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Fuzarioza klasa - izazov u proizvodnji pšenice

dc.creatorŽupunski, Vesna
dc.creatorJevtić, Radivoje
dc.creatorLalošević, Mirjana
dc.creatorSkenderović, Nina
dc.description.abstractFusarium head blight belongs to the group of economically important diseases which negative effect is related not only to reduction of yield and quality of wheat but also with the production of mycotoxins that adversely affect the health of humans and animals. The screening of wheat varieties on resistance to fusariosis of wheat were carried out at the locality Rimski Šancevi. Significant impact of varieties (P = 0.000), disease index (P = 0.002) and climatic elements in May and June (P = 0.000) was confirmed using the General Linear Model. In addition, by using the Spearman’s correlation coefficient it was found that 44 wheat varieties were significantly moderatly correlated (r = - 0.574, P = 0.000) with yield and significantly low correlation (r = - 0.130, P = 0.035) with 1000-kernel weight was recorded. There was no correlation between disease index and test weight (r = - 0.009). Finally, fusarium damaged kernels (FDK) can be used in determining Type III resistance, but it should be pointed out that the year, variety and the interaction of the year and variety significantly affect FDK (P = 0.000). These results show the complexity of the causes and consequences related with occurrence of Fusarium head blight which indicate that only integrated plant protection measures can provide sustanable wheat production.en
dc.description.abstractFuzarioza klasa pšenice pripada grupi ekonomski značajnih oboljenja čija se štetnost ogleda ne samo u smanjenju prinosa i kvaliteta zrna pšenice, već i u produkciji mikotoksina koji nepovoljno utiču na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Proučavanja pojave i razvoja fuzarioze klasa pšenice vršena su na sortama u proizvodnji i selekcionerskom materijalu na Rimskim Šančevima. Primenom General Linear Modela potvrđen je značajan uticaj sorti (P=0,000), indeksa oboljenja (P=0,002) i klimatskih elemenata u maju i junu (P=0,000) na visinu prinosa. Analizom odnosa indeksa oboljenja 44 sorte u 2014. i 2015. godini i komponenata prinosa primenom Spearman-ovog koeficijenta korelacije utvrđeno je da je indeks oboljenja statistički značajno srednje negativno korelisan sa prinosom (r= - 0.574; P=0,000), statistički značajno nisko negativno korelisan (r= - 0.130; P=0,035) sa masom 1000 zrna, dok nije bilo linerne korelacije sa hektolitarskom masom (r= - 0.009). Parametar procentualnog prisustva fuzarioznih zrna može se koristiti pri određivanju Tipa III otpornosti, pri čemu treba imati u vidu da je uticaj godine, sorte i interakcije godine i sorte na ovo svojstvo statistički značajno (P=0,000). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na kompleksnost uzroka i posledica od pojave ovih patogena što upućuje da se jedino višestrukim merama zaštite može kontrolisati ovo
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Departman za zaštitu bilja i životne sredine "dr Pavla Vukasovića", Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31066/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43007/RS//
dc.sourceBiljni lekar
dc.subjectFusarium head blighten
dc.subjectintegrated disease managementen
dc.subjectfuzarioza klasasr
dc.subjectintegralna zaštitasr
dc.titleFusarium head blight: The challange of wheat productionen
dc.titleFuzarioza klasa - izazov u proizvodnji pšenicesr
dc.citation.other44(5-6): 446-454

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