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Prinos zrna NS hibrida kukuruza u proizvodnim rejonima Srbije

dc.creatorStojaković, Milisav
dc.creatorJocković, Đorđe
dc.creatorIvanović, Mile
dc.creatorBekavac, Goran
dc.creatorNastasić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorSimić, Dragica
dc.creatorPurar, Božana
dc.creatorPopov, Raško
dc.creatorRadojčić, Slobodan
dc.creatorČapelja, Vlado
dc.creatorStojaković, Željka
dc.description.abstractCommercial NS maize hybrids were evaluated in all the major maize-growing areas of Serbia in 2007 under common cultivation practices. The growing conditions in the country were unfavorable for maize, mostly because of a lack of water during vegetation. Even in such poor conditions, NS maize hybrids exhibited wide adaptability and a high yield potential. The hybrids Zenit, NS 640, Tisa and NS 7016 proved stable in regard to regression coefficient (around 1.0) and were very productive (high yields accross the locations). Early and medium early hybrids from FAO maturity groups 300 to 500 (such as NS 3014, NS 4015, and NS 540) are recommended for the droughty areas of western, eastern and southern Serbia. NS 6010 and NS 640 were among the most productive hybrids in the country. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has so far registered more than 200 maize hybrids. Thirteen of these were released in 2007, all yellow dent with the standard quality of grain. In the category of medium early hybrids (FAO maturity group 500), the new hybrids are NS 5022 and 5025, whereas in FAO maturity group 600 the newest additions are NS 6031, NS 6041, NS 6025, NS 6022, NS 6043, NS 6053 and NS 6060. Four late hybrids have been released as well, namely NS 7043, NS 7040, NS 8033 and NS 8043.en
dc.description.abstractKomercijalni NS hibridi kukuruza su u 2007. godini ispitivani u ogledima u proizvodnim uslovima u svim glavnim rejonima gajenja kukuruza u Srbiji. Prošla godina nije bila povoljna godina za razvoj kukuruza. Suša je u pojedinim rejonima imala karakter elementarne nepogode. Čak i u tako nepovoljnoj godini NS hibridi kukuruza su pokazali visok proizvodni potencijal. U rejonima u kojima se suša javlja svake godine (severna Bačka, severni i centralni Banat, istočna i južna Srbija) NS hibridi su pokazali široku adaptabilnost, a u najproduktivnijim rejonima (zapadna i južna Bačka i donji Srem) u uslovima bez navodnjavanja ostvarili su i prošle godine 15 i više tona suvog zrna po hektaru. U prošloj godini je priznato 13 novih NS hibrida kukuruza i to dva u FAO 500 grupi zrenja: NS 5022 i 5025, sedam u FAO 600 grupi zrenja: NS 6031, NS 6041, NS 6025, NS 6022, NS 6043, NS 6053 i NS 6060, dva u FAO 700: NS 7043 i NS 7040 i dva u FAO 800 grupi zrenja: NS 8033 i NS
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectmaize hybridsen
dc.subjectgrain yielden
dc.subjectmaize-growing areasen
dc.subjectprinos zrnasr
dc.titleGrain yields of NS maize hybrids in the maize-growing areas of Serbiaen
dc.titlePrinos zrna NS hibrida kukuruza u proizvodnim rejonima Srbijesr
dc.citation.other45(2): 67-79



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