseed, one black mustard, one oil-rich grain white mustard, three autumn-sown forage kale and one spring-sown forage white mustard cultivar, as well as two false flax lines. Today, the conventional breeding methods are closely followed by various molecular genetic tools. So far, the most prominent role in assisting the selection of the genotypes with desirable traits has been played by RAPD and SSR molecular markers. A well-designed and feasibly organized integration of the Mendel's rules, conventional breeding methods and molecular breeding tools are anticipated as significantly improving the existing programmes. It ensures that the future efforts will yield further progress in oil and forage crucifers’ research. This will benefit to various aspects of economy, especially the environment friendly production of quality oil for both human consumption and non-food industry and low-input and esteemed forage in ruminant feeding.",
publisher = "East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018",
title = "From the Gregor Mendel’s garden to a molecular marker lab: cutting edge of breeding grain and forage crucifers in Serbia",
pages = "295-290",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2311"
Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Miladinović, D., Mitrović, P., Grahovac, N., Dimitrijević, A., Rajković, D., Lazić, S., Šunjka, D.,& Mikić, A.. (2018). From the Gregor Mendel’s garden to a molecular marker lab: cutting edge of breeding grain and forage crucifers in Serbia. in Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018
East Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture., 290-295.
Marjanović-Jeromela A, Miladinović D, Mitrović P, Grahovac N, Dimitrijević A, Rajković D, Lazić S, Šunjka D, Mikić A. From the Gregor Mendel’s garden to a molecular marker lab: cutting edge of breeding grain and forage crucifers in Serbia. in Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018. 2018;:290-295.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2311 .
Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Miladinović, Dragana, Mitrović, Petar, Grahovac, Nada, Dimitrijević, Aleksandra, Rajković, Dragana, Lazić, Sanja, Šunjka, Dragana, Mikić, Aleksandar, "From the Gregor Mendel’s garden to a molecular marker lab: cutting edge of breeding grain and forage crucifers in Serbia" in Book of Proceedings, 9th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2018", Jahorina, 4-7 October 2018 (2018):290-295,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2311 .

Antioxidant enzymes activities in Vicia seedlings during drought stress

Jovičić, Dušica; Nikolić, Zorica; Mikić, Aleksandar; Milošević, Branko; Milošević, Dragana; Ignjatov, Maja; Marinković, Dragana

(Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2018)

AU  - Jovičić, Dušica
AU  - Nikolić, Zorica
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Milošević, Dragana
AU  - Ignjatov, Maja
AU  - Marinković, Dragana
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1727
AB  - Drought greatly affects normal plant growth, endangering physiological and biochemical processes in plants. Under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions, antioxidant protection systems in plant cell can be activated regardless of the stage of growth and development of plants. The experiment was conducted on three vetches species (V. sativa, V. villosa and V. pannonica) under PEG-induced drought stress. Activity of antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APx, EC and catalase (CAT, EC 1. 11. 1. 6), was determined in shoots and roots of 10-day-old seedlings. Lack of water during germination period activated all the examined antioxidant enzymes in both organs of all tested Vicia species. The activity of SOD and APx generally increased at higher stress levels, while the enzyme CAT showed different patterns of action in all tested species. The results of this study suggest that drought stress causes the production of oxygen radicals that lead to oxidative stress in plants.
AB  - Suša značajno utiče na normalan rast i razvoj biljaka ugrožavajući fiziološke i biohemijske procese. U nepovoljnim uslovima spoljašnje sredine, antioksidantni sistemi zaštite u biljnim ćelijama mogu se aktivirati bez obzira na fazu rasta i razvoja biljaka. Ovaj eksperiment je sproveden na tri vrste grahorica (V. sativa, V. villosa i V. pannonica) u uslovima suše indukovane PEG-om. Aktivnost antioksidantnih enzima superoksid dismutase (SOD), askorbat peroksidaze (APx) i katalaze (CAT) merena je u nadzemnom delu i korenu ponika starim deset dana. Nedovoljna količina vode u početnim fazama rasta aktivirala je sve ispitivane antioksidativne enzime u nadzemnom delu i u korenu ponika svih ispitivanih vrsta roda Vicia. Aktivnost SOD i APx se povećala na višim nivoima stresa, dok su se kod enzima katalaza uočili različiti obrasci delovanja u svim testiranim vrstama. Rezultati ovog eksperimenta ukazuju na povećanu produkciju radikala kiseonika u sušnim uslovima koji dovode do oksidativnog stresa u biljkama.
PB  - Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
T1  - Antioxidant enzymes activities in Vicia seedlings during drought stress
T1  - Aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u ponicima grahorica u uslovima suše
EP  - 5
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.5937/ratpov55-15292
ER  - 
author = "Jovičić, Dušica and Nikolić, Zorica and Mikić, Aleksandar and Milošević, Branko and Milošević, Dragana and Ignjatov, Maja and Marinković, Dragana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Drought greatly affects normal plant growth, endangering physiological and biochemical processes in plants. Under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions, antioxidant protection systems in plant cell can be activated regardless of the stage of growth and development of plants. The experiment was conducted on three vetches species (V. sativa, V. villosa and V. pannonica) under PEG-induced drought stress. Activity of antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, ascorbate peroxidase (APx, EC and catalase (CAT, EC 1. 11. 1. 6), was determined in shoots and roots of 10-day-old seedlings. Lack of water during germination period activated all the examined antioxidant enzymes in both organs of all tested Vicia species. The activity of SOD and APx generally increased at higher stress levels, while the enzyme CAT showed different patterns of action in all tested species. The results of this study suggest that drought stress causes the production of oxygen radicals that lead to oxidative stress in plants., Suša značajno utiče na normalan rast i razvoj biljaka ugrožavajući fiziološke i biohemijske procese. U nepovoljnim uslovima spoljašnje sredine, antioksidantni sistemi zaštite u biljnim ćelijama mogu se aktivirati bez obzira na fazu rasta i razvoja biljaka. Ovaj eksperiment je sproveden na tri vrste grahorica (V. sativa, V. villosa i V. pannonica) u uslovima suše indukovane PEG-om. Aktivnost antioksidantnih enzima superoksid dismutase (SOD), askorbat peroksidaze (APx) i katalaze (CAT) merena je u nadzemnom delu i korenu ponika starim deset dana. Nedovoljna količina vode u početnim fazama rasta aktivirala je sve ispitivane antioksidativne enzime u nadzemnom delu i u korenu ponika svih ispitivanih vrsta roda Vicia. Aktivnost SOD i APx se povećala na višim nivoima stresa, dok su se kod enzima katalaza uočili različiti obrasci delovanja u svim testiranim vrstama. Rezultati ovog eksperimenta ukazuju na povećanu produkciju radikala kiseonika u sušnim uslovima koji dovode do oksidativnog stresa u biljkama.",
publisher = "Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research",
title = "Antioxidant enzymes activities in Vicia seedlings during drought stress, Aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima u ponicima grahorica u uslovima suše",
pages = "5-1",
number = "1",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.5937/ratpov55-15292"
Jovičić, D., Nikolić, Z., Mikić, A., Milošević, B., Milošević, D., Ignjatov, M.,& Marinković, D.. (2018). Antioxidant enzymes activities in Vicia seedlings during drought stress. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 55(1), 1-5.
Jovičić D, Nikolić Z, Mikić A, Milošević B, Milošević D, Ignjatov M, Marinković D. Antioxidant enzymes activities in Vicia seedlings during drought stress. in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research. 2018;55(1):1-5.
doi:10.5937/ratpov55-15292 .
Jovičić, Dušica, Nikolić, Zorica, Mikić, Aleksandar, Milošević, Branko, Milošević, Dragana, Ignjatov, Maja, Marinković, Dragana, "Antioxidant enzymes activities in Vicia seedlings during drought stress" in Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo / Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 55, no. 1 (2018):1-5,
https://doi.org/10.5937/ratpov55-15292 . .

