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NS-Kaća - visokoproteinska, veoma rana sorta soje

dc.creatorVidić, Miloš
dc.creatorMiladinović, Jegor
dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorĐukić, Vojin
dc.description.abstractNS-Kaća, a new, very early soybean cultivar, has been created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad by crossing domestic and foreign genotypes. The main traits of the cultivar are its early maturity, which placed it into the 000 maturity group, and excellent technological quality of grain. Due to the short vegetation period, it is primarily sown as the second crop in our country, or as the first crop in northern countries (Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Slovenia) and hilly regions. It provides economically justifiable yield gain during the second crop harvest if sowing is conducted by the end of early July, so each day of sowing delay significantly reduces yield. It achieved significantly higher yields in the multiannual macro- and micro-trials compared to standard cultivars from the same maturity group. Producers are advised to sow 600,000 germinated seeds per hectare. The cultivar is also suitable for narrow-row planting (with inter-row spacing of 12.5 cm or 25 cm), whereby the planting rate can be increased by 15-20%. Seed of the cultivar NS-Kaća can also be used as raw material in the production of products intended for human consumption, thanks to the high protein content which is usually between 44% and 47% (in absolutely dry grain). It is suitable for the production of soy milk and soy milk products, due to its large grain, coated with light-yellow seed coat without mottled appearance, and weak expression of hilum colour same as the seed coat, which provides a natural, milkywhite colour of the final products. Development and dissemination of the newly released cultivar NS-Kaća is a major step forward in soybean breeding, as the cultivar exhibited a significantly higher protein content while maintaining its high-yielding potential, despite the strong negative correlation of these traits.en
dc.description.abstractNova, veoma rana sorta soje NS-Kaća stvorena je u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, a nastala je iz složenih ukrštanja između domaćih i stranih genotipova. Osnovna karakteristika ove sorte je izražena ranostasnost (grupa zrenja 000) i odličan tehnološki kvalitet zrna. Zahvaljujući kratkom trajanju vegetacionog perioda u našim agroekološkim uslovima, namenjena je prvenstveno za postrnu setvu. Ova sorta ostvaruje ekonomski opravdane prinose ako se setva obavi do pred kraj prve dekade jula. Naravno, svakim danom odlaganja setve bitno se umanjuje prinos. U višegodišnjim mikro i makro ogledima pokazalo se da je znatno prinosnija od standardnih sorti, iste grupe zrenja. Seme sorte NS-Kaća je izuzetno pogodna sirovina za spravljanje proizvoda za ljudsku hranu jer sadrži visok procenat proteina, najčešće između 44% i 47% (u apsolutno suvom zrnu). Takođe, odlična je sirovina za proizvodnju sojinog mleka i mlečnih proizvoda od sojinog mleka jer ima krupno zrno, obloženo bledo-žutom semenjačom bez motlinga i sa slabo izraženim hilumom iste boje kao semenjača, tako da finalni proizvodi imaju prirodnu, mlečno-belu boju.sr
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectmorphological traitsen
dc.subjectprotein contenten
dc.subjectmorfološke karakteristikesr
dc.subjectsadržaj proteinasr
dc.titleNS-Kaća: High-protein, very early soybean cultivaren
dc.titleNS-Kaća - visokoproteinska, veoma rana sorta sojesr
dc.citation.other22(1): 11-16



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