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Citogenetska ispitivanja heksaploidne vrste Helianthus tuberosus i njenih F1 i BC1F1 hibrida sa gajenim suncokretom, H. annuus

dc.creatorAtlagić, Jovanka
dc.creatorTerzić, Sreten
dc.description.abstractHelianthus tuberosus is a potential source of resistance to many disease-provoking pathogens. Three accessions of H. tuberosus were used in this research and they were crossed with cultivated sunflower. Six F] and two BC1F1 hybrid combinations were obtained. Analysis of meiosis was performed using aceto-carmine method (GEORGIEVA-TODOROVA, 1976) and pollen viability was determined by staining method of ALEXANDER (1969). Meiosis was regular in cultivated sunflower and the pollen viability was high (96.8-98.9%). Low percent of irregularities was found in the meiosis of H. tuberosus. Pollen viability was high (97.2-98.7%). Chromosome pairing was mostly regular in F1 hybrids (34 bivalents), but some meiocytes contained 28-32 bivalents with uni- and quadrivalents present. The percent of meiocytes with fast chromosomes in metaphase was 24.6-87.2, with lagging chromosomes in anaphase I 10.5-81.0 and in telophase 25.0-33.3. Chromosome bridges were detected in 0-9.9% of meiocytes in anaphase. Pollen viability in F1 hybrids ranged from 27.0 to 47.9%. In BC1F1 hybrids number of bivalents was 16-25, univalent 2-18 and multivalent 0-1. Although a triploid set of chromosomes (51) was expected in BC1F1 hybrids, number of chromosomes was 45-57. Pollen viability varied from 0 to 54.3%.en
dc.description.abstractH. tuberosus predstavlja potencijalni izvor otpornosti prema mnogim prouzrokovačima bolesti. U istraživanjima su korišćene tri populacije vrste H. tuberosus koje su ukrštane sa gajenim suncokretom. Dobijeno je 6 hibridnih kombinacija F1 i 2 BC1F1 gen. Izvršena je analiza mejoze acetokarmin metodom (Georgieva-Todorova, 1976) i vitalnosti polena bojenom metodom (Alexander, 1969). Mejoza kod gajenog suncokreta proticala je normalno, a vitalnost polena bila visoka (96.8-98.9%). Kod vrste H. tuberosus mejoza je proticala uz nizak % nepravilnosti tipa neuključenih hromozoma. Vitalnost polena je bila visoka (97.2-98.7%). Kod F1 hibrida najčešće je bilo normalno parenje hromozoma (34 bivalenta), a zabeležene su mejocite sa 28-32 bivalenta uz pojavu uni- i kvadrivalenata. Procenat mejocita sa izbeglim hromozomima u metafazi I je bio 24.6-87.2, sa izostalim hromozomima u anafazi I 10.5-81.0, a u telofazi II 25.0-33.3. Hromozomski mostovi su detektovani u 0-9.9% anafaznih mejocita. Vitalnost polena kod FI hibrida se kretala od 27.0-47.9%. Kod BC1F1 hibrida broj bivalenaca je bio od 16-25, univalenata od 2-18, a multivalenata od 0-1. Iako je očekivan triploidan broj hromozoma (51) kod BC1F1 hibrida broj hromozoma je bio od 45-57. Vitalnost polena se kretala 0-54.3%.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectcultivated sunfloweren
dc.subjectHelianthus tuberosusen
dc.subjectinterspecific hybridizationen
dc.subjectpollen viabilityen
dc.titleCytogenetic study of hexaploid species Helianthus tuberosus and its F1 and BC1F1 hybrids with cultivated sunflower, H. annuusen
dc.titleCitogenetska ispitivanja heksaploidne vrste Helianthus tuberosus i njenih F1 i BC1F1 hibrida sa gajenim suncokretom, H. annuussr
dc.citation.other38(3): 203-213



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