Prikaz rezultata 6153-6172 od 6316

      Xerophilic mycopopulations isolated from rapeseeds (Brassica napus) [1]
      Year related interactions for seed yield and oil content in rapeseed agronomic management trials interpreted using climatic variables [1]
      Yellow rust of wheat in Serbia - control challenges and perspectives [1]
      Yellow rust threatens to halve the wheat yield [1]
      Yield and composition grain of NS soybean varieties in the macro trials in 2020. year [1]
      Yield and content of nutrient elements in various cultivars of lettuce depending from production method [1]
      Yield and cost-effectiveness of alfalfa hay production as dependent on fertilization [1]
      Yield and evapotranspiration of forage sorghum depending on preirrigation soil moisture [1]
      Yield and evapotranspiration of onion depending on different pre-irrigation soil moisture [1]
      Yield and evapotranspiration of Sudan grass depending upon preirrigation soil moisture [1]
      Yield and Grain Quality of Divergent Maize Cultivars under Inorganic N Fertilizer Regimes and Zn Application Depend on Climatic Conditions in Calcareous Soil [1]
      Yield and mineral composition of two new onion varieties from Bosnia and Herzegovina [1]
      Yield and Nutritional Status of Different Maize Genotypes in Response to Rates and Splits of Mineral Fertilization [1]
      Yield and quality NS soybean varieties in 2020 year [1]
      Yield and quality of alfalfa and red clover as affected by time of cutting [1]
      Yield and quality of alfalfa biomass (Medicago sativa L.) as affected by production management [1]
      Yield and quality of Novi Sad sunflower hybrids in 2020 [1]
      Yield and quality of NS soybean varieties in the macro trials in 2021 [1]
      Yield and quality of soybean seeds as affected by growing conditions [1]
      Yield and quality of winter common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) haylage depending on sowing method [1]