Приказ резултата 6040-6059 од 6209

      Winter barley cultivars Novosadski 529 and Novosadski 535 [2]
      Winter garlic rust (Puccinia spp.) rate under organic and conventional production conditions [1]
      Winter malting barley - Novosadski 525 [1]
      Winter pea mixtures with triticale and oat for biogas and methane production in semiarid conditions of the south Pannonian Basin [1]
      Winter rapeseed breeding at Institute of field and vegetable crops [1]
      Winter wheat yield and quality depending on the level of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization [1]
      Winter wheat yield and yield components depending on the level of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization [1]
      Words related to some annual egumes in Slavic and other indo-European languages [1]
      Work quality of machine for the minibeds formation [1]
      Xerophilic mycopopulations isolated from rapeseeds (Brassica napus) [1]
      Year related interactions for seed yield and oil content in rapeseed agronomic management trials interpreted using climatic variables [1]
      Yellow rust of wheat in Serbia - control challenges and perspectives [1]
      Yellow rust threatens to halve the wheat yield [1]
      Yield and composition grain of NS soybean varieties in the macro trials in 2020. year [1]
      Yield and content of nutrient elements in various cultivars of lettuce depending from production method [1]
      Yield and cost-effectiveness of alfalfa hay production as dependent on fertilization [1]
      Yield and evapotranspiration of forage sorghum depending on preirrigation soil moisture [1]
      Yield and evapotranspiration of onion depending on different pre-irrigation soil moisture [1]
      Yield and evapotranspiration of Sudan grass depending upon preirrigation soil moisture [1]
      Yield and Grain Quality of Divergent Maize Cultivars under Inorganic N Fertilizer Regimes and Zn Application Depend on Climatic Conditions in Calcareous Soil [1]