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Kvalitet i tehničko-tehnološke karakteristike semena oleinskog suncokreta

dc.creatorDimić, Etelka B.
dc.creatorŠkorić, Dragan
dc.creatorRomanić, Ranko S.
dc.creatorJocić, Siniša
dc.description.abstractThe quality and technical-technological characteristics of oleic type sunflower seed grown at four localities were analyzed and compared with seed of domestic hybrids of linoleic type, from mss production. The basic quality parameters were determined: oil and protein content, fatty acid composition and total tocopherols content, as well as the most important characteristics which affect the quality of separated crude oil: free fatty acids and peroxide value. Besides standard (usual) technical-technological characteristics of seed, like liter and specific mass, mass of 100 grains portion of hull and kernel etc, the hull hygroscopicity was investigated and seed dimensions were determined. The obtained results have shown that the oleic sunflowerseed hybrid - Olivko - has a high content of oleic acid, about 80%, oil content (on dry matter) is over 50%, and the protein content of the seed is about 22%. According to acidity and oxidative state, the seed is of very good quality and can be used for the obtaining of cold pressed oil. However, the seed is quite small, the hull is rather thin and there are certain differences in hull hygroscopicity. The different localities had no significant influence on the mentioned quality characteristics.en
dc.description.abstractU radu je analiziran kvalitet i tehničko-tehnološke karakteristike semena oleinskog suncokreta gajenog na četiri lokaliteta u odnosu na seme linolnog tipa domaćih hibrida iz masovne proizvodnje. U uzorcima su određeni osnovni pokazatelji kvaliteta: sadržaj ulja i proteina, zatim sastav masnih kiselina i sadržaj ukupnih tokoferola, kao i najbitniji pokazatelji koji neposredno uslovljavaju kvalitet izdvojenog sirovog ulja: slobodne masne kiseline i peroksidni broj. Osim standardnih tehničko-tehnoloških karakteristika semena kao što su: litarska i specifična masa, masa 1000 zrna, udeo ljuske i jezgra itd. ispitana je higroskopnost ljuske i određene su dimenzije semena. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da oleinski hibrid suncokreta – Olivko – ima visok sadržaj oleinske kiseline, oko 80%, sadržaj ulja na suvu materiju je preko 50%, a sadržaj proteina u semenu je oko 22%. Prema kiselosti i oksidativnom stanju seme je veoma dobrog kvaliteta za dobijanje hladno ceđenog ulja. Međutim, seme je dosta sitno, ljuska je prilično tanka i postoje određene razlike u higroskopnosti ljuske. Različiti lokaliteti uzgoja nisu značajno uticali na navedene pokazatelje kvaliteta semena.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
dc.subjectoleic sunflower seeden
dc.subjectfatty acid compositionen
dc.subjecttechnical-technological characteristics of seeden
dc.subjecthull hygroscopicityen
dc.subjectseed dimensionsen
dc.subjectoleinski suncokretsr
dc.subjectsastav masnih kiselinasr
dc.subjecttehničko-tehnološke karakteristike semenasr
dc.subjecthigroskopnost ljuskesr
dc.subjectdimenzije semenasr
dc.titleQuality and technical-technological characteristics of seed of oleic-type sunfloweren
dc.titleKvalitet i tehničko-tehnološke karakteristike semena oleinskog suncokretasr
dc.citation.other34(1-2): 45-50



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