Evaluation of winter hardiness in some crucifer crops by microsatellite (SSR) markers

Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Panković, Dejana; Miladinović, Dragana; Dimitrijević, Aleksandra; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection, 2018)

AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Panković, Dejana
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
AU  - Dimitrijević, Aleksandra
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2864
AB  - In Serbia and other countries of the European Southeast, the autumn-sown grain and forage crucifer crops are traditionally dominant over those that are sown in spring (Marjanović Jeromela et al. 2017). Following the same trend on a global scale, rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is the most important, with about 13,500 ha in 2016 (FAOSTAT 2017) and generally increasing over the years (Marinković et al. 2004). At the same time, fodder kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. viridis L.) is highly appreciated as the first fresh forage in the spring, with a beneficial effects in the nutrition of milk cows (Mikić et al. 2014). Due to its typical continental climate, with moderately cold winters and often unexpected dry springs, the breeding programme on grain and forage crucifers in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) in Novi Sad prefers developing the autumn-sown cultivars to the spring-sown ones, especially since the yields of both oil-rich grain and protein-abundant forage is significantly higher in the former (Marjanović Jeromela et al. 2012). Apart from yield and its quality, one of the most significant goals in breeding autumn-sown crucifers is enhancing winter hardiness, that is, the overall tolerance to the duration and the intensity of low temperatures, which is shared with the research on autumn-sown annual legumes (Mikić et al. 2011). The screening methods allowing accurate and precise assessment of winter survival are critical for winter crop research programs. The most commonly used method is carried out by determining the ratio between the plant number before and after the winter, that is, the so-called winter survival percentage. The inherent difficulties in field trials constantly stimulate defining the improved tests complementing the screening in field conditions in contrasting environments (Rife 1996, Kole et al. 2002, Sun et al. 2007, Waalen et al. 2013). The genetic variability of current rapeseed breeding material is narrow due to its limited geographic range and intensive breeding for specific oil and seed quality traits (Hasan et al. 2006). Many studies have demonstrated the suitability of molecular marker techniques for evaluation of genetic variation in rapeseed. Some of the breaking-through approaches to investigate the genetic distance in this crop were investigated by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD, Mailer et al. 1994), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, Diers et al. 1994) and sequence-related amplified polymorphisms (SRAP) (Riaz et al. 2001). Cluster analysis using microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers covering the whole rapeseed genome proves as quite suitable and precise to clearly differentiate winter and spring rapeseed from each other (Plieske & Struss 2001). The goal of our study was to identify the heterotic groups in three crucifer crops for winter survival using SSR molecular markers considered close to quantitative trait loci (QTLs) relatd to this important agronomic characteristic.
PB  - Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection
T2  - Cruciferae Newsletter
T1  - Evaluation of winter hardiness in some crucifer crops by microsatellite (SSR) markers
EP  - 17
SP  - 12
VL  - 37
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2864
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Panković, Dejana and Miladinović, Dragana and Dimitrijević, Aleksandra and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "In Serbia and other countries of the European Southeast, the autumn-sown grain and forage crucifer crops are traditionally dominant over those that are sown in spring (Marjanović Jeromela et al. 2017). Following the same trend on a global scale, rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is the most important, with about 13,500 ha in 2016 (FAOSTAT 2017) and generally increasing over the years (Marinković et al. 2004). At the same time, fodder kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. viridis L.) is highly appreciated as the first fresh forage in the spring, with a beneficial effects in the nutrition of milk cows (Mikić et al. 2014). Due to its typical continental climate, with moderately cold winters and often unexpected dry springs, the breeding programme on grain and forage crucifers in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) in Novi Sad prefers developing the autumn-sown cultivars to the spring-sown ones, especially since the yields of both oil-rich grain and protein-abundant forage is significantly higher in the former (Marjanović Jeromela et al. 2012). Apart from yield and its quality, one of the most significant goals in breeding autumn-sown crucifers is enhancing winter hardiness, that is, the overall tolerance to the duration and the intensity of low temperatures, which is shared with the research on autumn-sown annual legumes (Mikić et al. 2011). The screening methods allowing accurate and precise assessment of winter survival are critical for winter crop research programs. The most commonly used method is carried out by determining the ratio between the plant number before and after the winter, that is, the so-called winter survival percentage. The inherent difficulties in field trials constantly stimulate defining the improved tests complementing the screening in field conditions in contrasting environments (Rife 1996, Kole et al. 2002, Sun et al. 2007, Waalen et al. 2013). The genetic variability of current rapeseed breeding material is narrow due to its limited geographic range and intensive breeding for specific oil and seed quality traits (Hasan et al. 2006). Many studies have demonstrated the suitability of molecular marker techniques for evaluation of genetic variation in rapeseed. Some of the breaking-through approaches to investigate the genetic distance in this crop were investigated by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD, Mailer et al. 1994), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, Diers et al. 1994) and sequence-related amplified polymorphisms (SRAP) (Riaz et al. 2001). Cluster analysis using microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers covering the whole rapeseed genome proves as quite suitable and precise to clearly differentiate winter and spring rapeseed from each other (Plieske & Struss 2001). The goal of our study was to identify the heterotic groups in three crucifer crops for winter survival using SSR molecular markers considered close to quantitative trait loci (QTLs) relatd to this important agronomic characteristic.",
publisher = "Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection",
journal = "Cruciferae Newsletter",
title = "Evaluation of winter hardiness in some crucifer crops by microsatellite (SSR) markers",
pages = "17-12",
volume = "37",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2864"
Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Panković, D., Miladinović, D., Dimitrijević, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2018). Evaluation of winter hardiness in some crucifer crops by microsatellite (SSR) markers. in Cruciferae Newsletter
Le Rheu : Institute for Genetics, Environment and Plant Protection., 37, 12-17.
Marjanović-Jeromela A, Panković D, Miladinović D, Dimitrijević A, Mikić A. Evaluation of winter hardiness in some crucifer crops by microsatellite (SSR) markers. in Cruciferae Newsletter. 2018;37:12-17.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2864 .
Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Panković, Dejana, Miladinović, Dragana, Dimitrijević, Aleksandra, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Evaluation of winter hardiness in some crucifer crops by microsatellite (SSR) markers" in Cruciferae Newsletter, 37 (2018):12-17,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2864 .

Dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of selected legumes seeds from the central Balkans

Malenčić, Ðorđe; Kiprovski, Biljana; Bursić, Vojislava; Vuković, Gorica; Ćupina, Branko; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Akademiai Kiado Zrt, Budapest, 2018)

AU  - Malenčić, Ðorđe
AU  - Kiprovski, Biljana
AU  - Bursić, Vojislava
AU  - Vuković, Gorica
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1742
AB  - The aim of this study was to select Vicia genotypes with higher polyphenol contents and increased antioxidant activity, and to compare them with soybean, the most widespread and utilized legume species grown in the region. The examined legumes showed similar contents of total polyphenolics and tannins in between specimen, but differed greatly in their flavonoids and proanthocynidins levels. The content of total polyphenols ranged from 1.6 to 6.09 catechin/g dry seeds, and tannins from 0.26 to 2.98 mg of catechin/g dry seeds. The flavonoids levels in Vicia species were much higher compared with soybean, while the content of proanthocyanidins ranged from 1.5 (in soybean) to 62.3 mg of leucoanthocyanidin/g dry seeds (in vetches). The gallic and trans-cinnamic acids were identified as major monomeric phenolic compounds, and quercetin among flavonoids was found in all specimens. Catechin was detected in faba bean and vetches but not in the soybean. The values of the DPPH-test varied in a range between 21.1 and 89.6% of neutralized radicals, which correlated with the total polyphenolics and tannin contents. The faba bean specimens showed favourable traits - high total polyphenolic, flavonoid and proanthocyanidin contents, low total tannin content, and high DPPH-radical scavenging ability.
PB  - Akademiai Kiado Zrt, Budapest
T2  - Acta Alimentaria
T1  - Dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of selected legumes seeds from the central Balkans
EP  - 349
IS  - 3
SP  - 340
VL  - 47
DO  - 10.1556/066.2018.47.3.10
ER  - 
author = "Malenčić, Ðorđe and Kiprovski, Biljana and Bursić, Vojislava and Vuković, Gorica and Ćupina, Branko and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to select Vicia genotypes with higher polyphenol contents and increased antioxidant activity, and to compare them with soybean, the most widespread and utilized legume species grown in the region. The examined legumes showed similar contents of total polyphenolics and tannins in between specimen, but differed greatly in their flavonoids and proanthocynidins levels. The content of total polyphenols ranged from 1.6 to 6.09 catechin/g dry seeds, and tannins from 0.26 to 2.98 mg of catechin/g dry seeds. The flavonoids levels in Vicia species were much higher compared with soybean, while the content of proanthocyanidins ranged from 1.5 (in soybean) to 62.3 mg of leucoanthocyanidin/g dry seeds (in vetches). The gallic and trans-cinnamic acids were identified as major monomeric phenolic compounds, and quercetin among flavonoids was found in all specimens. Catechin was detected in faba bean and vetches but not in the soybean. The values of the DPPH-test varied in a range between 21.1 and 89.6% of neutralized radicals, which correlated with the total polyphenolics and tannin contents. The faba bean specimens showed favourable traits - high total polyphenolic, flavonoid and proanthocyanidin contents, low total tannin content, and high DPPH-radical scavenging ability.",
publisher = "Akademiai Kiado Zrt, Budapest",
journal = "Acta Alimentaria",
title = "Dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of selected legumes seeds from the central Balkans",
pages = "349-340",
number = "3",
volume = "47",
doi = "10.1556/066.2018.47.3.10"
Malenčić, Ð., Kiprovski, B., Bursić, V., Vuković, G., Ćupina, B.,& Mikić, A.. (2018). Dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of selected legumes seeds from the central Balkans. in Acta Alimentaria
Akademiai Kiado Zrt, Budapest., 47(3), 340-349.
Malenčić Ð, Kiprovski B, Bursić V, Vuković G, Ćupina B, Mikić A. Dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of selected legumes seeds from the central Balkans. in Acta Alimentaria. 2018;47(3):340-349.
doi:10.1556/066.2018.47.3.10 .
Malenčić, Ðorđe, Kiprovski, Biljana, Bursić, Vojislava, Vuković, Gorica, Ćupina, Branko, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Dietary phenolics and antioxidant capacity of selected legumes seeds from the central Balkans" in Acta Alimentaria, 47, no. 3 (2018):340-349,
https://doi.org/10.1556/066.2018.47.3.10 . .

Notes on archaeobotany, etymology and lexicology of the genus Camelina Crantz

Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Vollmann, Johann; Medović, Aleksandar; Mikić, Aleksandar

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac, 2018)

AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Vollmann, Johann
AU  - Medović, Aleksandar
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2424
AB  - The genus Camelina Crantz, colloquially referred to as false flax, belongs to the family Brassicaceae Burnett (syn. Cruciferae Juss.) and comprises several herbaceous species originating in Near East, Asia Minor and South Europe. C. sativa (L.) Crantz, usually referred to as camelina, false flax and goldof-pleasure, is one of the most ancient oil crops. The archaeological evidence of its presence in diverse ancient cultures and local agricultures is rich and enables tracing its spread throughout various ages and across the Old World. It is most likely that camelina followed common flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) during its spatial and temporal distribution, possibly adapting its growing habit to that of the latter and surviving as its weed-like companion. This may be confirmed by the etymology of the Greek word denoting camelina, consisting of χώμα (ground) and λινάριον (flax), depicting a lower competing ability of camelina when growing together with the flax crop. The material testimony of camelina ranges from Neolithic (eight millennia ago) to Roman and Medieval times and from Karakorum in Mongolia, over Armenia and Baltic coastline to the Iberian Peninsula. The common names denoting camelina in numerous ethnolinguistic families distinct the dark yellow or rusty colour of its flowers and seeds. This may be seen in modern languages, such as the Indo-European, with the German leindotter, the Italian dorella, the Russian ryzhik or the Sorbian žołtk, and the Uralic languages, with the Finnish ruistankio and the Hungarian sárgarepce.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad
T1  - Notes on archaeobotany, etymology and lexicology of the genus Camelina Crantz
EP  - 184
SP  - 183
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2424
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Vollmann, Johann and Medović, Aleksandar and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The genus Camelina Crantz, colloquially referred to as false flax, belongs to the family Brassicaceae Burnett (syn. Cruciferae Juss.) and comprises several herbaceous species originating in Near East, Asia Minor and South Europe. C. sativa (L.) Crantz, usually referred to as camelina, false flax and goldof-pleasure, is one of the most ancient oil crops. The archaeological evidence of its presence in diverse ancient cultures and local agricultures is rich and enables tracing its spread throughout various ages and across the Old World. It is most likely that camelina followed common flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) during its spatial and temporal distribution, possibly adapting its growing habit to that of the latter and surviving as its weed-like companion. This may be confirmed by the etymology of the Greek word denoting camelina, consisting of χώμα (ground) and λινάριον (flax), depicting a lower competing ability of camelina when growing together with the flax crop. The material testimony of camelina ranges from Neolithic (eight millennia ago) to Roman and Medieval times and from Karakorum in Mongolia, over Armenia and Baltic coastline to the Iberian Peninsula. The common names denoting camelina in numerous ethnolinguistic families distinct the dark yellow or rusty colour of its flowers and seeds. This may be seen in modern languages, such as the Indo-European, with the German leindotter, the Italian dorella, the Russian ryzhik or the Sorbian žołtk, and the Uralic languages, with the Finnish ruistankio and the Hungarian sárgarepce.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad",
title = "Notes on archaeobotany, etymology and lexicology of the genus Camelina Crantz",
pages = "184-183",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2424"
Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Vollmann, J., Medović, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2018). Notes on archaeobotany, etymology and lexicology of the genus Camelina Crantz. in Book of Abstracts, 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden Jevremovac., 183-184.
Marjanović-Jeromela A, Vollmann J, Medović A, Mikić A. Notes on archaeobotany, etymology and lexicology of the genus Camelina Crantz. in Book of Abstracts, 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad. 2018;:183-184.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2424 .
Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Vollmann, Johann, Medović, Aleksandar, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Notes on archaeobotany, etymology and lexicology of the genus Camelina Crantz" in Book of Abstracts, 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10-14th September 2018, Novi Sad (2018):183-184,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2424 .

Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment

Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Aleksandar; Vujić, Svetlana; Ćupina, Branko; Krstić, Đorđe; Dimitrijević, Aleksandra; Vasiljević, Sanja; Mihailović, Vojislav; Cvejić, Sandra; Miladinović, Dragana

(Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne, 2017)

AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Dimitrijević, Aleksandra
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Cvejić, Sandra
AU  - Miladinović, Dragana
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1701
AB  - Legumes and brassicas have much in common: importance in agricultural history, rich biodiversity, numerous forms of use, high adaptability to diverse farming designs, and various non-food applications. Rare available resources demonstrate intercropping legumes and brassicas as beneficial to both, especially for the latter, profiting from better nitrogen nutrition. Our team aimed at designing a scheme of the intercrops of autumnand spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for ruminant feeding and green manure, and has carried out a set of field trials in a temperate Southeast European environment and during the past decade, aimed at assessing their potential for yields of forage dry matter and aboveground biomass nitrogen and their economic reliability via land equivalent ratio. This review provides a cross-view of the most important deliverables of our applied research, including eight annual legume crops and six brassica species, demonstrating that nearly all the intercrops were economically reliable, as well as that those involving hairy vetch, Hungarian vetch, Narbonne vetch and pea on one side, and fodder kale and rapeseed on the other, were most productive in both manners. Feeling encouraged that this pioneering study may stimulate similar analyses in other environments and that intercropping annual legume and brassicas may play a large-scale role in diverse cropping systems, our team is heading a detailed examination of various extended research.
PB  - Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne
T2  - Frontiers in Plant Science
T1  - Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment
SP  - 312
VL  - 8
DO  - 10.3389/fpls.2017.00312
ER  - 
author = "Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Aleksandar and Vujić, Svetlana and Ćupina, Branko and Krstić, Đorđe and Dimitrijević, Aleksandra and Vasiljević, Sanja and Mihailović, Vojislav and Cvejić, Sandra and Miladinović, Dragana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Legumes and brassicas have much in common: importance in agricultural history, rich biodiversity, numerous forms of use, high adaptability to diverse farming designs, and various non-food applications. Rare available resources demonstrate intercropping legumes and brassicas as beneficial to both, especially for the latter, profiting from better nitrogen nutrition. Our team aimed at designing a scheme of the intercrops of autumnand spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for ruminant feeding and green manure, and has carried out a set of field trials in a temperate Southeast European environment and during the past decade, aimed at assessing their potential for yields of forage dry matter and aboveground biomass nitrogen and their economic reliability via land equivalent ratio. This review provides a cross-view of the most important deliverables of our applied research, including eight annual legume crops and six brassica species, demonstrating that nearly all the intercrops were economically reliable, as well as that those involving hairy vetch, Hungarian vetch, Narbonne vetch and pea on one side, and fodder kale and rapeseed on the other, were most productive in both manners. Feeling encouraged that this pioneering study may stimulate similar analyses in other environments and that intercropping annual legume and brassicas may play a large-scale role in diverse cropping systems, our team is heading a detailed examination of various extended research.",
publisher = "Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne",
journal = "Frontiers in Plant Science",
title = "Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment",
pages = "312",
volume = "8",
doi = "10.3389/fpls.2017.00312"
Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Mikić, A., Vujić, S., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Dimitrijević, A., Vasiljević, S., Mihailović, V., Cvejić, S.,& Miladinović, D.. (2017). Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment. in Frontiers in Plant Science
Frontiers Media Sa, Lausanne., 8, 312.
Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić A, Vujić S, Ćupina B, Krstić Đ, Dimitrijević A, Vasiljević S, Mihailović V, Cvejić S, Miladinović D. Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment. in Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017;8:312.
doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00312 .
Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Aleksandar, Vujić, Svetlana, Ćupina, Branko, Krstić, Đorđe, Dimitrijević, Aleksandra, Vasiljević, Sanja, Mihailović, Vojislav, Cvejić, Sandra, Miladinović, Dragana, "Potential of Legume-Brassica Intercrops for Forage Production and Green Manure: Encouragements from a Temperate Southeast European Environment" in Frontiers in Plant Science, 8 (2017):312,
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00312 . .

