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Korelacija i pat analiza prinosa i komponenti prinosa ozime uljane repice

dc.creatorRadić, Velimir
dc.creatorBalalić, Igor
dc.creatorKrstić, Miloš
dc.creatorMarjanović-Jeromela, Ana
dc.description.abstractFive different rapeseed genotypes were tested. The following traits were considered: seed yield, seed germination, seed oil content, 1000 seed weight and seed protein content and they were used to determine whether there is significant or nonsignificant correlation. Highest average results were determined in genotype G-3 (yield 2.544 kg; germination 90%; 1000 seed weight 4,30 g; oil content 45,31% and protein content 19,83%) while G-5 (1.838 kg; 87%; 3,50 g; 44,77% and 17,28%) had the lowest average result of observed parameters. Highly significant positive correlations were found while comparing seed yield with 1000 seed weight (0.753**) and protein content (0.726**). High significant positive correlation were also determined comparing seed germination with 1000 seed weight (0.832**) and protein content (0.892**). Also high significant correlation was determined comparing 1000 seed weight and protein content (0.812**). Positive significant correlations were found by comparing seed yield and seed germination (0.644*). Path analysis indicated highest significant positive direct effect of 1000 seed weight (0.716**) and protein content (0.666**) on seed yield. High but negative significant value had seed germination (-0.645**). In the study of indirect effects on seed yield, none of significant effects were determined. The study of direct effects on oil content showed that the seed germination had high significant positive effect (- 1.296**) on oil content. Significant but hot high effect has seed yield (0.556*). In other two traits it was determined negative high significant effects (1000 seed weight – 0.797** and protein content – 0.717**) on seed oil content. The existence of indirect significant effects on oil content in four cases was determinedsr
dc.description.abstractIspitivano je pet različitih genotipova ozime uljane repice. Ispitivani su sledeći parametri: prinos semena, klijavost semena, masa 1000 semena, sadržaj ulja i proteina u semenu. Genotip G-3 ostvario je nabolje rezultate (prinos 2.544 kg; klijavost 90%; masa 1000 semena 4,30 g; sadržaj ulja 45,31% i sadržaj proteina 19,83%) dok je genotip G-5 ostvario najlošije rezultate (1.838 kg; 87%; 3,50 g; 44,77% i 17,28%) posmatranih parametara. Visoko značajna pozitivna korelacija utvrđena je upoređivanjem vrednosti: prinosa semena sa masom 1000 semena (0.753**) i sadržajem proteina (0.726**); klijavosti semena sa masom 1000 semena (0.832**) i sadržajem proteina (0.892**) odnosno mase 1000 semena i sadržaja proteina (0.812**). Pozitivna značajna vrednost korelacije utvrđena je posmatranjem prinosa semena i klijavosti semena (0.644*). Pat analiza prinosa semena pokazala je da masa 1000 semena (0.716**) i sadržaj proteina (0.666**) imaju najveći pozitivan uticaj dok klijavost semena ima najveći negativan visoko značajan uticaj (-0.645**) na prinos semena. Posmatranjem indirektnih uticaja na prinos semena nije utvrđena nijedna značajna vrednost posmatranih parametara. Kod sadržaja ulja Pat analiza utvrdila je da klijavost semena (1.296**) ima najveći pozitivan uticaj na sadržaj ulja u semenu. Značajan pozitivan uticaj na sadržaj ulja ima prinos semena (0.556*). U preostalim direktnim uticajima utvrđen je negativan visoko značajan uticaj (masa 1000 semena – 0.797** i sadržaj proteina – 0.717**) na sadržaj ulja u semenu. Posmatranjem indirektnih uticaja utvrđeno je da postoje 4 značajna uticaja, od kojih su tri pozitivna a jedan
dc.publisherBelgrade : Serbian Genetics Societysr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31025/RS//sr
dc.subjectpath analysissr
dc.titleCorrelation and path analysis of yield and yield components in winter rapeseedsr
dc.titleKorelacija i pat analiza prinosa i komponenti prinosa ozime uljane repicesr

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