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Evaluation of adaptability and yield stability of NS spring rapeseed using GGE biplot analysis

dc.creatorMarjanović-Jeromela, Ana
dc.creatorJankulovska, Mirjana
dc.creatorNagl, Nevena
dc.creatorBalalić, Igor
dc.creatorRadić, Velimir
dc.creatorMiladinović, Dragana
dc.creatorHladni, Nada
dc.description.abstractInformacije koje obuhvataju uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na rast i razvoj useva znaĉajne su za odabir specifiĉnih sorti za gajenje u ciljanim regionima i za smanjenje gubitka prinosa. S obzirom na to da su glavni efekti uticaja spoljašnje sredine (E) i genotipske interakcije (GE) najvaţniji izvori variranja prinosa useva, tehnika GGE biplota je jedan od metoda koji se ĉesto koristi za analizu interakcije GE. Ciljevi istraţivanja su bili da se proceni stabilnost prinosa semena, grafiĉki prikaţu efekti genotipa (G) i interakcija genotipa i spoljašnje sredine (GE), i da se identifikuju i preporuĉe najbolji genotipovi uljane repice za specifiĉne regione rasta, koristeći GGE biplot. Ogled je postavljen na dva lokaliteta u Srbiji (Sombor i Novi Sad) i dva lokaliteta u Makedoniji (Skoplje i Bitola), sa 9 jarih genotipova uljane repice. Prve dve glavne komponente objasnile su 86,5% G + GE varijacije za prinos semena (PC1 64,46%, PC2 22,048%). Oba lokaliteta u Srbiji su bila jasno razdvojena od oba lokaliteta u Makedoniji. Sombor i Bitola su bili najbliţi idealnom lokalitetu za gajenje jare uljane repice. Genotip JR-NS-36 je bio najstabilniji i najbliţi idealnom genotipu. Najpogodniji genotipovi za gajenje u Srbiji su JR-NS-6 i JR-NS-11, dok je JR-NS-9 imao najveći i najstabilniji prinos u Makedoniji. Tehnika GGE biplota se pokazala korisnom za preporuke genotipova uljane repice za pojedine regione gajenja, uzimajući u obzir specifiĉnosti genotipova i uslova
dc.description.abstractThe information considering the effect of environmental factors on crop growth and development is essential for selection of specific cultivars for growing in target regions and for decreasing the possibility of significant yield loss. Since the main environmental effects (E) and genotype environment interaction (GE) are the most important sources of crop yield variation, the GGE biplot technique is one of the tools often used for GE interaction analysis. The objectives of the study were to evaluate grain yield stability, graphically summarize the effects of genotype (G) and genotype by environment (GE) interaction, and to identify and recommend the best rapeseed genotypes for the specific growing regions, using GGE biplot. The study was carried out at two locations in Serbia (Sombor and Novi Sad) and two locations in Macedonia (Skopje and Bitola), with 9 spring rapeseed genotypes. The first two principal components explained 86.5% of the G+GE variation for seed yield (PC1 64.46%, PC2 22.048%). Both locations in Serbia were clearly separated from both locations in Macedonia. Sombor and Bitola were closest to the ideal location for rapeseed growing. Genotype JR-NS-36 was the most stable and closest to the ideal genotype. However, the most suitable genotypes for growing in Serbia are JRNS-6 and JR-NS-11, while JR-NS-9 had the highest and the most stable yield in Macedonia. GGE biplot technique proved to be useful for recommendation of rapeseed genotypes for specific growing regions, taking into account the specificities of the genotypes and environmental conditions. Key words: Rapeseed, GGE biplot, genotype x environment interaction, stabilitysr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo genetičara Srbijesr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31025/RS//sr
dc.sourceZbornik apstrakata, 6. Simpozijum Sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i 9. Simpozijum Društva selekcionera i semenara R. Srbije, 07-11.05.2018, Vrnjačka Banjasr
dc.subjectuljana repicasr
dc.subjectGGE biplotsr
dc.subjectinterakcija genotip x spoljašnja sredinasr
dc.subjectGGE biplotsr
dc.subjectgenotype x environment interactionsr
dc.titleOcena adaptabilnosti i stabilnosti prinosa NS jare uljane repice primenom GGE biplot analizesr
dc.titleEvaluation of adaptability and yield stability of NS spring rapeseed using GGE biplot analysissr

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