Mixtures of legumes for forage production

Ćupina, Branko; Mikić, Aleksandar; Krstić, Đorđe; Vujić, Svetlana; Zorić, Lana; Đorđević, Vuk; Erić, Pero

(CABI International, 2017)

AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Krstić, Đorđe
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
AU  - Zorić, Lana
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Erić, Pero
PY  - 2017
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/1719
AB  - In Europe, legumes are mostly grown as single species or in mixtures with cereals or grasses. As an alternative cropping strategy, mixtures of legumes for forage have been developed in Serbia. This novel approach can be applied in many other temperate regions of Europe. This chapter provides an overview of these cropping systems, their use and their development. Carefully designed mixtures of forage crop species offer advantages over the component species grown separately. These advantages include higher yield, enhanced weed control and reduced soil erosion. In addition, the use of legumes in forage mixtures has benefits for feed quality due to the high protein content of the legume. This chapter examines the use of annual legumes mixed with perennial legumes to boost firstyear yields in particular. Our research has shown that an annual forage legume can provide a yield benefit when sown as the companion crop during the establishment phase of a perennial legume. This research also shows that including field pea as a companion crop significantly increased overall dry matter yields and reduced weeds in red clover stands. Similar research is in progress for the establishment of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.). We also examined the intercropping of annual temperate legumes with each other for forage production, and found that all mixtures out-yielded their components grown as pure stands. The evidence in the literature that explains this is reviewed.
PB  - CABI International
T2  - Legumes in Cropping Systems
T1  - Mixtures of legumes for forage production
EP  - 208
SP  - 193
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1719
ER  - 
author = "Ćupina, Branko and Mikić, Aleksandar and Krstić, Đorđe and Vujić, Svetlana and Zorić, Lana and Đorđević, Vuk and Erić, Pero",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In Europe, legumes are mostly grown as single species or in mixtures with cereals or grasses. As an alternative cropping strategy, mixtures of legumes for forage have been developed in Serbia. This novel approach can be applied in many other temperate regions of Europe. This chapter provides an overview of these cropping systems, their use and their development. Carefully designed mixtures of forage crop species offer advantages over the component species grown separately. These advantages include higher yield, enhanced weed control and reduced soil erosion. In addition, the use of legumes in forage mixtures has benefits for feed quality due to the high protein content of the legume. This chapter examines the use of annual legumes mixed with perennial legumes to boost firstyear yields in particular. Our research has shown that an annual forage legume can provide a yield benefit when sown as the companion crop during the establishment phase of a perennial legume. This research also shows that including field pea as a companion crop significantly increased overall dry matter yields and reduced weeds in red clover stands. Similar research is in progress for the establishment of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.). We also examined the intercropping of annual temperate legumes with each other for forage production, and found that all mixtures out-yielded their components grown as pure stands. The evidence in the literature that explains this is reviewed.",
publisher = "CABI International",
journal = "Legumes in Cropping Systems",
booktitle = "Mixtures of legumes for forage production",
pages = "208-193",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1719"
Ćupina, B., Mikić, A., Krstić, Đ., Vujić, S., Zorić, L., Đorđević, V.,& Erić, P.. (2017). Mixtures of legumes for forage production. in Legumes in Cropping Systems
CABI International., 193-208.
Ćupina B, Mikić A, Krstić Đ, Vujić S, Zorić L, Đorđević V, Erić P. Mixtures of legumes for forage production. in Legumes in Cropping Systems. 2017;:193-208.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1719 .
Ćupina, Branko, Mikić, Aleksandar, Krstić, Đorđe, Vujić, Svetlana, Zorić, Lana, Đorđević, Vuk, Erić, Pero, "Mixtures of legumes for forage production" in Legumes in Cropping Systems (2017):193-208,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_1719 .

Assessment of genetic diversity of soybean accessions using SSR markers

Perić, Vesna; Nikolić, Milica; Zorić, Miroslav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Mladenović Drinić, Snežana

(International Legume Society, 2016)

AU  - Perić, Vesna
AU  - Nikolić, Milica
AU  - Zorić, Miroslav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Mladenović Drinić, Snežana
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2979
AB  - Soybean is a plant species characterized by an extremely narrow genetic base, as a consequence of self-pollination, a long process of domestication and artificial selection. A key phase in maintaining diversity and successful utilization in breeding is the genetic and phenotypic characterization of accessions available in collections. Soybean collection in Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" maintains more than 500 accessions from different regions of the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of genetic variation in collection, through the sample of 90 soybean genotypes originated from 15 countries, classified in 5 geographical groups (DOM-Serbia, EUR-European, USA-North American, CAN- Canadian, EXO-China and Japan). Twenty SSR primer pairs were selected for the molecular analysis. To assess the genetic relations among accessions, cluster analysis employing UPGMA method was performed.
PB  - International Legume Society
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal
T1  - Assessment of genetic diversity of soybean accessions using SSR markers
EP  - 105
SP  - 105
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2979
ER  - 
author = "Perić, Vesna and Nikolić, Milica and Zorić, Miroslav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Mladenović Drinić, Snežana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Soybean is a plant species characterized by an extremely narrow genetic base, as a consequence of self-pollination, a long process of domestication and artificial selection. A key phase in maintaining diversity and successful utilization in breeding is the genetic and phenotypic characterization of accessions available in collections. Soybean collection in Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje" maintains more than 500 accessions from different regions of the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of genetic variation in collection, through the sample of 90 soybean genotypes originated from 15 countries, classified in 5 geographical groups (DOM-Serbia, EUR-European, USA-North American, CAN- Canadian, EXO-China and Japan). Twenty SSR primer pairs were selected for the molecular analysis. To assess the genetic relations among accessions, cluster analysis employing UPGMA method was performed.",
publisher = "International Legume Society",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal",
title = "Assessment of genetic diversity of soybean accessions using SSR markers",
pages = "105-105",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2979"
Perić, V., Nikolić, M., Zorić, M., Mikić, A.,& Mladenović Drinić, S.. (2016). Assessment of genetic diversity of soybean accessions using SSR markers. in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal
International Legume Society., 105-105.
Perić V, Nikolić M, Zorić M, Mikić A, Mladenović Drinić S. Assessment of genetic diversity of soybean accessions using SSR markers. in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal. 2016;:105-105.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2979 .
Perić, Vesna, Nikolić, Milica, Zorić, Miroslav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Mladenović Drinić, Snežana, "Assessment of genetic diversity of soybean accessions using SSR markers" in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal (2016):105-105,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2979 .

