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Sadržaj mikroelemenata u populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida

dc.creatorKastori, Rudolf
dc.creatorMaksimović, Ivana
dc.creatorMarinković, Radovan
dc.creatorZeremski-Škorić, Tijana
dc.creatorNinkov, Jordana
dc.creatorPutnik-Delić, Marina
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work was to investigate genetic specificity of sunflower nutrition with microelements. Therefore, concentrations of essential (Zn, B, Mn, Cu, Fe and Ni) and non-essential (Cr, Al, Cd, As, Pb and Ba) micronutrients were analyzed. Five sunflower hybrids the most grown in Serbia and different populations of wild sunflower species originating from North America: Helianthus neglectus Heiser (3), Helianthus agrophyllus T&G (3), Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (2), Helianthus annuus L. (4) were included in the experiment. Populations of wild sunflower species and hybrids differed significantly with respect to the concentration of analyzed elements. Manganese concentration was significantly higher in hybrids than in wild species. In all genotypes Fe, B and Mn had the highest concentration. Coefficient of variation of microelement concentration depended on genotype and particular element. In wild populations, for essential microelements, it was between 3.7 and 59.5, whereas in hybrids it varied from 10.0 to 48.8. Coefficient of variation of concentration of non-essential microelements in wild populations varied from 7.7 to 73.8, and in hybrids from 15.1 to 48.8. Average coefficient of variation in both wild species and hybrids was the lowest for Mn and Pb. It was the highest for Cr, Ni, and Zn in hybrids and for Cd, Ni, and Cr in wild species. The results suggest that genetic specificity with respect to uptake of microelements in wild species and hybrids is highly expressed. Broad genetic variability of concentrations of microelements in wild species and hybrids indicate that their reactions to deficiency and/or excess of those elements probably are not the same either. This finding may be used in breeding process aimed specifically at improvement of tolerance and capacity to accumulate microelements in sunflower. Phytoremediation technology designed to reduce the amount of microelements in the soil could thus be advanced by utilization of such plants.en
dc.description.abstractU cilju proučavanja genetske specifičnosti ishrane suncokreta mikroelementima ispitan je sadržaj neophodnih (Zn, B, Mn, Cu, Fe i Ni) i ne neophodnih mikroelemenata (Cr, Al, Cd, As Pb i Ba) u pet najrasprostranjenijih hibrida suncokreta u Srbiji kao i u različitim populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta poreklom iz Severne Amerike: Helianthus neglectus Heiser (3), Helianthus agrophyllus T&G (3), Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (2), Helianthus annuus L. (4). Ispitivane populacije divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida značajno su se međusobno razlikovale u pogledu sadržaja ispitivanih mikroelemenata. Najveća razlika između populacija divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida utvrđena je u sadržaju Mn koji je kod hibrida bio značajno veći. Kod svih ispitivanih genotipova najveći je bio sadržaj Fe, B i Mn. Koeficijent varijacije sadržaja mikroelemenata zavisio je od genotipa i elementa. Kod populacija divljih vrsta suncokreta kretao se od 3.7 do 59.5, a kod hibrida od 10.0 do 48.8. Za neesencijalne mikroelemente kod divljih populacija koeficijent je bio između 7.7, i 73.8, dok je kod hibrida varirao od 15.1 do 48.8. Koeficijent varijacije bio je najmanji kod Mn i Pb kod divljih vrsta i hibrida. Kod hibrida najveći koeficijent varijacije imali su Cr, Ni i Zn, a kod divljih vrsta Cd, Ni i Cr. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je genetička specifičnost u pogledu usvajanja neophodnih i drugih mikroelemenata kod populacija divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibrida veoma izražena. Široka genetska varijabilnost ispitivanih genotipova u pogledu sadržaja pojedinih mikroelemenata upućuje na pretpostavku o različitoj reakciji prema njihovom nedostatku i suvišku, što može da bude od značaja u oplemenjivačkom radu, posebno pri stvaranju genotipova podesnih za fitoremedijaciju zemljišta zagađenih
dc.publisherMatica srpska, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
dc.subjectwild sunflower speciesen
dc.subjectmicroelement concentrationen
dc.titleGenetic variability of concentration of microelements in wild sunflower species and hybridsen
dc.titleSadržaj mikroelemenata u populacijama divljih vrsta suncokreta i hibridasr
dc.citation.other(118): 69-77



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