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Genotipska specifičnost F1 hibrida pšenice u pogledu proizvodnje dvostrukih haploida metodom kulture antera

dc.creatorKondić-Špika, Ankica
dc.creatorKobiljski, Borislav
dc.creatorHristov, Nikola
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study was to investigate the production of homozygous doubled haploid (DH) lines from heterozygous genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using an anther culture. Anthers were isolated from 20 randomly selected F1 wheat combinations and grown in vitro on a modified Potato-2 inductive medium. Plant regeneration was performed on the modified 190-2 medium. The results have shown that all genotypes had the ability to produce pollen calli, as well as, to regenerate green plants. The hybrid Mex.3 x MV 18 had the highest value for androgenous capacity (40.6%), while the combination Kutječanka x Slavija had the lowest androgenous capacity (6.3%). The average androgenous capacity of all genotypes was 19.4%. The regeneration frequency ranged from 1.3 to 21.6 green plants per 100 isolated anthers, with an overall mean of 9.6%. Out of a total of 582 regenerated green plants 279 (47.9%) were spontaneous double haploids. The average production of double haploids of wheat in this study amounted to 4.6 per 100 cultured anthers.en
dc.description.abstractCilj rada bio je da se ispita mogućnost proizvodnje homozigotnih linija dvostrukih haploida (DH) iz heterozigotnih genotipova pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) korišćenjem kulture antera. Antere su izolovane iz 20 slučajno odabranih F1 kombinacija pšenice i gajene u kulturi in vitro na modifikovanoj potato-2 indukcionoj podlozi. Regeneracija biljaka vršena je na modifikovanoj 190-2 podlozi. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi genotipovi posedovali sposobnost da proizvedu kaluse iz polena, kao i da regenerišu zelene biljke. Hibrid Mex.3 x MV 18 je imao najvišu vrednost za androgeni kapacitet (40,6%), dok je kombinacija Kutječanka x Slavija imala najniži androgeni kapacitet (6,3%). Prosečan androgeni kapacitet za sve genotipove bio je 19,4%. Frekvencija za regeneraciju zelenih biljaka kretala se od 1,3 do 21,6 zelenih biljaka na 100 izolovanih antera, sa prosekom od 9,6%. Od ukupno 582 regenerisane zelene biljke, 279 (47,9%) su bile spontani dvostruki haploidi. U ovom istraživanju prosečno je proizvedeno 4,6 dvostrukih haploida pšenice na 100 izolovanih antera.sr
dc.publisherSavez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara, Beograd
dc.sourceJournal of Scientific Agricultural Research
dc.subjectdouble haploiden
dc.subjectin vitroen
dc.titleGenotypic specificity of F1 wheat hybrids in doubled haploid production via anthers culturesen
dc.titleGenotipska specifičnost F1 hibrida pšenice u pogledu proizvodnje dvostrukih haploida metodom kulture anterasr
dc.citation.other68(4): 63-69



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