Discovering genetic signatures of selection in the elite soybean germplasm

Ćeran, Marina; Đorđević, Vuk; Miladinović, Jegor; Balešević-Tubić, Svetlana; Mikić, Aleksandar; Mikić, Sanja; Trkulja, Dragana

(International Legume Society, 2016)

AU  - Ćeran, Marina
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Balešević-Tubić, Svetlana
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Trkulja, Dragana
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/4810
AB  - Identification of genomic regions affecting soybean improvement has practical importance for future breeding, indicating positions of agronomically important genes or genes underlying adaptation. Genetic consequences of breeding in the environment of Central East Europe were detected by analysis of ancestral and elite soybean varieties, using genetic hitchhiking mapping. As a result of long-term selection, significant reduction in genetic diversity of the elite population comparing to ancestral was observed.
PB  - International Legume Society
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal
T1  - Discovering genetic signatures of selection in the elite soybean germplasm
EP  - 230
SP  - 230
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4810
ER  - 
author = "Ćeran, Marina and Đorđević, Vuk and Miladinović, Jegor and Balešević-Tubić, Svetlana and Mikić, Aleksandar and Mikić, Sanja and Trkulja, Dragana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Identification of genomic regions affecting soybean improvement has practical importance for future breeding, indicating positions of agronomically important genes or genes underlying adaptation. Genetic consequences of breeding in the environment of Central East Europe were detected by analysis of ancestral and elite soybean varieties, using genetic hitchhiking mapping. As a result of long-term selection, significant reduction in genetic diversity of the elite population comparing to ancestral was observed.",
publisher = "International Legume Society",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal",
title = "Discovering genetic signatures of selection in the elite soybean germplasm",
pages = "230-230",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4810"
Ćeran, M., Đorđević, V., Miladinović, J., Balešević-Tubić, S., Mikić, A., Mikić, S.,& Trkulja, D.. (2016). Discovering genetic signatures of selection in the elite soybean germplasm. in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal
International Legume Society., 230-230.
Ćeran M, Đorđević V, Miladinović J, Balešević-Tubić S, Mikić A, Mikić S, Trkulja D. Discovering genetic signatures of selection in the elite soybean germplasm. in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal. 2016;:230-230.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4810 .
Ćeran, Marina, Đorđević, Vuk, Miladinović, Jegor, Balešević-Tubić, Svetlana, Mikić, Aleksandar, Mikić, Sanja, Trkulja, Dragana, "Discovering genetic signatures of selection in the elite soybean germplasm" in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal (2016):230-230,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_4810 .

Intercropping legumes with legumes and its effects on yield components

Živanov, Dalibor; Karagić, Đura; Milošević, Branko; Vasiljević, Sanja; Đorđević, Vuk; Savić, Aleksandra; Mikić, Aleksandar

(International Legume Society, 2016)

AU  - Živanov, Dalibor
AU  - Karagić, Đura
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Savić, Aleksandra
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2949
AB  - The experimental trial was established in the experimental field of the
IFVCNS, using completely randomized block design with three
replications. The plot size was 5m2 and the seeding ratios was 50:50%.
Pea +faba bean, pea + fenugreek and grass pea + white lupin were
mixed together, and mechanically sown in rows at the same depth. A
total of ten plants randomly chosen per plot in three replications were
estimated for the yield components (the number of pods, number of
seeds and seed weight per pod.
The average number of pods (7.6/8.2), number of seeds (26.9/30.1) and
seed weight (6g/7.2g) per pea plant in a mixture with faba bean and
fenugreek was significantly higher than in sole crop, where the average
number of pods was 5.2, number of seeds 19.2, and seed weight 4.7g.
However, in the same mixture the average number of pods (12.3/13.8)
and seeds (29.7/57.7) per faba bean and fenugreek plants were
significantly higher than in intercrop. Moreover, the fenugreek had the
significantly higher seed weight (0.9g) in mixtures than in a sole crop.
The sole crops of grass pea and white lupin had the significantly higher
number of pods (18.5/9.2), seeds (44.1/29) and seed weight (7.25/13.2)
then in mixture.
PB  - International Legume Society
C3  - Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal
T1  - Intercropping legumes with legumes and its effects on yield components
EP  - 143
SP  - 143
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2949
ER  - 
author = "Živanov, Dalibor and Karagić, Đura and Milošević, Branko and Vasiljević, Sanja and Đorđević, Vuk and Savić, Aleksandra and Mikić, Aleksandar",
year = "2016",
abstract = "The experimental trial was established in the experimental field of the
IFVCNS, using completely randomized block design with three
replications. The plot size was 5m2 and the seeding ratios was 50:50%.
Pea +faba bean, pea + fenugreek and grass pea + white lupin were
mixed together, and mechanically sown in rows at the same depth. A
total of ten plants randomly chosen per plot in three replications were
estimated for the yield components (the number of pods, number of
seeds and seed weight per pod.
The average number of pods (7.6/8.2), number of seeds (26.9/30.1) and
seed weight (6g/7.2g) per pea plant in a mixture with faba bean and
fenugreek was significantly higher than in sole crop, where the average
number of pods was 5.2, number of seeds 19.2, and seed weight 4.7g.
However, in the same mixture the average number of pods (12.3/13.8)
and seeds (29.7/57.7) per faba bean and fenugreek plants were
significantly higher than in intercrop. Moreover, the fenugreek had the
significantly higher seed weight (0.9g) in mixtures than in a sole crop.
The sole crops of grass pea and white lupin had the significantly higher
number of pods (18.5/9.2), seeds (44.1/29) and seed weight (7.25/13.2)
then in mixture.",
publisher = "International Legume Society",
journal = "Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal",
title = "Intercropping legumes with legumes and its effects on yield components",
pages = "143-143",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2949"
Živanov, D., Karagić, Đ., Milošević, B., Vasiljević, S., Đorđević, V., Savić, A.,& Mikić, A.. (2016). Intercropping legumes with legumes and its effects on yield components. in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal
International Legume Society., 143-143.
Živanov D, Karagić Đ, Milošević B, Vasiljević S, Đorđević V, Savić A, Mikić A. Intercropping legumes with legumes and its effects on yield components. in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal. 2016;:143-143.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2949 .
Živanov, Dalibor, Karagić, Đura, Milošević, Branko, Vasiljević, Sanja, Đorđević, Vuk, Savić, Aleksandra, Mikić, Aleksandar, "Intercropping legumes with legumes and its effects on yield components" in Book of Abstracts, 2nd International Legume Society Conference ILS2 "Legumes for a Sustainable World", 11-14 October 2016, Troia Resort, Portugal (2016):143-143,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2949 .

Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research

Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Ćeran, Marina; Ćupina, Branko; Đorđević, Vuk; Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana; Mikić, Sanja; Perić, Vesna; Savić, Aleksandra; Srebrić, Mirjana; Terzić, Sreten; Vasić, Mirjana; Vasiljević, Sanja; Vujić, Svetlana

(International Legume Society, 2016)

AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Ćeran, Marina
AU  - Ćupina, Branko
AU  - Đorđević, Vuk
AU  - Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana
AU  - Mikić, Sanja
AU  - Perić, Vesna
AU  - Savić, Aleksandra
AU  - Srebrić, Mirjana
AU  - Terzić, Sreten
AU  - Vasić, Mirjana
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Vujić, Svetlana
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2962
AB  - Our intention was to give a very rough draft of 1) our contemporary knowledge on various aspects of the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) biodiversity, 2) most important aspects of breeding this crop for forage, grain and biomass yield and ornamental purposes and 3) innovative approaches in its agronomy, such as intercropping with other legumes.
PB  - International Legume Society
T2  - Legume Perspectives
T1  - Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research
EP  - 15
SP  - 9
VL  - 13
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2962
ER  - 
author = "Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Ćeran, Marina and Ćupina, Branko and Đorđević, Vuk and Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana and Mikić, Sanja and Perić, Vesna and Savić, Aleksandra and Srebrić, Mirjana and Terzić, Sreten and Vasić, Mirjana and Vasiljević, Sanja and Vujić, Svetlana",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Our intention was to give a very rough draft of 1) our contemporary knowledge on various aspects of the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) biodiversity, 2) most important aspects of breeding this crop for forage, grain and biomass yield and ornamental purposes and 3) innovative approaches in its agronomy, such as intercropping with other legumes.",
publisher = "International Legume Society",
journal = "Legume Perspectives",
title = "Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research",
pages = "15-9",
volume = "13",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2962"
Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Ćeran, M., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Mikić, S., Perić, V., Savić, A., Srebrić, M., Terzić, S., Vasić, M., Vasiljević, S.,& Vujić, S.. (2016). Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research. in Legume Perspectives
International Legume Society., 13, 9-15.
Mihailović V, Mikić A, Ćeran M, Ćupina B, Đorđević V, Marjanović-Jeromela A, Mikić S, Perić V, Savić A, Srebrić M, Terzić S, Vasić M, Vasiljević S, Vujić S. Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research. in Legume Perspectives. 2016;13:9-15.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2962 .
Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Ćeran, Marina, Ćupina, Branko, Đorđević, Vuk, Marjanović-Jeromela, Ana, Mikić, Sanja, Perić, Vesna, Savić, Aleksandra, Srebrić, Mirjana, Terzić, Sreten, Vasić, Mirjana, Vasiljević, Sanja, Vujić, Svetlana, "Some aspects of biodiversity, applied genetics and agronomy in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) research" in Legume Perspectives, 13 (2016):9-15,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2962 .

Značaj stočnog graška u proizvodnji kvalitetne stočne hrane bogate proteinima

Vasiljević, Sanja; Živanov, Dalibor; Milošević, Branko; Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Karagić, Đura

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2016)

AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Živanov, Dalibor
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Karagić, Đura
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2445
AB  - Stočni grašak (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense Poir.) vodi poreklo iz bliskoistočnog i mediteranskog centra diverziteta, odakle se brzo proširio u svim pravcima, posebno u Evropu, severnu Afriku i centralnu Aziju. Stočni grašak je istovremeno i jedna od prvih odomaćenih biljnih vrsta, s arheološkim ostacima u Siriji starim oko deset hiljada godina. Zajedno sa sočivom, bobom i nekoliko vrsta strnina, grašak je bio jedan od najranijih useva u Evropi, nakon poslednjeg ledenog doba. Stočni grašak se, u zavisnosti od dela biljke koji se koristi, deli na krmni i proteinski. Krmni grašak se odlikuje bujnom nadzemnom biomasom, kosi se u fazi punog cvetanja i obrazovanja prvih mahuna, i koristi celokupan nadzemni deo biljke. Krmni grašak može da se gaji kao čist usev ili češće u smeši sa potpornim usevom (strnim žitima). S druge strane, proteinski grašak, takođe poznat i kao grašak za suvo zrno, gaji se isključivo radi zrelog zrna bogatog proteinima i gaji se kao čist usev.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - Značaj stočnog graška u proizvodnji kvalitetne stočne hrane bogate proteinima
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2445
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Sanja and Živanov, Dalibor and Milošević, Branko and Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Karagić, Đura",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Stočni grašak (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense Poir.) vodi poreklo iz bliskoistočnog i mediteranskog centra diverziteta, odakle se brzo proširio u svim pravcima, posebno u Evropu, severnu Afriku i centralnu Aziju. Stočni grašak je istovremeno i jedna od prvih odomaćenih biljnih vrsta, s arheološkim ostacima u Siriji starim oko deset hiljada godina. Zajedno sa sočivom, bobom i nekoliko vrsta strnina, grašak je bio jedan od najranijih useva u Evropi, nakon poslednjeg ledenog doba. Stočni grašak se, u zavisnosti od dela biljke koji se koristi, deli na krmni i proteinski. Krmni grašak se odlikuje bujnom nadzemnom biomasom, kosi se u fazi punog cvetanja i obrazovanja prvih mahuna, i koristi celokupan nadzemni deo biljke. Krmni grašak može da se gaji kao čist usev ili češće u smeši sa potpornim usevom (strnim žitima). S druge strane, proteinski grašak, takođe poznat i kao grašak za suvo zrno, gaji se isključivo radi zrelog zrna bogatog proteinima i gaji se kao čist usev.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "Značaj stočnog graška u proizvodnji kvalitetne stočne hrane bogate proteinima",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2445"
Vasiljević, S., Živanov, D., Milošević, B., Mihailović, V., Mikić, A.,& Karagić, Đ.. (2016). Značaj stočnog graška u proizvodnji kvalitetne stočne hrane bogate proteinima. 
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo..
Vasiljević S, Živanov D, Milošević B, Mihailović V, Mikić A, Karagić Đ. Značaj stočnog graška u proizvodnji kvalitetne stočne hrane bogate proteinima. 2016;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2445 .
Vasiljević, Sanja, Živanov, Dalibor, Milošević, Branko, Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Karagić, Đura, "Značaj stočnog graška u proizvodnji kvalitetne stočne hrane bogate proteinima" (2016),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2445 .

