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dc.creatorKandelinskaya, Olga
dc.creatorGrischenko, Helena
dc.creatorKartyzhova, Liliya
dc.creatorBjelić, Dragana
dc.creatorMarinković, Jelena
dc.description.abstractAt the preseпt stage, in the context of the global proЫem of shortage of food and feed protein, it seems relevant to use the agricultural crops that would solve а complex of tasks: providing the high-protein food and feed, increasing the soil fertility, phytomelioration, remediating of soils, as well as the reducing of energy consumption in agriculture and the creation of healthy agroecosystems. Namely Iegumes, which have а wide spectrum of agronomic traits, in particuIar the high content of protein characterized with the balanced amino acid composition in the seeds and green mass, as well as the aЬility of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, satisfy these requirements. Paradoxically, in different regions of Europe, Asia, USA and Canada, production of Iegumes is reduced because of Iow or unstabe yields, Iack of adaptive and symbiotic potential, high standards for the cultivation and exposure to biotic and abiotic stresses. At the same time, this group of agricultural crops саn bе competitive not only bу modem breeding methods. lt seems relevant to develop the biocomplexes to increase the effectiveness of the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing system of legumes, their productivity and resistance to adverse effects using the signal molecules of plant origin which activate the rhizobia. We have been shown that the pre-sowing treatment of soybean seeds of two varieties using the different biocomplexes based оп symbiotic bacteria Bradyrhizoblum japonicum and the componeпts of plant origin with signal functions had а positive effect of varying degrees оn soybean seedling growth. Thus, statistically significant stimulation of the root growth of 6-day-old soybean seedlings, the species-specific response to the pre-treatment of bio-complexes and the most effective biocomplexes were determined.sr
dc.publisherГосударственное научное учреждение Институт экспериментальной ботаники им. В.Ф. Купревича, Белорусское общественное объединение физиологов растений, Национальная академия наук Беларусиsr
dc.relationBilateral project Belarus - Serbia: Development of new ecologically acceptable preparations for increasing the effectiveness of symbiosis and productivity of legumes in agroecological conditions of Serbia and Belarus, 451-03-003036/2017-09/05sr
dc.sourceМатериалы IX Международной научной конференции, Регуляция роста, развития и продуктивности растений, Минск, 24-26 октября 2018sr
dc.subjectnitrogen fixationsr
dc.subjectBradyrhizobium japonicumsr
dc.titleInfluence of biocomplexes on the basis of symbiotic bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum and plant components on growth of soybean seedlingssr



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