Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Rok setve i akumulacija suve materije kod ozimog ječma

dc.creatorMirosavljević, Milan
dc.creatorMomčilović, Vojislava
dc.creatorMaksimović, Ivana
dc.creatorPutnik-Delić, Marina
dc.creatorBrbaklić, Ljiljana
dc.creatorPržulj, Novo
dc.description.abstractInformation about dry matter accumulation is of great importance for further increase of barley yield. Various nonlinear and linear curves have been used to describe vegetative and reproductive growth for a number of agricultural crops. Although dry matter accumulation is an important parameter of crop growth, knowledge about biomass production under agro-ecological conditions of the Pannonian Plain are scarce. This study was undertaken to analyze the pattern of dry matter accumulation in two-rowed winter barley cultivars and changes in biological parameters of the logistic curve under different sowing dates and growing seasons. Therefore, trials with two late cultivars of two-rowed winter barley were conducted in two growing seasons and four sowing dates. Results from this study indicate that dry matter accumulation in both growing seasons followed a typical sigmoid shape. Delayed sowing led to a significant decrease in the maximum value of plant dry weight, the termal time needed to reach maximum value and duration of exponential growth, and increase in maximum crop growth rate. These results indicate that apart from appropriate cultivar selection, early barley sowing is also important to achieve high plant dry matters one of the main determinants of grain yield. .en
dc.description.abstractProdukcija biomase je jedan od najboljih pokazatelja uticaja genotipa i faktora sredine na razviće useva. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitivanje akumulacije suve materije nadzemnog dela biljaka ječma i promene parametara krive u uslovima različitih rokova setve i vegetacionih sezona. Poljski ogled sa ozimim ječmom je izveden tokom dve uzastopne sezone i četiri roka setve. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je akumulacija suve materije u obe sezone ispitivanja pratila tipičan sigmoidni obrazac i bila dobro objašnjena logističkom jednačinom. Rok setve je imao značajan uticaj na posmatrane parametre. Odlaganje setve sa kraja oktobra do prve dekade novembra vodilo je ka značajnom smanjenju maksimalne biomase, trajanja perioda do maksimalne biomase i trajanja eksponencijalnog rasta. U sezoni 2013/14. u zavisnosti od roka setve biomasa je varirala od 12,5 do15,0 g po biljci, dok se naredne sezone kretala između 12,8 i 17,9 g po biljci. Pored toga, pomeranje roka setve dovelo je do značajnog povećanja maksimalne brzine rasta biljaka. Dati rezultati pokazuju da je pored pravilnog odabira sorte, rana setva ozimog ječma neophodna za ostvarivanje visoke akumulacije suve materije koja predstavlja jedan od glavnih preduslova za postizanje visokih
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31066/RS//
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectHordeum vulgareen
dc.subjectlogistic curveen
dc.subjectplanting timeen
dc.subjectHordeum vulgaresr
dc.subjectlogistička krivasr
dc.subjectvreme setvesr
dc.titleEffect of sowing date on dry matter accumulation in two-rowed winter barleyen
dc.titleRok setve i akumulacija suve materije kod ozimog ječmasr
dc.citation.other24(1): 1-9



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