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Aktivnost enzima metabolizma azota, sadržaj rastvorljivih proteina i prolina u genotipovima soje i njihovim F1 hibridima

dc.creatorKereši, Sanja T.
dc.creatorMalenčić, Ðorđe
dc.creatorPopović, Milan T.
dc.creatorKraljević-Balalić, Marija
dc.creatorMiladinović, Jegor
dc.creatorIlić, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractNitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase activity, as well as free proline and soluble protein content were measured in eight soybean parent genotypes and six F1 hybrids. The aim of this study was to determine variability and the mode of inheritance for these parameters, and point out the genotypes of interest for future breeding programs. Analysed genotypes and their F1 hybrids expressed significant differences in activities of nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase enzymes, as well as in soluble proteins and free proline contents. Since mode of inheritance for all investigated traits was in most cases dominance or heterosis, it can be concluded that these parameters are under control of dominant genes. The obtained results suggest that genotypes with favorable traits, such as variety Linda, line 1511, and F1 hybrids (Linda x LN92-7369) and (Balkan x BL-8), could be of interest as a good starting material for further breeding programs.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je određena aktivnost enzima metabolizma azota nitrat reduktaze i glutamin sintetaze, kao i sadržaj rastvorljivih proteina i slobodnog prolina u osam roditeljskih genotipova i šest F1 hibrida. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrde varijabilnost navedenih genotipova za odabrane parametre i način njihovog nasleđivanja. Ustanovljeno je postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između genotipova, kako u pogledu enzimske aktivnosti, tako i u količini rastvorljivih proteina i slobodnog prolina. Budući da su se ova svojstva nasleđivala pretežno dominantno, uz pojavu heterozisa, može se pretpostaviti da su pod kontrolom gena sa dominantnim dejstvom. Kao genotipovi sa povoljnim osobinama izdvojili su se roditeljska sorta Linda i linija 1511, i hibridi (Linda x LN7369) i (Balkan x BL-8), koji bi mogli poslužiti u uzgoju genotipova soje povećane tolerantnosti na sušu sa povećanim kapacitetom za usvajanje azota i sadržaj proteina.sr
dc.publisherMatica srpska, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke
dc.subjectnitrate reductaseen
dc.subjectglutamine synthetaseen
dc.subjectfree prolineen
dc.subjectsoluble proteinen
dc.titleNitrogen metabolism enzymes, soluble protein and free proline content in soybean genotypes and their F1 hybridsen
dc.titleAktivnost enzima metabolizma azota, sadržaj rastvorljivih proteina i prolina u genotipovima soje i njihovim F1 hibridimasr
dc.citation.other(115): 21-26



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