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Osobine sorti lucerke kao rezultat različitih ciljeva i metoda oplemenjivanja

dc.creatorKatić, Slobodan
dc.creatorMilić, Dragan
dc.creatorMihailović, Vojislav
dc.creatorKaragić, Đura
dc.creatorVasiljević, Sanja
dc.description.abstractLucerne yields and morphological traits were monitored in 2006/2007 under field conditions. Eleven NS cultivars of lucerne were studied by analysis of variance and cluster analysis in order to determine their similarities and differences resulting from the use of different breeding goals and methods during cultivar development. High bio-mass yields were found in the cultivars Begej, NS Mediana ZMS V and Novosađanka H-11, while the cultivars Danka, NS Alfa and NS Banat ZMS II were characterized by a higher proportion of leaves, i.e. better quality (Tab. 1). Using cluster analysis, the cultivars were divided into two groups interconnected at different levels within the dendrogram. The second, larger group was further divided into three subgroups. The first group comprised cultivars with a high biomass yield, while the second involved a combination of biomass yield and forage quality (Graph. 1). The 14-piece collection of lucerne cultivars developed at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops provides a good genetic basis for further breeding work aimed at developing varieties for both classic and new uses of this crop.en
dc.description.abstractU radu su analizirane sličnosti i razlike između 11 ispitivanih sorti lucerke kao rezultat primenjenih ciljeva i metoda oplemenjivanja. U poljskim uslovima (2006-2007) analizirani su prinosi zelene krme i suve materije, od morfoloških osobina udeo lista u prinosu, visina biljaka, broj i dužina internodija i brzina regeneracije posle košenja. Sorte Begej, NS Mediana ZMS V i Novosađanka H-11 ističu se prinosima zelene krme i suve materije, a većim udelom lista, odnosno boljim kvalitetom sorte Danka i NS Alfa. Brzom regeneracijom posle košenja ističu se NS Banat ZMS II i NS Mediana ZMS V. Kratke internodije, stoga i veću otpornost na poleganje imaju sorte NS Banat ZMS II, Banat VS, NS Bačka ZMS I i Slavija. Analizom grupisanja sorte su se rasporedile u dve grupe povezane na različitim nivoima u okviru dendograma. U okviru druge (veće) grupe sorti nalaze se tri podgrupe sorti. Paleta od 14 sorti stvorenih u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo dobra su genetička osnova za oplemenjivanje i stvaranje sorti, kako za klasične tako i za nove načine upotrebe
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectmorphological characteristicsen
dc.subjectsorte prinossr
dc.subjectmorfološke osobinesr
dc.titleProperties of lucerne cultivars as a result of different breeding goals and methodsen
dc.titleOsobine sorti lucerke kao rezultat različitih ciljeva i metoda oplemenjivanjasr
dc.citation.other45(2): 163-170



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