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Mogućnost postrne proizvodnje pasulja (Phaseolus vulgaris L) u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine

dc.creatorVasić, Mirjana
dc.creatorMilić, Stanko
dc.creatorPejić, Borivoj
dc.creatorGvozdanović-Varga, Jelica
dc.creatorMaksimović, Livija
dc.creatorBošnjak, Danica
dc.description.abstractIn the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to be managed economically and in accordance with good farming practice. One of the ways to ensure intensive soil use is to carry out crop production throughout the year, which in this climatic region involves the sowing of multiple crops in a single growing season. Irrigation capability is one prerequisite for such production. The other one, growing period length, should enable determinate bean varieties to be planted as the second crop in double-cropping systems. Because some bean varieties are day length sensitive and because not all cultivars of this crop interact in the same way with environmental conditions, we first tested a wider range of bean cultivars and then chose four (Dvadesetica, Maksa, Belko and Sremac) for further study. When choosing the varieties, we took into account their market characteristics as well. The cultivars responded differently both yield- and grain size-wise. All of the cultivars studied were found to be suitable for use in double cropping. What remains to be done is to develop an adequate set of cultivar-specific cultural practices for this type of production.en
dc.description.abstractU okviru poljoprivredne proizvodnje zemljište je neobnovljivi, ograničeni resurs i njime je neophodno ekonomično i domaćinski gazdovati. Jedan od načina njegovog intenzivnog korišćenja je proizvodnja tokom cele godine, što u našem klimatskom području podrazumeva setvu više useva u vegetacionoj sezoni. Uslov za ovakvu proizvodnju je mogućnost navodnjavanja. Drugi uslov, dužina vegetacija, trebalo bi da omogući determinantnim sortama pasulja da se seju postrno, kao drugi usev. Neke sorte pasulja su osetljive na dužinu dana, a i interakcija sa uslovima spoljašnje sredine nije kod svih ista te je prvo ispitan širi sortiment, a zatim iz njega odabrane tri sorte (Maksa, Belko i Sremac) za dalja ispitivanja. Pri izboru sorata vodilo se računa i o njihovim tržišnim karakteristikama. Sorte su različito reagovale kako prinosom tako i krupnoćom zrna. Sve ispitivane sorte mogu se koristiti u postrnoj proizvodnji, ali je neophodno primeniti adekvatnu sortnu
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectdouble croppingen
dc.subjectcultivar specificityen
dc.subjectcultural practicesen
dc.subjectpostrno gajenjesr
dc.subjectsortna specifičnostsr
dc.titlePossibility of growing bean as a double crop in agroecological conditions of Vojvodinaen
dc.titleMogućnost postrne proizvodnje pasulja (Phaseolus vulgaris L) u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodinesr
dc.citation.other43(1): 283-291



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