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Efekat vremena setve i Gustine useva Na prinos i kvalitet suncokreta u 2006. godini

dc.creatorCrnobarac, Jovan
dc.creatorBalalić, Igor
dc.creatorDušanić, Nenad
dc.creatorJaćimović, Goran
dc.description.abstractField test was conducted in 2006 on experimental field of Institute of field and vegetable crops in Novi Sad. The effect of sowing date and stand density on seed yield, oil content and yield as well as percentage of harvested plants were investigated. It used domestic perspective hybrids of sunflower. Sowing was made at 8 dates since 20.III to 01.VI with 10 days increasing step. There were significant differences between hybrids in all investigated traits. Optimal sowing interval according to all investigated traits was from April 1 to April 20 (Graph. 1, 2). In second trial there were six stand density (from 30.000-80.000 plants per hectare with increasing step of 10.000). There were significant differences between hybrids in all investigated traits. Optimal stand density according to all investigated traits was nearly 60.000 plants per hectare (Graph. 3, 4). Linear decreasing of harvested plants percentage was detected with increasing stand density (rln2=0.960), for -4.74 % with each increasing of 10.000 plants per hectare (Graph. 4).en
dc.description.abstractU radu je analiziran uticaj agrotehničkih mera - vremena setve i gustine useva na prinos zrna, sadržaj i prinos ulja, te procenat požnjevenih biljaka u 2006. godini. Korišćeni su rezultati egzaktnih poljskih ogleda postavljenih na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Šančevima. U ogledima su ispitivani domaći novi perspektivni hibridi suncokreta. Setva je vršena u 8 termina, od 20. marta do 1. juna, sa intervalom od 10 dana. Između hibrida su utvrđene značajne razlike u svim ispitivanim svojstvima. Optimalni rok setve prema ispitivanim svojstvima je bio od 1.-20. aprila. U ogledu sa gustinama ispitivano je šest gustina useva (od 30.000-80.000 biljaka po hektaru, sa korakom od 10.000). Između hibrida su postojale značajne razlike u svim ispitivanim svojstvima. Optimalna gustina useva prema ispitivanim svojstvima je bila oko 60000 biljaka po hektaru. Utvrđen je linearan pad procenta uspelih biljaka sa porastom gustine useva (rln 2=0.960), sa svakih 10.000 porasta gustine, procenat uspelih biljka se smanjuje za - 4.74 %.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectstand densityen
dc.subjectseed yielden
dc.subjectoil yield and contenten
dc.subjectsowing dateen
dc.subjectgustina usevasr
dc.subjectprinos zrnasr
dc.subjectprinos uljasr
dc.subjectsadržaj uljasr
dc.subjectvreme setvesr
dc.titleThe effect of sowing date and stand density on the yield and quality of sunflower inen
dc.titleEfekat vremena setve i Gustine useva Na prinos i kvalitet suncokreta u 2006. godinisr
dc.citation.other43(1): 129-137



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