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Aspekti oplemenjivanja pšenice na niske temperature

dc.creatorHristov, Nikola
dc.creatorMladenov, Novica
dc.creatorKondić-Špika, Ankica
dc.description.abstractWheat resistance to low temperatures is complex in nature and dependant on variety as well as on interaction with the environment. In unfavorable conditions for hardening, even varieties resistant to cold may exhibit higher susceptibility to low temperatures. Over a two-year period (2003-04), tests were conducted in cold chamber at-15˚C lasting 24, 36, 48 and 60 hours. The 23 wheat varieties analyzed were divided into four groups according to year of release. In the first group, which was mostly made up of foreign introductions, the average plant survival rate across treatments was 87%. The different origins of the varieties from this group were a significant factor behind the differences in their resistance levels. The second group, comprised of the first domestic varieties, had an average plant survival rate of 89%, while the third, containing the dominant varieties from the 1980s, had a plant survival rate of 88.4% on average. In the fourth group, consisting mostly of varieties that are currently commercially grown in the country, the average plant survival rate was 86.6%. Thanks to high temperatures present during the process of hardening, there was greater plant damage and percent winterkill in the second year than in the first. The resistance of the varieties to low temperatures has been maintained at a level enabling successful and stable production under the cold temperature stress conditions of southeastern Europe.en
dc.description.abstractOtpornost pšenice prema niskim temperaturama je kompleksnog karaktera, pri čemu pored sorte, do izražaja dolazi i interakcija sa spoljnom sredinom. Pri nepovoljnim uslovima za kaljenje biljaka, i otporne sorte mogu ispoljiti veću osetljivost prema niskim temperaturama. U dvogodišnjem periodu (2004-2005), izvršeno je testiranje u hladnim komorama na temperaturi -15˚C u trajanju od 24, 36, 48 i 60 časova. Analizirano je 23 sorte pšenice koje su podeljene u četiri grupe, u zavisnosti od godine priznavanja. U prvoj grupi, u kojoj se uglavnom nalaze introdukovane sorte, procenat preživelih biljaka na svim tretmanima iznosio je u proseku 87%. Različito poreklo sorti koje se nalaze u ovoj grupi, značajno je uticalo na međusobne razlike u otpornosti prema niskim temperaturama. U drugoj grupi, koju čine prve domaće sorte, procenat preživelih biljaka iznosio je 89%, dok su u treću grupu uvrštene sorte koje su bile dominantne 80-ih godina, sa 88,4% preživelih biljaka. Većina sorti koje čine četvrtu grupu, trenutno je zastupljena na proizvodnim površinama u našoj zemlji. Kod ovih sorti, procenat preživelih biljaka iznosio je 86,6%. Visoke temperature u periodu kaljenja biljaka, uslovile su veća oštećenja, odnosno veći procenat izmrzlih biljaka u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Otpornost sorti pšenice prema niskim temperaturama, zadržana je nivou koji obezbeđuje uspešnu i stabilnu proizvodnju u uslovima hladnog temperaturnog stresa jugoistočne Evrope.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectlow temperaturesen
dc.titleBreeding aspects of low temperature tolerance in wheaten
dc.titleAspekti oplemenjivanja pšenice na niske temperaturesr
dc.citation.other39(3): 375-386



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