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An analysis of wheat and barley production conditions in 1996/97

dc.creatorMalešević, Miroslav
dc.creatorStamenković, Sreten
dc.creatorJevtić, Radivoje
dc.description.abstractU radu se analiziraju postignuti prinosi pšenice i ječma u 1996/97. g. kao i osnovni uzroci koji su do njih doveli. Konstatuje se da vremenski uslovi nisu bili ograničavajući faktor proizvodnje u prvom delu vegetacionog perioda ozimih strnina. U drugom delu vegetacije bilo je nekoliko kritičnih perioda u rastu i razviću biljaka koji su ostavili negativne posledice na prinos i kvalitet zrna. Posebno se istice početak prolećnog dela vegetacije (period 15.03-20.04.1997) i period žetve sa najjačim uticajem na visinu prinosa i njegov kvalitet. Međutim, interakcija vremenskih uslova i primenjene tehnologije, odnosno primenjenih mera nege, imala je odlučujuću ulogu u formiranju prinosa. Posebno veliki uticaj je imao izostanak prihranjivanja, u meri i u vreme kada je to biljkama bilo potrebno. Nedostatak deklarisanog semena iz prethodne godine je značajno uticao na kvalitet zrna pšenice roda 1997. Mere zaštite useva pšenice i ječma nisu provedene u potpunosti što je, takođe, doprinelo ostvarenju nižeg prosečnog prinosa pšenice i ječma.sr
dc.description.abstractWheat and barley yields obtained in the 1996/97 season are analysed in the paper, as well as the major factors that contributed to their formation. In the first half of the growing season weather conditions were not a limiting factor in the production. During the second half, however, there were several critical periods during plant growth and development that had a negative effect on grain yields and quality. Harvesting and the beginning of the spring part of the season (March 15 through April 20, 1997) were the two periods with the greatest effect on yield height and quality. Still, it was the interactions between the weather conditions and crop tending measures applied that played the most crucial role in yield formation. Especially important was the failure to top-dress the crops at the right time and to the right extent. Lack of certified seeds from the previous year also had a major effect on the quality of wheat grains from the 1997 crop. Measures for the protection of wheat and barley crops were not fully implemented, and this too was one of the reasons for the below-average yields of these two crop species.sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvosr
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sadsr
dc.subjectuslovi proizvodnjesr
dc.subjectprinos zrnasr
dc.subjectproduction conditionssr
dc.subjectgrain yieldsr
dc.titleAnaliza uslova proizvodnje pšenice i ječma u 1996/97. godinisr
dc.titleAn analysis of wheat and barley production conditions in 1996/97sr



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