The importance of field pea in the production of quality animal feed rich in proteins

Vasiljević, Sanja; Živanov, Dalibor; Milošević, Branko; Mihailović, Vojislav; Mikić, Aleksandar; Karagić, Đura

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2016)

AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Živanov, Dalibor
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Karagić, Đura
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2447
AB  - Field pea (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense Poir.) originates from the Middle East and the Mediterranean centre of diversity, from where it quickly spread in all directions, especially in Europe, North Africa and Central Asia. At the same time, field pea is one of the first domesticated plant species with about ten thousand years old archaeological findings in Syria. Along with lentils, broad beans and several species of small grains, pea was one of the earliest crops in Europe, after the last ice age. Depending on the plant part that is used, there are two types of field pea: forage and protein. Forage pea is characterized by luxuriant canopy; it is cut at the stage of full flowering and first pods formation; and the whole canopy is used. Forage pea can be grown as single crop, or more often intercropped with supporting crop (small grains). On the other side, protein pea, also known as pea used for dry seed, is grown as a single crop and only for mature seed rich in protein.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
T1  - The importance of field pea in the production of quality animal feed rich in proteins
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2447
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Sanja and Živanov, Dalibor and Milošević, Branko and Mihailović, Vojislav and Mikić, Aleksandar and Karagić, Đura",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Field pea (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense Poir.) originates from the Middle East and the Mediterranean centre of diversity, from where it quickly spread in all directions, especially in Europe, North Africa and Central Asia. At the same time, field pea is one of the first domesticated plant species with about ten thousand years old archaeological findings in Syria. Along with lentils, broad beans and several species of small grains, pea was one of the earliest crops in Europe, after the last ice age. Depending on the plant part that is used, there are two types of field pea: forage and protein. Forage pea is characterized by luxuriant canopy; it is cut at the stage of full flowering and first pods formation; and the whole canopy is used. Forage pea can be grown as single crop, or more often intercropped with supporting crop (small grains). On the other side, protein pea, also known as pea used for dry seed, is grown as a single crop and only for mature seed rich in protein.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
title = "The importance of field pea in the production of quality animal feed rich in proteins",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2447"
Vasiljević, S., Živanov, D., Milošević, B., Mihailović, V., Mikić, A.,& Karagić, Đ.. (2016). The importance of field pea in the production of quality animal feed rich in proteins. 
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo..
Vasiljević S, Živanov D, Milošević B, Mihailović V, Mikić A, Karagić Đ. The importance of field pea in the production of quality animal feed rich in proteins. 2016;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2447 .
Vasiljević, Sanja, Živanov, Dalibor, Milošević, Branko, Mihailović, Vojislav, Mikić, Aleksandar, Karagić, Đura, "The importance of field pea in the production of quality animal feed rich in proteins" (2016),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2447 .

Proizvodnja kabaste stočne hrane

Karagić, Đura; Vasiljević, Sanja; Mihailović, Vojislav; Milić, Dragan; Mikić, Aleksandar; Milošević, Branko; Katanski, Snežana; Živanov, Dalibor; Dolapčev, Anja

(Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2016)

AU  - Karagić, Đura
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Milić, Dragan
AU  - Mikić, Aleksandar
AU  - Milošević, Branko
AU  - Katanski, Snežana
AU  - Živanov, Dalibor
AU  - Dolapčev, Anja
PY  - 2016
UR  - http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2952
AB  - Nedostatak dovoljnih količina kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane danas je verovatno najveći problem u ishrani preživara. Kabasta hraniva se karakterišu time što imaju veći udeo vlakana (iznad 18% sirove celuloze), voluminozna su i u osnovi predstavljaju vegetativni deo različitih biljnih vrsta. Zastupljenost dostupne (svarljive) energije u ovim hranivima je niža po jedinici mase ili zapremine nego kod koncentrata. Kvalitet kabastih hraniva uslovljen je ponajviše biološkom pripadnošću krmne kulture i fazom razvića. Svi sistemi normiranja obroka u ishrani preživara polaze od toga da dobro izbalansiran obrok omogućuje da životinje bolje konzumiraju i iskoriste hranu. Trave i leguminoze su osnovna kabasta hraniva i čine 2/3 suve materije obroka. Ako se koriste na pravi način, ova kabasta hraniva su veoma dobar izvor proteina, karotina, kalcijuma i drugih minerala.
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik referata, 50. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS), Zlatibor, 24-30. januar 2016.
T1  - Proizvodnja kabaste stočne hrane
EP  - 22
SP  - 13
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2952
ER  - 
author = "Karagić, Đura and Vasiljević, Sanja and Mihailović, Vojislav and Milić, Dragan and Mikić, Aleksandar and Milošević, Branko and Katanski, Snežana and Živanov, Dalibor and Dolapčev, Anja",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Nedostatak dovoljnih količina kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane danas je verovatno najveći problem u ishrani preživara. Kabasta hraniva se karakterišu time što imaju veći udeo vlakana (iznad 18% sirove celuloze), voluminozna su i u osnovi predstavljaju vegetativni deo različitih biljnih vrsta. Zastupljenost dostupne (svarljive) energije u ovim hranivima je niža po jedinici mase ili zapremine nego kod koncentrata. Kvalitet kabastih hraniva uslovljen je ponajviše biološkom pripadnošću krmne kulture i fazom razvića. Svi sistemi normiranja obroka u ishrani preživara polaze od toga da dobro izbalansiran obrok omogućuje da životinje bolje konzumiraju i iskoriste hranu. Trave i leguminoze su osnovna kabasta hraniva i čine 2/3 suve materije obroka. Ako se koriste na pravi način, ova kabasta hraniva su veoma dobar izvor proteina, karotina, kalcijuma i drugih minerala.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik referata, 50. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS), Zlatibor, 24-30. januar 2016.",
title = "Proizvodnja kabaste stočne hrane",
pages = "22-13",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2952"
Karagić, Đ., Vasiljević, S., Mihailović, V., Milić, D., Mikić, A., Milošević, B., Katanski, S., Živanov, D.,& Dolapčev, A.. (2016). Proizvodnja kabaste stočne hrane. in Zbornik referata, 50. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS), Zlatibor, 24-30. januar 2016.
Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo., 13-22.
Karagić Đ, Vasiljević S, Mihailović V, Milić D, Mikić A, Milošević B, Katanski S, Živanov D, Dolapčev A. Proizvodnja kabaste stočne hrane. in Zbornik referata, 50. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS), Zlatibor, 24-30. januar 2016.. 2016;:13-22.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2952 .
Karagić, Đura, Vasiljević, Sanja, Mihailović, Vojislav, Milić, Dragan, Mikić, Aleksandar, Milošević, Branko, Katanski, Snežana, Živanov, Dalibor, Dolapčev, Anja, "Proizvodnja kabaste stočne hrane" in Zbornik referata, 50. Savetovanje agronoma i poljoprivrednika Srbije (SAPS), Zlatibor, 24-30. januar 2016. (2016):13-22,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_fiver_2952 .