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Uticaj agroekoloških uslova i hibridne kombinacije na klijavost semena kukuruza

dc.creatorTabaković, Marijenka
dc.creatorGlamočlija, Đorđe
dc.creatorJovanović, S.
dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorSimić, D.
dc.creatorAnđelković, S.
dc.description.abstractGermination energy and seed germination of four maize combinations cultivated under different growing conditions were observed. Analysis of hybrid seed of four commercial combinations derived at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, grown in three locations, were done on the working sample of 4 x 100 seeds under laboratory conditions. The experimental data was processed for the mean and total variability (X and C.V.) for both seed traits and for each test variant. The total average values of germination energy and germination in the period of investigation amounted to 94.5% and 94.8%, respectively. The coefficient of variation for germination energy was 0.67%, while for germination it was 0.39%. In the five-year study, the hybrid combination ZP704 had the highest values of germination energy (95.9%) and total germination (96.3%).Test results indicate that coefficients of variations for both observed traits over years were low, which points out to homogeneity of the material. Significant effects of factors (hybrid and location) and their interaction on observed seed properties were established by the analysis of variance. Gained results indicate that all four hybrids had high level of expression of traits under changeable agroecological conditions, as well as, a great effect of factors (hybrid and location) on germination energy and seed germination.en
dc.description.abstractU ovim istraživanja proučavane su energija klijanja i klijavost semena kukuruza četiri genotipske kombinacije u različitim agroekološkim uslovima uspevanja. Analize hirbidnog semena četiri komercijalne kombinacije Instituta za kukuruz Zemun Polje, proizvedene na tri lokaliteta, urađene su u laboratorijskim uslovima na radnom uzorku 4 x 100 semena. Eksperimentalni podaci obrađeni su na srednju vrednost i ukupnu varijabilnost (X i C.V.) za obe osobine semena i svaku varijantu istraživanja. Ukupna prosečna vrednost energije klijanja u posmatranom periodu bila je 94.5%, a klijavost 94.8%. Koeficijent varijacije za energiju iznosio je 0.67%, a za klijavost 0.39%. Hibridna kombinacija ZP704 u petogodišnjim istraživanjima imala je najviši nivo energije klijanja (95.9%) i ukupne klijavosti (96.3%). Rezultati testova ukazuju da koeficijenti varijacije ispitivanih karakteristika kod obe osobine su mali i ukazuju na homogenost materijala. Dvofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse utvrđen je značajan uticaj faktora (hibrid i lokacija), kao i njihova interakcija na ispitivane osobine semena. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da sva četiri hibrida imaju visok nivo ispoljavanja ispitivanih osobina u promenljivim agroekološkim uslovima, kao i visok uticaj faktora ( hibrid i lokalitet) na energiju i klijavost semena.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31006/RS//
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjecthybrid seeden
dc.subjectgermination energyen
dc.titleEffects of agroecological conditions and hybrid combinations on maize seed germinationen
dc.titleUticaj agroekoloških uslova i hibridne kombinacije na klijavost semena kukuruzasr
dc.citation.other29(4): 715-725



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