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Održavanje i poboljšanje autosterilnih oprašivača šećerne repe metodom kulture tkiva i rekurentnom selekcijom

dc.creatorMezei, Snežana
dc.creatorKovačev, Lazar
dc.creatorČačić, Nikola
dc.creatorNagl, Nevena
dc.creatorStojaković, Željka
dc.description.abstractIn vitro preservation makes it possible to maintain genotypes in an unchanged condition for a large number of years. With self-sterile genotypes, this method enables the use of recurrent selection for identifying genotypes with better combining abilities than the population average. By recombining selected superior genotypes, it is possible to obtain a new population with improved quantitative traits and combining abilities. The objective of the present paper was to develop a new population of the pollinator cultivar Lara from the progenies of superior genotypes kept in in vitro conditions. The monogerm hybrid cultivar Lara was developed through crosses using a monogerm male-sterile family with a narrow genetic base characterized by good combining abilities, tolerance to Cercospora and the possession of the Holly gene conferring resistance to rhizomania. The pollinator is a diploid multigerm population having tolerance to Cercospora and Rizor genes for tolerance to rhizomania. Used in our study were phenotypically superior pollinator genotypes contained in individual plants within the population. The newly developed homogenous clonal population was kept in a gene bank. A high propagation rate was obtained by stimulating axillary buds from the vegetative tissue of the inflorescence. Based on the hybrids' production characteristics, superior pollinator genotypes were propagated vegetatively and a new population of the pollinator Lara was developed.en
dc.description.abstractU in vitro uslovima moguće je dugi niz godina sačuvati genotipove u neizmenjenom stanju. Ova metoda kod autosterilnih genotipova omogućuje pri menu rekurentne selekcije u identifikaciji genotipova sa boljim kombinacionim sposobnostima od proseka populacije. Rekombinacijom odabranih superiornih genotipova dobijena je nova populacija sa poboljšanim kombinacionim sposobnostima. Monogermna hibridna sorta Lara nastala je ukrštanjem monogermne muško sterilne familije uske genetičke osnove, dobrih kombinacionih sposobnosti, tolerantna na cerkosporu i sa Holly genom otpornosti prema rizomaniji. Oprašivač je diploidna multi germ na populacija tolerantna prema cerkospori i poseduje Rizor gene tolerantnosti prema rizomaniji. U radu su korišćeni fenotipski superiorni genotipovi oprašivača. Novostvorena homogena klonska populacija čuvana je u banci genotipova. Visok procenat stope umnažanja dobijen je stimulacijom aksilarnih pupoljaka iz vegetativnog tkiva cvasti. Na bazi proizvodnih karakteristika hibrida superiorni genotipovi oprašivača su razmnoženi vegetativno i od njih je stvorena poboljšana populacija oprašivača
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectsugar beeten
dc.subjectin vitroen
dc.subjectcultivar Laraen
dc.subjectdiploid multigerm polinatoren
dc.subjectšećerna repasr
dc.subjectin vitrosr
dc.subjectsorta Larasr
dc.subjectdiploidni multi germni oprašivačsr
dc.titleMaintenance and improvement of self-sterile sugar beet pollinators using tissue culture and recurrent selectionen
dc.titleOdržavanje i poboljšanje autosterilnih oprašivača šećerne repe metodom kulture tkiva i rekurentnom selekcijomsr
dc.citation.other43(1): 195-200

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