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Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)

dc.creatorAćimović, Milica
dc.description.abstractThis monograph deals with coriander as a medicinal, aromatic and spice plant. It has an extensive application in traditional and modern medicine worldwide, as well as in quotidian nutrition as a vegetable and spice. In this monograph, we get familiar with the name of the plant, origin and history. We acquaint about morphological characteristics of coriander plant. In this work, the new classification of coriander is shown. The monograph is a detailed analysis of the essential oil content, which is responsible for the specific smell of coriander. The essential oil is actually a mixture of volatile compounds, whose composition is completely different in green plants and mature fruit. This is the result of different chemical compositions, to which special attention has been paid. The study includes factors that affect the quantity and composition of the essential oil. In addition to the essential oil, an overview of the other compounds present in the plant is provided. This includes fatty oil, which is significantly higher than essential in mature fruit, and it is an important source of petroselinic acid. This monograph deals with the analysis of agro-ecological growing conditions of the plant, the phenological stages and the need for heat, humidity and light throughout the development cycle. As the cultivated plant is exclusively used as raw material, this monograph describes in detail the growing practices of coriander, in which the emphasis is on crop rotation, tillage and fertilization in both conventional and organic cropping system. Since coriander reproduces exclusively by direct sowing, the time of sowing, sowing rate as well as the quality of seed (germination energy and total germination) is analyzed. Apart from this, the possibilities of intercropping coriander with other herbs are analyzed as well. Crop diseases and pests take up an important part in this monograph. Harvest, yield and post harvest processing are also subject, as well as the calculation of production costs. The monograph presents the author’s results in addition to the results of a number of researchers who have studied all aspects of the plant.sr
dc.description.abstractU ovoj monografiji prikazan je korijandar kao lekovita, aromatična i začinska biljka, koja širom sveta ima široku primenu ne samo u tradicionalnoj i modernoj medicini već i u svakodnevnoj ishrani kao začin i povrće. U monografiji su date informacije o imenu biljke, poreklu i istoriji, kao i o njenim morfološkim karakteristikama. Data je i sistematika koja se zasniva na morfološkim karakteristikama i karakteristikama etarskog ulja iz plodova korijandra. U monografiji je detaljno analiziran sadržaj etarskog ulja koje je odgovorno za specifičan miris korijandra. Etarsko ulje je, u stvari, smeša lako isparljivih jedinjenja, čiji sastav je drugačiji kod zelene biljke i zrelog ploda, što je posledica drugačijeg hemijskog sastava, kome je posvećena posebna pažnja. Obrađeni su i faktori koji utiču na količinu i sastav etarskog ulja. Pored etarskog ulja, dat je prikaz i drugih jedinjenja prisutnih u ovoj biljci kao što je masno ulje, kojeg ima značajno više od etarskog, i značajan je izvor petroselinske kiseline. Monografija se bavi i analizom agroekoloških uslova uspevanja ove biljke, i fenološkim fazama, ali i potrebama za toplotom, vlagom i svetlošću kroz razvojni ciklus. Kako se kao sirovina isključivo koristi gajena biljka, u ovoj monografiji je detaljno opisano gajenje korijandra, pri čemu je naročita pažnja posvećena plodoredu, obradi zemljišta i đubrenju kako u konvencionalnom tako i u organskom sistemu ratarenja. Pošto se korijandar razmnožava isključivo direktnom setvom, analizirani su vreme setve, setvena norma i kvalitet semenskog materijala (energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost), kao i mogućnosti združivanja korijandra sa drugim biljkama. Nega useva, bolesti i štetočine zauzimaju značajno mesto u ovoj monografiji. Žetva, prinos i prerada takođe su tema, kao i kalkulacija proizvodnje. U monografiji su prikazani autorski rezultati, kao i rezultati većeg broja istraživača koji su proučavali sve aspekte korijandra, tako da ova monografija može da pruži značajne informacije o ovoj biljci drugim naučnicima.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Zadužbina Andrejevićsr
dc.subjectmorphological characteristicssr
dc.subjectessential oilssr
dc.subjectphenological stagessr
dc.subjectenvironmental conditionssr
dc.subjectmorfološke karakteristikesr
dc.subjectetarsko uljesr
dc.subjectfenološke fazesr
dc.subjectuslovi uspevanjasr
dc.subjectCoriandrum sativum L.sr
dc.titleKorijandar (Coriandrum sativum L.)sr
dc.titleCoriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)sr
dc.rights.holderZadužbina Andrejevićsr



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