Приказ резултата 600-619 од 6313

      Changes in physiological and quality traits related to the breeding progress [1]
      Changes in polyphenols content in soybean (Glycine max L.) and thornapple (Datura stramonium L.) after treatment with the herbicides and Delfan Plus [1]
      Changes in polyphenols content in soybean and Datura stramonium after treatment with herbicides and Delfan Plus [1]
      Changes in seed oil content of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) as affected by harvesting date [1]
      Changes in senescence pattern related with breeding progress in winter wheat [1]
      Changes in soil carbon stock under the wheat-based cropping systems at Vojvodina province of Serbia [1]
      Changes in soybean seed quality depending on a seed fraction [1]
      Changes in soybean seed quality depending on a storage type and natural moisture content [1]
      Changes in soybean seeds as affected by accelerated and natural aging [1]
      Changes in stay-green and nitrogen use efficiency traits in historical set of winter barley cultivars [1]
      Changes in superoxide-dismutase (SOD) activity in auxin treated Prunus sp. softwood cuttings under oxidative stress [1]
      Changes in the available phosphorus content of the agricultural soil of the Vojvodina Province, Serbia [1]
      Changes in the content of free sulphydryl groups during postharvest wheat and flour maturation and their influence on technological quality [1]
      Changes in the content of phenolic compounds in sunflower leaves after inoculation with the causal agent of downy mildew [1]
      Changes in the distribution and pest risk of stored product insects in Europe due to global warming: Need for pan-European pest monitoring and improved food-safety [1]
      Changes in the lipid peroxidation intensity in auxin treated cherry rootstocks softwood cuttings [1]
      Changes in the winter oilseed rape microbiome affected by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and biocontrol potential of the indigenous Bacillus and Pseudomonas isolates [1]
      Changes occurring in fatty acid content and tocopherol composition in oilseed rape seed during accelerated ageing [1]
      Changes of fatty acids content and vigor of sunflower seed during natural aging [1]
      Changes of the soil erodibility factor in the long-term experiment on chernozem [1]