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Supstrat kao faktor prinosa u proizvodnji bukovače (Pleurotus ostreatus)

dc.creatorBugarski, Dušanka
dc.creatorGvozdenović, Đuro
dc.creatorČervenski, Janko
dc.creatorTakač, Adam
dc.description.abstractProduction of oyster mushroom has been intensified for the last two decades and it is developing further on. This has been achieved because of its nutritive value, medicinal effects and simple and cheep production. For their production, the substrate is prepared from waste cellulose material from agricultural production, straw, corn stalks, stems of pea and soybean sunflower husks, sawdust, wood shavings, etc. These materials are usually not utilized, often being burnt because of its low value. Due to an increase in the production of oyster mushroom, there is the need to study factors that directly affect its yields. In addition to the genetic potential of the strain concerned, oyster mushroom yields are also directly correlated with the quality of the substrate and the conditions of production. The raw materials must not only have a great capacity for water absorption, it is also important that the elements oyster mushrooms takes from the substrate are in the most favorable form for decomposition. In three years, at the Vegetables Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, several substrates were studied under laboratory conditions in order to determine the most suitable one for strains NS 77, NS 355 and NS 244, in terms of high yield. We studied the following substrates: soybean straw, corn stalks, sunflower stalks, wheat straw 50% + corn stalks 50%, wheat straw 50% + soybean straw 50%, wheat straw 50% + sunflower stalks 50%, and wheat straw as a control.en
dc.description.abstractProizvodnja bukovače je naglo porasla u zadnje dve decenije i dalje je u usponu. Ovo je ostvareno zbog njene hranljive vrednosti, medicinskog efekta i jednostavne i jeftine proizvodnje. Za proizvodnju se koriste supstrati pripremljeni od ostataka celuloznog materijala iz poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao što su slama, stabljike kukuruza, stabljike graška i soje, ljuspice suncokreta, strugotine i dr. Ovaj materijal se obično više ne koristi, već se spaljuje zbog njegove male vrednosti. Zbog povećane proizvodnje potrebno je ispitati faktore koji direktno utiču na prinos. Na prinos bukovače osim genetskog potencijala soja direktno utiče i kvalitet supstrata kao i uslovi proizvodnje. Vrlo je bitno da sirovina osim velikog kapaciteta apsorpcije sadrži i elemente koji su u najpristupačnijem obliku usvajanja iz supstrata (Bugarski i Jovićević, 1993). Tokom tri godine u Zavodu za povrtarstvo Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu ispitano je nekoliko supstrata u kontrolisanim uslovima u cilju dobijanja najviših prinosa sojeve Pleurotus ostreatus NS 77, Pleurotus ostreatus NS 355 i Pleurotus ostreatus NS 244. Ispitivani su sledeći supstrati: sojina slama stabljike kukuruza, stabljike suncokreta, pšenična slama 50% + sojina slama 50%, pšenična slama 50% + stabljike kukuruza 50%, pšenična slama 50% stabljike suncokreta 50% i pšenična slama kao kontrola.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
dc.subjectcorn stalksen
dc.subjectsunflower stalksen
dc.subjectsoybean strawen
dc.subjectwheat strawen
dc.subjectstabljike kukuruzasr
dc.subjectstabljike suncokretasr
dc.subjectpšenična slamasr
dc.subjectsojina slamasr
dc.titleSubstrate as a factor of yield in oyster mushroom production (Pleurotus ostreatus)en
dc.titleSupstrat kao faktor prinosa u proizvodnji bukovače (Pleurotus ostreatus)sr
dc.citation.other(41): 119-127



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